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        검색결과 163

        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean proteins are widely used for human and animal feeds worldwide. The use of soybean protein has been expanded in the food industry due to their excellent nutritional benefits. But, antinutritional and allergenic factors are present in the raw mature soybean. P34 protein, referred as Gly m Bd 30K, has been identified as a predominant immunodominant allergen. The objective of this research is to identify the genetic mode of P34 protein for the improvement of soybean cultivar with a very low level of P34 protein. Two F2 populations were developed from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" x PI567476 and "Gaechuck2ho" x PI567476 (very low level of P34 protein). Relative amount of P34 protein was observed by Western blot analysis. The observed data for the progeny of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476 were 133 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 35 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=1.157, P=0.20-0.30). For the progeny of "Gaechuck#1" and PI567476, the observed data were 177 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 73 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=2.353, P=0.10-0.20). From pooled data, observed data were 310 seeds with normal content of P34 protein and 108 seeds with very low level of P34 protein (X2=0.156, P=0.50-0.70). The segregation ratio (3:1) and the Chi-square value obtained from the two populations suggested that P34 protein in mature soybean seed is controlled by a single major gene. Single gene inheritance of P34 protein was confirmed in 32 F2 derived lines in F3 seeds, which were germinated from the low level of P34 protein obtained from the cross of "Pungsannamulkong" and PI567476. These results may provide valuable information to breed for new soybean line with low level of P34 protein and identification of molecular markers linked to P34 locus.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Dwarfuess and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein in soybean is useful traits for basic studies. df2 and ti gene control dwarfness and the expression of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein in soybean, respectively. The objective of this research was to verify genetic linkage or independent inheritance of df2 and ti loci in soybean. The F2 population was made by cross combination between "Gaechuck#2" (Df2Df2titi genotype, KTI protein absence and a normal growth type) and T210 (df2df2TiTi genotype, a dwarf growth type and KTI protein present). A total of 258 F2 seeds were analyzed for the segregation of KTI protein using SDS-PAGE. And so, 198 F2 plants were recorded for the segregation of dwarfness. The segregation ratio of 3 : 1 for Ti locus (201 Ti : 57 titi) and Df2 locus (143 Df2 : 55 df2df2) was observed. Segregation ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 (116 TiDf2: 44 Tidf2df2: 27 titiDf2: 11 titidf2df2) between df2 gene and ti gene was observed (x2 =3.53, P = 0.223). These results showed that df2 gene was inherited independently with the ti gene in soybean.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        시클라멘의 꽃 및 꽃눈의 색, 잎의 모양과 무늬 등의 질적형질에 대한 유전 분석을 위하여 이들의 특성이 다른 계통을 교잡한 후, F1, F2 및 여교잡 세대에서 분리비를 조사하였다. 화색은 F1이 양친의 중간색을 나타냈고, F2는 자방친 화색: 중간 색(F1과 동일): 화분친 화색이 1: 2 : 1로 분리되어 한 쌍의 대립유전자가 불완전우성으로 유전하는 것으로 나타났다. 꽃눈 색은 흰색 × 빨간색 계통의 조합에서 F1 이 빨간색으로 나타났고, F2에서
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs), in which each line carries a single or a few defined chromosome segment of donor genome and has a pure genetic background from a recurrent genotype, is a fundamental approach to conduct the QTL mapping in order to improve the mapping precision. In the present study, variety ‘ZM36’ (Gossypium. hirsutum) and ‘Hai1’ (Gossypium. Barbadense) were used as recurrent and donor parent to produce a segment substitution lines populations, respectively. The results indicated that most of fiber quality traits, yield-related traits and verticillium wilt traits fit the normal distribution