본 연구는 과학중점고 학생들의 진로 성숙에 관한 질적 사례연구이다. 연구에서는 과학중점고 학생 들의 진로 성숙의 긍정적 조건과 부정적 조건 그리고 진로 성숙의 과정, 맥락, 결과를 분석하여 과학중 점고 학생들의 진로 성숙을 강화할 수 있는 논의와 제언을 하는 목적에서 수행하였다. 연구에는 7명의 과학중점학급 학생이 참여했다. 자료는 연구참여자들과 1대1 심층 면담을 수행하여 구성했다. 원자료는 Yin(2009)이 제시한 단일 사례 다중 분석 단위로 접근하여 분석했다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 다음과 같 다. 진로 성숙의 조건은 긍정적 요인과 부정적 요인으로 나눌 수 있다. 긍정적 요인은 공부 효능감에서 비전 세우기, 겸손한 노력, 자기 주도적 학습으로 나타났고 부정적 요인은 인간미 없는 편향된 공부하는 기계, 비교 열등감, 선택지 없는 대학 진학에 전념, 경쟁 스트레스, 성적 스트레스, 수행평가의 압력으로 나타났다. 진로 성숙의 과정은 해야만 하는 공부에서 즐기는 공부로, 롤 모델과의 대화, 호기심에서 공 부하는 열정으로 전환으로 나타났다. 진로 성숙에 영향을 미치는 맥락은 과학적 세계의 매력, 친구들과 의 상호지지, 면학 분위기로 충만한 교실, 입시 어드밴티지, 열린 공부로 나타났다. 마지막으로 진로 성 숙의 결과는 이타적 직업윤리, 확고한 방향 설정으로 나타났다. 연구 결과에 근거하여 과학중점고 학생 들의 진로 성숙을 높일 수 있는 교사의 관심과 창의성, 자아존중감, 과학 과목에 대한 호기심과 열정에 대해 논의했고 과학중점고 학생들의 이타적 직업윤리와 함께 공동체 정신에 대해 논의했다. 이러한 논 의에 근거하여 과학중점고 학생들의 진로 성숙을 제고할 수 있는 교육학적 차원의 제언을 하였다.
There is a demand for introducing a challenging and innovative R&D system to develop new technologies to generate weapon system requirements. Despite the increasing trend in annual core technology development tasks, the infrastructure expansion, including personnel in research management institutions, is relatively insufficient. This situation continuously exposes difficulties in task planning, selection, execution, and management. Therefore, there is a pressing need for strategies to initiate timely research and development and enhance budget execution efficiency through the streamlining of task agreement schedules. In this study, we propose a strategic model utilizing a flexible workforce model, considering constraints and optimizing workload distribution through resource allocation to minimize bottlenecks for efficient task agreement schedules. Comparative analysis with the existing operational environment confirms that the proposed model can handle an average of 67 more core technology development tasks within the agreement period compared to the baseline. In addition, the risk management analysis, which considered the probabilistic uncertainty of the fluctuating number of core technology research and development projects, confirmed that up to 115 core technology development can be contracted within the year under risk avoidance.
사범대학 학생은 대학생일 뿐만 아니라 미래의 교사로서 자신의 핵심 소양을 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라 학생의 핵심 소양을 발전시키는 중요한 책 임을 져야 한다. 본 논문의 연구 목적은 사범생의 직업적 인식이 핵심 소양에 미치는 영향을 조사하는 것이다. 연구 방법은 정량적 연구 방법 과 SPSS 26.0 통계 소프트웨어를 사용하여 데이터를 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 사범생의 직업 정체성과 핵심 소양 사이에 유의미한 정적 상관관 계가 있음을 보여주며, 직업적 정체성의 각 차원은 핵심 소양에 예측 효 과가 있는 것을 보여 주었다. 이 연구를 통해 우리는 사범생의 핵심 소 양 형성에 영향을 미치는 요인과 메커니즘을 찾고 사범생의 인재 양성과 기초 교육 발전을 향상시키기 위한 이론적 참고 자료를 제공한다.
