
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The immunological sperm separation method is economical compared to the existing sorting method, and it is promising for the development of new technologies by reducing sperm damage. Wholemom (WM) is a sex-regulating protein that comprises on immunoglobulin G coupled with magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that responds to surface proteins derived from the Y chromosome in cattle. Y sperms are restricted in motility as the WM aggregates them, and the magnet could separate the non-aggregated cells. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of WM treatment on the characteristics of bull sperm. After treating sperm with WM and incubation for 6 h, the motility parameters including total motility, progressive motility, velocity average path, velocity straight line, amplitude of lateral head displacement, and linearity were significantly higher in the WM treatment group than in the control group (p < 0.05). Sperm viability and acrosome reaction rates were similar in both groups during each incubation period (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the immunological sperm sexing procedure using a monoclonal antibody conjugated with MNPs did not affect the characteristics of bull sperm. This study suggests that compared to other techniques, the immunological method for sperm sexing could classify sperm quickly and efficiently without the use of expensive equipment.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 티모시 건초와 농후 사료 위주의 사료를 급여한 한우 씨수소 정소상체 정자 체외수정 효율 조사를 통해 정자의 활용 가능성을 조사하였다. 농후 사료는 체중의 1.8%를 급여하고 양질의 티모시 건초를 자유채식 시킨 14개월령 거세우의 정소에서 분리된 정소상체 미부의 정자를 회수하고 동결 흉해 후 체외수정을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 웅성전핵과 자성전핵이 형성(2PN)된 난자는 정상수정으로, 1개의 전핵(1PN), Expanded Sperm Head (ESH), Polyspermy 형태는 비정상적인 수정의 형태로 평가하였다. 정상적으로 수정된 난자의 비율은 정소상체 정자의 경우 전체 침투율은 49.7% 그리고 정상적인 2PN을 가진 난자는 18.5%를 보였으며, 대조구 정자의 전체 침투율은 54.4%로서 정소상체 정자 보다 높은 결과를 보였으나 유의적인 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 정상적으로 2PN을 형성한 비율은 36.7%로서 정소상체 정자를 이용한 정자 보다 높았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 체외수정 후 발달률 조사에서 정소 상체 정자의 분할률은 81.2%, 대조구 정자는 82.7%로 유사한 결과를 보였으나, 배반포 발달률은 정소상체 정자 24.4%와 대조구 정자 12.2%로 정소상체 정자를 사용한 난자의 발달에서는 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05).
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Jeju Black Cattle (JBC) are a type of traditional Korean native cattle with a characteristic black fur that covers the entire body. Semen analysis is the most commonly used procedure to evaluate male fertility potential. This study was to evaluate the quality of 10 JBC bulls belonging to Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Promotion Institute. [JBC A∼J grade]. The freezing medium (20% egg yolk plus 20% triladyl) was added in semen sample to a final concentration of 100×106 sperm/ml. For sperm cooling, diluted semen was filled in 0.5 ml plastic straws and then kept in refrigerator at 4°C for 2 h. They were placed in 7 cm over liquid nitrogen (LN2) vapor for 10 min and then directly plunged into LN2 for storage. Thawing was done by transferring the frozen straws into water bath at 37°C for 30 sec for analysis. The sperm motility, vitality and morphology in each group was assessed using the Sperm Analysis Imaging System (SAIS Plus; Medical Supply Co, Ltd., Korea), eosin-nigrosin stain and diff-quik kit. There was no difference in the motility of the fresh groups (87.4 ~ 100%), while it was difference in the frozen-thawed groups (42.8 ~ 98.6%) (p<0.05). The best motility was shown in JBC-B (100/fresh and 98.6%/frozen-thawed). There was significant difference in the vitality of the fresh group (19.8 ~ 59.2%) and frozen-thawed group (21.2 ~ 49.8%)(p<0.05). The highest vitality was also shown in JBC-B (59.2/fresh and 49.8%/frozen-thawed). Morphologically, in fresh semen the highest normal ratio was indicated in JBC-E (90.9%) and in frozen-thawed group the highest was in JBC-C (90.2%). These results demonstrated that the analysis including motility, vitality and morphology of fresh or frozen-thawed semen is valuable to select the high quality sperm using for reproduction.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we examined number, motility and plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa from six regions of epididymis in bull. Six testicles with epididymides were castrated from six bulls (mean±standard error, age of days = 441.3±9.6, body weight (kg) = 367±8.4, scrotal circumference (cm) = 30.7±0.4) at Hanwoo Research Institute, NIAS and transported to laboratory within 1 hour. Testicular weight, length, width and circumference were recorded. Epididymis in each bull was randomly used for recovery of spermatozoa. Epididymis was divided into six regions: efferent duct (ED), caput, corpus, proximal cauda (Pcauda), distal cauda (Dcauda) and vas deferens (VD). In experiment 1, we examined sperm