본 연구는 북방농업지대에서 벼 해충의 지역 간 발생상황을 비교하기 위하여 곤충의 발육에 필요한 온도를 이용하여 발생 시기를 추정하는 방법으로 발생세대수나 발생 시기 등을 비교하였다. 벼 해충 6종(벼물바구미, 벼잎벌레, 흰등멸구, 벼멸구, 혹명나방, 멸강나방)에 대해 유효적산 온도를 이용하여 발생 시기를 추정한 결과 월동해충은 지역에 따라 발생 시기에 차이가 있었으며, 동북방향으로 갈수록 발생시기가 늦어져, 북부 고산이나 동해안북부에서는 발생시기가 가장 늦었다. 또한 해충의 발생시기가 6월부터 8월 사이에는 비래해충 1세대 성충 발생시기와 같이 지역 간 발생 시기에 차이가 적어 비슷한 시기에 발생하였으며, 기온이 낮아지는 8월부터 9월에 발생시기가 되면 지역 간 차이가 커서 벼멸구의 2세대 성충이 발생하지 못하거나, 흰등멸구, 혹명나방, 멸강나방 등의 2~3세대 성충의 발생이 안 되는 지역이 많아지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 특징으로 보아 북방지역의 동북지역, 동해안북부, 북부내륙, 북부고산지역에서의 벼해충 발생은 적을 것으로 추정되며, 중부산간의 평강, 양덕을 제외한 동해안남부, 수양산 이남, 이북지역은 국내 경기, 강원북부지역과 비슷한 발생을 보일 것으로 추정되었다.
The development of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), an economic pest of wide range of field crops and ornamental plants, was studied under laboratory conditions at six constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 27 and 30oC). The total development period decreased with increasing temperatures between 15 and 27oC. In 10oC, eggs did not hatch and in 30oC, pupa did not survive. So, it may be assumed that these temperatures fall outside the development. Linear regression was used to describe the relationship between development rate and temperature. For total immature development (egg to adult) required 250 degree-days (DD) above the threshold of 9.75oC. The developmental data were fitted to a nonlinear temperature-dependent model (Lactin-1) for best described of development. Development rates of males and females did not differ in 20 and 25oC. High immature mortality was recorded in 27oC. Sex ratio of the surviving individuals was 0.62 from this study. Thermal requirements and temperature thresholds can be used to forecast the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of L. huidobrensis.
The study was conducted to investigate the phenology of G. molesta adult, and to develop and validate the degree-day model of G. molesta in apple orchards. It was known that G. molesta is a multi-voltine insect depending on temperature and geographic location. G. molesta damage to many economically important fruit trees such as apple and pear. Data collection was carried out in five apple-growing location (Chungju, Bonghwa, Andong, Uiseong, and Geochang) and at least three commercial orchards of each location was selected for collecting data in 2011 and 2012. The commercial pheromone monitoring trap (GreenAgroTech) was used to investigate the flight phenology of G. molesta. The relationships between degree-day accumulated above the low temperature threshold and cumulative proportion of accumulated G. molesta caught per generation were used to predict the phenology of G. molesta. The phenology of G. molesta per generation was analyzed by Weibull 2-parameter function. The generation of G. molesta was depending on local environmental conditions, specially temperature. The first flight of G. molesta adult in Chungju was later than other places. The average number of G. molesta caught in Uiseong was significanlty decreased from 2011 to 2012. The occurrence of G. molesta adult was explained well by degree-day model using Weibull 2 parameter function. The developed model system could be applied to manage G. molesta population in apple orchards.
