
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Analyzing and diagnosing the causes of abnormal conditions through control logic processes at the plant site is critically important. When a process is halted, the steps for cause analysis and corrective action vary depending on the operator's experience and the specific characteristics of the process. Since it's often not feasible to keep the process stopped for an extended period, issues are sometimes resolved by forcibly restarting the PLC(Programmable Logic Controller). However, this can lead to the recurrence of the same error, which may negatively impact process operations. In particular, oil sands development is an uncharted area with anticipated environmental challenges. In this regard, an integrated system between control systems in the oil sands production plant was established to implement control logic, develop the HMI(Human-Machine Interface), and verify the user interface. This allowed for a better understanding of the equipment's operability.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the safety aspects were studied by comparing the charge control characteristics of the two vehicles when a failure occurs between the OBC including the charging port or the charging door module (CDM) during slow charging using the In Cable Control Box (ICCB) for a long time.When the AC terminal was momentarily disconnected during charging, the Model-3 vehicle was charged normally if the AC circuit was disconnected up to three times, and the charging control was stopped when the number of disconnects reached four times. However, in the Ioniq-5 vehicle, charging control was normally performed when the disconnected AC circuit was normally connected regardless of the number of disconnection.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, conventional CVT equipped vehicle controls engine torque and gear ratio by using engine torque map and shifting map. But this control process is difficult to optimize the fuel economy when the driving mode is changed arbitrary. In this study, I propose the real-time CVT control with considering the power loss of transmission system to improve vehicle fuel economy and drivability. The driving performance and fuel economy of the proposed control logic is analyzed by backward simulation and the validity of new control logic is verified.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        태양광 패널로부터 출력을 최대로 얻기 위해서는 신뢰성이 높은 태양광 추적 장치가 설계되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 LabVIEW 프로그램을 이용하여 퍼지 제어를 기반으로 구현한 2축 태양광 추적 장치 시스템을 제작하여 그 성능에 대해서 알아보았다. 태양광 패널의 움직임을 제어하기 위한 구현된 퍼지 의사결정 시스템의 사용자 인터페이스를 통하여 모든 파라미터를 제어하고 확인할 수 있는 지능제어기와 기계적인 구동부분의 설계가 연구의 중심이 되고 있다. 실제 태양광 추적시스템을 개발하여 환경, 날씨, 계절 및 빛 상태와 같은 영향에 대해서 분석하였다. 태양광 추적장치는 실제 상황에서 시험하였고 시스템 동작과 관련된 모든 변수들은 기록되고 분석되었다. 제안한 태양광 추적시스템을 활용할 경우 고정식 패널에 비해 날씨에 따라 다르지만 최대 약 38% 정도의 더 높은 효율을 얻을 수 있어 자동으로 추적할 때 매우 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop a system and an control algorithm for control the environment of a plant factory. The greenhouse control system for environmental control was largely composed of a computer and a PLC. The screen of control program was composed of a greenhouse figure which was included machinery and equipments for greenhouse, the graph of environmental factors of inside greenhouse and the image of greenhouse. In order to reduce temperature change, the operation time of ventilation window was changed by 3 stage according to difference between a target and present temperature. When is heating, a temperature variation was shown to be 16.7±0.8℃. When is cooling, a temperature variation was shown to be 23.1±0.6℃. When is humidifing, a humidity variation was shown to be 39.3±1.6℃ %RH. An environmental control system and a control algorithm were proved that it was shown a good performance in a control accuracy. So a computer control system should be adapted to a control system of a greenhouse and a plant factory.