number of each region of epididymis. Each region of epididymis contained different number of spermatozoa: ED (37.8±15.7 × 106cells/ml, 8.2%), caput (93.6±18.8 × 106cells/ml, 20.2%), corpus (33.0±8.5 × 106cells/ml, 7.1%), Pcauda (104.2±23.5 × 106cells/ml, 22.5%), Dcauda (180.5±32.5 × 106cells/ml, 39.0%) and VD (14.0±5.0 × 106cells/ml, 3.0%). In experiment 2, sperm motility of each epididymal region was examined by computer assisted sperm analysis (SCA, MicroOptic) system. Sperm motility was divided into 4 groups (fast progressive, slow progressive, non-progressive and immotile) based on WHO guideline. Percentages of fast progressive of Pcauda and Dcauda (11.0±2.3 and 15.4±3.6%) were significantly higher than that of ED, Caput, Corpus and VD which is 0.1±0.1, 1.5±0.6, 1.9±0.7 and 0.3±0.2%, respectively (p<0.05). In experiment 3, percentage of intact plasma membrane spermatozoa of each regions were examined by hypoosmotic swelling test. Percentages of intact plasma spermatozoa were not significantly different among six regions of epididymis: ED, caput, corpus, Pcauda, Dcauda and VD which is 68.0±8.6, 74.0±5.3, 68.5±6.2, 70.8±5.5, 71.0±5.8 and 64.6±10.8%, respectively. In conclusion, in the present study, we found out distribution, motility and plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa from six regions of epididymis in Hanwoo bull. These results will be contributed to basic research about spermatozoa transportation and characters in epididymis of bull.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Antioxidants have been added to cryoprotectant or in vitro culture medium for sperm to reduce the detrimental damage, such as reactive oxygen species. However, curcumin, an antioxidant, shows dual effect on the viability and progressive motility of bovine sperm exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Low concentration of curcumin increases sperm viability and progressive motility, whereas high concentration of curcumin reduces them. This study was performed to identify whether TREK-1 channel is related to low sperm viability and motility induced by high concentration of curcumin. Curcumin reduced TREK-1 channel activity in a dose-dependent manner. TREK-1 channel was expressed in sperm obtained from Korean native bull. Treatment with TREK-1 channel blockers, such as curcumin, fluoxetine, GdCl3, and spadin, significantly reduced sperm viability and motility (p < 0.05). However, TREK-1 channel activators showed different effect; linoleic acid showed an increase in sperm viability and motility, and wogonin did not affect them. These results show that TREK-1 channel is involved in the regulation of sperm viability and motility. In particular, high concentration of curcumin might reduce sperm viability and progressive motility of Korean native bull through blockage of TREK-1 channel.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The study aims to assess viability, acrosomal menbrane, integrity and mitochondria membrane potential of sperm separated using a percoll density gradient(45% and 90%) and swim-up methods using Hanwoo epididymal sperm frozen semen. Briefy, motile sperm separated using a percoll gradient and swim-up. 25 μl of sperm dilution from droplets were transferred to 1.5 mL tube and incubated with fluorescent probes at 39°C in dark as follows. After incubation, 75 μl of 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'- -JC-1; Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Detection kit, Cell Technology Inc., USA) working solution was mixed with sperm dilution and incubated for 30 min. One μl of Hoechst 33342 (H1339; Molecular Probe, Eugene, OR, USA) stock solution was mixed with sperm dilution and incubated for 10 min. And then, 0.5 μl of propidium iodide (PI) stock solution and 0.5 μl of fluorescein peanut agglutinin FITC conjugate (FITC-PNA; Vector Laboratories, FL-1071) were mixed with sperm dilution and incubated for 8 min. After mixing with fluorescent probes and sperm dilution, 5 μl of stained sperm dilution was mounted on a slide glass and covered with cover glass. More than 200 sperms in a slide glass were counted with × 400 magnification by fluorescent microscope (Eclipse Ci_L, Nikon, JAPAN) and evaluated viability, acrosomal membrane integrity, and mitochondrial membrane potential of sperm with triple band filter (DAPI/FITC/TRITC; Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). Live sperm were stained with Hoechst 33342(blue) and dead sperm were stained with PI (red). Damaged acrosomal membrane of sperm was stained with FITC-PNA (green) and intact acrosomal membrane of sperm was not stained. Both of sperm swim-up method with or without BSA separated to Live intact mitochondria (15.39±4.31 vs, 12.58±3.74, and) without significant difference. and percoll density gradient method also similar (7.29±6.54), swim-up method of sperm preparation appeared to be more efficacious in percentage recovery of motile sperm concentration compared to Density gradient method.