PURPOSES : In this study, a method to use magnesium phosphate ceramic (MPC) concrete for the surface maintenance of airport pavements with jointed concrete is developed.
METHODS : To investigate the application of a material incorporated with MPC for the surface maintenance of airport pavements with jointed concrete, structures with various cross-sections and thicknesses were constructed. The cross-section of the structure was modeled for the surface maintenance of four types of pavements and typical pavement construction processes, such as cutting, cleaning, production and casting, finishing, hardening, and joint reinstallation. Subsequently, the hours required for each process was determined.
RESULTS : The MPC concrete used for the surface maintenance of airport pavements with jointed concrete demonstrate excellent performance. The MPC concrete indicates a compressive strength exceeding 25 MPa for 2 h, and its hydration heat is 52.9 ℃~61.2 ℃. Meanwhile, the crushing and cleaning performed during the production and casting of the MPC require a significant amount of time. Specifically, for a partial repair process, a total of 6 h is sufficient under traffic control, although this duration is inadequate for a complete repair process.
CONCLUSIONS : MPC concrete is advantageous for the surface maintenance of airport pavements with jointed concrete. In fact, MPC concrete can be sufficiently constructed using existing concrete maintenance equipment, and partial repair works spanning a cross-sectional area of 11 m2 can be completed in 1 d. In addition, if the crushing and cleaning are performed separately from production and construction, then repair work using MPC concrete can be performed at a larger scale.
PURPOSES : Almost every design method for airport concrete pavements considers only traffic loading and not environmental loading. This study proposes a mechanistic design method for airport concrete pavements, that considers both environmental and traffic loading simultaneously. METHODS: First, the environmental loading of concrete pavements in Korean airports was quantified. FEAFAA, a finite element analysis program for airport pavements, was used to calculate the maximum tensile stress (MTS) of the slab, caused by both environmental and traffic loadings. The factors that influence the MTS were identified via sensitivity analysis, and an MTS prediction model was developed using the statistical analysis program SPSS. The ratio of MTS to the tensile strength of slab was calculated using the prediction model. The fatigue model under the AC 150/5320-6E and AC 150/5320-6F standards of the FAA was corrected to make it suitable for the predicted stress-strength ratio.
RESULTS : The MTS prediction model and corrected fatigue model were used to redesign the slab thickness and joint spacing of airport concrete pavements originally designed using the AC 150/5320-6D standard, which empirically considers traffic loading only. As a result, different slab thicknesses and joint spacings were redesigned with consideration for environmental loading, specifically the weather conditions of airports. .
CONCLUSIONS: The slab thickness and joint spacing can be mechanistically designed at the same time, whereas previously, only the slab thickness was designed, and the joint spacing was determined empirically.
PURPOSES : The performance of pavements is decreased by reduced bearing capacity, deterioration, and distress due to complex loading conditions such as traffic and environmental loads. Therefore, the proper maintenance of pavements must be performed, and accurate evaluation of pavement conditions is essential. In order to improve the accuracy of the heavy weight deflectometer (HWD), which is a nondestructive evaluation method, the correlation between HWD test results and temperature factors were analyzed in this study.
METHODS : The HWD test was conducted five times for one day on airport concrete pavement, and the ambient temperature, surface temperature, and slab internal temperature were collected. Since the slab internal temperature was nonlinear, it was replaced by the equivalent linear temperature difference (ELTD). The correlation between the HWD test results and each temperature factor was analyzed by the coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination.
RESULTSAND: The deflection of the slab center, mid edge, and corner, and impulse stiffness modulus (ISM) showed significantly high correlation with each temperature factor, especially the ELTD. However, the load transfer Efficiency (LTE) had very low correlation with the temperature factors. CONCLUSIONS : It is necessary to analyze the effect of aggregate interlocking on LTE according to the overall temperature changes in slabs by conducting seasonal HWD tests. It is also necessary to confirm the effect of seasonal temperature changes on deflection and ISM.
PURPOSES : Previously, airport concrete pavement was designed using only aircraft gear loading without consideration of environmental loading. In this study, a multiple-regression model was developed to predict maximum tensile stress of airport concrete pavement based on finite element analysis using both environmental and B777 aircraft gear loadings.
