
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 142

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As discarded fishing gear settles or floats on the seabed, it destroys the spawning and habitat of fisheries resources that causes various safety accidents and adverse effects on the environment, such as generating microplastics and causing ship accidents. In order to solve this problem, this study is intended to present an implementation plan for establishing a fishing gear deposit system in order to use it as basic data for establishing policies for fishing gear management in Korea. In order to successfully implement the fishing gear deposit system, the deposit system must be established in the form of fishing gear completed at the production stage. It was found that the marking of the object should be easy, and that determining an appropriate deposit amount to motivate the return of waste fishing gear and establishing a convenient return procedure for returned waste fishing gear were important factors. In addition, transparent management of unreturned deposits and mandatory use of fishing gear subject to the deposit system for fishermen will be necessary. The role of a specialized organization to manage and operate all of these procedures is also very important. It is necessary to establish a new mandatory provision in the Fisheries Act to require fishermen who directly use fishing gear to use fishing gear with a deposit refund mark, and to ensure the implementation of the deposit system by linking it with the evaluation items of government policy projects. Since the main purpose of the deposit system is to collect discarded fishing gear, a support plan will be necessary in accordance with the purchase project for fishing waste salvaged by local governments in 2020.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2021년 7월 자치경찰제가 실시되면서, 지역 안전에 대한 관심이 고조 되었다. 지금까지 지역 안전은 전통적 의미의 치안 관점에서 접근하였으 나, 안전에 대한 여성의 두려움이 증가하면서, 지역에서의 안전이 더이상 치안의 차원에 머무를 수 없게 되었다. 그러나, 지역 안전을 확인할 수 있는 안전지표는 안전에 대한 취약성을 주로 측정하고 있어, 여성의 범 죄에 대한 두려움이나 예방적 차원의 지표는 포함되어 있지 않았다. 따 라서, 본 연구는 지역의 안전을 측정할 수 있는 새로운 안전지표의 구성 이 필요하며, 새로운 안전지표는 성인지적 관점의 적용으로부터 출발하 였다. 새로운 안전지표는 기존 안전이론과 함께 성인지 감수성 이론에 기반하여, 4개 영역 22개 지표를 구성하였다. 이 연구는 새로운 안전지 표를 개발하기 위한 것으로 지표가 적합한지를 탐색적으로 조사하였다. 이를 위해 성인지 전문가와 자치경찰 전문가를 대상으로 델파이 조사를 실시한 후 적합한 지표를 제시하였다. 조사 결과, 영역별 적합도는 높은 편이었고, 22개 세부 지표 가운데 14개 지표는 적합, 1개 지표는 부적 합, 7개 지표는 고려할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 향 후 자치경찰제 실시에 따른 지역 안전 지표를 구성하는 데 기여할 것으 로 기대할 수 있다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) is the national accreditation body responsible for providing accreditation services to testing and calibration laboratories. The primary objective of KOLAS is to promote the quality and reliability of laboratory testing by providing nationally and internationally recognized accreditation services. Laboratories accredited by KOLAS are required to meet rigorous international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are subject to regular assessments to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards. KOLAS accreditation is highly regarded both domestically and internationally, and is recognized for providing high-quality and reliable testing services. The nuclear analysis laboratory at KINAC has been working to establish a quality management system to ensure the external reliability of analytical results and to secure its position as an authorized testing agency. To achieve this, a detailed manual and procedure for nuclear material analysis were developed to conform to the international standards of ISO/IEC 17025. This study presents the preparation process for establishing the management system, focusing on meeting technical and quality requirements for the implementation of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard in the KINAC nuclear analysis laboratory, specifically in the field of chemical testing (dosimetry, radioactive, and neutron measurement subcategories). The preparation process involved two tracks. The first track focused on satisfying technical requirements, with Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) selected as the major equipment for analysis. Analytical methods for determining isotope ratios and concentrations of nuclear materials were determined, and technical qualification was ensured through participation in proficiency test programs, inter-experimenter comparison tests, and uncertainty reports. The second track focused on developing the quality system, including quality manuals, procedures, and guidelines based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Various implementation documents were produced during the six-month pilot period, in accordance with the three levels of documents required by the standard. Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 is expected to have a systematic quality management process for the analysis lab’s operations and to increase confidence in KINAC’s nuclear analysis.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Production management in the automobile parts industry is carried out according to the production plan of the customer, so it is important to prevent shortages in product supply. As the product composition became increasingly complex, the MES System was built for the purpose of efficient production plan management and inventory management, but its utilization is low. This study analyzed the problems of the MES system and sought to improve it. Through previous studies, it was confirmed that the inventory management of the pull approach that actually occurred in the warehouse is more suitable than the push approach based on the forecast of the warehouse for the volatility, complexity, and uncertainty of orders in the auto parts industry. To realize this, we tried distributed MRP by using the ADO function of VBA to link the standard information of the MES system with Excel and change the structure of the BOM table. Through this, it can help increase the accuracy of production planning and realize efficient inventory management, thereby increasing the utilization of the MES system in the auto parts industry and enhancing the competitiveness of the company.
        2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This was written to introduce the case of establishment and implementation of the Disclosure procedure related to patient safety accidents at Hospital A. The process of establishing the Disclosure procedure of Hospital A consisted of a survey of professors in charge of Clinical Performance Improvement, the formation of consensus within the management, the establishment of procedures through discussion in the relevant departments and committees, and the enactment and implementation of regulations. In addition, in order to apply the regulations to the field, various education and public relations strategies for employees, as well as management procedures for cases of violation of the patient safety culture. And now, psychological support programs are being explored to protect the employees who are the second victims. Continuous efforts to improve “communication know-how” should be made by collecting data and analyzing cost effects. Therefore, legal support such as the Apology Act is also needed to activate and protect patient safety communication.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through the process of chemical vapor deposition, Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6) is widely used by the semiconductor industry to form tungsten films. Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6) is produced through manufacturing processes such as pulverization, wet smelting, calcination and reduction of tungsten ores. The manufacturing process of Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6) is required thorough quality control to improve productivity. In this paper, a real-time detection system for oxidation defects that occur in the manufacturing process of Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6) is proposed. The proposed system is implemented by applying YOLOv5 based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN); it is expected to enable more stable management than existing management, which relies on skilled workers. The implementation method of the proposed system and the results of performance comparison are presented to prove the feasibility of the method for improving the efficiency of the WF6 manufacturing process in this paper. The proposed system applying YOLOv5s, which is the most suitable material in the actual production environment, demonstrates high accuracy (mAP@0.5 99.4 %) and real-time detection speed (FPS 46).