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sperm recovery from epididymis in animals considered as important tools to preserve high-value or endangered species. However, there are no appropriate castrating indicators of timing for recovery of sperm which can be available to artificial reproduction technologies such as artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), particularly in young Hanwoo bull. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate semen volume, morphology and motility of sperm in epididymis of young Hanwoo bulls at 8, 13, 14, and 15 months of age. About 2 cm of the epididymal tail only was cut and minced using blades. Minced epididymal tail tissues were mixed with semen extender (OptixCell, France, IMV technologies) and sperm were recovered with a cell strainer (100 μm nylon mesh). The number of sperm at 8 months of age was lower than that at 13, 14, 15 months of age in bulls after collection (33.6±27.2 vs. 352.4±39.2, 320.4±113.6 and 422.8±252.4×107cells respectively; P<0.05). After the frozen-thawed sperm the the percentage of abnormal head, tail and dead damaged acrosome did not differ between the ages 13, 14 and 15 months of age in bulls (P>0.05), however, the dead sperm with intact acrosome (DIA), the numbers showed that more than 15 months in 8, 13, 14 months (8.7±4.1 vs. 47.3±12.2, 34.8±14.0, 28.8±8.5, P<0.05). In addition, frozen-thawed sperm at 8 months of age showed low total motile sperm compared to those at 13, 14 and 15 months of age (26.4±8.2 vs. 45.7±29.5, 62.3±41.0, 70.4±15.9%, respectively; P<0.05). In conclusion, sperm derived from epididymal tail at 8 months of age in Hanwoo bulls showed high abnormal morphology and poor motility, which is not adequate for artificial insemination(AI) and in vitro fertilization(IVF). On the other hand, sperm derived from epididymal tail at 13, 14, 15 months of age in bull showed high normal morphology and motility, which may be available for AI and IVF. Epididymal sperm collected from bulls over 13 months is needed for further study whether to use the actual in vitro fertilization.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recovery of epididymal sperm in animals is considered as one of the important tools to preserve high value or endangered species. However, there are no appropriate castrating indicators such as months of age in bull, sperm morphology, and motility, particularly in young Korean native bull (Hanwoo). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate sperm number, morphology, and motility of sperm in the epididymis tail of young Hanwoo bulls at 8 and 15 months of age. After castration, epididymal tails were collected and minced with blades to recover sperm. In experiments 1 and 2, sperm number, morphology, and motility were examined. Total number of sperm and percentage of normal sperm from bulls at 8 months of age was lower than that of bulls at 15 months of age after collection (P<0.05). Percentage of abnormal head, tail, proximal cytoplasmic droplet, dead and damaged acrosome of sperm from bulls at 8 months of age were higher than those of bulls at 15 months of age (P<0.05). In experiment 3, sperm motility from bulls at 8 and 15 months of age were examined before freezing and after thawing. Frozen-thawed sperm at 8 months of age showed low total motility and motile sperm with ≥ 25 μm/sec compared to those at 15 months of age and commercially-used sperm (P<0.05). In conclusion, sperm derived from the epididymal tail of bulls at 8 months of age showed high abnormal morphology and poor motility, which are not adequate for AI and IVF. On the other hand, sperm derived from the epididymal tail of bulls at 15 months of age showed high normal morphology and motility.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to develop of semen transport system for cryopreservation and fertility in bull sperm. The ejaculated semen were diluted with Triladyl containing 20% egg-yolk for transportation. Diluted semen was transported by three methods that there were wrapping tissue (Tissue), sinking under 30℃ water (Water) and sinking between warm water and air (Air) methods. Semen was transported within 2 hours in 0.3℃. For this study, the freezing of diluted semen were added with Triladyl containing 20% egg-yolk. And frozen-thawed sperm were estimated with SYBR14/PI double stain for viability, FITC-PNA/PI double stain for acrosome reaction analysis and Rhodamine123 double stain for mitochondrial intact assessment. In results, live sperm (SYBR+/PI-) in Air treatment group (43.3±4.7%) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than other treatment groups (Tissue: 16.3±2.7% and Water: 27.5± 3.1%), dying sperm (SYBR+/PI+) in Air treatment group (55.6±4.7%) was significantly lower than other treatment groups (Tissue: 77.6±3.2% and Water: 67.6±3.3%) (p<0.05). Acrosome reaction in Air