The storage stability from powdered anchovy and its preparation cooperated with three additives (water extract from green tea and boxthorn and BHT) was studied. The results are as follows: 1. When the additives were added to powdered anchovy, the storage stability was improved. The antioxidative activities of water extract from green tea and boxthorn were considerably higher than BHT. The antioxidative activities were decreased in the rank order boxthorn $gt; green tea $gt; BHT. 2. The more the concentration of natural additives was increased, the more the storage stability was improved. The rank order was 60° $gt; 40° $gt; 20° Bx. 3. The AV and POV of powdered anchovy were increased in the rank order to 6 $lt; 12 $lt; 18 $lt; 24 $lt; 30 months by storage term. 4. This clearly suggested that water extract at 20° Bx level from boxthorn was possible utilization as a new natural antioxidant for storage stability of powdered anchovy.
Background : Boxthorn (Lycium chinense M. 2 n = 24) is a self-incompatibility crop of solanales. It can not be fertilized in the cultivation of single cultivars. Therefore it is necessary to select proper pollinizer. We selsected good line, Cheongyang 26, with Anthracnose-resistant and high yield. This experiment was carried out to select proper pollinizer through researching self-incompatible and Cross-compatibility.
Methods and Results : The self-incompatibility test of Cheongyang 26 was investigated fertilization rate and fruit Characteristics by artificial selfing fertilization. Investigation of fertilization rate and fruit characteristics by artificial fertilization was carried out to test cross-compatibility of Cheongyang 26 with Cheongwoon, Hokwang, Cheongdang, Cheonghong, Cheongkwang and Cheonggeum. Self-fertilization rate of Cheongyang 26 was 19.3%, self-incompatibility. In flowering period, Cheongkwang, Cheonghong, Hokwang, Cheongyang 26 and Cheongdang were early. The fertilization rate of Cheongkwang, Cheonggeum, Cheongwoon, Hokwang and Cheongdang in order was high when Cheongyang 26 was bred as seed parent. The fertilization rate of Cheonggeum, Hokwang, Cheongwoon and Cheongdang in order was high when Cheongyang 26 was bred as pollen parent. Cross-compatibility of Cheongyang 26 and Cheonghong was very low because of inbreeding. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was strong in Cheongyang 26, Cheonghong and Cheonggeum. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer was high in Cheongyang 26 and Cheongwoon.
Conclusion : The proper pollinizer of Cheongyang 26 in open field was Cheonggeum when considering flowering period, cross-compatibility, Anthracnose and Eriophys macrodonis Keifer. In rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, the proper pollinizer of Cheongyang 26 was Cheongwoon because it’s able to prevent Anthracnose in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse.
Background : Boxthorn (Lycium chinense M. 2 n = 24) is a self-incompatibility crop of solanales. It can not be fertilized in the cultivation of single cultivars. Therefore it is necessary to select proper pollinizer. We developed a new variety, Cheonggeum, with Anthracnose-resistant and high yield. This experiment was carried out to select proper pollinizer through researching self-incompatible and Cross-compatibility.
Methods and Results : The self-incompatibility test of Cheonggeum was investigated fertilization rate and fruit Characteristics by artificial selfing fertilization. Investigation of fertilization rate and fruit characteristics by artificial fertilization was carried out to test cross-compatibility of Cheonggeum with Cheongwoon, Cheongmeong, Hokwang, Cheonghong and Cheongkwang. Self-fertilization rate of Cheonggeum was 11.1%, self-incompatibility. In flowering period, Cheongkwang, Cheonghong, Cheongmeong, Hokwang and Cheongwoon were early in order. Flowering period of Cheonggeum was June 18. When Cheonggeum was bred as seed parent, the fertilization rate of Cheongmeong and Cheonghong were high. When Cheonggeum was bred as pollen parent, the fertilization rate of Cheonghong and Hokwang were high. Cross-compatibility of Cheonggeum with Cheongkwang or Cheongwoon was low. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was strong in Cheonggeum, Cheongmeong and Cheonghong. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer was middle in Cheonggeum, Cheongmeong, Hokwang, Cheonghong and Cheongkwang. But it’s was high in Cheongwoon.
