
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mo-ODS alloys have excellent mechanical properties, including an improved recrystallization temperature, greater strength due to dispersed oxides, and the ability to suppress grain growth at high temperatures. In ODS alloys, the dispersed Y2O3 and added Ti form Y-Ti-O complex oxides, producing finer particles than those in the initial Y2O3. The complex oxides increase high-temperature stability and improve the mechanical properties of the alloy. In particular, the use of TiH2 powder, which is more brittle than conventional Ti, can enable the distribution of finer oxides than is possible with conventional Ti powder during milling. Moreover, dehydrogenation leads to a more refined powder size in the reduction process. This study investigated the refinement of Yi2Ti2O7 in a nano Mo-ODS alloy using TiH2. The alloy compositions were determined to be Mo-0.5Ti-0.5Yi2O3 and Mo-1.0Ti-0.5Yi2Oi2. The nano Mo-ODS alloys were fabricated using Ti and TiH2 to explore the effects of adding different forms of Ti. The sintered specimens were analyzed through X-ray diffraction for phase analysis, and the microstructure of the alloys was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Vickers hardness tests were conducted to determine the effect of the form of Ti added on the mechanical properties, and it was found that using TiHi2 effectively improved the mechanical properties.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alloy 617, Ni-22Cr-12Co-9Mo base oxide dispersion strengthened alloy was fabricated by using mechanical alloying, hot isostatic pressing and hot rolling. Uniaxial tensile tests were performed at room temperature and at . Compared with the conventional Alloy 617, ODS alloy showed much higher yield strength and tensile strength, but lower elongation. Fracture surfaces of the tensile tested specimens were investigated in order to find out the mechanism of fracture mode at each test temperature. Grain adjustment during tensile deformation was analyzed by electron backscattered diffraction mapping, inverse pole figures and TEM observation.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yttrium oxide is one of the most thermo-dynamically stable materials, so that it is generally used as a dispersoid in many kinds of dispersion strengthed alloys. In this study, a nickel-base superalloy is strengthened by dispersion of yttrium oxide particles. Elemental powders with the composition of Ni-22Cr-18Fe-9Mo were mechanically alloyed(M.A.) with 0.6 wt% . The MA powders were then HIP(hot isotactic press)ed and hot rolled. Most oxide particles in Ni-22Cr-18Fe-9Mo base ODS alloy were found to be Y-Ti-O type. The oxide particles were uniformly dispersed in the matrix and also on the grain boundaries. Tensile test results show that the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of ODS alloy specimens were 1.2~1.7 times higher than those of the conventional X(R), which has the same chemical compositions with ODS alloy specimens except the oxide particles.
        2003.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1. The oxidation resistance of containing Ni-base alloy is superior to that of the alloy without . 2. The appearance of oxides of Ni-20Cr-20Fe-5Nb- alloy is similar to that of oxides in commercial PM1000 and MA754 alloy. 3. The oxides in ODS alloy are grown mainly at particle boundaries.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        TLP(Transient-Liquid-Phase) bonding of Fe-base MA956 ODS alloy was performed. As insert metal a commercially available Ni-base alloy(MBF50) and an MA956 alloy with additive elements of 7wt% Si and 1wt% B were used. To confirm the idea that a concurrent use of MA956 powder with Insert metals can enhance the homogenization of constituent elements and thereby reduce the thickness of joint interface, MA956 powder was also inserted In a form of sheet. SEM observation and EDS analysis revealed that Cr-rich phase was formed in the bonded interface in initial stage of isothermal solidification during the bonding process, irrespective of kind of insert metals. Measurement of hardeness in the region of bonded interface and EDS analysis showed that a complete homogenization of composition could not be obtained especially in case of MBF50. Joints using either BSi insert metals only or BSi insert together with MA956 powder interlayer showed, however, a remarkable improvement in a compositional homogenization, even though a rapid grain growth in the bonded interface could not be hindered.
        1994.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to find an optimal friction-welding condition for Ni-base ODS alloy (MA 754) produced by mechanical alloying, joint experiments were performed with various conditions of friction pressures (50~500 MPa), friction times (1~5 sec) and upset pressures (50~600 MPa). The optimal friction pressure and upset pressure must be above 400 MPa and 500 MPa, respectively, which are determined by tensile strengths and fracture features of as-welded joints. A maximum stress설h of 975 MPa could be obtained under these pressure conditions at friction time of 2 sec. Microstructural features of bonded interface by optical microscope and SEM revealed that the interface regions of all specimens are consisted with three distinct regions and defects such as voids, cracks and wavy interfaces exist in the joints produced under not-optimized conditions. EDS results showed that these defects include oxides composed with elements of Al, Y and Ti. The hardness on the bonded interface was higher than in the base metal region. Specimens fractured in bonded interface region had lower strength values compared to those fractured in base metal region. Surfaces of the former showed a typical intergranular fracture.