treatment group (0.2±0.1%) within live sperm (PI negative region) was significantly (p<0.05) lower than other treatment groups (Tissue: 0.7±0.2% and Water: 0.5±0.1%), the acrosome reaction in Air treatment group (28.6±2.8%) within all sperm also was significantly lower than other treatment groups (Tissue: 44.2±1.8% and Water: 36.2±2.0%) (p<0.05). And mitochondrial intact in Air treatment group within live (97.1±0.4%) and all (61.9±3.3%) sperm were significantly higher than other treatment groups (Tissue: 85.2±3.3%, Water: 87.8±2.9% within live sperm and Tissue: 49.28±3.7%, Water: 42.0±3.1% within all sperm) (p<0.05). Therefore, we suggest that transportation by sinking method between warm water and air was beneficial to improvement of fertility in frozen-thawed in bull semen.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to determine whether low-density lipoporoteins (LDL) extracted from egg yolk in extender improve the function of Korean Jeju Black Bull semen. The semen was cryopreserved with 5% ethylene glycol (EG) or 7% glycerol (G) extenders containing 10% egg yolk (EY), 4% LDL and 5% EY or 8% LDL. Frozen-thawed sperm were evaluated sperm motility, viability, membrane integrity and acrosome integrity. Post-thawed sperm motility has been significantly higher (p<0.05) in 4% LDL + 5% EY (; EG and ; 7% G) than 8% LDL (; EG and ;G). Treatment of 4% LDL + 5% EY-EG () has been significantly improved sperm viability compared to other treatments except 10% EY - EG. Moreover, in membrane integrity, swollen sperm ratio has been only significantly increased (p<0.05) in 4% LDL + 5% EY - EG () among all treatments. In assess to detect acrosome integrity, especially, AR pattern ratio has been significantly decreased (p<0.05) in 4% LDL + 5% EY - EG among all treatments. In sperm viability as time passes, between 4% LDL + 5% EY and 10% EY, there was no significant difference, but 8% LDL was significantly decreased sperm viability in EG (1 and 2 hrs) and G (30 min, 1, 2, 5 and 12 hrs) extender. However, there were no significant differences among all treatments except 8% LDL-G in sperm membrane integrity. 8% LDL-G has been significantly decreased swollen sperm ratio at 5 hrs after thawed. It is concluded from these results that 4% LDL + 5% EY to the freezing extender showed more positive effect on the frozen-thawed spermatozoa in Korean Jeju Black bull.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During mammalian fertilization, germ cell-specific hyaluronidases, such as sperm adhesion molecule 1 (SPAM1) and hyaluronoglucosaminidase 5 (Hyal5), are important for the dispersal of the cumulus mass. In this study, we demonstrated that bull Hyal5 is a single copy gene on chromosome 4 that is expressed specifically in the testis. In addition, we expressed recombinant bull SPAM1 and Hyal5 in human embryonic kidney 293T cells and showed that these enzymes possessed hyaluronidase activity. We also demonstrated that a polyclonal antibody against bull sperm hyaluronidase inhibits sperm-egg interactions in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) assay. Our results suggested that bull Hyal5 may have a critical role in bull fertilization.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to establish most suitable freezing condition, to evaluate the different glycerol concentration of freezing and thawing rates on motility, viability, membrane integrity and acrosome intecrity of frozen Korean Jeju Black Bull spermatozoa, Semen was collected from a Korean Jeju Black Bull using an artificial vagina and transported to the laboratory. The semen was extended gradually 1:5 then cooled slowly for 2 hrs to 4. The semen was diluted 1:1 with cryoprotectant extenders (3%, 5% and 7% glycerol) and equilibrated for 2 hrs at cold chamber and packed to 0.5 ml straws. The semen straws were located above 3 cm of liquid nitrogen for 5 minutes, above 5 cm for 10 min and above 8 cm for 10 min. And then the frozen straw was plunged into LN. The presented straws were examined the viability and motility after thawed at 37 water bath. The viability and membrane integrity immediately post-thawing were significantly higher in samples frozen in 7% glycerol than 3% and 5% glycerol (p<0.05). After CTC staining to assess acrosome integrity, F pattern was significantly increased, but B pattern was significantly decreased in 7% glycerol (p<0.05). Freezing distance of 5 cm from liquid nitrogen and pre-cooling for 10 min yield better survival and membrane integrity, but not significant difference. However, AR pattern according to CTC staining was significantly decreased in 3 cm for 5 min.
        2001.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 숫소 개체별, 정자의 형태, 정자의 전처리 및 난자의 투명대부착과 미부착별로 현미조작에 의해 난자의 세포질내 단일정자를 주입했을 때 웅성전핵 형성율과 체외발생율을 조사하였다. 1. 숫소 개체별 정자를 이용하여 ICSI를 하였을 때 웅성전핵 형성율은 각각 73.9∼87.0%였고 체외발생율은 33.3∼60.9%를 나타냈다. 2. 신선 및 동결정자와 미부절단 정자와 두부, 미부손상 정자를 이용하여 ICSI를 하였을 때 웅성전핵 형성율은 각각 82.