The expansion of the online market is expected to change the purchasing environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in the moderating effect of each characteristic on perceived quality and purchase intention according to the group according to product involvement and purchaser age. The first step is to identify the characteristics of online information sources and social media platforms through a literature review. Next, when perceived quality affects purchase intention, we verify the moderating effect according to the characteristics of online information sources and social media platforms. The moderating effect is verified at the stage by dividing it into a group according to product involvement and a group according to age. The following results were confirmed throughout the study: First, perceived quality significantly affects purchase intention. Second, in the relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention, the influence of the moderating effect is different depending on the high-involvement product and the low-involvement product. Third, it was confirmed that there was a difference in the moderating effect of online information sources and social media platforms in the relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention according to age. This study intends to increase consumers' purchase intentions by identifying specific age groups and product groups of involvement and establishing strategies suitable for the characteristics of online information sources and social media platforms.
Before purchasing new products, customers often have the desire to consult a variety of information sources (e.g., product tests, online reviews, frontline-employee advices) to make better purchase decisions (Broilo et al. 2016). However, the process of information search has changed tremendously over the past decades due to digitalization and an increasing number of online content (Jerath et al. 2014; Noble et al. 2006). Companies’ reactions to these new information search opportunities are very different. For example, Amazon decided to dispense with frontline-employees in their physical store (Forbes 2017). Other companies provide free Wi-Fi access in their bricks-and-mortar stores to support customer online activities (e.g., Woolworths and Best Buy). The purpose of this investigation is to uncover how frontline-employee interaction and mobile Internet search at the store affect consumers’ buying decision process. Initially, an exploratory study on different information sources at a physical store was designed with the aim to provide insights about the impact of information search on consumers’ product choice certainty. The qualitative data analysis shows that most participants had a main focus on content that is related to the considered products. However, there is an essential difference between the focus on perception of information and the source characteristics for participants in the mobile search and frontline-employee condition. While consumers who use their mobile devices to search online for information were more aware of information characteristics, consumers who get personal advice from a frontlineemployee mostly indicated expertise, credibility, and persuasiveness of the information source to be relevant. The results of a quantitative field study provide an initial examination of the influence of the information source on customers’ product choice certainty and its drivers. In this context, the investigation demonstrates that mobile Internet search as well as customer service can support customers in case of making a certain purchase decision for a product. However, customers who got their information by frontline-employees instead of using their mobile devices to search online for information are more certain about their product choice. This is in line with the results of the qualitative study, since an interaction with the frontline-employee leads to higher interactive decision making.
본 연구에서는 한국과 미국 방사선학과 대학생들을 대상으로 방사선 정보원과 전공 선택 만족도의 상관 관계를 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상자는 한국의 충북 소재의 일개 4년제 대학교와 미국의 텍사스 주 소재의 일개 4년제 대학교의 방사선학과 1, 2 학년을 대상으로 하였다. 설문조사는 2019년 5월 7일부터 5월 28일까지 방사선 정보원과 정보원 신뢰도 그리고 방사선학과 선택 만족도에 대해 자기기입방식으로 조사하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 양국 대학생 모두 인터넷을 가장 많이 사용하는 정보원이지만 교과서를 통한 정보 수집 비중은 미국 대학생들이 유의하게 높았다. 둘째, 한국 대학생들은 미국 대학생들보다 정보원에 대한 신뢰도가 정부의 인쇄물을 제외한 인터넷, 신문, 소셜 네트워크 순으로 유의하게 높았다. 셋째, 미국의 대학생들은 한국 대학생들보다 방사선학과 선택 만족도가 유의하게 높았다. 넷째, 한국 대학생들은 다양한 정보원을 통해 전공 선택에 도움을 받고 있었으며 특히, 소셜 네트워크간의 상관계수가 유의하게 높은 상관관계를 나타냈다.