Assertions in current academic research and practical discourse that promote agility reduce the importance or prominence given to organizational strategic planning. While firms today are required to become agile and thus quickly and timely respond to emerging market challenges, the strategic planning process is perceived as rigid, slow, and somehow obsolete and may contradict agility. These present practitioners with a dilemma regarding the relevance of planning in this era. This study examines the pertinence of strategy planning in this agile age and its effect on firms’ business performance. In addition, since the environment in which firms operate play a significant role in determining strategies, when maintaining strategic planning, organizations need to consider internal and external factors that may change the effect of planning on performance. Hence, the study also explores market scanning (an external condition) and fault tolerance climate (an internal condition) under which the relationship planning-performance varies. Based on a quantitative research, data from organizations, and insights from fit-as-moderation approach, a conceptual model and research hypotheses are designed and tested. Common and acceptable analysis methods were employed to test the hypotheses. Initial findings indicate that strategy planning should not be deemphasized in contemporary days since it is associated with better financial (e.g., sales growth) and nonfinancial (e.g., new customer acquirement) outcomes. Additionally, performance consequences of planning are dependent on firm external and internal conditions. While the positive planning-performance relationship is associated with higher levels of market sensing, it is negatively associated with higher levels of fault tolerance. The findings have well-timed theoretical and practical implications for the business and strategy literature. Managers considering the necessity of planning strategies should recognize its relevance and take into account contingencies examined in this research.
This research was conducted in order to examine the effect of comparative price on consumers’ reactions to service failure in the loyalty program. The current study finds that under condition of lower level of persuasion knowledge, compared to single retail price, comparative price would mitigate consumers’ negative emotion in the context of service failure, which in turn improves customers’ tolerance. The authors test this prediction in two experiments. Experiment 1 aimed to provide an initial exploration of hypothesis by employing a between-subjects design. This experiment recruited undergraduate students at Suzhou University to complete an online survey. After reading the scenario of service failure, participants were asked to answer a series of questions about their intension of spreading negative word of mouth (NWOM). A one-way ANOVA on intention of spreading NWOM suggested that the NWOM activity was significantly lower in the group of comparative prices than in the group of single retail price. In experiment 2, the authors measured angry and intension to complain when participants finished reading the scenario of service failure. Furthermore, one week later the authors measured price tactic persuasion knowledge of participants. The bootstrap method (number of bootstrap samples = 5000, level of confidence = .95) was used. The results showed that customers’ angry level mediated the effect of comparative price on intension of complaint. The authors further conducted a mediated moderation analysis with the participants in the high- and low-persuasive-knowledge conditions. The results indicated the indirect effect of the comparative price on intention to complain was mediated by customers’ angry when they have low persuasive knowledge, whereas the mediation effect of customer’s angry level was no longer significant in the higher persuasive-knowledge condition. To summarize, this research suggested that comparative price would exert a marked impact on the tolerance of members of loyalty program in the context of service failure. The present paper adds to the existing comparative price literatures by confirming its impact on consumers’ judgment in the context of service failure even if they are all members of loyalty program and informed with information of discounted size in advance. Given the special meaning of NWOM and complaint, current paper provides implications for marketing practices.
The objective of this study was to compare the differences between males and females in the mediating effects of academic failure tolerance on the impact of self-efficacy on game addiction among adolescents. The results are summarized as follows. First, in both men and women, self-regulation, one of sub-variables of self-efficacy, had negative effects on game addiction. Second, in men, both emotion and behavior had negative effects on game addiction, while, in women, only behaviour did so. Third, among sub-variables of self-efficacy, in males, self-regulation and task difficulty had positive effects on academic failure tolerance, while, in women, self-regulation, confidence, and task difficulty did so. Fourth, testing the mediating role of academic failure tolerance in the effect of self-efficacy on game addiction showed that there was a partial mediating effect among males, while there was a perfect mediating effect among females. All this implies that there is a need to develop programs that help students maintain positive emotions and behaviors even after they have experienced academic failure, considering the importance of academic failure tolerance for students.