Conclusion : The proper pollinizer of Cheonggeum in open field was Cheonghong when considering flowering period, cross-compatibility, Anthracnose and Eriophys macrodonis Keifer.
Background : The reduction in the area of cultivation and production is a difficult factor to solve in order to expand Boxthorn's culture for the main reasons for the aging agricultural labor and rising unit prices. Increasing the area of cultivation and production requires less labor and ease of work. This experiment was designed to provide improved plant type to increase the area of cultivation and to secure efficient machinery harvest.
Methods and Results : The variety of experiment is 'whasu' and was cultivated in 2015 and planted in fields on April 4, 2016. The plant types were 150 × 50 ㎝ T-shaped fence plant type. The number of times to be cut was two, and the branches were extended to produce fruits. The typical T-shaped fence plant type for comparison is made of two stems, 10 ㎝ in length, and a single cut, then a long stretch of branches for harvesting. As a result of the experiment, it was difficult to verify the applicability and quantity of the handy type harvesting machine in order to make the re-ordination, and from the following year it was possible to verify. Major items such as stem number, stem length, quantity, time of harvest, and efficiency of harvest were investigated when applying the handy type harvesting machine. Two stems had 20% more branches than a single stem, while the yield increased by 7%. Two stems, five ㎝ long, and two cuts were numerous and long, and the quantity was 33% higher than the customary T-shaped fence plant type. When working with the machinery harvest work, the ratio of work performed was 62% for harvesting, 19% for collection, and 19% for separation of foreign materials. The proportion of the collector work and the segmentation of design materials was 38%, which was an urgent problem to be remedied. Two stems, five ㎝, and two cuts increased the quantity by 33% compared to the customary method of T-shaped fence plant type, and the machinery harvest work efficiency was 56% higher, making it suitable for handy type harvesting machine.
Conclusion : T-shaped fenceplant type of two stems, five centimeters, and two cuts was a good shape for Handy type harvesting machine.
Background : The dried ripe fruits, leaf and root of boxthorn are widely used for medicinal purposes and as a functional food. Among them, frut is the most susceptible to anthracnose in the open field. Currently, there are only 5 fungicides registered in boxthorn anthracnose. In addition, resistance to fungicides caused by frequent use occurred in many open field, Therefore, a study on the fungicide resistance of boxthorn anthracnose was needed.
Methods and Results : In 2017, collected anthracnose from boxthorn fruit. The collected samples were isolated by a single spore isolation method and 20 isolates of Collectotrichum spp. were obtained To test for anthracnose fungicide resistance, propineb, tebuconazole, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin fungicide were used. Monitoring for fungicide resistance of Collectotrichum spp. causing boxthorn anthracnos to test fungicide were conducted by agar dilution method. The assay concentration were control, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 ㎍/㎖ and strobilurin group of azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin were treated salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) to the alternative breath suppression at a concentration of 100 ㎍/㎖. In the result, Prevention of fungicide propineb was more than 100 ㎍/㎖ of EC50, and tebuconazole was less than 1 ㎍/㎖ except for 1 isolate of EC50 azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin showed a difference even though they had the same mode of action. Azoxystrobin showed almost no inhibition of mycelial growth except 6 isolates and remaining 6 isolates had EC50 of less than 1 ㎍/㎖, pyraclostrobin was divided into two groups of EC50, 6 isolates were less than 0.1 ㎍ /㎖ and 14 isolates were more than 1 ㎍/㎖.
Conclusion : In summary, response to fungicides of anthracnose, azoxystrobin of strobilurin group showed the highest resistance to fungicide. As these fungicide resistance continues to develop, we plan to register a new anthracnose fungicide and improve the control method.
Background : The most problematic disease in Boxthorn is Anthracnose in open field. New variety with Anthracnose-resistant is good for high yield and Safe fruit production in open field. Therefore it is necessary to develop a new variety with Anthracnose -resistant and high yield.
