주택의 가격은 주택이 위치하고 있는 지역과 밀접한 관계가 있으며, 더불어 주택가격 결정요인은 전역적 수준과 하위지역 간 효과의 편차를 보이는 공간적 이질성을 내포하고 있다. 최근 공간적 이질성 역시 편차의 변화양상에 따라 연속적과 불연속적으 로 구분하는 관점으로 확장되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 서울시 아파트 매매가격 결정요인의 공간적 이질성을 연속적 및 불연속적 관점에서 탐색하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 각각 지리가중회귀모형과 공간 경계를 지역 제약으로 하는 확장 모형인 지역-지리가중회 귀모형을 사용하여, 자치구 내와 자치구 사이의 국지적 회귀계수의 공간적 변동 양상을 탐색하였다. 나아가 두 모형을 설명력과 잔차의 공간적 자기상관을 기준으로 비교・평가하였다. 본 연구 결과에서는 건축 연도와 같이 지역-지리가중회귀모형에서 자치구 간의 불연속성이 강조되고, 자치구 내의 불연속성의 상쇄가 발생하지 않는 결정요인을 불연속적 공간적 이질성 관점으로 설명하 였다. 하지만 여전히 근린공원 거리와 같이 자치구 간에서의 연속성이 유지되는 것이 적합한 변수들이 존재하여 연속적 공간적 이질성의 관점이 유효함 역시 확인하였다. 마지막으로 서울의 경우 모형의 설명력과 잔차의 공간적 자기상관 관점에서는 지역-지 리가중회귀모형이 기존 지리가중회귀모형보다 향상된 결과를 보였다. 본 연구는 주택가격 결정요인에 있어 공간적 이질성의 변동 양상에 대한 인식을 확장하고, 나아가 공간적 이질성의 유형화에 대한 기초 연구로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
Internal reference price (IRP) is conceptualized as ‘a dynamic, internal price to which individuals compare the offered price of a product or service’. For this internal price, multiple conceptualizations and operationalizations have been proposed. This study finds heterogeneity in the use of reference price cues when consumers form an IRP and stablishes that seven distinct segments with different approaches can be can be distinguished.
정교히 디자인된 정부의 환경규제는 기업의 혁신을 촉진할 수 있다는 마이클 포터의 주장 이후로 환경규제와 기업혁신간의 관계에 대해 많은 선행 연구가 진행되었다. 선 행 연구의 결과를 보면, 정부 규제의 효과성에 대해 여전히 상충되는 결과를 보이기도 한다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 기업 행태 이론과 기업 이질성 관점에 기반하여, 환경규제의 강도와 정 부의 규제 발표 후 실제 시행될 때까지 남은 기간의 정도가 개별 기업의 혁신 활동에 어떤 영향을 주는지 실증 분석하였다. 미국의 자동차 연비규제 사례를 바탕으로 분석한 결과, 발 표된 환경규제 기준을 달성하지 못한 후발 기업의 경우 규제의 강도가 증가함에 따라 선도 기업 대비 기존과는 다른 기술 지식을 탐색하지만 출원하는 특허의 임팩트는 감소하는 경향 성을 보였다. 또한, 규제 시행일이 다가옴에 따라, 후발 기업은 선도 기업 대비 더 많은 특허 를 출원했지만, 출원한 특허의 임팩트는 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 실증 결과는 정부의 환경규제에 대응하는 기업의 혁신 전략이 성과에 대한 기대 수준, 기대 수준과 실제 성과간 격차, 그리고 기업의 기술 역량에 따라 어떻게 달라질 수 있는지 검증하였다는 점에 그 이론적, 실무적 공헌점이 있다.
최근 미세먼지 농도가 높은 날이 늘면서 국민들의 관심도 증가하고 있다. 미세먼지의 분포는 공간적으로 상이하며 그 발생도 지역별로 다르게 기인하는데도 불구하고 미세먼지 저감을 위한 정책은 차별성 없이 이루어지고 있기 때문에 미세먼지의 공간적 이질성을 반영한 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 미세먼지 농도에 영향을 미치는 자연요소와 인문요소를 함께 고려하여 요인을 선정 후 OLS, GWR, GWRR기법을 이용하여 미세먼지 분포의 공간 패턴을 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, OLS 분석 결과 자연요인의 경우 강수량과 대기정체일이 적을수록 그리고 주변고도가 낮을수록 미세먼지의 높은 농도의 기여율이 높았으며, 축사나 공업시설과 같은 인문요인의 경우 대부분 미세먼지와 양의 관계가 있음이 파악되었다. 둘째, GWRR 분석 결과 각 하위 지역별로 미세먼지의 분포에 영향을 주는 변수나 그 정도는 다르게 나타났다. 셋째, GWRR의 효용성 평가 결과 GWRR이 다른 두 모델에 비해 향상된 결과를 보였으며, 이는 미세먼지 뿐만 아니라 다양한 대기오염물질의 분석에도 적용이 가능함을 확인하였다.