in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In 133 lines of BC4S2:3 generation fiber length longer the recurrent parent has 37, micronaire lower than the recurrent parent has 58, Fiber strength over than the recurrent parent has 34. In 199 individuals of BC4S2:4 generation fiber length longer the recurrent parent has 37, micronaire lower than the recurrent parent has 36, Fiber strength over than the recurrent parent has 49. Fiber length had significantly positive correlation with fiber strength and negative correlation with micronaire, seed index had significantly positive correlation with boll weight and negative correlation with lint percentage, lint percentage had negative correlation with fiber length and strength.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        남명학파는 그 성립 초기, 즉 남명이 생존하던 시기와 그 문인집단이 왕성하 게 활동하던 시기인 16세기 후반과 17세기 초반에는 우리나라 학계와 정계를 주도했었다. 그러나 인조반정 때 남명의 문인 내암 정인홍이 ‘賊臣’으로 몰려 처 형을 당하고부터 상황은 急轉直下하였다. 반정 이후 남명학파적 성격을 유지한 채 정권에 참여할 수 없었던 정치적 상황으로 인해 남명학파는 명목과 실상을 동시에 유지하기 어려웠고, 이러한 연유로 해서 17세기 중후반부터 차츰 退溪 學派化 내지는 栗谷學派化할 수밖에 없었다. 이러한 정황 속에서도 내심 북인 세력으로 존재하던 남명학파의 일부가 1728년에 ‘戊申亂’을 일으키다 궤멸됨으로써 설상가상의 상황에 이르게 되었 다. 이즈음에 이르게 되면 남명학파의 목숨은 거의 끊어진 듯이 보인다. 그러나 비록 미미하다 할지라도 진주 인근에서는 河世應·河必淸·李甲龍·李志容·李佑贇 등의 인물이 꾸준히 학맥을 이어왔던 것이 분명히 포착된다. 그리하여 18세기 말엽에 이르러 정조가 남명에 대한 제문을 직접 지어 사제케 한 뒤로 경상우도 지역의 사기가 올랐음인지 19세기에 들어서면 李源祚·張福樞·李震相·朴致馥 등 을 이어 金麟燮·許愈·崔琡民·鄭載圭·金鎭祜·郭鍾錫 등의 저명한 학자가 대거 굴 기하게 되었다. 특히 俛宇 郭鍾錫(1846-1919)은 한주 이진상의 문인으로서 우도 지역은 물 론 좌도 지역을 포함하여 전국적 명망을 한 몸에 받는 대유가 되어, 고종의 지 우를 입었으나 망국의 현실을 되돌릴 수는 없었고, 경술국치 이후 1919년 파리 에서 열린 만국평화회의에 조선 유림의 대표로서 독립을 청원하는 장서를 보내 는 일을 주도한 뒤 일생을 마친 인물로, 그의 저술이 너무 호한하여 근래에 이 르도록 깊은 연구가 없었던 것이 사실이다. 면우 곽종석의 여러 면모 가운데 남명학을 계승하고 있는 측면을 부각하여 그 양상과 의미를 더듬어 본 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 면우는 태어나고 자란 곳이 남명학파적 요소가 뿌리 깊은 곳이고, 혈연 을 중심으로 살펴본 그의 가계에서도 남명학파적 요소가 두드러진다. 그러나 학연의 측면에서 보면 한주 이진상의 학문을 계승하였으므로 퇴계학파적 요소 가 두드러진다. 둘째, 면우는 남명 정신의 핵심을 그의 ‘敬義’ 사상에서 찾고, 이 사상이 우도 지역 곳곳에서 면면히 전승되어 왔던 것이므로, 앞으로도 계속 전승해가야 한 다는 생각을 가지고 있었다. 셋째, 면우는 「신명사부」를 크게 네 단락으로 구성하여 신명사의 유래, 靜的 居敬의 상태, 處事接物時에 私欲과 邪念이 일어나는 과정, 이를 廝殺하여 이른 바 ‘復其初’하는 과정 등을 신명사가 겪는 治亂의 역사로 상정하여 매우 역동적 으로 묘사하였는데, 이를 남명이 내세웠던 경의와 관련하여 생각해 보면, 앞의 두 단락은 敬을 드러낸 것이고, 뒤의 두 단락은 義를 드러낸 것이다. 敬義를 직 접적으로 내세우지 않으면서 敬義의 의미를 매우 심도 있게 드러내었다. 넷째, 면우는 南冥을 매우 尊慕하였지만 退溪와 함께 崇尙하는 면모를 보이고 있다. 이는 인조반정 이후 남명학파의 학문적 전통이 희미해지면서 남인의 경 우 퇴계학파의 학문이 서서히 그 자리를 대체해 온 결과라 할 것이다. 남명의 사상 가운데 그 핵심이라 이를 ‘敬義’에 대한 계승 의지는 면우 또한 매우 투철했음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 이와 맞물려 있는 엄정한 출처와 실 천 지향의 측면은 다소 약화되고 성리학적 이론에 대한 면밀한 탐구가 있었으 니, 이는 대체로 퇴계학파적 면모의 확대로 인한 자연스런 현상으로 보인다. 학 자로서 사우의 연원은 결정적이므로 면우의 문집에 퇴계학파적 면모가 두드러 지게 보이는 것도 사실이지만, 남명학파로서의 자부심과 그에 대한 지향성이 뚜렷하다는 점 또한 부인할 수 없는 것도 사실이다.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, giant embryonic rice and functional rice food are preferred by more consumers, which are attributed to the fact that the embryo has high concentrations of essential amino acids, fatty acids, and vitamins relative to other parts of rice grains. In this report, the heredity and stability of giant embryo mutations in successive generations were analyzed regarding a giant embryonic line, 'P47', induced by T-DNA insertion and a F2 population from a cross between 'P47' and 'Junam'. The mutant lines with increases of 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8 times on embryo length, width and 100-embryo weight to those of the control showed stable inheritance across three generations. The continuous frequency distributions of embryo size in the F2 population showed that the embryo size is a quantitative trait of polygene controlled. In addition, wide range of transgressive segregations of six traits affecting embryo size confirmed exchange of genetic materials and recombination between genes controlling embryo size. Five giant embryo mutant lines selected from the F2 population will be used for artificial selection and improvement of giant embryonic varieties.