
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 20

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study establishes a methodology for evaluating traffic safety in response to the introduction of one-way traffic using surrogate safety measures and analyzes the impact of one-way traffic safety through a case analysis. METHODS : The SSAM(Surrogate Safety Assessment Measure) was used to analyze traffic conflicts (TTC(Time to Collision) and PET(Post Encroachment Time)), which are safety indicators. The SSAM input variable dataset was constructed using a VISSIM(Verkehr In Städten - SIMulationsmodell) simulation. RESULTS : Introducing one-way traffic rather than the pending issue (two-way operation) improved traffic safety as the possibility of TTC or PET was reduced. In addition, the analysis results showed that the average TTC time and average PET time increased with the introduction of the one-way system. It is anticipated that the avoidance action time taken by the driver to avoid dangerous situations will also increase, which will help improve traffic safety. CONCLUSIONS : As an alternative to solving traffic safety and communication problems occurring at the study site, it was determined that a one-way system would be effective. Furthermore, a one-way system that allows two-lane roads on both sides to move one-way and allows parking in pockets on both sides of the road would be appropriate.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, the NUREG-0017 methodology based on realistic model for reactor coolant concentrations are used to estimate the annual radioactive effluent releases for normal operation of nuclear power plant. The realistic model to estimate the radionuclide concentrations in reactor coolant is formulated as a standard, ANSI/ANS-18.1. This standard has provided a set of the reference radionuclide concentrations and adjustment factors for estimating the radioactivity in the principal fluid systems of target plant. Since ANSI/ANS-18.1 was first published in 1976, it was revised in 1984, 1999, 2016, and most recently in 2020. Therefore, this study analyzed revision history of assessment methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors, which is ANSI/ANS-18.1. Assessment methodology of radioactive source term given ANSI/ANS-18.1 is by using radionuclide concentrations for reactor coolant and steam generator fluid of the reference plant and adjustment factors, which is modifying radioactive source term according to differences in design parameters between reference plant and target plant. There are three type of reference plant: PWR with u-tube steam generator, PWR with once-through steam generator, and BWR. This study analyzed for PWR with u-tube steam generator. Although the standard was revised, evaluation methodology and formula of adjustment factor have been retained, but some of items have been revised. First revision item is reduction of the number of radionuclides and decrease of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant. In the 1976 version of the standard, there were 71 target radionuclides, but the target nuclides have reduced to 57 in 1984 and 56 after 1999. In the case of radioactive concentration in reactor coolant, as the version of standard was updated, the radioactive concentration of 18 nuclides in 1984, 14 nuclides in 1999, and 25 radionuclides in 2016 was decreased. Most of the radionuclides with decrease radioactivity concentration were fission product, it is resulted from improvement of nuclear fuel performance. Second revision item is change of adjustment factors. After the revision in 2016, the adjustment factors for zinc addition plants using natural or depleted zinc are changed. This study analyzed revision history of evaluation methodology of radioactive source term of light water reactors. Furthermore, result of this study will be contributed to the improvement of understanding of assessment methodology and revision history for the radioactive source term.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중·저준위 방사성폐기물 처분시설의 운영 중 사고로 인한 방사선적 영향을 평가하기 위해서는 운영 중 발생 가능한 사고 에 대한 타당성이 입증되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 처분시설의 운영 중 사고분석 체계를 처분시설의 구성요소에 대한 안전 기능분석, 잠재위험요소분석, 위험도분석, 그리고 향후 조치대안으로 사고평가체계를 개선하였다. 이를 위하여 위험도분석 에 필요한 설계대안과 관리대안을 추가하여 설계-운영-평가가 연계되도록 하였다. 또한 운영 중 사고의 발생확률과 평가결 과의 심각성에 따라 운영중 사고에 대한 분류기준을 제안하여 처분시설 운영 중 대표 사고시나리오에 대한 정당성을 확보 하였다. 본 논문의 개선된 평가체계를 우리나라의 2단계 중·저준위 방사성폐기물 표층처분시설에 대한 처분시설 운영 중 사고분석의 사례에 대해 적용하였다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the operational effectiveness and safety of three different types of roundabout found in the literatures using a VISSIM and SSAM program. METHODS : The three types roundabout tested are the 2-lane roundabout (2R), the Turbo roundabout (TR), and the Flower roundabout (FR). For each scenario, three roundabout types and traffic conditions such as traffic volume and movement ratio were applied to VISSIM in order to compute the average delays. In addition the total conflict was calculated through SSAM by using trajectory data from VISSIM. RESULTS: From the analysis results, the average delay in TR and FR type was higher than the 2R. Regardless of the roundabout types, the average delay was reduced as the right-turn vehicles increased. The total conflict in TR was fewer than 2R for all traffic conditions. CONCLUSIONS : The results of this study can be used in the planning and design process of roundabout deployment. The data also provides some numerical justifications in transition from at-grade intersection to roundabout.