본 논문의 목적은 생성형 AI 기술의 급속한 발달로 인해 변화하는 게임산업의 생태계를 살펴 보고 이에 따른 대응방안을 모색하는 데 있다. 2022년 11월 OpenAI가 ChatGPT를 대중에게 공개한 이후, 생성형 AI를 가장 직접적으로 활용 및 투자하고 있는 분야는 게임콘텐츠 산업이 다. 생성형 AI의 활용은 단순반복적인 작업의 효율화를 통해 게임 개발의 간소화와 예산 절감 을 가능케 한다. 여기에 플레이어의 반응에 실시간 반응하며 소통하는 콘텐츠 자동 생성을 통 해 사용자 경험을 극대화한다. 실제 게임 개발 현장에서도 게임 레벨, 맵, 퀘스트, 지능형 NPC, QA 자동화 등 게임 제작과 운영의 전 분야에서 생성형 AI 도구가 활용되고 있다. 신기 술에 민감하며 노동집약적인 게임의 산업적 특성 때문에 생성형 AI가 게임산업의 미래를 바꿀 것이라는 전망과 함께, 저작권 이슈와 대량 해고 등 우려 또한 제기되고 있다. 이에 대응하기 위해 게임업계는 생성형 AI가 가져올 불가피한 변화를 적극적으로 받아들이고, 이분법적 ‘대체 론’을 넘어 인간의 창의력과 AI 기술의 장점을 결합할 수 있는 새로운 협업 지성과 창작물에 대한 법적, 윤리적 가이드라인을 모색해야 한다.
본 논문은 또 하나의 새로운 게임 체인저로 부상하고 있는 레이저 무 기의 개념·강약점·요구능력, 주요국 레이저 무기개발의 현황과 주요이슈, 그리고 한국의 레이저 무기개발의 현황·의의·과제를 분석하기 위한 것이 다. 제4차 산업혁명기술들이 각종 무기체계에 반영되어 전쟁을 전혀 새 로운 모습으로 변화시키고 있다. 레이저 무기와 같은 에너지 무기는 획 기적인 장점이 있어 ‘육군비전 2050’의 8대 게임 체인저 중의 하나다. 국방·군사 신기술인 레이저 무기는 물론 강약점이 있고 미사일 요격·방어 무기가 되기 위해서는 더 많은 개발이 요구되지만 극초음속무기 방어체 계 및 요격수단으로서의 가능성과 관련해서도 주목을 받고 있는 무기이 기도 하다. 새로운 창과 방패의 전략·전력이 함께 요구되고 있다. 향후 한국은 ①레이저 무기의 핵심전력으로의 유지·강화, ②기술격차의 극복과 민관군산학연의 협력, ③미래전 대비 자조적·공조적 노력의 강화에 힘써 나가야 할 것이다.
With the continuous prosperity and development of the marine industry, the number of ships is increasing while greenhouse gas emissions are rising. In order to meet the relevant international ship emission regulations, the solution of developing electric ships is proposed. As the core device of the electric ship propulsion system, the maturity and applicability of power battery technology play a key role in the development of the electric ship. This article introduces the principles and advantages of the fuel cell, lithium-ion battery as well as supercapacitor battery, respectively, and analyzes the application status and challenges of power batteries in existing electric ships. The development direction and problems to be solved of power battery in current and future ship applications are put forward, which can provide a reference for further research.
중국교회의 선교운동이 조용히 그러나 강력하게 진행되고 있다. 정부의 종교 탄압정책으로 인해 그 실체가 외부에 잘 알려지지 않았다. 그러나, 중국 교회는 장기간 선교사를 파송하고 글로벌 선교운동에 참여해 왔다. 중국 교회의 급속한 성장, 중국의 경제 성장, 일대일로 정책이 중국 선교운동 발전에 배경이 되었다. 중국 선교 운동은 교회의 미성숙성, 정부의 종교 제한 정책, 선교 경험의 부재 등으로 많은 어려움과 혼란 (난상)을 겪고 있다. Tabor Laughlin은 25명의 중국 선교사의 현지 적응 과정을 7가지 영역으로 연구한다. 연구를 통해 그는 중국 선교 운동의 독특한 12가지 경향성과 6가지 해결 과제 (Implication)를 발견한다. 중국선교운동의 건강한 발전을 위해서 6가지 해결과제가 해결되어야 한다. 한국 교회 선교운동은 중국과 같이 비서구권 선교운동이면서, 중국보다 한 세대 앞선 선교경험을 가진다. 한국교회의 선교경험에 비추어 6가지 과제에 대한 해결점을 제안하고자 한다.
