대부분의 국가들은 온실가스 배출량을 줄이고 기후변화에 적응하기 위한 행동계획인 NDC (National Determined Contribution)를 법률화 했다. NDC 목표 달성을 위해 다양한 기술이 개발되고 있으며, 특히 가스상의 온실가스나 에너지원의 정화를 위해 분리막 수요가 증가하고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문은 다양한 재료 중 실현 가능한 제조 공정과 쉬운 스케일업의 장 점을 가지고 있는 고분자 막의 기술 동향을 제공할 것이다.
This study investigated the fish fauna of Jeonjucheon and Samcheon Streams, flowing through the city of Jeonju, through surveys conducted at 10 sampling sites using kick net and cast net. The fish fauna collected included 10 families and 36 species, with a total of 2,064 individuals. Samcheon had 8 families and 30 species with 1,074 individuals, Jeonjucheon had 8 families and 26 species with 986 individuals. The dominant species was Zacco platypus with 1,202 individuals, and a total of 153 individuals of the subdominant were Pseudogobio esocinus. In Jeonjucheon Stream, a total of 567 individuals of the dominant species were collected as Z. platypus and 99 individuals of the subdominant species were collected as Pungtungia herzi, and there was no significant change in the stream environment except for the confluence site. Further expanded research covering the entire Jeonjucheon and Samcheon Streams region, accompanied by regular monitoring, is essential to record and understand fluctuations in fish fauna.
In recent years the tunnel construction is increasing worldwide because of development of science and technology and increasing of transportation demand. Tunnels are complex structures normally rectangular cross section or semicircular and constructed to connect between different sections of roads. Because of the importance, the construction and extension of road tunnels are also continuously increasing along with the development. According to data from the Korea Expressway Corporation, the number of road tunnels, which was 1,332 in 2010, increased rapidly by about 2.1 times over 10 years to a total of 2,742 in 2020. The extension of road tunnels is also on the trend of increasing, with a total of 945 km in 2010 reaching 2,157 km in 2020. The benefits of a double-deck tunnel are emphasized, particularly in terms of construction cost and convenience. This tunnel design incorporates a central slab, dividing the tunnel into upper and lower spaces. The versatility of a double-decker tunnel is evident in its ability to accommodate various uses for both levels. For instance, the upper level can function as vehicle roads, while the lower level can be designated for train tracks. In this study, the effect of RWS and modified hydrocarbon fire curve was applied to the concrete tunnel bracket through simulation to analyze the temperature after the fire occurrence.
급격한 과학기술의 발전으로 미세먼지 배출량이 증가함에 따라 대기오염은 심각한 환경·사회 문제로 꾸준히 대두되고 있고, 이에 따 라 미세먼지 증가로 인한 질병 및 이상기후 증가로 인한 도로이동원에서의 교통사고 발생률 등의 문제점이 증가할 수 있다. 이를 해 결하기 위해 미세먼지 저감을 목적으로 건설분야에서 널리 사용되고 있는 광촉매 물질인 TiO2를 콘크리트의 광촉매 반응을 증가시키 고 광원의 효율적 이용을 위한 방안으로 투수콘크리트에 적용한 TiO2를 혼입한 투수콘크리트 포장 기술개발 기초 연구를 진행하였다. 실험결과, TiO2\혼입에 따른 투수콘크리트의 압축강도의 변화는 영향을 미치지 않는 미미한 수준으로 나타났다. TiO2를 혼입한 투수 콘크리트를 도로이동원에 적용하기 위해서는 동결융해 저항성 등 내구특성 및 미세먼지 저감 성능 등의 추가적인 실험이 필요할 것으 로 판단된다.
콘크리트 도로포장의 보강재로 사용된 철근은 염해나 중성화 등으로 인하여 지속적인 손상이 발생하고 있으며, 이에 따른 유지관리 비용의 증대가 사회적 관심으로 대두되고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위하여 건설분야에서는 철근보다 내부식성 및 내알칼리성이 뛰어난 유 리섬유강화폴리머(Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer, GFRP)가 사용되고 있다. 하지만, 수분 및 염해 등의 환경에 대한 내구성 검증은 충분히 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 따라서, 이 연구에서는 국내외에서 생산하는 직경 22mm GFRP 보강근을 ASTM D570에 의 거하여 흡수율 품질기준을 평가하였다. 흡수율 실험결과, 국내에서 생산된 GFRP의 경우 가장 높은 0.15% 수준의 흡수율을 나타내었으며, 해외에서 생산된 GFRP의 경우 0.03% 이내 수준의 흡수율을 나타내었다. 이는 KCI-GFRP 101 : 2024 및 ASTM D7957에서 제시하고 있는 GFRP 보강근 흡수율 품 질기준은 0.25% 이하를 모두 만족하는 것으로 분석되었다. 철근대체제로써 활용을 위해서는 장기침지 및 특수한 환경 등에 대한 내구 특성에 대한 추가적인 실험적 검토가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
The purpose of this study is to review the available literature on the effectiveness of fibers in preventing early-age shrinkage cracking on cementitious concrete. The overview describes the widely used ASTM C1579 (Standard Test Method for Evaluating Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Restrained Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using a Steel Form Insert) for plastic shrinkage cracking. The past literature used crack length, width, or area to describe and quantify cracks on concrete specimens. To keep things simple, this review expresses the length, width or area as a percentage of the control specimen. Finally, the study establishes a relationship between fiber volume and aspect ratio on plastic shrinkage and compressive strength of concrete. It was concluded that fiber is sufficient enough to mitigate plastic shrinkage cracking. An increase in fiber volume and aspect ratio reduces the early-age cracking of concrete but harm its compressive strength.
