The Syrian crisis has been persisting for more than eleven years, but shows no signs of resolution or end yet. Various reports from the United Nations and other reputable organizations have extensively documented a multitude of atrocities perpetrated by all factions involved in the conflict. This article examines the Syrian crisis from a perspective of international law. The author analyses the legal justifications put forward by the parties involved in the conflict, including humanitarian intervention, the responsibility to protect, etc. This research paper employs an analytical and descriptive research methodology. The finding concludes that the Syrian Civil War is not likely to be over for the foreseeable future in spite of many efforts under international law. The author also finds that there have been numerous violations of international law by both sides in the conflict related to human rights and humanitarian protection.
글로벌 시대 동북아시아에서는 19세기 촉발된 영토분쟁(territorial dispute)의 미해결로 정치적 및 외교적으로 분쟁이 끊이지 않고 있다. 대 다수 영토분쟁에 대한 연구는 역사적 맥락과 정치경제적, 국제법적 해결방안 을 중심으로 연구되었다. 하지만 이런 연구는 영토분쟁의 근원적인 차원에서 영토분쟁을 이해하고 해결하는데 한계가 있다. 이런 측면에서 미해결 영토분 쟁에 대한 힘의 논리에 근거한 정치군사적 대결 분석도 중요하겠지만 정 치문학적 관점을 중심으로 분석해보는 것은 영토문제를 둘러싼 갈등의 원인을 이해하고 집단적 심리를 이해하는 측면에서 도움이 될 것이다. 특히 일본의 강제병합에 의한 주권상실과 분단을 경험하고, 오늘날까지 한일관계 정상화에 걸림돌이 되고 있는 독도를 둘러싼 영토문제와 역사 문제에 대해 내재된 한국인의 집단적 심리와 갈등을 분석하기 위해서 당 대의 문화와 언어가 반영되어 있는 근현대사를 다룬 문학작품을 고찰하 였다. 한반도와 만주지역을 중심으로 식민주의와 영토팽창과 분단으로 인해 이념·경제·문화·민족주의적 대립이 반복되면서 교차된 가해와 피해 의 기억은 분쟁이 지속되는 주요 요인이 되기 때문이다.
『12월 12일』은 이상의 첫 번째 소설로 조선총독부에서 발행한 월간지 『조선』 1930년 2월호부터 12월호까 지 9회에 걸쳐 연재된 장편 소설이다. 『2월 12일』은 적빈으로 처자식, 노모를 잃은 ‘X’가 일본에서 자본주 의의 본질과 모순을 경험하고 고국에 돌아오지만 형제간의 갈등 속에 거의 모든 것을 잃고 자살한다는 내용의 소설이다. X는 향락과 낭비를 통해 자본주의의 소비 문제를 깨닫고 육체를 손상하면서까지 물질문 명의 폭력성을 몸소 체험하는 등 자본주의의 원리를 체득하고 돌아온다. 하지만 동생 T는 돈이 자본이 되어 돈을 버는 자본주의 경제 구조를 이해하지 못한 채 형의 제안을 거부하고 대립한다. X와 T, X와 T의 아들 업의 갈등 끝에 이들은 파국적 결말을 맞이한다. 본 연구는 이상의『12월 12일』의 후반부 주요 서사인 형제간 갈등의 원인을 분석하였다. X와 T 형제간의 갈등과 X와 조카 업 사이의 숙질 간의 갈등의 주된 원인은 돈을 중심으로 한 경제문제와 유교적 가부장제에서 벗어나려는 근대적 주체의 형성 문제에서 비롯되었음을 확인할 수 있었다.