        2000.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중층트롤어구의 수심 제어는 시스템의 복잡성과 비선형성 등으로 인하여 아직까지 자동화되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 회류수조에서 작동되는 모형 트롤어구의 예망시스템을 제작하였으며, 이 시스템의 수심을 자동으로 제어하기 위해서 퍼지논리를 이용한 제어시스템을 구성하여 성능을 실험하였다. 제어시스템의 수심제어 규칙은 숙련된 항해사나 선장이 실제 조업에서 어구의 수심을 제어하기 위해 사용하는 지식을 제어규칙화 한 것과 모형실험에 적합하도록 수정한 규칙 두 가지를 사용하였다. 제어계의 성능은 예망속도를 일정히 유지하면서 목표수심을 스텝상으로 변경시켰을 때의 추종성능 실험과 목표수심을 일정히 유지하면서 예망속도를 변경시켰을 때의 보상성능을 실험을 통하여 분석하였다. 1. 본 연구에서 제안된 두 가지 제어기는 모두 일정한 유속(0.35m/s)에서 스텝상의 목표수심 변경에대해서 빠른 추종성능을 나타내었다. 특히 수정된 제어규칙에서는 모형 어구의 수십을 보다 안정되게 제어하였다. 2. 예망속도(유속)를 변화시켜 어구저항을 증감시킨 실험에서도 두 제어기는 비교적 양호한 보상 성능을 나타내었는데, 실제 조업에서 사용하는 규칙은 작은 외란에도 빨리 반응하였으며, 수정된 제어규칙은 수심편차가 어느 정도 커져야 제어동작을 하였다. 3. 본 연구에서 제작된 모형트롤시스템은 실물트롤 시스템의 운동 특성과 거의 일치하였고, 또한 설계된 제어기는 양호한 제어성능을 나타내어 모형실험을 통한 시스템의 해석과 실물 트롤시스템에 적용가능성이 높은 제어계의 설계가 가능하였다
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 원예시설의 증가와 더불어 양액재배농가도 증가추세에 있어 저렴한 국산 양액재배 자동화기기가 농가에 필요한 실정이다. 이에 따른 양액재배의 EC와 pH를 자동조절하기 위하여 마이크로컴퓨터의 일종인 PLC(programmable logic controller)를 이용한 장치를 개발하고 재배실험을 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. Ladder diagram언어를 사용하여 양액재배의 자동화 프로그램을 작성하였다. 2. PLC를 이용하여 양액의 EC, pH수준을 1.70-l.72mS/cm, 6.1-6.5로 전 생육기간 동안 유지시킬 수 있었다. 3. 대조구에 비하여 처리구가 상품과(당도 5.0 oBrix, 산도 0.4% 이상) 및 수량성이 높은 결과를 얻었다. 4. 식물체의 무기성분 함량은 처리구가 대조구에 비해 전체적으로 높았다.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes the model of a simplified trawl system and a control method by using fuzzy algorithm in controlling the depth of trawl gear. Fuzzy logic control rules are sets of linguistic expression that are used by an experienced performer in real operation. For real time processing of the control rules, the look-up tables are used. Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed fuzzy controller shows fast response with minimum steady-state error and robustness properties to the simulated disturbance.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 유량제어 조직밸브의 기초특성을 집중정수계 모델을 사용하여, 해석하고, 이것을 실험적으로 확인하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 로직밸브의 주밸브 유량은, 그것보다 매우 소유량인 파일럿 유량에 의하여 제어할 수 있다. 2. 주밸브(파핏밸브)~파일럿실간의 개구면적이 주밸브 변위에 비례하도록 밸브를 설계함으로써 주밸브변위(혹은 면적)와 부하유량사이에 양호한 직선성이 얻어진다. 3. 유량제어 로직밸브에서 주밸브 유량의 제어범위의 상한은 기름홈의 개구면적의 최대치에 의하여 결정한다.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A cartridge type hydraulic logic valve consists of simple two port valve whose poppet is closed or opened by means of pressure signal of a pilot line. Accordingly, the logic valve can be used not only for direction, flow and pressure control purpose but also for versatile function valve which enables all above mentioned functions. In addition, the valve has little internal leakage and pressure loss, superior response characteristics and easiness in making small block type valve. The above mentioned good performances being recognized recently, the logic valve has been used widely in the large scale hydraulic system such as a hydraulic press system, for the performance requirements of high speed operation and precise control characteristics. However, there are scarce reports until now, except for a few ones from Aachen Institute of Technology in West Germany, so it is necessary to be studied on development and investigation for practical application. This paper showed that the static and dynamic characteristics of a logic valve when the logic valve is used for directional control, to investigate the relations between the valve operating characteristics and the valve design conditions. From the above mentioned procedure, it was ascertained that the valve operation characteristics obtained by numerical analysis showed good agreements with experimental results. The representative results obtained are as follows; 1. During the valve is closing, the poppet velocity is almost constant in the logic valve. 2. The pilot pressure P sub(3) and the resistance R in the pilot line have much influences on the valve operation time. 3. Spring strength have not such a severe influence on the valve operating time. 4. The operation characteristics of the logic valve can be estimated with good accuracy comparatively by numerical analysis with the equations describing poppet motion.
        1994.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A practical application of a fuzzy control system is described for an air-conditioning system. Air-hadling units are being widely used for improving the performance of central air-conditioning systems. The fuzzy control system has two controlled variables, temperature and humidity, and three control elements, cooling, heating, and humidification. In order to achieve high efficiency and economical control, especially in large offices and industrial buildings, two controllable parameters, temperature and humidity, must be adequately controlled by the three final controlling elements. In this paper a fuzzy control system was described for controlling air-conditioning systems efficiently and economically.
        1981.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Many studies have been done in the field of fuzzy logic theory, but it's application is not so much, and particularly, there isn't any application to the ship's steering system, until now. This paper is to survey the effect of application of fuzzy logic control to the ship's steering system. The controller is made up of a set of Linguistic Control Rules which are conditional linguistic statements connecting the inputs and the output, and take the inputs derived from the errors, that is, deviation angle and it's angular velocity. These two variables together give information about the state of the steering system, and the Linguistic Control Rules are implemented on the digital computer. The characteristics of this system were investigated through the computer simulation and satisfactory results compared with that of the conventional PD controller were obtained.