The most general treatment method of municipal solid waste is a landfill. The LFG (landfill gas) migration is a serious problem in environmental aspect. The object of this study is to present the possibility of LFG utilization as a replacement or supplementary fuel for local energy -demand. We have developed the EXCEL program for the economic analysis.
Landfill gases (LFGs), which consists of sulfur compounds, odorous substances such as ammonia and amines, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), is generated during the natural process of bacterial decomposition of organic material contained in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The VOCs in the LFGs cannot be only decomposed easily into the soil after landfilling but they also can cause serious problems for the surrounding atmosphere, soil, and groundwater because of their toxicity. Moreover, VOCs have been identified as precursors of photochemical smog and they are toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Furthermore, VOCs comprise a low rate of the emissions, but they can cause cancer. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the hazard causing by VOCs in LFGs. This study is aim to identify chemicals in LFGs and the hazardous evaluation by mixing between chemicals in LFGs. The selected landfill site in the study is located in Daejeon. Waste generation data were obtained from the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of South Korea. To evaluate the amount of the selected VOCs (47) among the primary disintegration models, LFGs generation model in LandGEM program was used. For the gas mixing reaction, a program called CRW 4.0 was introduced by the NOAA in the United States was used. As a result, the cumulative capacity of landfills in 2015 was estimated at 7,650,682 tons. Therefore, the total LFGs generation in 2015 was 7.717 × 107m³. Also the LFGs showed almost all the hazardous reactions with NOx and O3 in the atmosphere. As VOCs in LFGs mixed air emissions, we confirmed that toxic potential gases such as phosgene, hydrogen halides, halogenated organics, chlorinated amines and acidic fumes are generated.
폐기물매립지에서 매립된 폐기물의 혐기성분해과정에서 발생하는 매립가스는 주요 성분인 메탄(CH4), 이산화탄소(CO2)와 수분, 황화수소(H2S), 실록산(Siloxane) 등의 미량물질을 포함하고 있다. 매립가스 중 메탄은 신재생에너지로서 활용가치가 높은 반면, 이산화탄소와 더불어 온실가스로서 관리해야 하는 대상으로 주목받고 있다. 또한 매립가스 중 황화수소는 매립지 주요 악취물질로 알려져 있어 적절한 매립가스 제어를 통한 매립장 환경관리가 요구되고 있다. 매립가스는 복토재료, 복토두께, 가스포집정 설치 형태, 기상조건, 매립된 폐기물의 종류 및 양 등의 인자에 의해 다양한 배출특성을 가진다. 매립장 환경관리 및 매립가스 자원화 사업을 위해 합리적인 매립가스 관리가 필요하며, 이를 위해 매립지 현장에서의 장기적인 모니터링을 통해 매립가스 배출특성을 파악할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 S매립지를 대상으로 최근 11년간(2005년~2015년) 수행한 매립가스 배출량 현장모니터링 결과를 이용하여 매립지 운영형태, 배출경로, 시간경과 및 계절적 영향에 따른 매립가스 배출특성을 분석하였다. 매립지 운영형태는 매립이 종료된 매립장(사용종료 매립장)과 매립이 진행중인 매립장(사용중 매립장)으로 분류하였고, 배출경로는 강제포집, 간이소각기, 표면발산의 세 경로로 구분하여 매립가스 배출특성을 평가하였다. 또한 시간경과에 따른 배출특성의 변화경향을 파악하고, 계절적 변동분석도 실시하였다. 매립가스 배출특성을 분석한 결과, 사용중 매립장의 경우, 2015년 기준 강제포집효율은 94.4%로, 통상적으로 매립종료시 또는 최종복토시 매립가스 회수율(80~95%) 범위에 해당하였다. 조사대상 매립장이 최종복토 상태가 아니라 매립이 진행중인 매립장임을 감안하면, 가스포집・이송시설 및 복토면의 관리상태가 양호한 것으로 판단되었다.
Emissions of leachate, odor, and landfill gas(LFG) from an open-dumping landfill site do harm to public health by contaminating neighboring soil, underground water, and rivers. Particularly, methane(CH4) and carbon dioxide(CO2), the main components of LFG, are especially noted as the causing material of the global warming that become seriously recognized worldwide issue.
As one of alternatives in managing LFG, incineration of inflammable wastes that are generated during excavation process at an open-dumping landfill has been evaluated.
Standard on stabilization for evaluation, neither CH4 density nor CO2 density could not Because meet 'less than 5%' criterion and so it is right to install a gas collection system during landfill renewal to prevent diffusion of odor and collect it.
Because it shows considerable heating value, incineration of inflammable wastes might be the reasonable solution from the result of our study.