In this study, we report significant improvements in lithium-ion battery anodes cost and performance, by fabricating nano porous silicon (Si) particles from Si wafer sludge using the metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) process. To solve the problem of volume expansion of Si during alloying/de-alloying with lithium ions, a layer was formed through nitric acid treatment, and Ag particles were removed at the same time. This layer acts as a core-shell structure that suppresses Si volume expansion. Additionally, the specific surface area of Si increased by controlling the etching time, which corresponds to the volume expansion of Si, showing a synergistic effect with the core-shell. This development not only contributes to the development of high-capacity anode materials, but also highlights the possibility of reducing manufacturing costs by utilizing waste Si wafer sludge. In addition, this method enhances the capacity retention rate of lithium-ion batteries by up to 38 %, marking a significant step forward in performance improvements.
For low-rise piloti-type buildings that suffered significant damage in the Pohang earthquake, the seismic performance of those designed by codes issued before and after the earthquake has been recently revised. This study started with the expectation that many of the requirements presented in the current codes may be excessive, and among them, the spacing of column stirrup could be relaxed. In particular, the recently revised design code of concrete structures for buildings, KDS 41 20 00, suggests that the column stirrup spacing is 1/2 of the minimum cross-sectional size or 200 mm, which is strengthened compared to KBC 2016, but relaxed than the current KDS, 41 17 00, which is 1/4 of the minimum size or 150 mm. As a result of the study, it was found that the target performance level was sufficiently satisfied by following the current standards and that it could be satisfied even if the relaxed spacing was followed. Therefore, the strict column stirrup spacing of KDS 41 17 00 could be relaxed if a wall other than core walls is recommended in the current guideline for the structural design of piloti-type buildings.
This study is about the optical properties of InP-based quantum dot nanoparticles depending on their core/shell structure. The need to synthesize non-cadmium-based quantum dot nanoparticles with high quantum efficiency has become necessary due to the harmful effects of the element cadmium. We synthesized three types of quantum dot nanoparticles in 2000ml three-necked flasks by varying the synthesis temperature and time to have the same PL spectra according to the composition of the core and shell. The PL spectra, absolute quantum efficiency, and nanoparticle size were compared and analyzed according to the composition at red emission wavelengths of 614, 616, and 630 nm. InP/ZnSe/ZnS nanoparticles were synthesized with the highest PL-AQY of 94% at 614 μm, and Ga-doped InP/GaP/ZnSe/ZnS nanoparticles were synthesized with the highest PL-AQY of 97% at 616 μm. InZnP/ZnSe/ZnS nanoparticles with alloy cores were able to synthesize quantum dot nanoparticles with a peak PL-AQY of 98% at 630μm.
Piloti-type structures with vertical irregularity are vulnerable to earthquakes due to the soft structure of the first story. Structural characteristics of buildings can significantly affect the seismic loss function, calculated based on seismic fragility, and therefore need to be considered. This study investigated the effects of the number of stories and core locations on the seismic loss function of piloti-type buildings in Korea. Twelve analytical models were developed considering two variations: three stories (4-story, 5-story, and 6-story) and four core locations (center core, x-eccentric core, y-eccentric core, and xy-eccentric core). The interstory drift ratio and peak floor acceleration were assessed through incremental dynamic analysis using 44 earthquake records, and seismic fragility was derived. Seismic loss functions were calculated and compared using the derived seismic fragility and repair cost ratio of each component. The results indicate that the seismic loss function increases with more stories and when the core is eccentrically located in the piloti-type structure model. Therefore, the uncertainty due to the number of stories and core location should be considered when deriving the seismic loss function of piloti-type structures.