METHODS: A finite element model of airport concrete pavement and B777 aircraft main gears were fabricated to perform finite element analysis. The geometric shape of the pavement, material properties of the layers, and the loading conditions were used as input parameters for the finite element model. The sensitivity of maximum tensile stress of a concrete slab according to the variation in each input parameter was investigated by setting the ranges of the input parameters and performing finite element analysis. Based on the sensitivity analysis results, influential factors affecting the maximum tensile stress were found to be used as independent variables of the multi regression model. The maximum tensile stresses predicted by both the multiple regression model and finite element model were compared to verify the validity of the model developed in this study.
RESULTS: As a result of the finite element analysis, it was determined that the maximum tensile stress developed at the bottom of the slab edge where gear loading was applied in the case that environmental loading was small. In contrast, the maximum tensile stress developed at the top of the slab center situated between the main gears in the case that the environmental loading got larger. As a result of the sensitivity analysis and multiple regression analysis, a maximum tensile stress prediction model was developed. The independent variables used included the joint spacing, slab thickness, the equivalent linear temperature difference between the top and bottom of the slab, the maximum take-off weight of a B777 aircraft, and the composite modulus of the subgrade reaction. The model was validated by comparing the predicted maximum tensile stress to the result of the finite element analysis.
CONCLUSIONS : The research shown in this paper can be utilized as a precedent study for airport concrete pavement design using environmental and aircraft gear loadings simultaneously.
PURPOSES : In this study, the propriety of expansion joint spacing of airport concrete pavement was examined by using weather and material characteristics.
METHODS: A finite element model for simulating airport concrete pavement was developed and blowup occurrence due to temperature increase was analyzed. The critical temperature causing the expansion of concrete slab and blow up at the expansion joint was calculated according to the initial vertical displacement at the joint. The amount of expansion that can occur in the concrete slab for 20 years of design life was calculated by summing the expansion and contraction by temperature, alkali-silica reaction, and drying shrinkage. The effective expansion of pavement section between adjacent expansion joints was calculated by subtracting the effective width of expansion joint from the summation of the expansion of the pavement section. The temperature change causing the effective expansion of pavement section was also calculated. The effective expansion equivalent temperature change was compared to the critical temperature, which causes the blowup, according to expansion joint spacing to verify the propriety of expansion joint applied to the airport concrete pavement.
RESULTS: When an initial vertical displacement of the expansion joint was 3mm or less, the blowup never occurred for 300m of joint spacing which is used in Korean airports currently. But, there was a risk of blow-up when an initial vertical displacement of the expansion joint was 5mm or more due to the weather or material characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: It was confirmed that the intial vertical displacement at the expansion joint could be managed below 3mm from the previous research results. Accordingly it was concluded that the 300m of current expansion joint spacing of Korean airports could be used without blowup by controling the alkali-silica reaction below its allowable limit.
Airport concrete pavement slabs show contraction and expansion behavior due to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. Among the various environmental factors, temperature is the most influential factor in the concrete slab. However, it is inadequate to consider air temperature or surface temperature as influential factors especially for airport concrete slabs with very large thicknesses. Therefore, this study intends to utilize the equivalent linear temperature difference calculated from the data of the thermometer embedded in 5 depths(50mm, 150mm, 250mm, 350mm, 450mm) on the airport concrete slab. Equivalent linear temperature difference is the temperature difference between the uppermost and lowermost part of the concrete slab, which shows the same behavior due to actual temperature. Since the upper part of the concrete slab is more affected by air temperature than the lower part, the daily temperature range is large. Therefore, the equivalent linear temperature difference increases during the day and decreases at night, and concrete slabs show curl-down during the day and curl-up at night. This daily variation of curling behavior causes a difference in HWD experimental results. The HWD(Heavy Weight Deflectometer) test is mainly performed to investigate the condition of the pavement. And the calculated values are deflection, ISM(Impact Stiffness Modulus), LTE(Load Transfer Efficiency). The equivalent linear temperature difference represents the behavior of the concrete slab by the environmental load, and the calculated values by the HWD test represent the behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of concrete slab by combined load including environmental load and traffic load through correlation analysis between these values. This study was supported by Incheon International Airport Corporation(BEX00625) and Korea Airports Corporation.