「장애인복지법」에 따라 국가 자격시험은 장애인과 비장애인이 동일한 시험에 응시할 수 있도록 하고 있으며, 청각장애는 동 력수상레저기구 면허취득 결격사유에 해당하지 않아 청각장애인도 면허취득을 할 수 있다. 선박이나 동력수상레저기구에서는 해상에서 충돌위험이 있을 때 조종신호, 경고신호 등의 위험신호를 음향신호를 통해 상대에게 알려 주위의 위험 상황을 발견하지 못하여 발생할 수 있는 사고를 예방하도록 하고 있다. 하지만, 청각장애인의 레저활동 중 주위 선박이나 동력수상레저기구의 소리를 통한 위험신호를 청 각장애로 인해 위험신호를 확인하지 못해 발생할 수 있는 해양사고를 방지할 수 있는 방안이 필요하다. 음향수신장치(Sound Reception System)는 선교가 완전히 폐위된 선박에 설치하여 외부 소리의 증폭과 소리의 수신 방향을 화면상에 표시하는 장치로서, 청각장애인의 동 력수상레저기구에 선박 음향수신장치를 활용하여 청각장애로 인해 청취할 수 없는 위험신호와 같은 음향신호의 유무 및 방향을 동력수 상레저기구의 화면상에 시각적 표시를 통해, 청각장애인의 레저활동 중 음향신호를 확인하지 못하여 발생할 수 있는 해양사고를 예방하 기 위한 개선방안을 제시하였다.
PURPOSES : Previously, the expansion state of the concrete pavement in which AAR occurred could not be determined. Because the current situation has not been evaluated, it has been difficult to prepare an appropriate response. In this study, a method for calculating the expansion amount of concrete pavement using the stiffness damage test (SDT) is proposed. METHODS : The SDT method was examined through a literature review. For the laboratory tests, specimens that generated AAR were produced based on the mix design (2018) of the Korea Expressway Corporation. SDT was used to calculate various mechanical properties, and their correlation with the expansion amount was reviewed. RESULTS : Using the SDT, various mechanical properties(elastic modulus, hysteresis area, plastic deformation, plastic deformation index, stiffness damage index, and nonlinear index) were calculated based on the expansion rate of the AAR. The elastic modulus was evaluated as the best predictor of the expansion rate. Thus, if the elastic modulus is calculated using SDT, a prediction equation can be used to calculate the amount of AAR expansion. This equation will need to be supplemented by further research. CONCLUSIONS : SDT was used to confirm that the expansion state due to the AAR of the concrete pavement could be indirectly evaluated. Among the mechanical properties related to SDT, the elastic modulus was found to be the most suitable for predicting the amount of expansion.
PURPOSES : This study provides fundamental information on the temperature variations in tunnel structures during severe fire events. A fire event in a tunnel can drastically increase the internal temperature, which can significantly affect its structural safety. METHODS : Numerical simulations that consider various fire conditions are more efficient than experimental tests. The fire dynamic simulator (FDS) software, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was used for the simulations. The variables included single and multiple accidents involving heavy goods vehicles carrying 27,000 liters of diesel fuel. Additionally, the concrete material characteristics of heat conductivity and specific heat were included in the analysis. The temperatures of concrete were investigated at various locations, surfaces, and inside the concrete at different depths. The obtained temperatures were verified to determine whether they reached the limits provided by the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021). RESULTS : For a fire caused by 27,000 liters of diesel, the fire intensity, expressed as the heat release rate, was approximately 160 MW. The increase in the carrying capacity of the fire source did not significantly affect the fire intensity; however, it affected the duration of the fire. The maximum temperature of concrete surface in the tunnel was approximately 1400 ℃ at some distance away in a longitudinal direction from the location of fire (not directly above). The temperature inside the concrete was successfully analyzed using FDS. The temperature inside the concrete decreased as the conductivity decreased and the specific heat increased. According to the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021), the internal temperatures should be within 380 ℃ and 250 ℃ for concrete and reinforcing steel, respectively. The temperatures were found to be approximately 380 ℃ and 100 ℃ in mist cases at depths of 5 cm and 10 cm, respectively, inside the concrete. CONCLUSIONS : The fire simulation studies indicated that the location of the maximum temperature was not directly above the fire, possibly because of fire-frame movements. During the final stage of the fire, the location of the highest temperature was immediately above the fire. During the fire in a tunnel with 27,000 liters of diesel, the maximum fire intensity was approximately 160 MW. The capacity of the fire source did not significantly affect the fire intensity, but affected the duration. Provided the concrete cover about 6 cm and 10 cm, both concrete and reinforcing steel can meet the required temperature limits of the Fire Resistance Design for Road Tunnel (MOLIT 2021). However, the results from this study are based on a few assumptions. Therefore, further studies should be conducted to include more specific numerical simulations and experimental tests that consider other variables, including tunnel shapes, fire sources, and locations.