계명대학교 인텔리전트건설시스템핵심지원센터(이하 INTEL센터)는 2020년 교육부 주관 핵심연구지 원센터 조성지원과제로 선정되어 현재 2단계 2차년도(5년차)를 진행하고 있습니다. INTEL센터는 사용 률이 낮고 노후화된 기존의 유휴 연구장비를 집적하여 성능을 보완하고, 다양한 분야 및 연구에 장비 및 전담인력을 지원하는 역할을 하고 있습니다. 또한 계명대학교 성서캠퍼스 내 첨단건설실험센터 및 사용성평가연구센터의 건설 및 IoT 분야의 첨단장비를 접목하여 대내외 연구원 및 산업계에 공동연구 및 장비활용을 할 수 있도록 서비스를 지원하고 있습니다. INTEL센터는 4차 산업혁명의 핵심기술인 IoT 분야를 구축 시스템에 융합하여 지능형 평가 시스템 구축을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 원격실험제어시스템 도입 및 인프라 구축을 통하여 실험의 실시간 협업 이 가능한 서비스를 제공하며, 디지털트윈 기반 3D 공간건설시스템을 구축하여 웹을 통한 시험시설환 경과 보유 장비들의 탐색이 가능한 서비스를 제공하고 있어 사용자 요구에 맞는 장비를 선택, 예약까 지 진행할 수 있는 One-Stop 서비스 제공이 가능합니다. INTEL센터가 갖춘 첨단화된 인프라와 IoT, 건설, 기계, 의용공학 등의 다양한 분야의 전문가들을 바탕으로 차세대 융복합 연구 및 연구지원을 이어가고 있으며, 혁신적인 연구 및 전문인력 양성을 통 해 연구장비 공동활용 및 산학연 공동연구에 기여하도록 노력하고 있습니다.
In this study, a core-shell powder and sintered specimens using a mechanically alloyed (MAed) Ti-Mo powder fabricated through high-energy ball-milling are prepared. Analysis of sintering, microstructure, and mechanical properties confirms the applicability of the powder as a sputtering target material. To optimize the MAed Ti-Mo powder milling process, phase and elemental analyses of the powders are performed according to milling time. The results reveal that 20 h of milling time is the most suitable for the manufacturing process. Subsequently, the MAed Ti-Mo powder and MoO3 powder are milled using a 3-D mixer and heat-treated for hydrogen reduction to manufacture the core-shell powder. The reduced core-shell powder is transformed to sintered specimens through molding and sintering at 1300 and 1400oC. The sintering properties are analyzed through X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy for phase and porosity analyses. Moreover, the microstructure of the powder is investigated through optical microscopy and electron probe microstructure analysis. The Ti-Mo core-shell sintered specimen is found to possess high density, uniform microstructure, and excellent hardness properties. These results indicate that the Ti-Mo core-shell sintered specimen has excellent sintering properties and is suitable as a sputtering target material.
This work utilizes the commercial finite element software ABAQUS to investigate the factors influencing the mechanical behavior of tantalum carbide (TaC)-based/graphite fibrous monolithic ceramics (FMCs), such as core/shell volume ratio and fiber orientation. The good compliance between experimental and simulated results demonstrates the suitability of the finite element software ABAQUS for exploring mechanical properties in FMCs. According to the results, it was observed that the bending strength of TaC-based/graphite FMC decreased with the change in fiber orientation from 0° to 90°. The displacement amount in the core/shell volume ratio of 75/25 ( C75S25) sample with a fiber orientation of 90° was maximum (with a value of 0.0524 mm), indicating that crack propagation occurred later. Therefore, the sample exhibited better resistance to failure. Generally, C75S25 specimens started to crack later than the core/shell volume ratio of 65/35 ( C65S35) in both fiber orientations and released more energy during crack initiation. Additionally, when the 0°-fiber-oriented specimen failed, more energy was released than the [90°] sample with the same core/shell volume ratio.
MCCI, one of the ex-vessel phenomena during a severe accident, is generally caused by mutual reactions between molten core and reactor building basemat concrete, but occurs between sacrificial materials made by concrete and corium in APR nuclear power plant with PECS applied. In this paper, MCCI analysis was performed to design and apply a device to block the core melt at the junction connected to the ICI cavity sump from the core catcher installed in the reactor cavity of the APR. Unlike the sacrificial material, which has a cooling effect by inducing erosion of the ex-vessel core melt, the device is composed of concrete applied as a barrier to protect the ICI cavity sump. The decent thickness of the barrier wall of the device was calculated.