Airport concrete slabs behave by combined loads including environmental loads and traffic loads. To analyze the behavior of concrete slabs by combined load, the dynamic strain gages were embedded at 2 depths(50mm, 450mm) and 3 locations(corner, Center and Mid-Edge). And the thermometers were embedded at 5 depths(50mm, 150mm, 250mm, 350mm, 450mm) in actual airport concrete slabs. HWD(Heavy Weight Deflectometer) is a device to measure the deflection by applying an impact load. The values calculated by the HWD test are deflection, ISM(Impact Stiffness Modulus), LTE(Load Transfer Efficiency). Concrete slabs tend to expand during the summer when the temperature is high, and contract during the winter when the temperature is low. In addition, the drying shrinkage occurs as age increases. Field HWD test were conducted in March, May, August, and November to examine seasonal and age-specific changes. Furthermore, the temperature difference between top and bottom of concrete slabs causes the curl-up and curl-down behavior. The test was conducted 3 times at 12o`clock, 16o`clock, 21o`clock, 3o`clock, 7o`clock to examine temporal changes. The strain of the slab at HWD strike was measured 500 times per second because the strain occurred instantaneously, and the temperature was measure 1 times per 10 minutes. The calculated values and the measured values varied according to environmental loads. In order to examine these values in various angles, the equivalent linear temperature difference obtained by converting the temperature by depth into the uppermost lowermost temperature difference, the temperature of the slab which changes seasonally as a whole, and the drying shrinkage which occurs as the age increases are considered. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the behavior of concrete slabs by combined load considering long - term drying shrinkage, annual variation of temperature, and daily variations. This study was supported by Incheon International Airport Corporation(BEX00625) and Korea Airports Corporation.
In this study, the effect of dry shrinkage of concrete pavement due to seasonal changes was analyzed by comparing the results of finite element analysis with the temperature and strain measurements at Incheon airport pavement. To measure the behavior of slab by environmental condition in site, static strain gauges and thermometers were installed. To predict changes in the properties of concrete slab, experiments were conducted in site as well as in the lab. The considered parameters of FEA were pavement conditions according to seasonal and material properties change. The results of field measurements and the strain by FEA analysis were different in terms of the effects of drying shrinkage. This is due to humidity changes not applied to input values during FEA analysis. In this study, the difference between the results of field measurements and the results of the finite element model analysis was used to identify the drying shrinkage occurring on the concrete slab. Long-term data analysis in the future will enable the analysis of the trends in drying shrinkage in airport concrete pavement. This study was supported by Incheon International Airport Corporation(BEX00625).
PURPOSES : As a research to develop a cement treated base course for an airport pavement which can enhance its drainage, this paper investigated the strength, infiltration performance and durability of the pervious concrete with respect to maximum coarse aggregate sizes and compaction methods. METHODS : This study measured compressive strength, infiltration rate, continuous porosity and freeze-thaw resistance of pervious concrete specimens, which were fabricated with five different compaction methods and different maximum aggregate sizes. In addition, in order to reduce the usage of Portland cement content and to enhance environment-friendliness, a portion of the cement was replaced with Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS). RESULTS: Compressive strength requirement, 5 MPa at 7 days, was met for all applied compaction methods and aggregate sizes, except for the case of self-compaction. Infiltration rate became increased as the size of aggregate increased. The measured continuous porosities varied with the different compaction methods but the variation was not significant. When GGBS was incorporated, the strength requirement was successfully satisfied and the resistance to freezing-thawing was also superior to the required limit. CONCLUSIONS: The infiltration rate increased as the maximum size of aggregate increased but considering construct ability and supply of course aggregate, its size is recommended to be 25mm. With the suggested mix proportions, the developed pervious concrete is expected to successfully meet requirements for strength, drainage and durability for cement treated base or subbase course of an airport pavement.