Grapholita molesta is one of economically important pests in pear orchards and has four to five generations per year depending on food resources, geographic location, and temperature. The overwintering larvae of G. molesta pupate early in the spring and new adults start to flight for several reasons such as mating, seeking resources and oviposition. The study was conducted to develop the full seasonal phenology model of G. molesta and to investigate the phenology of G. molesta adult in pear orchards. Data collection was carried out in five pear-growing location (Anseong, Icheon, Sangju, Ulju and Naju). Three commercial orchards of each location was selected for collecting data in 2011 and 2012. The flight phenology of G. molesta was investigated by the commercial pheromone monitoring trap (GreenAgroTech) once per week. The phenology of G. molesta per generation was predicted by the relationships between degree-day accumulation above the low temperature threshold and cumulative proportion of accumulated moth caught per generation. The phenology of G. molesta per generation was calculated by Weibull 2-parameter function. Although the latitude of Sangju was higher than that of Naju, the first flight of G. molesta adult from two orchards was similar. The average number of G. molesta adult caught in every pear orchards was increased from 2011 to 2012. The occurrence of G. molesta adult was explained well by degree-day model using Weibull 2-parameter function.
This study was conducted to evaluate the attractiveness of the sex pheromone trap of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée as a forecasting tool from 2006 to 2008 in Suwon, Gyeong-gi province and Seosan, Chung-nam province, Korea. The sex pheromone lure was composed of Z11-18:Ald (55㎍): Z13-18:Ald (500㎍): Z11-18:OH (120㎍): Z13-18:OH (180㎍): Z13-18:Ac (55㎍) per a rubber septum, which set in a cylindrical cone trap. The trap catches of male moths was counted on a weekly basis and the lures were renewed every two weeks. The flight activity of C. medinalis moths monitored by the sex pheromone trap revealed two distinct peaks a year in both experimental areas from 2006 to 2008. Degree-days accumulation was calculated using lower developmental threshold (13.3℃) and degree-days (386.4DD) since adults had been first recorded. Estimated adult peak of the first generation was almost coincident with that observed by sex pheromone trap except in Suwon in 2008.
쌀바구미 생명표 통계량을 정온 조건과 실온 조건에서 산출하였다. 온일도를 단위로 하였을 때 ~ 범위내 정온 조건에서의 통계량은 실온 조건에서의 통계량과 유사한 차이를 보이지 않았으며 온도간의 변이는 실온에서의 간 변이와 유사하였다. 이 결과는 온일도를 시간단위로 할 때 쌀바구미의 생화사가 표준화 될 수 있음을 시사하는 것이었다. 쌀바구미는 41.2DD에서 산란을 시작하여 38.7DD에서 멈추는 것으로 추정되었다. 외적 자연회가졸 밀도 음가 기간과 평균세대 기간은 각각0.0006/DD, 15.0 DD 그리고 53.6 DD인 것으로 산출되었다.
한국에 자생하는 몇몇 조경용 수목의 만개일과 기온자료를 활용하여 생물계절에 따른 기본온도와 생장도일(Growing Degree Day, GDD)을 추정하였다. 2011~2012년 조경수목의 만개일를 조사하였으며 수원기상대의 온도자료를 사용하여 일평균온도에서 기본온도를 차감한 생장도일을 계산하였다. 기준온도 설정을 위하여 0.1℃ 단위로 생장도일을 계산하여 2011~2012년 생장도일의 표준편차가 적은 온도를 기본온도로 설정하였다. 그 결과 식물의 기본온도는 진달래, 박태기나무, 팥꽃나무는 1.9℃, 공조팝나무 0℃, 장구밥나무 1.2℃로 나타났으며 만개기의 생장도일은 진달래 324.10±96.32℃, 박태기나무와 팥꽃나무 506.90±84.99℃, 공조팝나무 853.65±59.61℃, 장구밥나무 2112.70±11.74℃이다. 계산된 생장도일을 이용하여 홍릉수목원에서의 예측만개일과 실제만개일 비교 시 진달래의 예측만개일의 45%, 박태기나무의 35% 수준으로 일치하였다. 팥꽃나무는 박태기나무와 만개일이 유사하므로 비슷한 예측 정확도를 보일 것이라 생각된다.