Methods and Results : The new boxthorn line, CB10511-104 was selected from the cross between CB09480-18 and Chunghong (IT258916) to breed new variety with high yield, Anthracnose-resistant and good color in 2011. Its preliminary yield test was performed from 2013 to 2014 and the selected line was named Cheongyang 26. Its regional yield trials were carried out in Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo for 3 years, from 2015 to 2017. Cheongyang 26 was registered as the new variety, Cheonggang, in 2017. The specific characteristics were summarized as follows. Tree shape is semi-open type and the leaf is lanceolate and green color. The flowers are normal size and purple. The fruit is normal size, round oval and redish. The flowering was June 17 with medium flowering. Number of sprout branch by pruning was generated less than the check variety, Cheongmeong. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer of Chunggang, 54.4 percent, was higher than the check variety, Cheongmeong. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was slightly strong compared to the check variety, but check variety was Anthracnose-resistant. The content of betaine and free sugar in dried-fruits were higher than that of the check variety. The dried-fruit yield was increased about 26 percent in open field compared Cheongmeong.
Conclusion : This variety ‘Cheonggang’ was suitable for cultivation in open field and rain-shelter plastic greenhouse because of Anthracnose-resistant and good color. It is necessary the companion variety because of self-incompatible. It’s suitable ‘Cheonggeum’ in open field, ‘Cheongun’ in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse.
Background : Tetraploid plants are bigger in the size of fruits, leaves, stems, and roots than diploid plants due to bigger cells attributed to chromosome multiplication. The advantage of tetraploid plants includes breakdown of self-incompatibility and increase of disease resistance. This study was carried out to gain tetraploid resources for breeding of new boxthorn varieties having pest resistance, higher yield, and self-compatibility. Methods and Results : Tetraploid lines and maternal varieties used in this study were C0148-10 and C0412-1 from Cheongyang-jaerae, M0148-94 and M0148-120 from Myongan, B0148-43 and B0148-78 from Bulro, D0148-62 and D0148-72 from Cheongdae, and Y0148-2 and Y0148-24 from Youngha. For organic acid composition of tetraploid lines and matrenal varieties, malic acid was highest as 1.47 – 4.6 ㎎/g in fruit, and citric acid and succinic acid were highest in leaf as 2.67 – 4.08 ㎎/g and 4.28 – 6.00 ㎎/g. Total organic acid content in root ranged from 1.78 to 3.23 ㎎/g, lower than in fruit and leaf. Of 11 fatty acids composing the boxthorn fruit, linoleic acid was highest as 25.36 – 50.33 ㎎/g. For leaf, linolenic acid was highest as 4.39 – 8.77 ㎎/g. Linoleic acid was highest as 1.65 – 6.98 ㎎/g of all fatty acids in root. 19 free amino acids were analyzed. Average content of essential amino acids in fruit was 6.64% and lysine was highest as 1.57%. Non-essential amino acid content was 8.26% and serine was highest as 2.72% of all non-essential amino acids in fruit. D0148-62 was highest in the total amino acid and the essential amino acid as 23.58% and 10.19%, respectively. Total amino acid content in leaf was 26.49%. Essential amino acid was 12.12% and leucine was highest as 2.08%. Non-essential amino acid was 14.37% and serine was highest as 4.61%. Total amino acid content in root was 13.25%. Essential amino acid was 6.66% and arginine was highest as 2.58%. Non-essential amino acid was 6.59% and serine was highest as 2.60%. Conclusion : Organic acid content increased in fruit of tetraploid lines and lines induced from Cheongyang-jaerae, Myongan, and Cheongdae were higher in contents of linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid, resulted in total fatty acid increasing. This shows several induced tetraploid boxthorn lines are very useful resources in breeding new varieties.