Public transportation companies often classify customers into only two classes, i.e. first and second class. This segmentation largely ignores travelers’ needs and may leave heterogeneity within classes. Using a discrete choice experiment, this work investigates if the introduction of dedicated sections based on travelers’ characteristics can provide them additional value.
University-industry R&D collaboration is a key driver of participating firms’ technological capability. However, there is still debate on the determinants of a firm’s innovation performance, especially in relation to the characteristics of collaboration and organizational slack. We lay the foundation for our theoretical framework by establishing testable hypotheses on how the characteristics of university-industry collaboration and organizational slack affect participating firms’ innovation performance. Based on a panel data of 2914 firm-year cases for the top 200 U.S. R&D firms, estimates obtained from quantitative techniques produce consistent results and support our predictions. Collaboration breadth, network centrality, unabsorbed slack, collaboration experience and collaboration proactiveness are associated with innovation performance. Moreover, a firm’s higher absorbed slack exerts a negative influence on innovation performance. The managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.
본 논문은 안드레 세라노의 작업이 갖는 의미를 타자성의 담론 속에서 파악하고, 그 예술적 가치를 재 고하는 것을 목표로 한다. 세라노는 사회정치적 이슈에서부터 종교적 상징과 신성에 이르는 주제를 넘나 들면서 타자의 의미, 주체와 타자 사이의 관계, 위치의 전환 등을 탐구한다. 또한 타자성이 평준화되고 권력 화되는 것을 막기 위해 명확한 하나의 입장이나 성명을 제시하는 것을 경계하고 다양한 질문과 해석을 불 러일으키는 데에 주력한다. 다중부정을 지향하는 주변화된 분석가이자 해석자로서의 예술가를 지향하는 것이다. 궁극적으로 그의 사진은 상층부와 하층부, 천상과 세속, 신과 인간, 영혼과 육체, 신성과 물질성처럼 서로 반대된다고 여겨지는 대립항들을 결합시키고 인간과 인간을 둘러싼 세계의 양가성을 이끌어낸다.
We study the differential effects of a variety of WOM and mass communication activities
on the means and on the variances of individual preference parameters. Analyzing the
effects of communication on the means of individual preference parameters provides
useful information regarding how much WOM and mass communication activities
increase or decrease consumers’ preference parameters. Such a study helps us better
understand how communication activities influence consumer heterogeneity. This raises a
new question: “Do WOM and mass communication activities make consumers
homogeneous or heterogeneous in terms of their product preferences?”
This important question has not been previously addressed in the marketing literature. We
propose a two-level choice model using a hierarchical Bayesian probit to incorporate the
differential effects of mass and WOM communication activities, and the proper
interaction between communication activities and product attributes. Using actual movie
choice data, we analyze the effects of WOM communication activities compared to those
of mass communication activities. Furthermore, we measure the differential effects of
communication activities and the interaction effects between communication and product
attributes. Based on the empirical analysis, we provide relevant managerial guidelines
about communication activities.