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the era of the 4th industrial revolution driven by the convergence of ICT(information and communication technology) and manufacturing, research on smart factories is being actively conducted. In particular, the manufacturing industry prefers smart factories that autonomously connect and analyze data. For the efficient implementation of smart factories, it is essential to have an integrated production system that vertically integrates separately operated production equipment and heterogeneous S/W systems such as ERP, MES. In addition, it is necessary to double-verify production data by using automatic data collection technology so that the production process can be traced transparently. In this study, we want to show a case of data-centered integration of a large aircraft parts processing factory that requires high precision, takes a long time, and has the characteristics of processing large raw materials. For this, the components of the data-oriented integrated production system were identified and the connection structure between them was explained. And we would like to share the experience gained through the design and implementation case. The integrated production system proposed in this study integrates internal components based on data, which is expected to serve as a basis for SMEs to develop into an advanced stage, and traces materials with RFID technology.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, the question on the legal instruments of international organisations that impose direct sanctions on individuals and legal entities have surfaced, such as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions. States are obliged to implement the UNSC Resolutions but would face difficulties in this course. The UNSC’s coercive approach rubs international security against democratic legitimacy, especially when the Resolutions violate due process of law, principle of legality and human rights. To date, Indonesia’s stance on international law (including UNSC Resolutions) under its legal system remains unclear. This study analyses the implementation of the UNSC Resolutions in Indonesia, which has no uniformity without a UN Act. The case of North Korean vessel, MV Wise Honest, highlights the growing confusion in Indonesia because violation of the UNSC Resolutions has not been governed. Conclusively, Indonesia needs to enact a UN Act to provide legal certainty in the implementation of the UNSC Resolutions.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 총톤수 5톤 미만 선박의 소형선박조종사 면허제도 도입과 관련하 여 선원의 해기능력을 확보하고 검증하기 위한 교육훈련에 관한 구체적 시행 방안을 마련하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 이 연구의 방법론으로 총톤수 5톤 미만인 선박의 해양사고 발생률과 그 원인에 관한 통계분석, 소형선박에 승무 하는 선원과 선주를 대상으로 한 설문조사와 분석 그리고 대만, 일본 및 캐나 다의 사례조사와 문헌연구를 채택하였다. 총톤수 5톤 미만 선박의 소형선박조종사면허 제도 도입과 함께 시행되어야 할 선원교육 과정은 승무경력을 기준으로 유경험자와 신규유입자로 구분하여 시행되어야 할 필요성이 있다. 또한 신면허 제도의 정착을 위해서 신규유입자 를 대상으로 한 교육을 별도로 시행하되 해외사례를 참조하여 교육기간 중에 시험평가가 동시에 이루어질 수 있는 방안이 고려되어야 한다. 이를 위해서 실 선훈련과 시뮬레이터훈련 방안을 병행해서 고려할 필요성이 있으며 이 연구의 구체적 실행을 위하여 법률개정과 사회적 합의 도출 등의 후속조치가 이루어질 필요가 있다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 자발적 지리정보인 오픈스트리트맵(OpenStreetMap, OSM)을 활용하여 중학교 자유학기제의 지도 수업과 학생 활동을 분석한 연구이다. 본 연구를 통해 지도 수정과 편집이 자유로운 오픈스트리트맵을 활용하여 학생들이 직접 지도 편집을 수행하고 중학교 자유학기제 수업에 적용할 수 있는 학생 활동 및 수행 평가 내용을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 총 8차시의 주제선택 활동을 계획하였고, 지형지물의 위치, 굴곡, 형태, 크기, 면적에 대해 학생들은 점, 선, 면의 지도 기호를 사용하여 지도 입력과 수정. 편집 활동을 진행하였다. 학생 활동 평가를 위해 학생들의 지도 정보 입력 및 편집 활동 결과 내용을 분석하고 이를 다섯 단계의 지도 습득 수준으로 분류하여 각 활동 수준의 특성을 살펴보았다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 본 연구는 인터넷 지도와 모바일 기기의 지도 활용 환경을 감안하여 학생 주도의 디지털 지도 학습과 지도 교육 관련 연구의 필요성을 제기하고자 한다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study developed an evaluation system of adaptation countermeasures for climate change in the water resources sector using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the assessment procedures were applied to the Second Chungcheongnam-do Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan (Chungnam Implementation Plan). Firstly, the evaluation criteria are composed of two levels according to the hierarchical structure, and AHP gives priority to 4 evaluation criteria of the first level and 16 alternative indicators of the second level. Secondly, after the importance of the evaluation criteria or indicators has been determined, the significance of each measure was evaluated by applying it to the water-sector measures of the Chungnam Implementation Plan, and the effectiveness of the evaluation system was validated. The Chungnam case study shows that the evaluation system will be more effective and efficient when it is applied during development phase rather than after the implementation plan is finalized. It is also expected that the evaluation system will be used to evaluate and prioritize climate change adaptation policies in other regions, and then to compare the means of adaptation to climate change in various regions and to select recommendation policies.
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