Background : Tetraploid plants are bigger in the size of fruits, leaves, stems, and roots than diploid plants due to bigger cells attributed to chromosome multiplication. The advantage of tetraploid plants includes breakdown of self-incompatibility and increase of disease resistance. This study was carried out to gain tetraploid resources for breeding of new boxthorn varieties having pest resistance, higher yield, and self-compatibility. Methods and Results : Tetraploid lines and maternal varieties used in this study were C0148-10 and C0412-1 from Cheongyang-jaerae, M0148-94 and M0148-120 from Myongan, B0148-43 and B0148-78 from Bulro, D0148-62 and D0148-72 from Cheongdae, and Y0148-2 and Y0148-24 from Youngha. Betaine content was highest as 0.7 - 1.62% in leaf, followed by 0.55 - 1.17% in fruit and 0.04 - 0.23% in root. Betaine content in plant parts of several tetraploid lines increased compared to martenal varieties, higher in fruit for 5 lines including D0148-72, B0148-78, and C0142-1, higher in leaf for 5 lines including C0148-10, C0412-1, and M0148-94, and higher in root for 7 lines including Y0148-2, M0148-94, and M0148-120. Rutin content in leaf ranged 4.0 – 388.55 ㎎% and was highest as 388.55 ㎎% in Y0148-24. Tannin content in leaf of tetraploid lines was 4.70 - 6.12%, highest as 6.12% in Y0148-2 and M0148-120, similar to the maternal varieties. Youngha of the diploid plants showed the highest tannin content of 7.08%. Total free sugar content in tetraploid lines was higher as 8.53 - 12.53% than maternal varieties. Conclusion : Betaine and rutin contents increased in several tetraploid lines and Total free sugar content in tetraploid lines was higher as 8.53 - 12.53% than maternal varieties. This shows tetraploid boxthorn lines are very useful resources in breeding new varieties.
Background : The most problematic disease in Boxthorn is Anthracnose. New variety with Anthracnose-resistant is good for high yield and Safe fruit production in open field. Therefore it is necessary to develop a New variety with Anthracnose -resistant and high yield. Methods and Results : The new boxthorn line, CB10511-104 was selected from the cross between Cheongun (IT232599) and CB08456-113 to breed new variety with high yield and Anthracnose-resistant in 2011. Its preliminary yield test was performed from 2012 to 2013 and the selected line was named Cheongyang 25. Its regional yield trials were carried out in Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo for 3 years, from 2014 to 2016. Cheongyang 25 was registered as the new variety, Cheonggeum, in 2016. The specific characteristics were summarized as follows; Tree shape is open type and the leaf is round-lanceolate. The flowers are normal size and purple. The fruit is large size, round oval and yellowish red. The flowering was June 19 with medium flowering. Number of sprout branch by pruning was generated more than the check variety, Cheongmeong. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer was as strong as 39.6 percent. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was slightly similare compared to the check variety, but check variety was Anthracnose-resistant. The content of betaine and free sugar in dried-fruits were higher than that of the check variety. The dried-fruit yield was decreased about 17 percent in open field. Conclusion : This variety ‘Cheonggeum’ was suitable for cultivation in open field because of Anthracnose-resistant. It is necessary the companion variety, Cheonghong, because of self-incompatible.
Background : Acreage of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse to prevent anthrax is being gradually increased according to growing importance of safe Boxthorn production. But When Boxthorn is grown in the hot season in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, Fertility decreases. The fertilization rate tends to be different according to cultivated variety and ventilation type of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse. Therefore it is necessary to identify cause and look for a solution. Methods and Results : In the experiment, ‘Cheongun’ cultivar was grown in the rain-shelter plastic greenhouses for the tests. Environment of rain-shelter plastic greenhouses, fertilization rate and density of flower visiting insect were investigated according to ventilation type. Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation on stigma were investigated according to temperature. In mid-July, the temperature on a clear day rose to 45℃ in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation on stigma were normal for 3 hours on 30, 35℃. Fertilization rate was somewhat reduced on 40℃ but Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation was good. On 45℃, fertilization rate was very poor and There was no pollen germination. Density of flower visiting insect in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of roof and side vents was higher than that in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. The fertilization rate on high temperature did not show any difference regardless of ventilation type. The rate of artificial cross-fertilization and airborne fertilization were high in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of roof and side vents. It was necessary to improve airborne fertilization rate because airborne fertilization rate was significantly lower than artificial cross-fertilization regardless of ventilation type. Conclusion : When it was cultivated in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, the reasons for the lowering of the fertilization rate were as follows. Density of flower visiting insect was low. Boxthorn, which was insect pollination crop, was needed sufficient flower visiting insect on flowering period. But it was insufficiency especially in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of side vents. Another reason was decrease in pollen germination and pollen tube elongation. Pollen germination was suppressed in the high temperature.