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Haploid system by anther culture allows the development of homozygous lines when doubled. The response of anther culture to Basta (glufosinate) resistance was investigated on transgenic plants (cv. Anjungbyeo) in order to identify inheritance of bar gene associated with Basta. Most of the regenerated transgenic plants were sterile, and only a few plants produced viable seeds (A1) in the greenhouse. The bar gene was analysis by PCR in basta resistant transgenic plant (TA0). The transgenic seeds (A1) were significantly germinated in Basta solution compared with non-transformed seeds. As a result of anther culture, in regenerated haploid plants, segregation ratio was 1:1 in five of eight cross combinations. In diploid plants, segregation ratio was 1:1 in seven of eight cross combinations. Although there was some differences in the cross combinations, most of the combinations had 1:1 segregation ratio which supports the theory. The difference may be a result of the small sample size or the difference of anther culture response caused by genotypic difference. Hence, when many cross combinations were anther-cultured the results would support the theory.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lectin protein and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein of mature  soybean seed are a main antinutritional factor in soybean seed. The Le gene controls a lectin protein and Ti gene controls the KTI protein in soybean. Ti locus has been located on linkage group 9 in the classical linkage map of soybean. Position of Le locus on linkage map was not identified. Genetic relationship between Ti locus and Le locus could be useful in soybean breeding program for the genetic elimination of these factors. The objective of this study was to determine the independent inheritance or linkage between Ti locus and Le locus in soybean seed. Two F2 populations were developed from three parents (Gaechuck#1, T102, and PI548415). The F1 seeds from Gaechuck#1 (titiLeLe) x T102 (TiTilele) and Gaechuck#1 (titiLeLe) x PI548415 (TiTilele) were obtained. The lectin and KTI protein were analysed from F2 seeds harvested from the F1 plants to find independent assortment or linkage between Ti locus and Le locus. The segregation ratios of 3 : 1 for Le locus (129 Le_ : 44 lele) and Ti locus (132 Ti_ : 41 titi) and were observed. The segregation ratios of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 (95 Le_Li_ : 34 Le_titi: 37 leleTi_ : 7 leletiti) between Le gene and Ti gene in F2 seeds were observed. This data showed that Ti gene was inherited independently with the Le gene in soybean. These results will be helpful in breeding program for selecting the line with lacking both KTI and lectin protein in soybean.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        dlm mutants controlling disease lesion mimic leaf trait may be useful in basic research of disease hypersensitive response and programmed cell death in soybean. The study on genetic relationship between dlm trait and other morphological C trait, position of dlm allele on classical linkage group, and a molecular marker linked to dlm allele was little reported. Two populations [T173 (ffDlmDlm) x T363 (FFdlmdlm), T363 (dlmdlmY9Y9) x T135 (DlmDlmy9y9)] were made to find independent assortment or linkage between dlm locus and f locus or between dlm locus and y9 locus. The segregation ratios of 3 : 1 were observed in the F2 population and the Chi-square values suggested that the disease lesion mimic leaf, fasciation stem, and chlorophyll-deficient leaf traits were controlled by a single recessive gene. Segregation ratios of 78 Dlm_F_: 19 Dlm_ff: 17 dlmdlmF_ : 3 dlmdlmff based on F2 phenotype showed that dlm allele was inherited independently with the f allele controlling fasciation stem trait in soybean. Also, segregation ratios of from 149 Dlm_Y9_: 41 Dlm_y9y9: 38 dlmdlmY9_ : 5 dlmdlmy9y9 based on F2 phenotype confirmed that dlm allele was inherited independently with the y9 allele controlling chlorophyll- deficient leaf trait in soybean. From these results, dlm allele would not be located on linkage group 11 (molecular linkage group: D1b+W) and linkage group 14 (molecular linkage group: E) in soybean. This results will helpful to attempt to position the Dlm locus on the soybean molecular linkage map.
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