Background : Most ginseng seedlings are cultivated in conventional shading facility. However, due to recent climate changes and soil-related bacterial issues, the production of healthy ginseng seedling with its rhizome weigh more than 0.8g has greatly dwindled. Hence, growing seedling system that raises ginseng on nursery soil in greenhouse is being more highlighted. Nevertheless, there are no sufficient researches conducted to study the growth stability after transplantation of ginseng seedling grown at nursery (GSGN). Methods and Results : After categorizing GSGN produced in 2014 according to individual weight (0.5-0.6g, 0.6-0.7g, 0.7-0.8g, 0.8-0.9g), those GSGN with 0.8-0.9g conventional ginseng seedling (CGS) have been transplanted on preparation field in 17, March of the following year. It has turned out that there were no significant differences about seedling emergence rate and weights between GSGN and CGS both same seedling weight of 0.8-0.9g in 25, June after 100 days transplantation. The 2-year-old ginseng growth of transplanted GSGN according to weight has shown strongly positive correlation between the weight of ginseng seedling and their growth. Especially the leaf area and weight have shown significant correlations represented as Y=212.15-567.32X+499.5X2(R2=0.9988) and Y=4.9-12.9X+11.17X2(R2=0.9788), respectively. Meanwhile, there was no significant correlation noticed treatment plot in relationship between seedling emergence rate and chlorophyll content. Conclusion : With the same root weight of GSGN and CGS, it can be judged that the growth of the 2-year-old GSGN is stable.
논토양에서 적응하는 품종 선발과 재배기술을 개발하기 위해 배수등급이 다른 논토양(배수 불량지와 배수 약간불량지)에서 천풍, 연풍, 황숙종, 자경종 등 4 품종을 사용하여 2년생 인삼의 생육특성 및 수량성과 뿌리의 진세노사이드 함량을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 배수등급에 따라 지상부 생존율과 황증 발생율은 뚜렷한 차이를 보여 배수불량지에서는 지상부 생존율이 저하되고 황증 발생율이 증가하였는데, 배수불량지에서 황숙종은 지상부 생존율이 가장 높고 황증 발생율이 가장 낮았으며, 연풍은 지상부 생존율이 가장 낮고 황증 발생율이 가장 높았다. 2. 배수불량지에서는 배수약간불량지에 비해 지상부가 일찍 고사된 관계로 주당 근중이 작고 수량성도 뚜렷이 감소되었는데, 배수불량지에서의 수량성은 자경종 > 천풍 > 연풍 > 황숙종 순으로 자경종과 천풍의 수량성이 높았으며, 배수약간불량지에는 천풍 > 연풍 > 자경종 > 황숙종 순으로 천풍과 연풍의 수량성이 높았다. 3. 적변율은 배수등급보다는 품종 간에 더 큰 차이를 보였는데, 천풍과 자경종의 적변율은 비교적 작은 반면 연풍과 황숙종은 매우 큰 특징을 보였다. 4. 근 비대가 불량했던 배수불량지는 배수약간불량지보다 진세노사이드 함량이 증가되었는데, 배수불량지에서 품종별 총 진세노사이드 함량은 연풍 > 천풍 > 자경종 > 황숙종 순이었고 배수약간불량지에서는 연풍 > 자경종 > 천풍 > 황숙종 순으로 배수조건에 관계없이 연풍이 가장 높고 황숙종이 가장 낮았으며, 천풍과 자경종은 서로 비슷하였다.
This study was carried out to investigate the difference of growth characteristics, yield and extract content between upland and paddy ginseng cultured with 4year-old ginseng in 2003. Although upland ginseng showed larger variation in yield than that of paddy ginseng, the average of it was greater than that of paddy ginseng because it showed better growth of aerial part and higher survival rate than that of paddy ginseng. Moisture content of fresh root was 71.8~%~;(68.5~~73.1~%),~;and~;72.7~%~;(70.2 ~~74.9~%) on average in upland and paddy ginseng, respectively. Paddy ginseng showed higher hardness in taproot, and higher rate of rusty colored root than that of upland ginseng. The ratio of taproot dry weight in upland ginseng was smaller than that of paddy ginseng, while that of lateral root was larger in upland ginseng. Ratio of marketable root (>60g) to total harvested roots was 13.7~%~;(0.82~~8.0~%)~;and~;7.7~%~;(1.6~~12.6~%) in upland and paddy ginseng, respectively. Extract content did not show distinct difference between upland and paddy ginseng, but it showed large variation from 16.1~;to~;25.1~% in taproot, and from 24.2~;to~;32.5~% in lateral root depanding on the ginseng field examined.