본 연구는 빠른 운항 속도와 짧은 운용 시간을 요구하는 임무에 활용될 저가 소형 자율 무인잠수정에 고가 대형 관성 측정 장치를 대신하여 사용할 수 있는 저가 소형 자세 측정 장치 개발 및 성능 검증을 수행하였다. 저가 소형 자세 측정 장치 개발을 위해서 MEMS 기술을 적용한 gyro, accelerometer 및 magnetometer 채택하여 MEMS 기반 하드웨어를 제작하였으며, 좌표 변환 공식과 칼만필터를 적용하여 자세 계산 알고리즘을 구현하였다. 또한 개발된 MEMS 기반 자세 측정 장치에 대한 기본 성능 검증을 위한 지자기센서 검증 시험, 정적 자세 시험, 차량 시험, 운동 모사 장치 시험을 수행하였으며, 각각 시험 결과를 제시하였다. 지자기센서 검증 시험 결과 외부 자기장 보정을 통하면 개발된 MEMS 기반 자세 측정 장치의 측정 결과가 외부 자기장에 강인함을 확인하였으며, 정적자세 시험 및 차량 시험을 통하여 자세 변화가 크지 않는 환경에서 자세 측정 오차가 0.5°/hr 임을 확인하였다. 운동 모사 장치 시험을 통하여 5분 내외 자세 변화가 큰 운동 중에도 자세 측정 오차가 발산하지 않고 1°/hr 이내임을 확인하였다. 상기 시험 결과로부터 개발된 MEMS 기반 자세 측정 장치가 목표 성능인 1°/hr이내 roll, pitch, yaw 오차를 보여주고 있음 확인하였으며, 이로부터 20분 내외 운용시간 동안 정확한 자세 정보 제공 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다.
본 논문에서는 펌프 노즐이 부착된 잠수 선형의 유동에 관해 수치해석 결과를 보여준다. 이는 속도분포, 양력계수, 영각의 값을 갖는 펌프젯 노즐이 선체와 부착되었을 때와 부착되지 않았을 때의 종강도 모멘트 등의 값들을 계산한다. 선형의 속도 분포에 따른 노즐의 영향면적과 양력계수(변호의 특성요인) 종강도 모멘트, 영각에 따른 도함수 등을 보여준다.
Underwater robotic vehicles(URVs) are used for various work assignments such as pipe-lining, inspection, data collection, drill support, hydrography mapping, construction, maintenance and repairing of undersea equipment, etc. As the use of such vehicles increases the development of vehicles having greater autonomy becomes highly desirable. The vehicle control system is one of the most critic vehicle subsystems to increase autonomy of the vehicle. The vehicle dynamics is nonlinear and time-varying. Hydrodynamic coefficients are often difficult to accurately estimate. It was also observed by experiments that the effect of electrically powered thruster dynamics on the vehicle become significant at low speed or stationkeeping. The conventional linear controller with fixed gains based on the simplified vehicle dynamics, such as PID, may not be able to handle these properties and result in poor performance. Therefore, it is desirable to have a control system with the capability of learning and adapting to the changes in the vehicle dynamics and operating parameters and providing desired performance. This paper presents an adaptive and learning control system which estimates a new set of parameters defined as combinations of unknown bounded constants of system parameter matrices, rather than system parameters. The control system is described with the proof of stability and the effect of unmodeled thruster dynamics on a single thruster vehicle system is also investigated.
Alternative navigation in underwater environments is essential to prevent accumulating drift error of dead reckoning. In case of using an external positioning system, the installation and management process of the transmission station is cumbersome, and the operation range of underwater vehicle is limited. In order to solve this problem, navigation using geophysical information such as terrain, geomagnetic field and gravity can be used. Unlike the terrain, geomagnetic field and gravity are composed of 3-D information, so continuation process is required. In this paper, we present a integrated navigation algorithm using multiple geophysical information for long-term operation of UUV. The proposed algorithm is verified through numerical simulation in an artificially generated environments. As a result, integrated navigation showed higher navigation accuracy than single alternative navigation.
This paper describes an alignment algorithm that estimates the initial heading angle of AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) for starting navigation in a sea area. In the basic dead reckoning system, the initial orientation of the vehicle is very important. In particular, the initial heading value is an essential factor in determining the performance of the entire navigation system. However, the heading angle of AUVs cannot be measured accurately because the DCS (Digital Compass) corrupted by surrounding magnetic field in pointing true north direction of the absolute global coordinate system (not the same to magnetic north direction). Therefore, we constructed an experimental constraint and designed an algorithm based on extended Kalman filter using only inertial navigation sensors and a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver basically. The value of sensor covariance was selected by comparing the navigation results with the reference data. The proposed filter estimates the initial heading angle of AUVs for navigation in a sea area and reflects sampling characteristics of each sensor. Finally, we verify the performance of the filter through experiments.