기존의 공항콘크리트 포장설계 방법은 현장 실험을 바탕으로 한 경험적 설계 방법에서, 교통하중 및 환경하중을 고려하여 포장의 잔존 수명까지 예측하는 역학적-경험적 설계 방법으로 변화하고 있다. 미국 FAA의 AC 150/5320-6D(FFA, 1995)에서는 노모그래프를 기반으로 슬래브의 두께를 결정하였으나, 최근에는 3D 유한요소해석을 통해 산출된 응력으로 슬래브 두께를 결정하는 AC 150/5320-6E(FAA, 2009)를 적용하고 있다. 하지만 이 설계방법은 환경하중을 고려하지 않는 단점을 가지고 있다. <br> 박주영 외(2013)는 국내 지역의 기후 특성을 고려하여 국내의 지역별 환경하중을 정량화하는 선행연구를 수행하였다. 또한, 김연태(2013)는 정량화된 환경하중에 교통하중을 적용시켜, 교통하중과 환경하중이 동시에 고려된 공항콘크리트포장의 최대인장응력회귀식을 개발하였다. 김연태(2013)의 선행연구를 통해 개발된 최대인장응력회귀식으로 산출된 최대인장응력은 환경하중이 고려되므로 기존의 설계프로그램(FAAFIELD)의 결과와 상당한 차이를 나타낸다. 공항콘크리트포장의 피로모형이 갖는 변수로는 응력강도비와 허용반복회수가 있으며, 응력강도비의 변화에 따라 그 피로수명의 결과가 매우 상이하므로, 개발된 최대인장응력회귀식과 기존에 사용해온 피로모형으로는 합리적인 콘크리트포장의 피로수명을 얻을 수 없다.본 논문에서는 환경하중과 교통하중이 고려된 합리적인 공항콘크리트포장 피로모형을 선정하였다. 우선 국·내외에서 개발된 공항콘크리트설계 피로모형에는 미공병단, 미국 연방항공청, PCA, NCHRP 등이 있으나, 각각의 피로모형은 파괴 기준, 응력계산방법 등에 따라 서로 다른 결과를 나타낸다. 각 피로모형의 이론 및 배경, 기존 피로모형과의 비교, 민감도 분석 등을 통해 합리적인 피로모형 몇 가지를 우선적으로 선정하였다. 이를 위해, 선행연구에서 개발된 최대인장응력회귀식을 사용하여 환경하중과 교통하중을 고려한 최대인장응력을 산출하였으며, 산출된 최대인장응력을 앞서 선정된 피로모형에 대입한 뒤 허용반복회수를 산출하였다. 최종적으로 각 공항의 설계교통량을 반영하여 포장의 피로수명을 예측하였으며, 예측된 피로수명과 국내의 PCI자료를 통해 측정된 공항콘크리트포장의 수명과 비교·검토하여 가장 합리적인 피로모형을 선정하였다.
국내 공항 콘크리트 포장은 FAA 150/5320-6D에서 제시하는 설계법에 따라 설계대상항공기로 등가 환산된 교통량을 설계에 반영해 왔으나, 2006년에 개정된 FAA 150/5320-6E에서는 운항이 예상되는 모든 항공기의 연평균 이륙횟수를 설계에 반영하고 있다. 개정된 설계 기준에 따라 다양한 종류의 기어형상을 반영하는 것이 실제 교통량을 반영할 수 있으므로 더 합리적인 설계 방법이라 할 수 있다.<br> 본 연구에서는 Duals in Tandem(2D) 기어형상의 교통하중을 환산하기 위한 응력회귀식을 개발하였으며, 선행연구(김연태, 2013)인 Double Duals in Tandem(2D/2D2) 기어의 응력 회귀 모형 개발 절차에 따라 연구를 수행하였다. 또한 환경하중에 의한 응력 영향을 반영하기 위해 기존에 개발된 ‘지역별 슬래브 두께에 따른 등가선형 온도차이(홍동성, 2012)’를 사용하여 국내 기후특성을 반영하였다. 우선, 응력 회귀식 모형을 산출하기 위해 공항포장 설계에 필요한 각각의 설계인자들의 민감도 분석을 실시하였고, 영향력이 큰 주요 인자들의 설계 적용 범위를 정의 한 후, 선별된 설계 변수들을 유한요소 해석 프로그램(FEAFAA)에 적용하여 다양한 경우에서 유한요소해석(FEM)을 실시하였다. 또한, 해석결과인 최대인장응력을 종속변수로 적용하고, 해석에 적용한 설계인자들을 독립변수로 적용하여 다중회귀분석(SPSS)을 실시한 결과, 교통 및 환경하중에 의해 발생되는 최대인장응력 회귀식을 산출할 수 있었다. 개발된 회귀식은 각각 교통하중에 의한 응력회귀식, 환경하중과 교통하중을 동시에 고려한 응력회귀식이며, 입력변수로는 줄눈간격, 슬래브두께, 복합지지력계수, 등가선형온도차이, 교통하중이 있다. 또한, 회귀식 검증을 위해, 각각의 회귀식 변수를 변화시키며 유한요소해석 결과와 비교 분석을 실시하였다.
