Recently, the demand for shape memory alloys in the biomedical industry is increasing. Nitinol alloy, which accounts for most of the shape memory alloy market, occupies most of the biomedical field. Nitinol for biomaterials requires a clean surface without sub-micron surface integrity and surface defects in order to be used more safely in a living body. Among them, new technologies such as polishing using MR fluid are being studied, but there is a disadvantage in that it takes a long time for processing due to a low material removal rate. In this study, material removal studies were conducted for effective polishing, and excellent polishing properties of MR fluid were confirmed.
The operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants (NPPs) creates waste in the process of handling radioactively contaminated material, which must be disposed of in a repository or can be recovered of in the same way as conventional waste in the course of handling radioactively contaminated materials. For buildings or sites of NPPs it also has to be decided under what conditions they can continue to be used for other, conventional purposes or demolished. This decision is referred to as “release from supervision under nuclear and radiation protection law” or “clearance” in short. The clearance levels applicable in Germany according to the Radiation Protection Ordinance have been defined such that a radiation dose (hereinafter referred to as “dose”) of 10 μSv per year is not exceeded. The vast majority of the materials resulting from the dismantling of a nuclear power plant (e.g. most of the massive concrete structures) are neither contaminated nor activated. Thus, there is no need to treat these materials as radioactive waste. Emplacement of uncontaminated masses which in Germany is essentially several million tonnes of building rubble in a repository would require additional construction of such facilities, which, in view of the negligible hazard potential, from the point of view of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK) is clearly to be rejected both economically and, in particular, ecologically. Alternative ways are increasingly discussed in public, such as the abandonment of buildings after gutting, i.e. refraining from demolition of the controlled area buildings of NPPs. Also, another proposal discussed in public, the landfilling or the long-term storage of cleared material at the site, does not offer any safety-related advantages either in the view of the ESK. If, after completion of all dismantling work, the building has been decontaminated such that the clearance levels for buildings are complied with further use of the building rubble resulting from demolition is harmless from a radiological point of view. For these reasons, Germany has deliberately decided to use clearance as an essential measure in the dismantling of NPPs. If it is intended to conventionally reuse or depose of virtually contaminant-free material from controlled areas, it must first undergo a clearance procedure. The prerequisites that must be fulfilled for clearance are regulated in the Radiation Protection Ordinance, which includes two basic clearance pathways: unrestricted and specific clearance. In the following, the basic process of clearance is briefly presented and illustrated for a better understanding. It comprises five steps. Step 1-Radiological characterization by sampling, Step 2-Dismantling of plant components in the controlled area, Step 3- Decontamination, Step 4-Decission measurements, Step 5-Clearacnce and further management. The entire clearance process is governed by a clearance notice and is carried out under the supervision of the competent authority under nuclear and radiation protection law or the independent authorized expert commissioned by it. The clearance pathways contained in the Radiation Protection Ordinance have proven themselves in practice. They permit safe and proper management of material from dismantling and release of the site from supervision under nuclear and radiation protection law. These German regulatory procedures should be taken into account and deregulation and removal should be used as appropriate and necessary tools in the process of decommissioning NPPs in order to return non-hazardous materials to the material cycle or for conventional disposal.
In accordance with the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency, operators of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)s must conduct full cyber security exercise once a year and partial exercise at least once every half year. Nuclear operators need to conduct exercise on systems with high attack attractiveness in order to respond to the unauthorized removal of nuclear or other radioactive material and sabotage of nuclear facilities. Nuclear facilities identify digital assets that perform SSEP (Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness) functions as CDA (Critical Digital Assets), and nuclear operators select exercise target systems from the CDA list and perform the exercise. However, digital assets that have an indirect impact (providing access, support, and protection) from cyber attacks are also identified as CDAs, and these CDAs are relatively less attractive to attack. Therefore, guidelines are needed to select the exercise target system in the case of unauthorized removal of nuclear or other radioactive material and sabotage response exercise. In the case of unauthorized removal of nuclear or other radioactive material, these situations cannot occur with cyber attacks and external factors such as terrorists must be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the list of CDAs that terrorists can use for cyber attacks among CDAs located in the path of stealing and transporting nuclear material and conduct intensive exercise on these CDAs. A typical example is a security system that can delay detection when terrorists attack facilities. In the case of sabotage exercise, a safety-related system that causes an initiating event by a cyber attack or failure to mitigate an accident in a DBA (Design Basis Accident) situation should be selected as an exercise target. It is difficult for sabotage to occur through a single cyber attack because a nuclear facility has several safety concepts such as redundancy, diversity. Therefore, it can be considered to select an exercise target system under the premise of not only a cyber attack but also a physical attack. In the case of NPPs, it is assumed that LOOP (Loss of Offsite Power) has occurred, and CDA relationships to accident mitigation can be selected as an exercise target. Through exercise on the CDA, which is more associated with unauthorized removal of nuclear or other radioactive material and sabotage of nuclear facilities, it is expected to review the continuity plan and check systematic response capabilities in emergencies caused by cyber attacks.