DMZ가 생성된 이래 북한의 도발 및 남북무력충돌이 발생해 남북간 군사적 긴장이 가장 높았던 시기가 바로 1960∼70년대였다. 정전협정 체결 후 1960∼70년대 북한 무력도발은 ①남조선혁명의 일환으로 획책, ②체제결속의 강화 차원에서 지속, ③남북분단 고통의 심화·확대의 초래 등의 특징을 갖고 있다. 북한의 대남전략 및 무력도발이 주는 시사점은 ①북한의 위장평화공세에 대한 철저한 대비, ②북한의 어떤 무력적화도 발에 대해서도 유연하게 대응할 수 있는 안보능력 강화, ③통일지상주의 및 근거 없는 낙관론의 지양, ④북한의 변화를 위한 점진적·단계론적 접근의 추진 등으로 요약해 볼 수 있다. 우리의 국방은 항상 최악의 상황 까지도 대비할 수 있어야 한다. 우리는 언제라도 북한의 무력도발을 억제하고 유사시 안정적으로 대처할 수 있는 자조적·공조적 국방안보능력 강화에 최선의 노력을 다해야 할 것이다.
This study was conducted to analyze changes in the policy environment in the Jeju area in terms of conflict management by local governments and to derive the need to introduce policies for conflict management. According to this study, the policy environment in the Jeju area has been constantly changing to make it easier for conflicts to occur: First, the Jeju community has been suffering from public conflict since the past due to a number of large-scale development projects. Second, the increase in population has led to the diversification of stakeholders in society, which has resulted in complicated conflict situations. Third, conflict management keywords have begun to appear directly in election announcements, which means that many local residents perceive conflict itself as an important policy agenda. In order to actively address this situation, we need to utilize the concept of ‘Social capital’. Social capital is a concept that can effectively connect various individuals or groups in the region, effectively a connecting local governments and residents and ultimately helping develop the region.
The affiliated islands of the Jeju area include, Udo, Biyangdo, Gapado, Marado, Chujado, and 55 uninhabited islands. In the case of the inhabited islands, affiliated with Jeju Province, a look at the distribution chart of industries among the villages, one will see types of villages which combine agriculture and fishing. Residents are engaged in agriculture and fishing, and live their lives based on the semi-formal village codes 향약1 Conflicts in the village are being resolved based on these village codes. The recent rapid influx of population has led to the collapse of the traditional village community and conflicts among villagers. The qualifications and rules of the village’s residents are strengthened through the use of each village’s code. This means that the entry barrier for qualifications and rules has increased. It can also lead to conflicts between migrants and villagers. The village has a culture to project. However, regulations and rules with high entry barriers can never be the answer. For the resolution of villages conflicts, village intermediate organizations such as the Women’s Association, Youth Association, Senior Citizens’Association, and heads of the neighborhoods are playing an important role in resolving conflict.
본 연구의 목적은 국가지질공원 추진 과정에서 지역주민, 지질 전문가 및 지방자치단체 공무원 사이에서 나타나는 갈등 프레임의 양상을 규명하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 각각 부안과 고창에서 실시된 국가지질공원 추진 관련 주민 공청회의 진행 과정을 참여자들의 사전 동의를 얻어 녹음한 후 텍스트 형태로 전사하였다. 이후 문헌연구를 통해 갈등 프레임을 분석하기 위한 기준 프레임을 개발하였으며, 이를 토대로 3명의 연구자에 의해 갈등 프레임을 분석하였다. 이렇게 분석된 갈등 프레임은 다시 언어네트워크 분석을 활용하여 지역별로 갈등 프레임 간의 구조적 특성을 분석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저, 부안 지역에서는 ‘Sagree’ 프레임, ‘Snot’ 프레임, ‘Sdisagree’ 프레임이 높은 위세중심성을 보였고, 언어네트워크의 중심에 위치한 ‘Snot’ 프레임에 Cmexample 프레임, Gharm 프레임, Cmeconomy 프레임 등이 긴밀하게 연결되었다. 반면 고창에서는 ‘Aresource’ 프레임, ‘Cmexample’ 프레임, ‘Gharm’ 프레임이 높은 위세중심성을 보였고, 언어네트워크의 중심에 위치한 ‘Aresource’ 프레임에 ‘Cmexample’ 프레임, ‘Gharm’ 프레임, ‘Cmproblemsolution’ 프레임 등이 긴밀하게 연결되었다. 이를 통해 부안 지역에서는 아직 이해당사자 사이의 갈등이 진행되고 있고, 고창 지역에서는 자신들의 자원을 자랑스럽게 인식하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 부안의 이해당사자들은 갈등 해소에 있어서 경제적 이득에 초점을 둔 반면, 고창의 이해당사자들은 문제 해결에 초점을 두었다. 본 연구의 결과는 국가지질공원 추진에서 나타날 수 있는 갈등 관계를 해소하기 위한 중요한 정보를 제공했다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