Numerous studies have tested the impact of store environmental stimuli on store loyalty via some form of attachment and found that the environmental cues of a store do influence repatronage behaviours such as intentions to visit a store. However, different groups of consumers such as men and women could respond differently to environmental stimuli and develop distinct emotions or attachment towards a store brand (i.e. store love) which eventually results in different store repatronage behaviour (i.e. store loyalty). This study sought to determine whether male and female shoppers evaluated the (1) impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love, as well as (2) effect of store love on store loyalty differently from each other. Studies comparing male and female shoppers are crucial as it would help retailers formulate and implement more effective gender-related marketing strategies. The framework and measures of this study were adapted from Koo and Kim (2003). Data was solicited from 863 Millennial shoppers of fast fashion retail stores in Malaysia using a survey method. The focus was on fast fashion stores given their significance as a disrupter in the retail industry and their strong popularity among clothing shoppers. Partial least squares multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA) was used to determine the differences between path coefficients in the structural model as well as compare the loadings of the indicators in the measurement model between both male and female respondents. Results showed that the indicator loadings do not differ significantly between male and female subsamples thereby establishing measurement model invariance. Results from the PLS-MGA showed that male and female shoppers do not evaluate the impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love differently. Both groups shared the same perception that all four environmental cues examined in this study were important in cultivating positive feelings and attachment towards a store brand. However, the impact of store love on store loyalty differed significantly among males and females. Interestingly, the effect of store love on store loyalty was higher for the males than the females, contrasting the conventional view of females as the more emotionally-attached and loyal group of consumers.Numerous studies have tested the impact of store environmental stimuli on store loyalty via some form of attachment and found that the environmental cues of a store do influence repatronage behaviours such as intentions to visit a store. However, different groups of consumers such as men and women could respond differently to environmental stimuli and develop distinct emotions or attachment towards a store brand (i.e. store love) which eventually results in different store repatronage behaviour (i.e. store loyalty). This study sought to determine whether male and female shoppers evaluated the (1) impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love, as well as (2) effect of store love on store loyalty differently from each other. Studies comparing male and female shoppers are crucial as it would help retailers formulate and implement more effective gender-related marketing strategies. The framework and measures of this study were adapted from Koo and Kim (2003). Data was solicited from 863 Millennial shoppers of fast fashion retail stores in Malaysia using a survey method. The focus was on fast fashion stores given their significance as a disrupter in the retail industry and their strong popularity among clothing shoppers. Partial least squares multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA) was used to determine the differences between path coefficients in the structural model as well as compare the loadings of the indicators in the measurement model between both male and female respondents. Results showed that the indicator loadings do not differ significantly between male and female subsamples thereby establishing measurement model invariance. Results from the PLS-MGA showed that male and female shoppers do not evaluate the impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love differently. Both groups shared the same perception that all four environmental cues examined in this study were important in cultivating positive feelings and attachment towards a store brand. However, the impact of store love on store loyalty differed significantly among males and females. Interestingly, the effect of store love on store loyalty was higher for the males than the females, contrasting the conventional view of females as the more emotionally-attached and loyal group of consumers.The findings imply that retailers need to be more astute in creating strong emotional bonds with customers that translate to repatronage behaviours particularly among female shoppers. Male shoppers, as discovered, tend to be less finicky in expressing their love and repatronage intentions for a store once they are contented with the store’s ambience, design, merchandise and service. Alternatively, retailers can seize the opportunity of reaching out to the Millennial male shopper cohort given their potential in market size, characteristic as the less fastidious lot compared to their female counterparts, penchant for recreational shopping and being market mavens when it comes to the latest products, trends and happenings.
Subjective knowledge (SK thereafter) is defined as what consumers think they know, or their perceived level of knowledge (Brucks, 1985). SK influences what consumers search for, the effort that they put into searching, and the purchasing decision and choice of brands they finally make (Hadar, Sood, & Fox, 2013; Moorman, Diehl, Brinberg, & Kidwell, 2004). The existing literature on consumer knowledge development mainly argues that SK development is associated with consumers’ product related experience, such as product ownership and experience from usage (Alba & Hutchinson, 2000; Park, Mothersbaugh, & Feick, 1994). This study contributes to the literature as follows. We consider a broad market segmentation where the market consists of product owners and non-owners, The literature suggests that these two groups of consumers should have different levels of perceived knowledge due to their different product-specific experience (Park et al., 1994). Our research specifically contends that it is important to distinguish, within the group of non-owners, between those who intend to buy and those who do not intend to buy the product. Thus, this study examines how previous ownership and intention to buy, which is the goal motivation, influence the SK levels of consumers, which in turn impacts on consumers’ heterogeneous preferences for different attributes within a product category. It is contended that the motivation to learn about a product category of non-car owners who have strong intentions to buy influences what this group learns compared to those non-owners who do not intend to buy. More specifically, the research proposes to uncover how learning influences how different groups of consumers perceive their subjective knowledge and how this relationship in turn shapes their preferences, especially when we compare owners and non-owners who have strong intentions of buying a product. Therefore, we develop following research hypotheses: H1: The SK level is positively associated with the product ownership experience. H2: The SK level is positively associated with purchase intention. H3: The relationship between purchase intention and SK level is moderated by the ownership of the product. H4: Preference heterogeneity for different types of brand attributes of the product between owners and non-owners is moderated by the SK level. The empirical context that illustrates the importance of this research is the Chinese car market where the majority of consumers are first time buyers. Our research shows that the SK level is positively associated with both car ownership and purchase intention. Furthermore, the segmentation analysis finds that purchase intention has a significant effect only on non-car owners’ SK level, while the effect on car owners’ SK level is insignificant. An interesting finding is that SK development, in turn, influences consumer’s preferences for different types of brand attributes of a product. We demonstrate the role of SK in forming consumer preference heterogeneity by comparing preferences for a tangible and a non-tangible brand attribute respectively across different consumer segments. We further show how this preference heterogeneity across two consumer segments (car owners versus non-car owners) depends on their SK level. The results of this study can be generalized beyond the specific context of the empirical study of the Chinese car market when marketers are considering new products launch or launching products where the majority of consumers may be unfamiliar with the product.
