
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In South Korea, the history of the qualifications has been matured with industry development. Since National Technical Qualifications Act was enacted in 1973, the government makes an effort to develop the ability for improving socioeconomic status and the contribution of qualifications to industry. As the industry has been diversified and globalized, the government has efficiently and systematically operating the qualification by enacting Framework Act on Qualifications in 1997. And then, the qualifications are classified into national qualifications, private qualifications, and foreign qualifications. However, it is hard for national qualifications to abolish or establish a qualification by each organization and the privileged license acquisitors as the qualifications are separately operated by the laws and the organizations and lack consistency. For private qualifications, it is harder to organize even by the government because of the entry barriers by each qualification association. For those reasons, it is necessary to organize the system adapted in the changing job market and operated by the organization managing the qualification system with consistency. This research indicates the inefficiency of the qualification system because the work-study parallelism National qualification system, enacted in 2020, is like the qualification system in business in terms of the general operating system and the operator, except the institute and the law related. Therefore, we analyze the work-study parallelism National qualification system and the qualification system in business and suggest the efficient method to operate and the future research plan regarding the whole qualification system.
        2021.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 대의민주주의는 대중의 직접참여가 아니라 대표를 통한 간접참여가 근간을 이루고 있다. 본 연구는 국회의원선거제도가 선거결과에 직간접적으로 많은 영향을 주고 있다는 사실에 착안해 한국의 국회의원선거제도에 토대를 제공한 이승만 정부의 국회의원선거제도를 입후보자의 자격기준과 당선기준의 주요 변수인 선거구의 획정방법, 입후보자의 등록방법, 당선인의 결정방식을 통해 검토하였다. 이승만 정부의 국회의원선거제도는 제1대 국회의원선거제도를 기본으로 하여 부분적인 변화와 적용이 진행되었다. 첫째, 선거구의 획정방법과 당선인의 결정방식은 거의 동일하여 입후보자에게 변수로 작용하지 않았다. 둘째, 입후보자의 등록방법은 추천인 수의 축소, 등록기간의 단축, 기탁금제의 도입, 정당추천제의 도입 등 변화가 있었다. 특히, 정당공천제와 기탁금제는 집권당과 이승만 대통령의 권력안정화에 기여하였을 뿐만 아니라 한국의 정당구도가 양당체제로 개편되는데 커다란 영향을 주었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop an engineer competency model using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to improve the national technical qualification system. Korea has managed technical human resources at the government level through the operation of a national technical qualification system that certifies engineers with national certificates or technical grades by laws. However, there have been increasing concerns that the government system is separated from global standards and does not reflect an engineer’s comprehensive capabilities. For these reasons, the new architecture of the system has been continuously discussed and becomes a major policy issue of the Korean government. For the development of the engineer competency model, domestic and global models were separately structured using 554 valid questionnaires with a consistency ratio (CR) of 0.1 or less. The relative importance of engineer competency factors in a domestic model was career (0.383), qualification (0.253), academic degree (0.195), and job training (0.169) whereas the order in the global model was career (0.308), global ability (0.237), job training (0.175), domestic qualification (0.147), and academic degree (0.134). The results of AHP analysis indicated that the evaluation factors and methods recognized by engineers were different from a current government model focusing on domestic qualifications. There was also perceptual difference in the importance of engineer evaluation factors between groups depending on the type of organizations and markets. This means that it is necessary to reflect the characteristics of organizations and markets when evaluating engineer competency. Based on AHP analysis and literature reviews, this paper discussed how to develop a new engineer competency index (ECI) and presented two effective index models verified by simulation test using 59,721 engineers’ information. Lastly, the paper discussed major findings of our empirical research and proposed policy alternatives for the improvement of a national engineer qualification system. The paper contributes to the management of technical human resources since it provides quantitative competency models that are objectively developed by reflecting market recognition and can be effectively used by the policy makers or firms.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The special organization that our military service is conscripted by the duty of national defense purposes to the period of military service. So couple of soldiers are think as the corresponds to college, or some knowledge layer from the operating management discarding period, lifetime value. But, now a day changed of the military life, it is when the individual soldiers can have some self-development and the lifelong education in terms of a period, and can changeing the footsteps of the new life that the function as a 'bridge' to activate production of barracks life. So that it can be supported themselves need to strive for human resource development. This study is being discussed on the correlation of military human resources and qualified operating and sustainable and promising future eligibility for qualified by taking advantage of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix(Boston Consulting Group Matrix).
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The construction industry in Korea after the Korean-war has evolved until these days. But the construction industry accident severity rate and frequency is over then the All industry rate. This study analyzed the 'Disaster Statistical Yearbook' of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, based on the factors that affect construction accidents that is selected and fined the some factors the construction Disaster Prevention Factors. This study will develop the methodology for analyzes that the national qualification is effected to the construction industrial machine disaster prevention status. It suggest two ways to the establishment of disaster trends. First way is the disaster quantitative analysis and second way is comparing the statistical data and the analysis of expert opinion.