Purpose: The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the relationships between perceived motivational climate and athlete effort, and (b) to examine the mediating effects of sport failure tolerance on the relationships between motivational climate and athlete effort. The conceptual model of this study assumed that motivational climate would affect sport failure tolerance and these would, in turn, affect athlete effort through the mediation of the sport failure tolerance. Methods: A total of 321 Korean active high school student athletes from 6 sports participated in the study (Mage=17.83years, SD=±.80). The participants completed four questionnaires: a demographic questionnaire, Sport Failure Tolerance Questionnaire, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, and Athlete Effort Questionnaire. Results: The results of the final model indicated that competitive climate was positively related to task difficulty (.21), whereas after failure emotion and behavior factors did not. Mastery climate was significantly related to all three dimensions of sport failure tolerance (task difficulty .39, after failure emotion .39 and failure behavior .57). Task difficulty was only significantly related to athlete effort (.14). Mastery climate was significantly related to athlete effort (.31). Significant indirect effects were observed. The bootstrapping results indicated that the relationship between mastery climate and athlete effort was mediated by task difficulty, after failure emotion and failure behavior. Conclusion: The findings of this study contribute to the current understanding of the relationships between perceived mastery climate and athlete effort and shed light on the important roles of sport failure tolerance.
이 연구는 스포츠 상황에서 실패내성의 수행 예측성을 검증하기 위해 실패내성→정신력→수행 간의 경로모형을 제안하고 성공과 실패의 다양한 지표와 잠재성장모형 분석을 통해 타당성을 확인하였다. 243명의 씨름 선수를 표집하여 경기력 수준(우수-비우수)과 목표달성여부(목표달성-실패), 시합성적(좋은성적-나쁜성적)의 집단을 변별한 후 연구문제에 근거한 계량적 통계분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 실패내성→정신력→수행의 모형은 타당한 것으로 발견되었다. 특히, 목표달성 집단에서는 실패 후의 과제난이도 선호→승부욕→수행의 관계가 유의했으며, 좋은 성적을 거둔 집단은 실패 후 행동→노력인내→수행의 경로가 유의하였다. 마지막으로 선수들의 경기력 수준과 시합성적을 통해 시즌 동안의 스포츠 실패 내성과 정신력의 성장을 확인한 결과, 선수들의 실패내성은 경기력 수준과 시합성적 성장에 의미 있는 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 결과는 스포츠 상황에서 안정적인 성격 변인인 실패내성의 중요성을 부각시키는 관점에서 논의하였다.
본 연구는 건설적 실패 이론에 기초하여 스포츠 선수들이 내재하고 있는 실패내성의 개념적 구조를 확인하고, 실패내성의 정도가 훈련과 수행에 결정적인 정신력 요소와 어떤 관련이 있는지를 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 스포츠 상황을 반영한 실패내성 척도를 개발하고 437명의 개인, 단체종목 선수를 대상으로 내적 구조 타당성을 검토하였으며, 인내, 노력, 투지, 승부욕 등 정신력 요소와의 다차원적 관계를 검증하였다. 분석 결과, 스포츠 실패내성은 실패 후 행동, 감정, 과제난이도 선호의 3요인 구조로 나타나 학업 상황에서 일반화된 실패내성 이론모형을 지지했으며, 전반적으로 여자선수들이 남자선수들에 비해 실패내성이 강하고 학교 급이 낮은 중학생 선수들이 높은 실패내성을 보인다는 사실을 확인했다. 아울러, 실패내성의 하위 차원들 중 실패 후 행동과 과제난이도 선호 정도는 정신력 요소와 밀접한 관련성을 가지고 있었다. 이러한 결과는 훈련행동과 경기력을 예측할 수 있는 안정적인 성격변수로써 실패내성의 타당성과 후속 연구의 방향 등과 관련하여 논의하였다.
본 연구는 실패내성 척도를 활용하여 무용전공 여학생들의 학년에 따른 실패내성의 발달적 차이와 실패 내성과 내적동기 간 관계를 다차원적으로 알아보기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이에 143명의 중학교, 고등학교 무용전공 여학생들을 표집 하여 학년에 따른 실패내성의 차이를 다변량 분산분석(MANOVA)석을 활용하여 검증하였으며, 실패내성과 내적동기 간 관계는 정준상관분석을 통해 알아보았다. 분석결과 학교급별 과제난이도 선호요인은 중학생보다 고등학생이 선호하고 실패내성이 더 낮은 것으로 차이가 나타났으며, 과제난이도 선호 요인은 학년 간 차이를 가장 잘 변별하는 요인으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 과제난이도 선호와 실패 후 감정요인이 재미흥미와 노력요인과는 긍정적인 관계를, 긴장불안과는 부정적인 관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다.