Research on service innovation suggests that involving customers in the development of new services is a major contributing factor to the success of new services (e.g. Carbonell et al., 2009; 2012; Melton & Hartline, 2010; 2015; Zhihong et al., 2015). The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the literature on customer involvement (CI) in new service development (NSD) both offline and online and to identify the major current issues faced by researchers and future research challenges. This paper approaches CI from the perspective of “co-creation for others” (Witell et al., 2011), that is participating in developing services that can benefit other customers. A search was done on three major databases, EBSCO; Emerald, and ScienceDirect, using various keywords (CI; NSD; service innovation; user involvement; co-creation, and customer participation) from 2002 (first CI paper published (Carlborg et al., 2014) to 2016. Relevant studies start with mainly qualitative inquiries whereas in the last 5 years there are more surveys and new types of qualitative research such as netnography and action research. The most important questions addressed are who is involved and how. Various studies investigate the role of different types of customers such as close; lead; ordinary or guided; their characteristics such as proactiveness; knowledge or experience; motives; emotions, or dissatisfaction, and their capabilities such as knowledge absorptive capability or relational capability. Furthermore, the way customers may be involved is analysed from many perspectives including the stages of involvement; the modes and intensity of involvement in each NSD stage (e.g. Melton and Hartline, 2010; Paasi, 2014) as well as the characteristics of effective CI. Moreover, studies in the online environment look at the web based tools for CI such as social media or virtual communities (Ryzhkova, 2012); the nature of customer contributions on social networks (Sigala, 2012); the role of lead users in developing online services (Schuhmacher & Kuester, 2012; Mahr & Lievens, 2012) and the drivers of customer participation in virtual brand communities (Zhilong et al., 2015). Major current issues include which customer or firm actions should be included in each stage and why; what is the role of relationships in effective CI; how we can select customers for NSD and what is the role of virtual environments in CI. Future research challenges include developing guides for customer selection for NSD; analyzing the nature of CI (modes; intensity; types of contributions; customer roles and actions in each stage; communication types and skills); using virtual environments for CI and determining the link of various relationship concepts with CI.
The purpose of this study is to develop a multi-dimensional scale measuring consumers’ perceived challenge in shopping fashion products online, and to verify its validity and reliability. Relevant literature is first reviewed to identify possible dimensions of perceived challenge. Next, Study 1 is conducted in order to explore the dimensions empirically and to see whether the dimensions that emerged were consistent with prior findings. A total of 190 responses to an open-ended question was qualitatively analyzed by using content analysis. The findings of Study 1 generate 26 items reflecting four dimensions (i.e., product knowledge, previous experience, website functionality, and product availability), which correspond to the dimensions suggested in literature review. Study 2 is subsequently conducted to refine the items so that the perceived challenge scale establishes cross-validation, convergent validity, discriminant validity, reliability, and predictive validity. A total of 238 responses is quantitatively analyzed by using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. In the results of Study 2, the perceived challenge scale is found to consist of a total of 16 items reflecting three dimensions: E-commerce Challenge (corresponding to Previous Experience reported in Study 1), Retailer Challenge (corresponding to Website Functionality), and Product Challenge (corresponding to Product Knowledge); all Product Availability items have been eliminated through the item refinement process. Specifically, E-commerce Challenge and Retailer Challenge are found to predict flow, supporting flow theory, while Product Challenge fails to lead to flow significantly. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future studies are also discussed.
In this knowledge based society, the debate on ICT has permanently shifted from ʻwhyʼ ICT for development, to ʻhowʼ comprehensive and holistic ICT policies can unleash human potential and enhance peopleʼs capabilities to improve their lives. Recognizing this untapped potential and development strategies incorporating ICT are being increasingly promoted and launched across the developing countries. While the potential advantages of ICT for development are enormous in developed countries, national policies of developing countries are yet to adequately reflect truly comprehensive and integrated strategies for harnessing and exploiting this potential. This paper presents an analysis of National ICT policy of Bangladesh. Through the examination of ICT policy, in particular in the field of agriculture and rural development and analysis of applied policies and strategies implemented in these area, this paper identifies challenges and opportunities which provides lessons for policy-makers and practitioners involved in the field. This analysis reveals that the policy is inadequate to impact positively on the agriculture and rural development of Bangladesh. The policy places little emphasis on the integration and infusion of ICT in the countryʼs agriculture and rural development. Policy implications and suggestions are offered to ensure maximum use of ICT potentials in the countryʼs agriculture and rural development.
In the process of China’s modernization of social and economic development, China has gradually expanded the scope of foreign trade, especially the deepening of economic and trade cooperation with South Korea, and the steady growth of bilateral trade and investment. However, during this period, it will be affected by internal and external factors, leading to the increasing trade deficit between China and South Korea. The frequent occurrence of trade friction has caused a serious impact on the economic and trade development of China and South Korea. Therefore, in the actual work, it is necessary to respond flexibly to the challenges, meet the opportunities and adopt scientific countermeasures according to the development status of Sino-South Korea economic and trade cooperation, so as to promote the continuous progress of the two countries’ economic and trade.
RCEP, through its unique rules of origin accumulation, promotes mutual tariff concessions between Korea and China, reduces trade production costs, and will further promote the negotiation of the Korea-China FTA. Focusing on the post-epidemic era, South Korea and China should strengthen the consensus on economic and trade cooperation and use the higher standard and more comprehensive RCEP agreement to achieve a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. The industrial supply chain between South Korea and South Korea is the result of the spontaneous formation of the market, mutual benefit and win-win results. Third-party markets such as the Far East can better cooperate to provide impetus for the economic development of the two countries and the recovery of the world economy.
This study aims to determine the technical aspects of organic food systems in rice agribusiness and analyze the pattern of economic and institutional structures of agribusiness in East Java of Indonesia. Also, this study investigates the feasibility of farming and understands the strategies of rice agribusiness development. This study was conducted in several places in East Java of Indonesia, covering the district of Blitar, Kediri, Bondowoso, Tulungagung, and Malang. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire and focus group discussion. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using efficiency analysis, revenues analysis, and SWOT analysis. The findings indicated that, technically, the district of Bondowoso, Malang, Kediri, and Tulungagung had implemented the organic systems, while the district of Blitar applied under semi-organic systems. The pattern of economic institutions of agribusiness commodity consists of the production facility, farming, post-harvest and product processing, marketing, and support services institutional. These results showed that the organic rice farming is economically viable, and the government support was provided in the form of the establishment of development centers, the facilitation of agricultural machines, integrated crop management field school, and the organic certification. These findings suggest that several places in East Java have prospective opportunities for production of rice agribusiness development.