본 연구는 전문가 기반형 모델(Habitat Suitability Index)의 한계로 지적되는 주관적 기준, 통계분석의 부재 등과 통계기반형 모델(MaxEnt)의 한계로 지적되는 현장검증, 전문가 의견 반영 등의 극복을 위하여 각각의 모델을 개발하여 통합하는 방식으로 핵심서식지를 도출하였다. 핵심서식지 발굴을 위해 문헌분석 및 공간분석자료를 바탕으로 전문가 심층면담을 진행하였고, 전문가 자문과 GIS 도면 구축 가능성을 고려하여 모델을 개발하였다. 주요 환경변수는 식생대, 임상, 임분밀도, 연평균 강수량, 유효토심으로 선정되었다. 그 결과 현재 나도승마가 분포하고 있는 16지점 중 15지점이 핵심서식지로 나타났으며, 개발된 모델은 약 93.75%의 높은 정확도를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 전체 연구대상지의 약 27.8%가 핵심서식지로 나타남에 따라, 추후 서식변수 및 공간자료 정밀화를 통한 모델의 고도화가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 높은 등급으로 확인된 서식지라도 대상종의 서식유무 파악을 위한 현장검증은 필수적으로 수행되어야 한다. 하지만, 이러한 한계에도 불구하고 HSI와 MaxEnt의 상호보완적 활용은 생물종의 분포와 서식지 이용 특성을 통하여 적합 서식지를 예측하고, 신규 서식지 발굴 및 대체서식지 선정 등 다양한 방면으로 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to provide basic data to improve the service life of asphalt pavement using basalt aggregate in Jeju Island by evaluating the performance of asphalt pavement through analysis of material and structural aspects. METHODS : To evaluate the performance of Jeju Island's asphalt pavement, cracks, permanent deformation, and longitudinal roughness were analyzed for the Aejo-ro road, which has high traffic and frequent premature damage. Cores were collected from Aejo-ro sections in good condition and damaged condition, and the physical properties of each layer were compared and analyzed. In addition, plate cores were collected from two sections with severe damage and the cause of pavement damage was analyzed in detail. RESULTS : About 45% of the collected cores suffered damage such as layer separation and damage to the lower layer. The asphalt content of surface layer in the damaged section was found to be 1.1% lower on average than that in the good condition section, and the mix gradations generally satisfied the standards. The density difference between the cores of each layer was found to be quite large, and the air voids was found to be at a high level. CONCLUSIONS : Test results on the cores showed that, considering the high absorption ratio of basalt aggregate, the asphalt content was generally low, and the high air voids of the pavement was believed to have had a significant impact on damage. High air voids in asphalt pavement can be caused by poor mixture itself, poor construction management, or a combination of the two factors. Additionally, the separation of each layer is believed to be the cause of premature failure of asphalt pavement.
본고는 다의어에서의 의미 확장 과정에서 핵심 의미 작용을 하는 성분에 주목하여 동사 ‘熬’와 ‘炒’를 대상으로 사전과 코퍼스를 활용하여 이들의 핵심 의미 자질을 추 출하는 방법과 과정을 소개하고, 그 역할과 방향성을 탐구하는 데 연구의 목적을 둔 다. 또한, 構詞를 통해 ‘熬’와 ‘炒’의 복합어에서 보이는 핵심성분을 추출하여 핵심 의 미 자질을 다시 입증하였다. 연구 결과, ‘熬’의 핵심 의미 자질은 동작의 시간과 관련 된 [+장시간]이었고, 내포의미자질로 [+인내]자질이 ‘熬’의 의미 확장에서 두드러졌다. ‘炒’의 핵심 의미 자질은 동작의 횟수와 관련된 [+빈번]이었고, 내포의미자질로 [+조작]자질이 ‘炒’의 확장 의미에서 두드러졌다.