This paper explores central Asia's contextualization mission strategy focused on national approach to culture of homogeneity and heterogeneity. This article attempts Central Asian society's common character and differences from the historic origin and each people's cultural diversity in Central Asia. Central Asia and the entire region contextualization of this article suggesting strategies to derive basically the most basic issues of the specification that can be raised. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia’s historical-cultural common homogeneity and individuality. Chapter II examines Central Asia's history-culture and mission : mission strategy of common homogeneity. Chapter III reviews Central Asia’s mission strategy after independence : factor elements of commonality and individuality. Chapter IV analyzes Contextualization mission strategy focused on national origin and mutual confrontation. As Uzbekistan and Tajikistan develop a stronger sense of their own independence, each country is establishing a new concept of view in explaining their national origin of its own history, which is then inserted into the state ideology. Moreover, because the historical paths of the two states overlap, they interpret the same historical events, from a nationalist perspective, in diametrically opposite ways. Contemporary Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are the territories with the strongest historical links in Central Asia. Since the acquisition of independence they have been marked by similar features of state and nation building.The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the contextualization mission strategy in Central Asia in examining common character and heterogeneous features of the Central people's surroundings after independence and the different aspects of a nation's most basic historical, traditional, understanding including national origin and political system. In exploring Central Asia's mission strategy. it need to be conducted study not only common aspects and heterogeneous nature in Central Asia to identify the distinctive aspects of the Central Asia mission strategy. This article's specification of mission strategy lies in the individual culture and ethnic-based access to a variety of strategies to be drawn to emphasize that what was done. Central Asia is a mission target area.
맨틀 불균질성은 지구 내부의 휘발성 성분의 분포 및 순환과 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 맨틀에서 휘발성 물질의 거동은 규산염암의 유변학적 특성에도 큰 영향을 미친다. 이와 같은 상부맨틀의 물리화학적 특성은 미 구조와 유체포유물의 형태로 맨틀 포획암에 기록될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 미국 리오 그란데 리프트 지역에 서 산출되는 페리도타이트 포획암의 미구조와 유체포유물의 특성과 관련된 이전 연구결과들을 요약 및 리뷰 하였으며, 이를 통해 이 지역의 상부맨틀의 진화과정과 불균질성에 대해 이해하고자 한다. 리오 그란데 리프 트에서 맨틀 포획암이 산출되는 지역은 크게 리프트 중심부인 리프트 축(rift axis) 지역(EB: Elephant Butte, KB: Kilbourne Hole)과 리프트 연변부인 리프트 측면(rift flank) 지역(AD: Adam’s Diggings)으로 나눠진다. 전자(EB 및 KB 페리도타이트)의 경우 응력이 낮고 물함량이 적은 조건에서 형성되는 type-A 격자선호방향 이 보고되었고, 후자(AD 페리도타이트)의 경우 응력이 낮고 물함량이 많은 조건에서 형성되는 type-C 격자선 호방향이 보고된 바 있다. 특히, AD 페리도타이트의 경우 초기(type-1: CO2-N2) 및 후기(type-2: CO2-H2O)와 같은 최소 두번의 유체 침투 사건이 사방휘석 내에 기록되어있다. 이와 같은 미구조 및 유체포유물에 기록된 상부맨틀의 불균질성은 북미 판과 Farallon 판 사이의 상호작용에 기인한 것으로 추정된다.
The determination of soil characteristics is important in the simulation of rainfall runoff using a distributed FLO-2D model in catchment analysis. Digital maps acquired using remote sensing techniques have been widely used in modern hydrology. However, the determination of a representative parameter with spatial scaling mismatch is difficult. In this investigation, the FLO-2D rainfall-runoff model is utilized in the Yongdam catchment to test sensitivity based on three different methods (mosaic, arithmetic, and predominant) that describe soil surface characteristics in real systems. The results show that the mosaic method is costly, but provides a reasonably realistic description and exhibits superior performance compared to other methods in terms of both the amount and time to peak flow.