연안 해역에서 소형 선박의 프로펠러 고장으로 인한 사고가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 특히, 해상부유물(폐그물 및 로프 등)에 의하여 선박 프로펠러가 감기는 사고가 빈번히 일어나고 있다. 선박 프로펠러 감김 사고는 동력 상실로 인한 선박의 운항 지연 및 표류로 인한 1차 사고와 프로펠러에 감긴 로프을 제거하기 위한 잠수 작업등으로 인한 2차 사고의 우려가 있다. 이러한 빈번한 프로펠러 감김 사 고에도 불구하고 문제를 해결할만한 적절한 도구가 없어 선박을 육상으로 인양하여 수리하거나, 잠수부가 직접 선박 아래로 잠수하여 문제를 해결하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 따라, 최근 선박 프로펠러 감김 사고를 예방하기 위해 프로펠러 샤프트에 로프절단장치를 일부 소형 선박에 장착하고 있으나 비교적 높은 설치비용 및 시간이으로 인하여 원활하게 적용되어지지 않는 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 기계톱 원리를 이용한 간단한 구조를 가진 수중절단기 기구 설계 및 제어기 개발을 수행하였다. 수중절단 기의 톱날은 직선왕복동작을 위해 유성기어와 크랭크핀을 사용함으로써 긴 행정을 가질 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 수중절단기는 소형 선박에 비치되어있는 배터리를 이용하여 작동시킬 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, 비전문가인 사용자가 보다 편리하고 안전하게 사용할 수 있도록 역전류 방지 및 속도제어회로를 적용하여 편리성 및 안정성을 확보하였다.
본 실험에서는 실제 원수와 모사 원수를 이용하여 유기막(PES, PVDF 및 PTFE)을 이용하여 재질에 따른 막오염 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 먼저 원수를 운전압력 1kgf/cm2로 여과하였다. 재질별 소요된 여과 시간은 약 5분, 약 13분, 약 17분으로 각각 나타났다. 또한 모사 원수 실험을 진행하였고, 원수 실험과 동일한 결과를 나타냈다. Jucker 와 Clark(1994)에 따르면 소수성 재질의 막이 유기물 흡착에 의한 Flux 감소가 크다고 보고하였고, 본 실험에서도 소수성 재질의 막이 높은 Flux 감소율을 나타났다. 실험 결과를 통해 막 재질 특성이 조류 유입에 따른 Flux 감소율에 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다.
본 연구는 환경부의 “환경정책기반공공기술개발사업”으로 지원받은 과제입니다.
Cochlodinium polykrikoides is a harmful algae that in Korea, has caused red tide in the southern and eastern coastal water of Korea from summer to early autumn since 1990, triggering fishing damage each year. To reduce and prevent this damage, loess is generally sprayed in the field conditions, but in recent years, the red tide coverage is becoming extensive, and thus there is a need to secure the removal materials for the long-term ocean environment changes. This study sought to confirm the use of kaolin with low trace metal content and the organism-extracted chitooligosaccharide as a C. polykrikoides removal material. The kaolin's removal efficiency by its concentration, using C. polykrikoides cultures, was measured, showing that there was no change to pH, and that, within 30 minutes, the removal effect stood at 21~62%. The test of chitooligosaccharide by its concentration showed that, with the pH change range (5.58~8.88), the removal effect was low at 9~30%. But, the successive injection of the mixture of kaolin and chitooligosaccharide into the cultures revealed that, while the kaolin concentration was irrelevant to the removal efficiency, upon the supply of over 2mL chitooligosaccharide, the removal efficiency increased to 62?91% with normal pH values (7.01~7.34) being measured. To ensure easy onsite spray of the kaolin and chitooligosaccharide mixture, its dry crashed substance was tested, revealing that, when the ratio of kaolin : chitooligosaccharide was 1:10, the removal efficiency was higher than 85%, and that there is a need for boosting cost-efficiency considering the easiness of spraying, drying time and the supply amount.