Heavy water primary system decontamination technology is essential to reduce worker exposure and improve safety during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Advanced decontamination technology development aims to secure controlled decontamination technologies that can reduce the cost of radiation exposure and dramatically reduce the amount of secondary waste generated when decontaminating large equipment and large-area facilities. We conducted a study to identify candidate corrosion inhibitors through the literature and analyze the degree of corrosion of carbon steel samples. Countries with advanced nuclear technology have developed chemical decontamination technology for the entire nuclear power generation system and applied it to the dismantling and maintenance of nuclear power plants. In the decontamination process, the corrosion oxide film must be removed. If the base metal is corroded by the decontaminant in this process, additional secondary waste is generated and treatment costs increase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a corrosion inhibitor that inhibits the corrosion of the carbon steel base metal in the decontamination process to generate a secondary waste liquid that is favorable for waste reduction and treatment. In this presentation, a study was conducted to analyze the extent of corrosion on a carbon steel base material and identify candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing. Samples were analyzed using optical microscopy and EPMA analysis to determine the thickness of the corroded oxide film. EPMA analysis also allowed us to map the elemental distribution of the carbon steel corrosion layer, which we plan to quantify in the future. The candidate materials for organic-based corrosion inhibitor were also selected based on their inhibition mechanism; having high electronegative elements for coordinate covalent bonding at metal surface and hydrophobic nonpolar group for preventing access of corrosive substances.The selection of candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing was based on the mechanism of the corrosion inhibitor. Organic-based corrosion inhibitors are adsorbed by donor-acceptor interactions between metal surfaces and highly electronegative elements. Corrosion can also be inhibited by arranging hydrophobic nonpolar groups on metal surfaces in the solution direction to prevent access of corrosive substances.
The WRK (Waste Repository Korea bentonite) compacted bentonite medium has been considered as the appropriate buffer material in the Korean SNF (Spent nuclear fuel) repository site. In this study, hydraulic properties of the WRK compacted bentonite core (4.5 cm in diameter and 1.0 cm in length) as the buffer material were investigated in laboratory experiments. The porosity and the entry pressure of the water saturated core at different confining pressure conditions were measured. The average velocity of water flow in the WRK compacted bentonite core was calculated from results of the breakthrough curves of the CsI aqueous solution and the hydraulic conductivity of the core was also calculated from the continuous flow core experiments. Because various gases could be generated by continuous SNF fission, container corrosion and biochemical reactions in the repository site, the gas migration property in the WRK compacted bentonite core was also investigated in experiments. The gas permeability and the average of gas (H2) in the core at different water saturation conditions were measured. Laboratory experiments with the WRK Compacted bentonite core were performed under conditions simulating the DGR environment (confining pressure: 1.5- 20.0 MPa, injection pressure: 1.0-5.0 MPa, water saturation: 0-100%). The WRK Compacted bentonite core was saturated at various confining pressure conditions and the porosity ranged from 27.5% to 43.75% (average: 36.75%). The calculated hydraulic conductivity (K) of the core using experimental results was 8.69×10-11 cm/s. The gas permeability of the core when the water saturation 0~58 % was ranged of 19.81~3.43×10-16 m2, representing that the gas migration in the buffer depends directly on the water saturation degree of the buffer medium. The average gas velocity in the core at 58% of water saturation was 9.8×10-6 m/s, suggesting that the gas could migrate fast through the buffer medium in the SNF repository site. Identification of the hydraulic property for the buffer medium, acquired through these experimental measurements is very rare and is considered to have high academic values. Experimental results from this study were used as input parameter values for the numerical modeling to simulate the long-term gas migration in the buffer zone and to evaluate the feasibility of the buffer material, controlling the radionuclide-gas migration in the SNF repository site.
