Thyrderus Sharp, 1885 속은 전 세계적으로 9종이 포함되어 있으며, 구북구 지역에는 단일 종이 기록되어 있다. 이 연구는 이전에 일본과 대만에서 보고됐던 Thyroderus porcatus Sharp, 1885를 한국에 처음 기록한다. 삽화, 진단형질, 분포 정보가 제공된다.
개나무좀과 (Bostrichidae)에 속하는 Lyctoxylon dentatum (Pascoe, 1866)(가슴각진개나무좀; 신칭), Melalgus batillus (Lesne, 1902)(큰머 리개나무좀; 신칭)을 채집하여 한반도에서 처음으로 보고한다. 본 연구는 이들에 대한 간단한 진단형질과 종 정보 및 사진자료를 제공하고자 한다.
굴파리과에 기생하는 종으로 알려진 Bitomus (갗고치벌속)는 한국에 4종 보고되어있다. Bitomus는 Fischer (1987, 1994)에 의해 개정되었 고, Papp (1978, 1981)에 의해 한국에서 보고되었다. Bitomus는 움직이지 않게 연결된 마치 껍질과 같은 2-3번째 또는 4번째 복부마디로 다른 속들 과 구별된다. 본 조사연구 결과로 Bitomus indicus를 국내 최초로 보고한다. 기술과 진단형질도판을 수록한다.
본 연구에서는 쑥에서 서식하는 Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952) 를 처음으로 보고한다. 무시성충에 대한 형태학적 정보, 기주식물, 분포지역, 한국에 분포하는 Pleotrichophorus 속 종들에 대한 분류키를 제공한다.
본 연구에서는 한국산 미기록속인 밑들이자루맵시벌속(신칭)과 미기록종인 밑들이짧은자루맵시벌(신칭)을 처음으로 보고한다. 밑들이자루 맵시벌속은 잎벌류에 기생하는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 배마디 끝부분이 위쪽으로 굽어져있는 것이 특징이다. 본 논문에는 미기록속, 미기록종의 기 재문과 사진을 제공한다.
Freshwater and brackish blue-green algae were collected at 43 freshwater and brackish sites (including lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, and rivers and estuaries) throughout South Korea from March 2017 to October 2018, and were identified using light microscopy. A total 223 taxa in freshwater and 230 taxa in brackish waters in 2017 and 274 taxa in fresh and brackish waters in 2018 were identified and among them, 20 taxa were unreported taxa of blue-green algae in Korea; The new recorded taxa were Aphanocapsa marina, Calothrix fusca f. durabilis, Calothrix littoralis, Calothrix parva, Chamaesiphon minimus, Chroococcidiopsis cubana, Chroococcidiopsis fissurarum, Coelosphaerium aerugineum, Dolichospermum mendotae, Eucapsis alpine, Gomphosphaeria cordiformis, Gomphosphaeria natans, Merismopedia danubiana, Lynbya aestuarii var. gaditana, Tolypothrix tenuis, Pseudocapsa maritima, Pseudocapsa sphaerica, Pseudophormidium tenue, Trichodesmus sp. and Woronichinia elorantae.
깨알벌레과는 전세계적으로 약 100속, 1,000여 종이 알려져 있다. 깨알벌레들은 다양한 서식처에서 채집되며, 깃털 모양의 날개와 작은 크기 로 쉽게 구분된다. 이 중 Acrotrichis속은 깨알벌레과의 약 4분의 1을 차지하나, 국내에서는 Acrotrichis lewisii (Matthews, 1884b)만이 2020년에 처음으로 기록되었다. 본 연구에서는 전국 농경지 생물상 변동조사 중 제주에서 채집된 A. thoracica (Waltl, 1838)와 A. grandicollis (Mannerheim, 1844)를 국내에 처음으로 보고한다. 이 두 종의 외형과 세부 사진, 분포도 그리고 한국산 Acrotrichis속의 분류키를 함께 제공한다.
A newly recorded chaetodontid species, Chaetodon speculum Cuvier, 1831 was collected in July, 2021 from Pohang, Korea. Its body color is yellow with black stripe across the eyes and a large spot occupying one fourth of the upper part of the body. C. speculum is very similar to congeneric species, C. zanzibarensis, but it can be distinguished by the size of the spot, shape of the lateral line, number of longitudinal line scales and geographic distribution. C. speculum is readily identified between post-larval stage and adult stage because of its similar external shape. Molecular analysis based on mitochondrial DNA COI sequences showed our specimen perfectly matched C. speculum. Therefore, we propose the new Korean name, “Heug-jeom-na-bi-go-gi” for C. speculum.
A single postlarva (9.72 mm in standard length) specimen of Crossorhombus azureus (Alcock, 1889) belonging to the family Bothidae, was collected using a bongo net from the southern sea of Korea on December 10, 2019. This species is characterized by having spines on post basipterygial processes. It has two eyes located at the opposite side in head, which accordingly belongs to pre-metamorphosis stage. Melanophores are distributed on the dorsal and anal fin base on the right side (blind side), which is regarded as a useful identification key distinguishing C. azureus from congeneric species in their postlarval stage. A molecular analysis based on mitochondrial DNA COI sequences showed that our specimen was closely matched to adult C. azureus (K2P distance = 0.017). As there is no Korean name for the genus Crossorhombus in spite of presence of Crossorhombus kobensis and its Korean name “Go-be-dung-geul-neob-chi” in Korea, we proposed a new Korean name “Dung-geul-neob-chi-sog” for the genus Crossorhombus and “Pa-lang-dung-geul-neob-chi” for the species C. azureus.
Two specimens of Hemitrygon izuensis (395.8-471.5 mm in disc width), belonging to the family Dasyatidae (Myliobatiformes), were collected from the waters off north-eastern Jeju-do Island in June 2016 and Pohang in August 2019. This species was characterized by having no spots on dorsal side of disc, white ventral tail fold and short preorbital snout length (15.6-18.3% of disc width). This species is similar to H. akajei and H. sinensis reported in Korea, but differs in small denticles on mid-line of dorsal surface of disc (absent in H. izuensis vs. present in H. akajei and H. sinensis), the length of ventral tail fold (28.1-31.0% in H. izuensis vs. 48.0-48.6% in H. akajei vs. 45.0% in H. sinensis), color of ventral tail fold (white in H. izuensis vs. black in H. akajei and H. sinensis) and small tubercles on the posterior part of tail (absent in H. izuensis vs. present in H. akajei and H. sinensis). We suggest a Korean name for H. izuensis as “I-ju-gal-saeg-ga-o-li” following Kim et al. (2019).
A single specimen of Chaetodon vagabundus Linnaeus, 1758 belonging to the family Chaetodontidae was collected on September 8, 2013 in Yerae-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju Island, Korea. The morphological characteristics of C. vagabundus are similar to C. auriga and C. auripes in having dark vertical stripes cross the eye, but differs from C. auriga, which has high dorsal fin extended between spine and soft rays without concavity and has blotch of circle in dorsal fin, and from C. auripes which has yellow body, big of eye proportion and a black stripe along the caudal peduncle during the immature stage. C. vagabundus has eye-like black spots on dorsal fin and black vertical stripe extended from the anterior dorsal soft ray to the middle of the anal fin along the caudal peduncle. Molecular analysis results showed that our specimen perfectly matched C. vagabundus in the mitochondrial DNA COI sequences. Therefore, we use the Korean name, “Hwang-jul-na-bi-go-gi” for C. vagabundus proposed by Kim et al. (2020).