회류수조에서의 대각도 정적(static) 모형실험을 통해 Manta형 무인잠수체에 작용하는 동유체력을 측정하였으며, 동유체력에 미치는 Reynolds수의 영향을 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 동유체력을 cross-flow drag과 양력(lift force)으로 성분 분석을 하였으며, 양력 성분에는 Reynolds수의 영향을 무시하고, cross-flow drag 성분에만 Reynolds수의 영향을 고려하였다. 그 후 이들 두 성분을 다시 합성함으로써 실물 무인잠수정에 작용하는 동유체력의 추정 기법을 제시하였다.
Manta형 무인잠수정(MUUTV)을 대상으로 회류수조에서의 모형실험을 통해 동일한 동체 모형에 대해 형상이 서로 다른 부가물을 부착했을 때의 동유체력 특성을 실험적으로 검토하였으며, 동유체력 측정 결과를 이론계산치와 비교하였다. 아울러 이를 바탕으로 운동안정성을 검토하여 최적의 부가물 형상 결정의 이론적 근거를 확립하였다.
Manta형 무인잠수정(Manta-type Unmanned Undersea Test Vehicle, 이하 MUUTV라 함)은 Naval Undersea Warfare Center의 Manta Test Vehicle의 설계 및 운용 개념을 기초로 하여 제안되었다(손 등, 2006). 본 연구에서는 Feldman(1979)과 손 등(2006)의 6자유도 운동 수학모델을 이용하여 MUUTV의 조종운동 특성에 미치는 유체력미계수의 민감도 해석을 수행하였다. 민감도 해석 기법으로는 Sen(2000)이 제안한 방법을 채택하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 각각의 유체력미계수가 MUUTV의 조종운동 특성에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 파악할 수 있었으며, 상대적으로 영향을 작게 미치는 유체력미계수가 포함된 항을 제거하여 조종운동 수치 시뮬레이션을 수행하여도 운동 추정이 가능함을 알 수 있었다.
Dynamic simulator can be a helpful tool for understanding underwater robotic system's dynamics. However, due to difficulties in modeling dynamics of vehicle/manipulator and interaction between them, dynamic simulation is not easy. This is true even when fluid dynamics are not considered during the simulation. In this paper, two schemes are introduced for dynamic simulation of underwater robotic systems. One is principle of dynamical balance, which is an easy and powerful tool for formulating dynamic equations of composite systems such as underwater vehicle- manipulator system. In the dynamic modeling, this principle gives us the closed-form of dynamic equations on matrix Lie group. The other is geometric integration algorithm, called 4-th order explicit Munthe-Kaas method. By this method, the derived differential equations can be integrated preserving geometric structure. Adopting these two schemes, dynamic simulation of underwater vehicle- manipulator system can be conducted more easily and more reliably.
The thruster is the crucial factor of an underwater vehicle system, because it is the lowest layer in the control loop of the system. In this paper, we propose an accurate and practical thrust modeling for underwater vehicles which considers the effects of ambient flow velocity and angle. In this model, the axial flow velocity of the thruster, which is non-measurable, is represented by ambient flow velocity and propeller shaft velocity. Hence, contrary to previous models, the proposed model is practical since it uses only measurable states. Next, the whole thrust map is divided into three states according to the state of ambient flow and propeller shaft velocity, and one of the borders of the states is defined as Critical Advance Ratio (CAR). This classification explains the physical phenomenon of conventional experimental thrust maps. In addition, the effect of the incoming angle of ambient flow is analyzed, and Critical Incoming Angle (CIA) is also defined to describe the thrust force states. The proposed model is evaluated by comparing experimental data with numerical model simulation data, and it accurately covers overall flow conditions within 2N force error. The comparison results show that the new model's matching performance is significantly better than conventional models'.
Nowadays natural resources on shore have been almost exhausted all over the world and mankind is beginning searching for unexploited resources on the bed of deep-sea floor. In exploring mineral resources and etc. in the ground of sea-bed, a sumbersible craft is one of the most important tools. These days, the stage of the technique of building and operating an exploring submersible craft is almost alike that of building and operating an airplane in the first years of the nineteen-twenties. At the present time, the problems arising in building and operating a submersible craft can be divided into four parts as follows; 1. How to build a hull that can bear high pressure under deep sea level. 2. How to decide the necessary facilities to be put on it. 3. How to decide the scope of stabilities and maneuvering characteristics of it. 4. On what sea conditions, the devices of launching and recovering it should be designed on the mother-ship. In this paper treating one of the third problems the author made a mathematic formula that can be useful in deciding the scope of dynamic course stability on the vertical plane and actually calculated the onset speed of pitch instability of an exploring craft. With the above mentioned calculations the author demonstrated that the value of Zg and the speed of a submerged craft are the most important factors in decideing the scope of dynamic stability on the vertical plane.