        1994.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        M MA ODS 합금의 보다 폭넓용 실용확훌 위해 크게 요구되고 있는 적정 접합기술 개발의 한 방안£로, 마찰압접(Friction Welding) 방법의 가능성옳 조사하기 위하여 마찰압력과 시간, 마 찰 후 접촉압력(Upset Pressure) 풍을 다양하게 변화시켜 접합체톨 제조한 후, 접합체 강도에 대한 인장시험과 접합계연의 결합 및 미세구조에 대한 현미경 관찰, EDS에 의한 원소분석, 접 합이옴부의 경도분포와 파단면 분석 풍율 행하였다. 실험에 사용된 모재는 기계적 합금법으로 제조된 Inca사의 Ni기 MA 754 합금이었으며, 직경 l 10 mm, 길이 50 mm로 가공한 후, 아세통£로 초음파 세척하여 접합에 사용하였다. 접합온 브 레이크식 마찰압접기틀 사용하여 행하였으며, 회전시험편의 회전수는 2400 rpm이었A며, 다른 한쪽의 고정시험편과의 마찰압력 및 마찰시간온 각각 50 - 500 MPa과 1-5초로, 또한 업셋압 력도 50 - 600 MPa로 변화시켰다. 이때 업셋압력은 모든 시편에 대해 일정하게 6초동안 가하 였다. 얻어진 접합체는 각 압접조건 당 2개 이상의 접합시험편에 대해 상온 인장강도톨 측정하 였으며, 파단이 일어난 위치를 확인한 후 파면에 대한 분석율 주사전자현미경(SEM)과 에너지 분산형 분광분석기mDS)릎 사용하여 행하였다. 컵합이옴부의 첩합성올 확인하기 위하여, 접합 체를 접합변에 수직으로 절단, 연마한 후 광학현미경과 SEM, EDS 퉁으로 관찰, 분석하여 접 합부의 형상과 결합형성 여부, 접합계면의 미세조직 퉁옳 조사하였다. 또한 마찰압접에 따론 모재와 접합계연부의 경도분포훌 접합이옴부로부터 모재쪽으로 일정 간격율 두어 마이크로 비 커스 경도기로 측정, 조사하였다. 이상의 설험 결과, 다옴과 같온 결론옳 얻었다. ( (1) 접합체 강도가 모채 강도의 95% 이상이 되는 양호한 렵합체흩 얻기 위한 마찰압력 조건 온, 2400 rpm의 회전속도와 6초의 업셋압력 유지시간에서 마찰압력과 업셋압력, 그리고 마찰시 간이 각각 400 MPa 이상과 500 MPa 이상,2초입율 확인하였다. ( (2) 컵합이옴부의 관찰 결과, 모든 마찰압접 조건에서 컵합이옴부는, 기폰 모재의 texture 조직 을 유지하고 있는 모재부 영역(영역 ill)과 첩합계면부에 인접하여 업셋압력이 주어질 때 단조 효과에 의해 계연 외부로 metal flow가 일어나면서 형성된 영역 II, 매우 미세한 결정립으로 구성된 중앙부의 영역 1 로 이투어져 있옴융 확인하였다. ( (3) 최적접합조건이 충족되지 않온 경우, 접합부의 영역 I 에서 관찰된 void와 균열, 불균일한 접합계면 통의 접합결함에 Al과 Y. Ti 퉁£로 구성된 산화물률이 용집되어 있옴을 확인하였 다-( (4) 접합체의 파단 양상온 크게 접합부 파단과 모재부 파단, 이률의 혼합형 파단i로 나눌수 있었다. 모재부 파단의 경우, 파단면이 매끄럽고 파변상의 결정립도 매우 미세하였으며, 산확물 의 용집도 찾아보기 어려웠 나, 접합부 파단의 경우에는 파변의 굴곡이 비교척 심하고 연성 입계파괴의 형태를 보였£며, 결정립도 모채부 파단의 경우에 비해 조대하였다. 조대하였다.