The management of the New Service Development (NSD) process remains a key research priority for service organizations. As a diverse mix of team members with different skills, perspectives and backgrounds participate in development teams and close collaboration is required among them, conflicts are likely to arise among team members. Different team members perceive conflict episodes in a different way and often embrace different conflict management behaviours and orientations (e.g. competing, avoiding) to deal with them. This study recognises NSD team as a complex system, through which individual members’ conflict management style choices enable team developmental dynamics, which sequentially lead to intragroup conflict resolution. Although a lot of work exists around the role of individual members’ conflict management styles, little research scrutiny is attracted on how teams solve intragroup conflicts and even limited empirical evidence is available regarding the linkages between individual and team factors can contribute to resolve intragroup conflicts. The present study taking under consideration the causal complexity, asymmetry and idiosyncratic nature of NSD conflict resolution, utilizes Complexity theory and leverages the advantages of fs/QCA in order to shed light on the NSD intragroup conflict resolution. Data was collected from employees in several service industries such as advertising, financial, insurance, consulting, IT services and telecommunications providers. The results confirm the major tenets of Complexity theory highlighting that any attempt to examine complex phenomena, such as NSD conflict resolution, as simple ones, based on symmetrical methodological approaches, may lead to simplistic and distorted explanations. In fact, the results demonstrate that there is not a ‘one fits all’ solution in order to solve NSD conflicts. Different facets for both the conflict-management styles and team dynamics act in various combinations in order to predict high scores in NSD conflict resolution.
이 글의 목적은 1953~1954년 일본의 독도 침범행위와 그에 대한 한국의 대응에 관한 사 건별 사실관계를 보다 명확히 정리하고자 하는 것이다. 이와 더불어 그 시기 일본의 독도 도발 동향과 한국의 독도 이용 관리 현황을 파악해보고자 한다. 지금까지 밝혀진 한일 양국의 자료 에 따르면 사건별 사실관계가 서로 다른 경우도 있다. 그래서 한일 양측의 1, 2차 자료를 비교 검토함으로써 사건의 실체적 진실에 좀 더 가까이 접근해보고자 한다. 일본 측의 독도 침범행위는 1953년 5월 독도가 폭격연습지에서 해제가 공시된 후 본격화 되었다. 그후 1953~1954년간에 있었던 일본의 독도 침범행위는 26~37건에 이른다. 이 글에서는 일본의 독도 침범행위 중 1953년에 있은 17건, 1954년에 있은 9건에 대해 살펴보았 다. 이 기간 일본의 침범행위는 고등학교 실습선에 의한 1건을 제외하고 거의 모든 침범행위 가 일본 순시선이나 관공선에 의해 이루어졌다. 한편 독도를 영유하고 있던 한국 측에서는 정 부와 민간의 협력을 통해 일본의 독도 침범행위를 차단하였다.
Purpose –This paper is to study the process of the negative effects of Sino-foreign joint ventures, hoping to find out an effective path in which local enterprises can avoid the risks in the utilization of foreign capital, and ultimately achieve independent innovation.
Research design, data, and methodology –The outflow of assets, the loss of local brands and the "technology hollowing-out" problem brought by joint ventures is becoming more and more serious. Based on conflict analysis graph model, this paper takes Yuhuan joint venture as an example to identify the conflict problem in Sino-foreign joint ventures.
Results –The results of the stability analysis show that establishing joint venture cannot really realize the introduction of technology because the technology is fully controlled by the foreign part. So when introducing foreign capital, local enterprises should participate in R&D and master the initiative.