Background : As the farmers who grow Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense Miller) in rain-shelter greenhouses increase, it is necessary to develop a cultivar with self-compatibility and high quality. Methods and Results : The new boxthorn line, CBP06419-243 was selected from the cross between CBP03310-250(IT232705) and CBP05399-1 to breed the cultivar with self-compatibility and high quality. These lines used for crossing was tetradilpoid induced by the colchicine treatment on bud. Its preliminary yield test was performed from 2009 to 2011 and the selected line was named Cheongyang 18. Its regional yield trials were carried out in Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo from 2012, 2014, 2015 and Cheongyang 18 was registered as the new variety, Whasu, in 2015. The specific characteristics were summarized as follows; Tree shape is semi-open type and the leaf is lanceolate. The flowers are distinctly larger. The fruit type is medium size, long oblong and yellowish red. The flowering was June 21 with medium flowering. Branching by pruning its sprout was generated less than the check variety, Cheongmeong. The infection rates on leaves to Eriophys macrodonis Keifer was as strong as 7.7 percent. Anthracnose on fruits in open field was slightly severe compared to the check variety, but the infection rates in rain shelter greenhouses was similar. The content of betaine and free sugar in dried-fruits were higher than that of the check. The dried-fruit yield was decreased about 13 percent in open field, but increased 18 percent in rain shelter greenhouses. Conclusion : This variety ‘Whasu’ was suitable for cultivation in plastic film greenhouses because of self-compatibility and high-yielding. It is not necessary the companion variety.
Background : To diversify and increase the demend of Boxthorn, it is breeding for medicinal herbs, food and fresh fruit. Therefore Ningxia with the high sugar content and Black Fruit Containing a lot of functional ingredients have been used for cross breeding. As a result, many new lines were developed. Therefore It was carried out to use as a data for new varieties through the characterization of good lines. Methods and Results : 12 varieties and lines were investigated. Diploid boxthorn were Chengmyeong (Lycium chinense Mill.), Ningxia (Lycium barbarum L.) and Black Fruit (Lycium ruthenicum Murray). Tetraploid boxthorn is Whasu. Breeding Lines were CB13593-8, CB13595-4, CB13592-9, CB13596-1, CB13597-37, CB14643-43, CB14622-2 and CB14626-4. The fruit of lines crossed with Black Fruit (Lycium ruthenicum Murray) were round. The various lines were breeded with black fruit, good fruiting and good soil adaptability. Leaves were small and thin in Compared with tetraploid Boxthorn, Whasu. Sugar content was very high in CB14643-43, CB13595-4, CB13597-37 and CB13593-8. So it’s good for fresh fruit. Conclusion : CB14643-43, CB13595-4, CB13597-37 and CB13593-8 lines were good for fresh fruit because of high sugar content of the fruit. CB14622-2 and CB13596-1 lines were good for food because of fruit color, seed weight and number of seeds. But these are required function component analysis.
Background : Tetraploid plants are bigger in the size of fruits, leaves, stems, and roots than diploid plants due to bigger cells attributed to chromosome multiplication. The advantage of tetraploid plants includes breakdown of self-incompatibility and increase of disease resistance. This study was carried out to gain tetraploid resources for breeding of new boxthorn varieties having pest resistance, higher yield, and self-compatibility. Methods and Results : Tetraploid lines for this study were C0148-10 and C0412-1 from Cheongyang-jaerae (CJ), M0148-94 and M0148-120 from Myongan (MA), B0148-43 and B0148-78 from Bulro (BL), D0148-62 and D0148-72 from Cheongdae (CD), and Y0148-2 and Y0148-24 from Youngha (YH). Flower width ranged 13.2~17.4mm. Flower, pollen and anther were bigger than the mother plants. Pollen germination rate of the tetraploid lines ranging 36.1~58.8% was lower than mother plants (46.5~67.6%). Self-fertilization rate in 4 varieties, MA, BL, CD and YH was low as 1.3%, 4.0%, 1.4% and 4.7% respectively indicating that mother plants are self-incompatible. Self-fertilization rate in tetraploid lines was higher as 58.1~87.5% and B0148-43, M0148-120, and D0148-72 showed the highest self-fertilization rate over 80%. Conclusion : Tetraploid lines showed higer self-fertilization rate than mother plants that they were expected as valuable resources for new boxthorn variety having self-compatibility.
