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        검색결과 10

        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To promote the diffusion of environmentally friendly equipment, appropriate measures need to be taken for each target group. This study evaluated changes in the influence of mass media on PV installation intentions by generation, based on over 10 years of consumer awareness survey data and the number of newspaper reports.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to observe the influence education experience (home, school, and mass media) on reducing practice behavior(purchasing, using, disposing and leading) of food-related wastes. The study also sought to promote strategy and suggest effective activation plans for the vitalization of behavior of reducing food-related wastes. The study subjects were 412 adult consumers who answered a structured questionnaire. The main findings are as follows: First, the scores of home education experience were 3.61±0.71, which was the highest, and 3.45±0.74 for school education experience, which was the lowest. Second, according to factor analysis, the reducing practice behavior of food-related wastes was converged purchasing, using, disposing and leading behavior. The scores of disposing behavior were 3.79±0.67, which was the highest, and 2.87±0.82 for leading behavior, which was the lowest. Third, the common variables influencing the reducing practice behavior(purchasing, using, disposing and leading) of food-related wastes were home education and mass media and the powerful variable influencing was home education. The results of this study can be used as basic data for the development of educational programs for effective food-related waste reduction.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The fashion business is known as one of the major industries that is suffering from rising concerns about the consumption of its product, which led to a reorganization of the fashion supply chain to become more sustainable three decades ago. The interest in the concept of sustainability and demand for sustainable marketing activities is gradually growing in the fashion industry due to the negative image and press it receives. Within the luxury fashion segment, the three main themes that are recognized to contribute to sustainability are exclusivity, craftmanship and limited production. However, luxury brands are increasingly shifting their attention and commitment towards environmental and social issues to be incorporated in the concept of sustainability. Yet, the majority of consumers has little understanding or misunderstands the concept of sustainable fashion and marketing, which leads to a gap between attitudes towards sustainability and actual behavior. As a result, fashion brands are trying to leverage their brand by making sustainability a key marketing strategy to raise awareness about social, environmental, economic and cultural issues. Extant research has not explored this recent trend to understand how consumers evaluate fashion brands with a sustainable marketing communication, especially in the context of luxury brands. This study investigates how luxury and mass fashion brands can utilize sustainable marketing contents in social media communication to reach their target group and enhance their equity with sustainability associations. Theoretical Development Associative network models of memory have served as a fundamental framework for a wide range of studies related to the formation and transfer of associations. According to associative network theory, brand knowledge is represented in form of an associative network of memory nodes connected to each other. Nodes are activated when cues, such as advertising, are presented. Mere exposure to cues was shown to be sufficient to active associations and facilitate association transfer. While brands are continuously attempting to make use of associative power to leverage brand equity, extant research has provided compelling reasons to accept that association transfer can also result in brand dilution when a retrieval of conflicting or negative associations occurs. Especially in the context of luxury brands consisting of very unique associations and being different from mass brands in many regards, managing the brand’s associative network is a crucial task in order to send the right signals to consumers and maintain exclusivity. This study investigates how social media communication of different sustainability dimensions affects brand attitude and how it ultimately impacts behavioral outcomes in an attempt to build brand equity for mass and luxury fashion brands. Method and Data The hypotheses are tested with 273 respondents who participated in an online experiment. They were first asked to state their involvement with the category fashion. Subsequently, subjects were presented with a brand post either for the mass or luxury brand including claims related to one of the four sustainability dimensions or no claims for the control group respectively. The experiment consisted of a 2 (brand: mass or luxury) x 5 (sustainability dimensions: none, cultural, economic, environmental, social) factorial design. The measures that followed included attitudinal as well as behavioral constructs related to the brand, sustainability as well as social media use. Analysis of covariance is applied to test for main effects and interaction effects. Summary of Findings This study provides evidence that social media communication of a sustainable brand affects the purchase intention of consumers. The findings indicate a significant difference between the mass and the luxury brand used for this study. The mass brand exhibits the potential to leverage associations with cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability. However, the results only reveal a marginally significant higher purchase intention when cultural sustainability is communicated compared to when the brand does not provide any sustainable associations. In contrast, the luxury brand suffers from significant brand dilution across all four sustainability dimensions resulting in a decline in purchase intention. Key Contributions The findings reveal that sustainability communication exerts a diverging influence depending on the type of brand that is involved. This study suggests that mass brands are able to benefit from sustainability communication in an attempt to leverage brand equity. However, for a luxury brand this type of associations rather presents a liability that might dilute the brand. The findings of this study provide important insights for brand managers. Since mass brands are currently increasing efforts into sustainable communication in the fashion industry, the results suggest that this might be a promising investment. However, luxury brands are advised to carefully manage the communication of salient content related to sustainability as it might harm the invaluable and unique associations inherent in a luxury brand.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study about relationship with game use and mental health is being watched with keen interest. However, these isn't enough study on comparison within mass media just like television or SNS. In this study, we compared each media usage time and mental health factor on public. We selected game, television, radio, newspaper, book as mass media and depression, aggression, loneliness, self control, happiness, self efficacy, self esteem as mental health factor. As a result of the study, high game usage time group shows low self control, high aggression and little low self efficacy as compared with other media. And game, SNS and book show the relationship with depression, so there needs joint researches about that. We clear up the character and relationships with the game propensity analysis for the game development and studies of mental health.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 매스 미디어가 문화변천에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고자 한다. 문헌 검토를 통해 현대 문화변천과 매스 미디어와의 상관성을 세 가 지의 연구 문제로 설정하였다. 특히 이 연구는 문화적 인식 변화와 문화변천에 도 움을 주는 매스 미디어와 정치, 사회변천, 세계화, 경제 발전과 미래 문화에 매스 미디어가 미치는 영향에 대해 검토하는데 주요 목적이 있다. 매스 미디어는 우리 에게 이미 어느 정도의 통제가 가능하고 더 편리해져서 문화변천에 다양한 방향을 제시한다. 따라서 매스 미디어는 문화진화와 실천 과정의 직접적인 수단이라 할 수 있다. 특히 문화변천에 대한 매스 미디어의 영향은 사회, 경제, 정치 그리고 모 든 국제화 사업과의 조화로운 융합에 성공함으로써 매스미디어가 문화적 가치 및 경제적 가치를 실현하는데 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis naturally occurred on citrus whitefly, Dialeurodes citri nymph was often observed in organic citrus orchards, Jeju. The genus Aschersonia is also known to be toxic against scale insects and other pests. However, little is known about artificial media for mass production of spores of Aschersonia species. Grains are excellent sources of media for mass conidia production of various entomopathogenic fungi. The yeast extract, which converts carbohydrates to carbon dioxides and alcohols, contains a large amount of vitamin B complexes which facilitate the carbohydrate metabolism. The more yeast extract content the more conidia production on artificial medium made from commercial corn flour and corn gluten feed. The number of conidium produced on oat, millet, sorghum, and unhulled barley medium containing 1% yeast extract were 1.8, 1.8, 1.6, and 2.1×1010/plate (90mm × 15mm), respectively. However, the greatest yeast effect among four media showed appeared on sorghum medium, which produced 25 times higher spore production than sorghum alone. Furthermore, the conidia from solid sorghum medium could be easily harvested with cell scraper.