The purpose of this study is to implement and develop the integrated Economic Value Added (EVA) and Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) model to seek both improvement of Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Tax (NOPLAT) and reduction of Capital Charge (CC). Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Tax (NOPLAT) can be maximized by reducing the indirect cost of an unused resource capacity increased by Cost Capacity Ratio (CCR) of TDABC. On the other hand, Capital Charge (CC) can be minimized by improving the efficiency of Invested Capital (IC) considered by Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of EVA. In addition, the integrated system of TDABC using Balance Scorecard (BSC) and EVA is developed by linking between the lagging indicators and the three leading indicators. The three leading indicators include customer, internal process and growth and learning perspectives whereas the lagging indicator includes NOPLAT and CC in terms of financial perspective. When the Critical Success Factor (CSF) of BSC is cascading as a cause and an effect relationship, time driver of TDABC and capital driver of EVA can be used efficiently as Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of BSC. For a better understanding of the proposed EVA/TDABC model and BSC/EVA/TDABC model, numerical examples are derived from this paper. From the proposed model, the time driver of TDABC and the capital driver of EVA are known to lessen indirect cost from comprehensive income statement when increasing the efficiency of operating IC from the statement of financial position with unified KPI cascading of aligned BSC CSFs.
The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the perception of KPIs by restaurant managers from financial and non-financial perspectives was affected by BSC implementation. The perceptions that were examined were importance, adoption, performance, and utilization of KPIs. We surveyed managers from multinational restaurant chains that were adopting BSC and those that were not. From a non-financial perspective, the difference in perceived importance between BSC adopted firms and firms that did not adopt BSC was significant. The managers of BSC adopted firms perceived KPIs more seriously than the others. Secondly, according to the managers' working experiences, the difference of perceived utilization in the internal business process perspective was significant between BSC adopted firms and firms that did not adopt BSC. In addition, from the learning and growth perspective, the difference in perceived adoption and utilization between the two groups was significant. Finally, in the BSC adopted firms, the perceived importance of the managers affected the other perceptions like adoption and utilization from both the financial and non-financial perspectives.
This research made an actual study of the Internal Control Systems on medium and small business company located on Gumi industry area. From this study, we learned that work scope, approval procedure and proof documents are well prepared, but some problem
Risk is the probability of an adverse event given exposure to hazard. There are many reason for unsafety situation without safety operation. The reason is no safety evaluation system in small enterprise. And then this study purposes safety management activities that is evaluation system for total safety efficiency's maximization. Therefore, in this study, this model that can evaluate quantitative activities in small enterprise that maximize safety efficiency wishes to do design using balanced scorecard. In other words, this study aims to suggest a performance measurement model reflecting the characteristics of safety evaluation system, especially the model for return manufacturing related to safety, and to develop the S-BSC(Safety-Balanced ScoreCard) measurement model using a weight lifetime value to which a relative weight is applied by using AHP based on the BSC.
The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the reverse logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and value evaluation based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.
Nowadays, BSC presented by alpan is observed by many enterprises and is being operated gradually. BSC includes non-financial factor as well as financial factor in performance assessment and it is a tool that will be able to evaluate even strategy of long-term view. In point of performance management, BSC brings in relief importance on non-financial performance as well as financial performance and it shares with viewpoint of 4 things of financial viewpoint, customer viewpoint, internal process view point, learning and growth viewpoint. then these make an array with vision and strategy of organization by causal relationship, it presented necessity of performance control on organization as center on KPI of inner of each viewpoint. Thus, study on measures and control of management performance is progressed actively and is accomplishing much development. This study is aimed at calculation of weight that is able to reflect its importance about AHP on KPI of each viewpoint. The purpose of this study is to present desirable performance measurement model and to give a weight in consideration of working-level character.
본 연구는 컨테이너 터미널의 종합적인 성과 향상 요인을 분석하기 위한 균형성과표(BSC)를 설계한 후 분석계층프로세스 모형(AHP)과 분석네트워크프로세스 모형(ANP)을 활용하여 품질기능전개도(QFD)와 결합 모형을 사용하였다. 이는 재무적 성과, 고객 만족 및 컨테이너 터미널의 비즈니스 프로세스의 질적 향상을 가져 올 수 있는 컨테이너 터미널의 종합적이고 다차원적인 성과 요인 제시 및 중요도 분석에 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구에서 제안한 수정된 품질기능전개도는 상관종속성과 관계행렬을 표현하므로 인해, 기존의 품질기능전개도와 비해 더욱 현실적이며 정확성과 정교성이 부가된 품질기능전개도를 구축했다.