Recently, as carbon-neutral energy sources become increasingly important worldwide, SMRs (Small Modular Reactors), which offer significantly enhanced safety, versatility, and mobility compared to conventional nuclear reactors, are gaining attention as a viable alternative. SMR generally refers to small modular reactors with a power output of 300 MWe or less. Unlike conventional reactors, SMRs are characterized by an all-in-one design where peripheral systems and equipment are all integrated into the reactor itself, leading to enhanced reliability and durability. Additionally, the nuclear fuel reloading cycle is significantly extended compared to traditional reactors, resulting in a substantial reduction in maintenance difficulty and costs. Researchers have taken note of these characteristics of SMRs, particularly the extended fuel reloading cycle. Therefore, we have initiated the initial design of an ultra-small Micro Modular Reactor with an electricity generation capacity of 10 MWe and a fuel cycle of up to 55 years, with the goal of using it as a propulsion power source for various transportation modes, especially ships. Our design of MMR, called ‘ARA,’ is primarily distinguished by its use of U233 and Th232 fuels instead of conventional UO2 fuel. Due to various features of ‘ARA,’ including different fuel compositions, ARA is predicted to exhibit several characteristic features compared to conventional PWRs. In this study, among these characteristics, we focused on predicting changes in material composition within the fuel rod during the extended cycle operation of high-enriched fuel, rather than short-cycle operation using low-enriched fuel, unlike conventional reactors. The primary goal of this research is to observe the behavior of the composition of the materials used in the fuel cycle of the MMR, which utilizes U233 and Th232 fuels instead of UO2. Considering the difficulties in the spent nuclear fuel disposal process, many different trials were made to minimize the fission products of ARA, which differs from conventional reactors in terms of fuel type, size, and fuel cycle, in relation to waste generation.
The EV electric vehicle market is growing rapidly worldwide. Magnet fixing technology is important for mass production of driving motors, a key part of electric vehicles. The magnet fixing method was carried out by the PAM (Polyamide molding) method. This study conducted the injection of rotor core magnet PA of EV traction motor and is a study on the amount of rotor core deformation. In this study, the change in the outer diameter of the product after injection and the non-molding phenomenon were tested. An injection mold was made and the results and phenomena of product deformation types are discussed.
Recently, the International Maritime Organization is strengthening regulations for ships operating in polar regions. Hence, insulated multi-core tubes as components for vessels operating in extreme cold need to be investigated in various aspects. Furthermore, the demand for research on electric propulsion vessels is also increasingly growing. Thus, to utilize a 4-core insulated multi-core tube with glass wool as insulation, which was previously developed for ships operating in polar regions, as a water-cooled electrical cable, this study conducted an experiment on the temperature change when water at normal temperature 25℃ was supplied as a coolant under the overcurrent varied from 10A to 25A. As a result, the temperature increase of the core in 10A condition was 3.3℃, but it increased to 13.05℃ in the 25A condition. This showed that a temperature difference of approximately 9.75℃ occurred according to the overcurrent load. However, the coolant inlet and outlet temperatures were relatively uniform around 1℃ in all conditions. This suggests that increasing the residence time by proper control of the coolant flow in the future could achieve a higher cooling effect.
대한해협 대륙붕 해저사퇴의 형성과정을 이해하기 위해 77m 심도 심부 SSDP-101 코어를 연구하였다. 이 심부 코어는 WGS 측지계 기준으로 북위 128도 16.335분, 동경 34도 19.666분에 위치한 수심 60m의 사퇴 정상부에서 시추 하였다. SSDP-101 코어 시료의 해양지질학적 분석은 제4기 후기 상대 해수면 변화에 의해 야기된 대한해협 대륙붕 퇴 적환경의 변화를 밝혔다. 하부 코어 퇴적층은 간헐적 하천 범람이 일어나는 염하구 환경에서 형성된 것으로 해석되었다. 연구 지역의 사퇴는 상대해수면이 현재보다 더 낮은 시기에 형성되었고, 사퇴 퇴적물은 상대해수면이 상승함에 따라 키 질작용을 받았다. 현재 대륙붕의 해저사퇴는 해수면이 낮았던 시기의 해저사퇴가 현재 해수면 환경까지 잔존된 결과로 해석된다.