0.4μm의 세공크기를 갖고 있는 평막이 침지된 연속회분식 반응기에서 유입 유기물 농도가 영양염류 제거에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 분리막의 여과성능과 영양염류 제거효과를 규명하기 위하여 유입 유기물의 농도를 200 mg/L (Run-1), 400 mg/L (Run-2) 및 800 mg/L (Run-3)로 연속적으로 변화시키면서 실험하였다. COD/N 및 COD/P의 비가 증가할수록 T-N 및 T-P의 제거율은 모두 증가하였다. Run-1, Run-2 및 Run-3에서 T-N의 평균 제거율은 각각 28.1, 32.6 및 90.4%이었으며, 투과수의 T-N 평균 농도는 각각 32.0, 30.0 및 4.3 mg/L 이었다. 또한 Run-1, Run-2 및 Run-3에서 T-P의 평균 제거율은 각각 13.6, 35.3 및 93.1%이었으며, 투과수의 T-P 평균 농도는 각각 3.11, 2.33 및 0.25 mg/L이었다.
참외를 껍질째 먹기 위하여 착과 5일후부터 과실에 배, 사과, 포도봉지를 씌워 재배한 결과, 봉지내의 온도는 외기온에 비하여 주간에는 낮고 야간에는 높았으며 습도는 주간에는 높고 야간에는 낮았다. 무처리구에 비하여 봉지재배로 과장은 짧고 과폭은 좁고 과육두께는 얇고 과중은 가벼운 경향이었으나 처리간 차이는 없었다. 과육 및 태좌부의 당도는 봉지재배 처리구에서 낮은 경향이었으나 처리간 차이는 없었다. 그러나 과실의 당도는 봉지제거 직후 보다는 봉지제거 5일후 조사에서 높아지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 봉지재배로 과피의 경도 및 색도가 낮았다. 이와 같이 봉지재배로 과피의 경도가 낮아 껍질째 먹기는 쉬워졌으나 과피의 색도 및 당도가 낮아 금후 보완이 필요한 것으로 생각된다.
The objective of this study is to investigate the potential use of MSW incineration fly ash as an economic material for the removal of heavy metals (Pb, Mn, Fe, and Cu) from AMD. Batch adsorption experiment was conducted to examine the effects of pH, adsorbent dosage and contact time on metal ions removal in synthetic AMD using MSW incineration fly ash. Precipitation of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide was used for comparison with MSW incineration fly ash by adjusting the pH (5 ~ 11) by coagulation method with 20 min reaction time. Comparing the application of Ca(OH)2 and Na(OH), fly ash proves more efficient which may be due to its porosity and chemical composition. The results from adsorption studies showed that maximum adsorption rate was achieved at 0.4g dose when various fly ash dosages were added to the solution with 60 min optimum time and removal efficiency of heavy metals was over 96%. The effectiveness of fly ash can be related to its high calcium (CaO 55%) content. Efficiency of heavy metals removal was directly linked to the amount of fly ash in the reaction mixture and to the final pH attained. pH plays a significant role in heavy metal uptake. The main removal mechanism was adsorption at the surface of the fly ash together with the precipitation and co- precipitation from the solution with chemicals. Therefore the use of MSW incineration fly ash for treatment of AMD would represent a new market opportunity for this waste product. It can also be useful for neutralizing AMD and possibly reduce its adverse effects to the environment with efficient removal of metal ions from AMD.
This study aimed at improving the TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of HA. A set of tests was first conducted in the dark to study the adsorption of HA at different coexisting material concentration. Adsorption rate increased with adding cation ion but decreased with adding bicarbonate ion.
The photodegradation of HA in the presence of UV irradiation was investigated as a function of different experimental condition : initial concentration of HA, TiO2 weight, pH, air flow rate and coexisting material. It was increased either at low pH or by adding cation ion. The increase of cation strength in aqueous solution could provide a favorable condition for adsorption of HA on the TiO2 surface and therefore enhance the photodegradation rate. It was found that bicarbonate ions slowed down the degradation rate by scavening the hydroxyl radicals.
In this study a packed tower was selected for the treatment apparatus of NH3 gas produced in industry. Formerly, latticework packing has been used in preventive facility of treatment of NH3 gas. However, recently metallic Ralu-Pack 250YC, structured packing, is usually being used in petrochemical production plant. This study is for the application the packing to the NH3 gas treatment in wet scrubbing process. In Air/water system, hydraulic pressure drop dependent of specific liquid load and gas capacity factor was continuous and parallel from graph. The tower height can be determined by the number of transfer unit and the height of transfer unit influenced on liquid distribution.