The membrane structure should maintain the membrane materials in tension for structural stability guaranty. The anchoring part in the membrane structure is an important part. It has the function to introduce tension into membrane materials and function to transmit stress which membrane materials receives to boundary structure such as steel frames. In this paper, it grasps anchoring system of the anchoring part in the membrane structure concerning the fracturing characteristic condition of membrane structure, and the influence which is caused to yield it designates the stress state when breaking the membrane structure which includes the anchoring part and that stress transition mechanism is elucidated as purpose. This paper follows to previous paper, does 1 axial tensile test concerning the bolting part specimen, grasp of fracturing progress of the bolting part and the edge rope and hardness of the rubber, does the appraisal in addition with the difference of bolt tightening torque. As a result, the influence which the bolt anchoring exerts on the fracturing characteristics of the membrane material in the membrane structure anchoring part is examined.
For form stability of membrane structures, membrane material is required to be in tension. Therefore, in planning and maintenance management, the engineer should consider enough about introduction of stress during construction and re-introduction of stress after completion. Clamping part is an important portion with the function for introducing tension into membrane materials, and the function to transmit stress to boundary structures, such as steel frames. Then, the purpose of this research is to clarify stress condition and stress transfer mechanism including clamping part of membrane structures, and to grasp the changing tendency of membrane structures with the passage of time. In this research, following previous one, we perform well-balanced evaluation by conducting tensile fractured tests of clamping part's specimens, and by measuring individually the amount of displacement of not only overall specimen's length but membrane material and clamping part. Thereby, we consider the influence the difference in the hardness of edge rope and the difference in the direction of thread affect modification and fracture load.
This short review focuses on fouling by proteins and macromolecules in microfiltration/ultrafiltration. First, an experimental system that enables investigation of how the extent of the adsorption of proteins and macromolecules on membrane surfaces contributes to a decrease in filtrate flux in microfiltration/ultrafiltration is described. Using this system, a causal relationship - not a correlation - indicating that adsorption results in a decrease in filtrate flux could be clearly demonstrated in some cases. Second, a hydration structure at the membrane surface that can suppress adsorption is discussed, inspired by biomaterial research. In their hydrated states, polymers with low-fouling properties have water molecules with a particular structure. Finally, some successful examples of the development of low-fouling membranes via surface modification using low-fouling polymers are discussed.
열유도상분리법(TIPS) 및 연신의 복합공정으로 막증류(Membrane distillation, MD)용의 소수성 및 다공성 PVDF 중공사 분리막을 제조하였다. 제조된 분리막을 막증류 공정에 적용하여 처리수량을 극대화하기 위한 방안으로 모듈의 형태와 운전조건 및 병렬 연결 시 배관의 크기 영향을 확인하고자 하였다. 진공 막증류 모듈의 최적화 실험에서는 모듈 내 분리막의 충진율과 길이가 증가할수록 플럭스는 감소하며, 진공포트의 위치는 모듈을 수직으로 연결하였을 때 원수의 inlet 방향에 위 치할수록 플럭스 측면에서 가장 유리한 것으로 확인되었다. 모듈의 헤더배관의 크기선정에서는 중공사막의 내경면적과 헤더 배관의 내경면적이 동일할 경우 최대 플럭스를 나타냄을 확인할 수 있었으며, 모듈 내 선속도가 높을수록 높은 플럭스를 나타내지만 모듈에 작용하는 압력 역시 비례하여 증가하기 때문에 최적 선속도를 찾는 것이 필요하다.
수분을 포함한 압축공기는 공압 시스템에서 부식과 관석 등의 여러가지 문 제를 유발하기 때문에 기상 내의 수분을 효율적으로 제거하기 위한 다양한 기술이 개발되어오고 있다. 특히, 분리막을 이용한 제습 방법은 에너지 소비가 작 고, 장치를 소형화할 수 있다는 장점으로 주목받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 제습용 중공사막을 상전이 방적법으로 제조하고, 친수성 또는 소수성으로 표면 개질하였다. 선택도와 투과도 향상을 위하여 기공 구조를 제어하였으며, SEM, 기체 투 과도, 접촉각 측정 등으로 중공사막의 특성을 분석하였다. 또한, 분리막을 모듈 화하여 제습 실험을 수행하였으며, 여러 운전 조건에서의 특성을 확인하였다.
The objective of this research is to development of a parametric design system for membrane structures. The parametric design platform for the spatial structures has been designed and implemented. Rhino3D is used as a 3D graphic kernel and Grasshopper is introduced as a parametric modeling engine. Modeling components such as structural members, loading conditions, and support conditions are developed for structural modeling of the spatial structures. The interface module with commercial structural analysis programs is implemented. An iterative generation algorithm for design alternatives is a part of the design platform. This paper also proposes a design approach for the parametric design of Spoke Wheel membrane structures. A parametric modeling component is designed and implemented. SOFiSTik is examined to interact with the design platform as the structural analysis module. The application of the developed interface is to design optimally Spoke Wheel Shaped Ductile Membrane Structure using parametric design. It is possible to obtain objective shape by controlling the parameter using a parametric modeling designed for shape finding of spoke wheel shaped ductile membrane structure. Recently, looking at the present Construction Trends, It has increased the demand of the large spatial structure. But, It requires a lot of time for Modeling design and the Structural analysis. Finally an optimization process for membrane structures is proposed.
The hollow fiber membranes were prepared via hybrid process of the thermally induced phase separation(TIPS) and the non-solvent induced phase separation(NIPS). The spinning dope solution consisted of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) / dibutyl phthalate (DBP) / 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), where DBP was used as a diluent and NMP as a solvent for PVDF. Various bore fluids were tested different ratio solvent/diluent mixture. Depending on the miscibility of dope solution and internal coagulant the samples underwent the different phase separation mechanisms and rates. Phase separation mechanism study for various combinations were performed to support the interpretation of the membrane structure. Membrane characterizations were performed such as water flux, porosity, pore size, and mechanical strength.