It has been well known that concrete structures exposed to chloride and sulfate attack environments lead to significant deterioration in their durability due to chloride ion and sulfate ion attack. The purpose of this experimental research is to evaluate the resistance against chloride ion and sulfate attack of the cementless concrete replacing the cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag. For this purpose, the cementless concrete specimens were made for water-binder ratios of 40%, 45%, and 50%, respectively and then this specimens were cured in the water of 20±3℃ and immersed in fresh water, 10% sodium sulfate solution for 28 and 91 days, respectively. To evaluate the resistance to chloride ion and sulfate attack for the cementless concrete specimens, the diffusion coefficient for chloride ion and compressive strength ratio, mass change ratio, and length change ratio were measured according to the NT BUILD 492 and JSTM C 7401, respectively. It was observed from the test results that the resistance against chloride ion and sulfate attack of the cemetntless concrete were comparatively largely increased than those of OPC concrete with decreasing water-binder ratio.
This research provides an analysis of experiments on sulfuric acid resistance of alkali-activated slag mortar with dolomite powder. The results show that the longer the bedding time, the lower the mass change in all specimens. Among them, the mass change in a dolomite replaced specimens are shown to be less than that of a non-dolomite specimens. Since the composition of dolomite reacts with sulfuric acid solution to produce a product, it is thought to play a role in reducing mass reduction.
In this study, the resistance of chloride penetration and sulfate attack of mortar substituted heavyweight waste glass were evaluated. As a result, chloride penetration depth and diffusion coefficient decreased with the substitution of waste glass, chloride penetration resistance is increased. For sulfate attack resistance, the effect of heavyweight waste glass was little.
In this paper, the sulfate resistance of concrete substituted the crushed heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate are compared and evaluated. From the results, when heavy weight waste glass substituted ratio increase, the reduction rate of compressive strength is decreased. So, the sulfate resistance is improved by using heavy weight waste glass in concrete.
In this paper, the sulfate resistance of concrete substituted the crushed heavy weight waste glass as fine aggregate are compared and evaluated. From the results, when heavy weight waste glass substituted ratio increase, the reduction rate of compressive strength is decreased. So, the sulfate resistance is improved by using heavy weight waste glass in concrete.
The purpose of this experimental research is to evaluate the long-term resistance against sulfate attack of the alkali activated cementless concrete replacing the cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag. For this purpose, the cementless concrete specimens were made for water-binder ratios of 40%, 45%, and 50%, respectively and then this specimens were immersed in fresh water and 10% sodium sulfate solution for 28, 91, 182, and 365 days, respectively. To evaluate the long-term resistance to sulfate attack for the cementless concrete specimens, compressive strength ratio, mass change ratio, and length change ratio were measured according to the JSTM C 7401. It was observed from the test results that the resistance against sulfate attack of the cemetntless concrete was comparatively largely increased than that of OPC concrete irrespective of water-binder ratio.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sulfate attack of ternary blended concrete based on low-heat cement for reducing the heat of hydration. The main parameters were water-to-binder ratio and curing temperature on the matching mixtures. Test results revealed that compressive strength ratio at each age was superior to the developed mixtures than control mixtures. Whereas, the mass change ratio was superior to the control mixture at all ages.
본 연구는 플라이애시 및 고로슬래그를 활용하여 알칼리 활성화 결합재로 제조된 모르타르 및 페이스트 샘플의 황산염 저항성을 평가하고 황산염 침투에 대한 고저항성 결합재를 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 플라이애시 및 고로슬래그미분말 등의 광물질 혼화재를 결합 재로 활용하여 고로슬래그미분말 치환율을 0, 30, 50 및 100%로 제작하였다. 규산나트륨 모듈 Ms[SiO2/Na2O]은 1.0, 1.5 및 2.0으로 조정하였 으며, 초기 24시간 양생조건을 23°C 및 70°C로 하고, 10% 황산나트륨 및 10% 황산마그네슘 용액에 각각 침지시키고, 황산염 저항성을 평가하 기 위하여 압축강도, 질량변화율, 길이변화율 및 X선 회절분석을 측정하였다. 그 결과 고로슬래그미분말 치환량 및 Ms비가 증가할수록 재령 28일 압축강도 발현이 우수한 결과가 나타났다. 10% 황산나트륨에 침지한 경우에는 모든 시험조건에서 장기적인 강도발현과 질량 및 길이변 화율이 작아 황산나트륨 침투에 대한 저항성이 우수한 것으로 나타났으나, 10% 황산마그네슘에 침지한 경우에는 장기적인 강도저하와 질량 및 길이변화가 크게 나타났으며, 그 경향은 고로슬래그미분말 치환량 및 Ms비가 증가할수록 현저하였다. 이것은 황산마그네슘의 경우 규산마 그네슘수화물의 생성으로 인한 열화가 지배적으로 작용한 결과로 판단된다. 또한, X선 회절분석 결과 MgSO4 용액 침지에서의 알칼리 활성화 결합재의 팽창은 Gypsum(CaSO4․2H2O) 생성 반응에 의한 것으로 확인되었으며, 침지 6개월까지는 Gypsum의 생성이 지속적으로 증가되는 것 을 알 수 있다.
When concrete is exposed to sulfate attack, ettringite is produced to cause internal expansion and crack. In this study, the sulfate resistance of remicon latex-modified concrete was compared with latex and admixture ratio. From the results, when latex content was increased, the sulfate resistance of remicon latex-modified concrete was improved.