본 논문은 중국 고대 우주론(宇宙論, cosmology)적 사유를 디지털인문학 (Digital Humanities)적 방법을 통해 비교, 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연 구는 철학과 사상을 대상으로 한 디지털인문학적 연구는 ‘대규모 데이터(big data)’를 이용한 연구보다는 오히려 특정 텍스트 안의 한정된 ‘소규모 데이터 (small data)’를 분류, 재구성, 시각화하고 분석함으로써 더 유의미한 결과를 얻 을 수 있다는 입장에서 시도되었다. 본 연구는 「태일생수」에 대한 기존의 연구를 정리, 분석하여 디지털인문학 적 방법을 통해 기존의 연구를 보완할 지점을 도출하였다. 중국 최초의 우주론 적 텍스트 중 하나인 「태일생수(太一生水)」와 중국 우주론에서 가장 중요한 위 치를 점하고 있는 「태극도설(太極圖說)」을 중심으로 중국 고대 우주론의 텍스 트들을 디지털인문학적 방법을 통해 데이터화하고 구조화하여 비교함으로써 중국 고대 우주론의 연속성과 발전의 양상을 분석하였다. 본 연구는 「태일생수 」가 시간과 공간에서의 생성(generation)을 묘사하는 우주생성론(cosmogony)이지 만 우주의 공시적(共時的, synchronic) 구조를 관조하는 형이상학(metaphysics) 혹 은 존재론(ontology)의 단초 역시 가지고 있었고 후대 성리학의 「태극도설」은 형이상학/존재론적 우주론이 극단적으로 강조된 모델임을 논한다.
This paper centers on how to deal with Sino-Xenic resources, or Sino-Korean texts of traditional Korean philosophy and religions from a perspective of Digital Humanities. Although philosophy including religious thought is at the center of pre-modern Korean Studies, the core contents have not been explored or re-organized from a perspective of Digital Humanities. However, the philosophical circle in Korea has not yet had a serious discussion about the DH circumstance where Sino-Korean philosophical resources are left behind. This paper discusses the feasibility of adapting traditional Sino-Korean philosophical resources to Digital Humanities and the conditions for the adaptation. And for a concrete and practical discussion, this paper will show an experimental DH analysis and visualization of some Sino-Korean philosophical texts and diagrams. And at the end, I will emphasize that the core of DH is humanistic activities rather than tech-oriented activities.
Humanities is originally a comprehensive discipline, and all disciplines must be formed under the foundation of humanities. To do so, humanities researchers should break their own castles, return to their original positions based on the humanistic reflection, and try various academic methods. Humanities should no longer be the recipient of the data and the user's role alone. But rather they are expected to play the role of the data curator, the leading role in data production and construction and use of a common platform, and the attempt to use the platform in various ways by the constant re-datafication make all relevant researchers enable collaboration. In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to solve problems through multi-fields, trans-fields, or cross-fields, which can be achieved not only by building basic knowledge in all fields of studies, but also by sharing interest, active participations, and diverse collaborations. We need to have critical and rational perspectives, and inclusive attitudes based on acceptance of differences, and all of these can be supported by our endeavors to solve structural problems.
This article discusses the nature of Korean classical Chinese texts, or Sino-Korean texts and pays attention to the need for compiling various reference works in pre-modern Korean studies. And it suggests that the introduction of Digital Humanities to the field is necessary and discusses the conditions for successful Digital Humanities in the field. Due to the ambiguity and complexity of Sino-Korean texts, students of the field need various reference works to refer to for a clear understanding of the texts. It is recently and widely accepted as an urgent task to compile various reference works for Korean studies, ranging from linguistic and term dictionaries to encyclopedias. However, since the number of people who want to use paper dictionaries and reference books continues to reduce, reference work projects for Korean studies need to consider changing the direction. Adopting the Digital Humanities methods in the whole process of the projects can bring promptness, accuracy, and up-to-date-ness to the projects, and enable the field to extend the territory and maximize versatility. In doing so, the projects of reference work for Korean studies can continue to contribute to the development of Korean studies. It can also be used as a useful cultural content on the Internet. There are two issues to take into consideration regarding adopting Digital Humanities for reference work making for Korean studies. One is fostering editors and project managers of Digital Humanities projects for Korean studies; the other is to establish a standard for reference work making projects for effective communication, project planning & evaluation, and manpower training, etc.
Linguistic divergence between standard varieties of Korean has been much studied, however, it has largely concerned itself with fine-grained analyses of single points of divergence, for example vocabulary, and the language policy behind such divergence. In contrast, this paper examines general trends of language in use in the ROK and DPRK in a specific genre of writing. We first briefly review prior research on the linguistic divergence which the standard varieties of these countries have undergone to contextualize our argument that a digital humanities approach could provide new insights for the field. This includes taking advantage of internet mediated data collection and quantitative analyses applied to relatively large amounts of data. In order to demonstrate the potential of this approach more fully, we present a small-scale stylometric analysis of ROK and DPRK journalistic texts. This pilot study suggests that national origin determines the stylistic characteristics of these texts to a greater extent than the topic and allows us to tentatively propose general characterizing features of ROK and DPRK journalistic style. We conclude with a prospectus for the incorporation of such methods into the study of ROK/DPRK linguistic divergence.