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        검색결과 15

        2021.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        해상풍력발전기 설치선의 동적응답을 분석하기 위하여, 불규칙 파 정보를 고려한 시간영역 기반 비선형동적해석이 필요하다. 고전적인 단자유도 시스템은 가장 기본적으로 동적효과를 계산하는 방법이지만, 실제의 무게 중심 불일치, 비정규적인 파도 하중 그리고 항력의 비선형을 고려하지 못하는 제약조건들을 갖고 있다. 그리하여 불규칙 파를 고려한 다중 자유도 모델이 유사한 문제에 해답을 찾는데 폭넓게 사용되고 있다. 불규칙 시간영역 해석은 정확한 계산 결과를 제공하지만, 수렴 데이터의 수렴도가 민감하여 복잡하다. 이러한 제약점들을 극복하기 위하여 본 논문은 시간영역 해석 결과를 통하여 수정된 동적증폭계수를 개발하였으며, 기존보다 복잡성이 개선되면서 계산 시간을 획기적으로 단축하였다. 다양한 변수를 기준으로 한 시간영역 해석을 통하여 새롭게 개발된 동적증 폭계수는 단자유도 방법보다 더 높은 정도를 갖고 있으며, 예측이 가능하다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 1,000 m3/d DAF(dissolved air flotation) pilot plant was installed to evaluate the performance of the floating process using the Nakdong River. Efficiency of various DAF operations under different conditions, such as hydraulic loading rate, coagulant concentration was evaluated in the current research. The operation conditions were evaluated, based on the removal or turbidity, TOC(total organic carbon), THMFP(trihalomethane formation potential), Mn(manganese), and Al(aluminum). Also, particle size analysis of treated water by DAF was performed to examine the characteristics of particles existing in the treated water. The turbidity removal was higher than 90%, and it could be operated at 0.5 NTU or less, which is suitable for the drinking water quality standard. Turbidity, TOC, and THMFP resulted in stable water quality when replacing the coagulant from alum to PAC(poly aluminum chloride). A 100% removal of Chl-a was recorded during the summer period of the DAF operations. Mn removal was not as effective as where the removal did not satisfy the water quality standards for the majority of the operation period. Hydraulic loading of 10 m/h, and coagulant concentrations of 40 mg/L was determined to be the optimal operating conditions for turbidity and TOC removal. When the coagulant concentration increases, the Al concentration of the DAF treated water also increases, so coagulant injection control is required according to the raw water quality. Particle size distribution results indicated that particles larger than 25 μm showed higher removal rates than smaller particles. The total particel count in the treated water was 2,214.7 counts/ml under the operation conditions of 10 m/h of hydraulic loading rate and coagulant concentrations of 60 mg/L.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large amounts of oily wastewater discharged from various industrial operations (petroleum refining, machinery industries and chemical industries) cause serious pollution in the aquatic environment. Although dissolved air flotation (DAF) separating oil pollutants using microbubbles represents current practice, bubble size cannot be selectively controlled, and lots of power is required to generate microbubbles. Therefore, to investigate performance of the DAF process, this study examined the distribution of different sizes of microbubbles resulting from changes in physical shear force via modifying shapes of a slit-nozzle without an additional power supply. Three types of slit-nozzles (different angle, shape and length of the slit-nozzle) were used to analyze the distribution of bubble size. At a slit angle of 60°, shear force was 4.29 times higher than a conventional slit, and particle size distribution (PSD) in the range between 2 and 20 μm more than doubled. Treatment efficiency of synthetic oily wastewater through the coagulation-DAF process achieved 90% removal of COD by injecting FeCl3 and PACl of 250 mg/L and 100 mg/L, respectively, and the same performance resulted using FeCl3 of 200 mg/L and PACl of 80 mg/L employing a slit-nozzle angle of 60°. This study shows that a coagulation-DAF process using a modified slit-nozzle can improve the pre-treatment of oily wastewater.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years there have been large increases in the hydraulic loading rates used to design dissolved air flotation (DAF) facilities for drinking water applications. High rate DAF processes are now available at loading rates of 20 to 40 m3/m2·h. This research evaluated dissolved air flotation as a separation method for algae and organic compounds from water treatment plants. During the service period of 2016. 5. to 2017. 6., DAF pilot plants (500 m3/day) process has shown a constantly sound performance for the treatment of raw water, yielding a significantly low level of turbidity (DAF treated water, 0.21~1.56 NTU). As a result of analyzing the algae cell counts in the influent source, it was expressed at 100-120 cells/mL. In DAF treated water, the removal efficient of alge cell counts was found to be upto 90%. The stable turbidity and algae removal were confirmed by operating the high rate DAF process under the condition of the surface loading rate of 30 m3/m2·hr.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we divided the process operation scenarios into three categories based on raw water temperature and turbidity. We will select and operate the process operation scenario according to the characteristics of the raw water. The number of algae in the DAF treated water has been analyzed to be less than 100 cells/mL. These results indicated that the DAF process is effective in removing the algae. In addition, the scenario of the integrated management decision algorithm of the DAF process was developed. DAF pilot plants (500 m3/day) process has shown a constantly sound performance for the treatment of raw water, yielding a significantly low level of turbidity (DAF treated water, 0.21~1.56 NTU).
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mechanism of anti-aging of fermented jujube (Zizyphus jujuba fruits (ZJF)) was investigated using transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of C. elegans. Jujube extracts fermented for 7 days (F7-ZJF) and 14 days (F14-ZJF) with Laetiporus sulphureus were treated to a NGM agar plate with 10-15 transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of the synchronized age. There was no difference of lifespan between the drug-treated group (7-day fermented ex. (F7-zjf-200 ㎍ /mL), 14-day fermented ex. (F14-zjf-200 ㎍/mL)) and the non-treatment group in both daf-16 and mev-1 strains. In the thermal stress experiment, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL showed a significant (t = 4.017) activity in thermal stress resistance with a 12% higher survival rate than the control group. In the survival test in H2O2, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL and F14-zjf-100 ㎍/mL have significant activity in oxidative stress resistance compared to the control group. This study indicates that life span expand of N2 strain of the jujube extract is related to the regulation of daf-16 and inhibition of mev-1 signal in C. elegans.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study found that flotation efficiencies for removing algae and micro particles in raw water were optimized on mixing intensity and time of the mixing and flocculation conditions with a continuous DAF system. It is more efficient for mixing intensity at 23.1 s-1 and time at 660 s(Gt value : 15246) to float flocculated floc with the raw water in M water treatment plant. Flotation efficiency was more than about 0.9 when operated pressure and A/S ratio were sustained at 5 kgf․cm-2 and up to 0.056 mL․mg-1. The continuous DAF system made by the study could be continuously operated for 20 days and sustained not exceeding 4 NTU with raw water with low turbidity(13.4 ~ 9.8 NTU).
        2006.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An effective technique of sludge separation is required for excess sludge of sewage or wastewater plant. The separation of bulking sludge of paper manufacturing plant was studied using DAF(Dissolved Air Flotation) system. The effects of parameters such as nozzle type, A/S(air/solid) ratio, pressure, injection time of pressured water and saturation time were examined. The results showed that the best nozzle type was flat which had small orifice hole. The optimum A/S ratio and pressure were 7.070×10-3(recycle ratio of pressured water : 20%) and 5 atm, respectively. Injection times of pressurized water around 20-25 sesc and flotation time of 30 min appeared to be optimal for the DAF operation. The order of performance of packing was 18 mm > 22 mm > 32 mm.