현재 공용되고 있는 국내공항은 인천국제공항공사에서 관리하고 있는 인천국제공항과 한국공항공사에서 관리하고 있는 김포국제공항 외 13개 공항이 운영되고 있다. 두 공항공사 모두 효율적인 포장관리를 위해 포장관리시스템(PMS: Pavement Management System)을 구축하여 공항포장상태를 평가하고, 보수의 우선순위를 선정하여 보수방안을 결정한다. 포장상태평가는 보통 5년을 주기로 시행되고 있으며, 포장표면결함의 자료를 통해 포장상태지수(PCI: Pavement Condition Index)가 산출된다. 이러한 지수를 통해 공용중인 공항포장의 상태와 보수를 필요로 하는 시점을 판단 할 수 있다. 기존에 개발된 공항포장 공용성 예측모형은 크게 아스팔트포장과 콘크리트포장으로 나뉘어, 재령과 교통량에 따른 통합된 PCI 예측모형을 개발하였다. 하지만 공항별로 준공시기와 환경인자들이 다르게 때문에 상당한 오차가 발생하여, 모든 공항에 적용하기에는 한계가 있다. 또한 주로 활주로를 대상으로 연구가 진행되었으며, 유도로 및 계류장에 관한 선행연구는 아직까지는 미흡한 상태이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 국내 콘크리트공항포장의 각각의 동질성구간에 대한 공용성 예측모형을 위한 연구를 진행하였다. 모든 단면이 아스팔트 포장인 울산공항과 군산공항을 제외한 13개 공항의 콘크리트 포장 부분의 PCI 자료를 수집하였고 활주로, 유도로, 계류장에 따라 크게 분류하였다. 분류된 각 구간은 동질성 구간별로 세분화하여 재령에 따른 PCI변화 추이를 살펴보았다. 본 논문에서는 인천국제공항공사, 한국공항공사, 한양대학교 및 (주)로드텍의 협조를 얻어 각 공항의 포장평가 조사보고서를 수집하였다. 각 공항별 동질성 구간의 준공년도와 재포장 시점을 분석하였으며, 이 시점을 기준으로 재령에 따른 PCI 변화 추이를 살펴보았다. 또한 보수를 시행한 구간에 대하여 조사하였으며, 이 구간에 대해서는 보수시점의 PCI값을 100으로 가정하고, 이 후 재령에 따른 PCI 변화를 살펴보았다. 이러한 PCI의 변화추이를 회귀분석하여 각각 선형과 지수형태로 나타냄으로써 각 공항별 동질성 구간에 따른 콘크리트 공항포장 예측모형을 개발하였다. 이렇게 개발된 모형을 통하여 공항포장설계수명인 재령 20년일 때의 PCI값을 예측하였고, 재포장이 요구되는 ‘Critical PCI`값인 70으로 저감되기까지의 공용연수를 나타내었다. 각 공항의 동질성 구간에 따른 예측모형들을 비교 검토해 봄으로써, 각 공항의 특성과 공용수명을 예측할 수 있었다.
Up to date, the specifications of construction and maintenance for airport pavement are primarily from ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), IATA (International Air Transport Association) or FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). In order to consider circumstances such as rainfall characteristics, this study aims to develop pervious concrete for base course of an airport pavement. Strength characteristic of pervious concrete was investigated with respect to different maximum course aggregate size. When 25mm sized aggregate was used, greatest strength was achieved.