Background : Tetraploid plants are bigger in the size of fruits, leaves, stems, and roots than diploid plants due to bigger cells attributed to chromosome multiplication. The advantage of tetraploid plants includes breakdown of self-incompatibility and increase of disease resistance. This study was carried out to gain tetraploid resources for breeding of new boxthorn varieties having pest resistance, higher yield, and self-compatibility. Methods and Results : 10 Tetraploid lines by colchicine treatment were compared with diploid boxthorn varieties on growth and yield characteristics. Tetraploid lines induced from each varieties were C0148-10 and C0412-1 from Cheongyang-jaerae (CJ), M0148-94 and M0148-120 from Myongan (MA), B0148-43 and B0148-78 from Bulro (BL), D0148-62 and D0148-72 from Cheongdae (CD), and Y0148-2 and Y0148-24 from Youngha (YH). The ratio of stem diameter to stem length in tetraploid lines increased to 0.86 - 1.16 compared to 0.79 - 0.87 of the mother plants whereas number of branches decreased. The ratio of leaf length to width ranged from 2.0 to 3.3, lower than the mother plants. Leaf weight and chlorophyll content also increased compared to the mother plants. C0148-10, C0412-1, Y0148-2, and Y0148-24 showed 34~346% increase in dry fruit yield per 10a compared to mother plants. Conclusion : Above selected tetraploid lines had larger and heavier leaves and C0148-10, C0412-1, Y0148-2, and Y0148-24 were higher in fruit yield than mother plants that the selected tetraploid lines were expected as useful resources for new leaf vegetable and higher yield boxthorn varieties.
Background : Acreage of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse to prevent anthrax is being gradually increased according to growing importance of safe Boxthorn production. But When Boxthorn is grown in the hot season in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, quantity of Boxthorn decreases. therefore the research was carried out to investigate Fertilization mode. Methods and Results : Chungwoon was very strong self-incompatibility. Chengyangjaerae, Chengyang18 and CBP11542-206 was self-compatibility. Artificial fertilization rate was slightly higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Pollen sterility due to high temperature is not critical because artificial fertilization rate was high in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Airborne fertilization rate was significantly lower in all varieties. Open fertilization rate was higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse Conclusion : Roof and side vents was good in compared to side vents in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of Boxthorn because of high Airborne and open fertilization rate. Self-compatibility varieties were better than self-incompatibility varieties in rain- shelter plastic greenhouse because of high open fertilization rate.
Background : Fruit picking is the most labor consuming procedure for Boxthorn (Lycium chinense Mill.) growers. Recently fruit harvesters were invented and improved in the efficiency to fulfill the expectation of farmers through field demonstration tests. Additionally, T-type hedge cultivation method harmonized well with fruit picking machine, but it also needed to be improved in its’ pruning methods for the efficiency of fruit collecting procedure. Methods and Results : In this experiment, ‘Cheong-un’ cultivar and local variety were grown in the rain shelter greenhouses for the tests. Plots were set by randomized block design. There were two types of previously developed harvesters. One vibrates it’s harvest rod right and left (A type) and the other shakes it’s rod back and forth (B type). Among two harvesters A type was superior to B type in efficiency and convenience in use and it was able to harvest eleven times more fruits than manual picking in simple comparison test. In field comparison test, A type harvester performed 4.6 to 5 times more fruits than manual fruit picking. T-type hedge cultivation method is the proper way of enhancing efficiency of harvester. In the test, wiry perpendicular branches formed by once pruning method hindered moving forward of fruit collector. However installing collecting net with velcro along the edge under the field increased the efficiency and handiness of fruit harvester and well harmonized with T-type hedge cultivation. Conclusion : From the above results, the newly developed fruit harvester could increase the annual income of Boxthorn growers by reducing fruit picking labor and time.