Conclusions – Local enterprises should pay attention to patent containment and technology blockade of multinationals. Domestic enterprises should try to protect state-owned assets and local brands in Sino-foreign joint ventures. Independent innovation is the most effective strategy for the development of enterprises in China.
In this study, we try to quantify resident's conflict by rural development project based on previous researches about community capacities required for residents and social networks in rural village for suggesting efficient project model. we analyzed conflict elements in six category such as 'conflict in residents', 'conflict in residents and leaders', 'conflict in leaders', 'conflict in villages', 'conflict in development fund', 'conflict in village by common income project'. These results also analyzed by personal background(age, role, education, income) of respondent in questionary survey. Results show that 'conflict in residents and leaders', 'conflict in leaders', 'conflict in development fund' are perceived differently by age, role, education, and income in 5% significance level. Especially, relatively young age(below 40 years old) expressed clearly about conflict and high scored in item of 'residents and leaders'. Regression model show statistical significance(F=39.807, P=0.000) in influence relation analysis of conflict, network, leadership, and project fund. In this model, network β=-0.237, leadership β=-0.375, project fund β=-0.000 show network and leadership have negative relation to conflict but project fund is difficult to find relation with conflict. In this study, we defined social vulnerability using conflict, network, and leadership and verified the vulnerability of rural village applying regional community capacity in analysis results; vulnerability increased by the size of region and show inverse correlation to future vision of residents.
Ecotourism has the potential to boost the energy of a village as it pays keen attention to the ecosystem and the residents of the village. It is empowered by participation of and cooperation among stakeholders who are closely involved in ecotourism. However, many of them express difficulty in striking a right balance between development and conservation with regard to promoting ecotourism. Against this backdrop, this research paper investigates the structure of conflict that the stakeholders, especially those in Stork Village in Yesan County, South Chungcheong Province of Korea, experience during the process of establishment of government-led ecotourism. In addition, this study examines the problems of government-led ecotourism model and how they can be addressed. To analyze conflict structure, this paper used Q methods and found out that the budget-related stakeholders are largely divided into four groups as who; a) complain about how business profits are distributed; b) secure profits by expanding programs; c) consider human settlement, and; d) broaden people's participation. The biggest contributor to the conflicts is found that compensation was given discriminately to different jurisdictions. The second finding is that residents became less cooperative when the financial compensation did not live up to their expectation. For instance, they would demand the tourism facility physically expanded, repeatedly complain about the process of the work, and even accuse the government of degrading ecosystem. In other words, unless the compromise is reached with the residents regarding financial compensation, it could be difficult to encourage their participation and develop as a program-oriented tour. Lastly, the tour program needs to induce voluntary participation of the residents and deliver proper information on ecosystem and natural resources so as to last as sustainable ecotourism. The success of ecotourism will be subject to the cooperation of stakeholders in a region, conservation of our fragile ecosystem, and realization of sustainable growth through sharing economic benefits. This study looks into the cause of the conflicts of ecotourism sites and their structure. If this paper can bring about cooperation of stakeholders, the management and operation of ecotourism sites would be more sustainable.
Effective tools which can alleviate the complexity and computational load problem in collision-free motion planning for multi-agent system have steadily been demanded in robotics field. To reduce the complexity, the extended collision map (ECM) which adopts decoupled approach and prioritization is already proposed. In ECM, the collision regions which represent the potential collision of robots are calculated using the computational power; the complexity problem is not resolved completely. In this paper, we propose a mathematical analysis of the extended collision map; as a result, we formulate the collision region as an equation with 5–8 variables. For mathematical analysis, we introduce realistic assumptions as follows; the paths of robots can be approximated to a straight line or an arc and the robots move with uniform velocity or constant acceleration near the intersection between paths. Our result reduces the computational complexity in comparison with the previous result without losing optimality, because we use simple but exact equations of the collision regions. This result can be widely applicable to coordinated multi-agent motion planning.