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental pollution including air, land, and water has become one of the most critical issues in global interest. The damages due to environmental pollution lead to serious disasters. Nations have realized the importance of environment protection and have been starting to force organizations to implement environmental management system (EMS) as way of protecting environment. ISO 14001 requirements that are the most popular standard as EMS have been developed to support continuous improvement to environment management. It has been revised once since publication and ISO 14001 : 2004 version is currently available. Organizations globally started to acquire the certificate of EMS to observe environment related laws, accept customers’ and stakeholders’ request, increase market share, and fulfill implementation motives. This article examines the audit data that were collected for several years from manufacturing companies including shipbuilding, machinery, metal, automobiles, and chemical companies in southeastern Korea on the basis of ISO 14001 : 2004 requirements. The audit data were classified into minor nonconformities based on factors such as business size, business type, and EMS implementation period. We conduct hypotheses test using statistical methods in order to see if there are any significant differences based on the factors. We draw conclusions for the results of hypotheses test and address the necessities of energy, greenhouse gas, green management, and continuous improvement to enhance the efficiency of EMS implementation.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effects of added amounts of shrimp powder on the physical and sensory properties of Jook for elderly foodservice operation. According to the amylograph data, the composite shrimp flour-wheat flour samples increased the gelatinization temperature, with increasing shrimp-flour content; moreover, initial viscosity at 95℃, viscosity at 95℃ after 15 minutes, and maximum viscosity were reduced. As the level of shrimp powder in samples increased, L-values decreased, and a-values and b-values increased. In addition, the Jook had higher viscosity and lower spreadability values as the amount of shrimp powder increased. Sensory characteristics, such as nutty taste, color, viscosity, and overall preference increased significantly with the addition of shrimp powder. In conclusion, to enhance the quality of Jook, a 3% addition of shrimp powder would be the most beneficial.
        2007.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify HACCP-based CCP and CP from the microbial quality assessment on the process of side dish (stir-fried dried-shrimp with garlic stems) production in the meal service operation for the elderly. Total plate counts (TPC) of fresh garlic stalks were 7.80×103 CFU/g and they were above the standard value of microbial growth potential. The TPC, Coliform and E.coli were not detected in the dried shrimps. The TPCs after rinsing and slicing the garlic stems were 2.5×102 CFU/g and 5.5×102 CFU/g, respectively. The TPC number of cook’s hand and cutting board were also exceeded the standard limit with values of 2.2×102 CFU/g and 10.0×10 CFU/g, respectively. However, the TPC, Coliform and E.coli were not detected in the other cooking instruments. The identified CCP in inspection step was fresh garlic stems and that of prepreparation step was slicing the stems after blanching. Cook’s hand and cutting board were also verified as CCP and the other steps in cooking process and utensils tested were identified as CP’s. These result’s suggest that it is important to control the microbial contamination of raw materials at purchasing step and the sanitary education program should be developed for the employees for continuous supplement of safe and sound meal service for the elderly.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전력송전시스템에서 변전소는 에너지공급의 효율성을 높이기 위하여 다수의 변압기를 동시에 운영하는 병렬 운전을 한다. 이 논문에서는 변압기의 병렬 운전 방식을 고려하여 변전소를 다중피해상태로 모사할 수 있는 신뢰성 해석 방법을 개발하였다. 그리하여 변전소의 다중피해상태를 고려한 전력망의 지진 신뢰도 평가 결과를 파괴와 생존의 이중피해상태만을 고려한 기존의 신뢰도 평가 결과와 비교하였다. 몬테 카를로 방법을 사용한 국내 345kV 전력망에 대한 지진 신뢰성 평가 결과, 망 전체의 신뢰성 지수들은 이중 및 다중피해 상태에 의한 망 전체의 피해정도 차이가 그다지 크지 않음을 나타내었다. 수요절점신뢰성 지수에서는 이중피해상태만을 고려한 피해정도 가 다소 높게 나타나는 경향이 있었다. 특히 이중피해상태에 의한 공급 지장 전력량 기대치는 다중피해상태에 의한 것보다 상당히 높게 나타났다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사용후핵연료의 효율적인 관리를 위하여 원자력연구소에서 개발중인 사용후핵연료 차세대관리 종합공정(ACP)은 공정타당성연구 단계를 마치고 이의 실증을 위한 - type핫셀 건설 단계에 이르렀다. 핫셀의 설계에 앞서 사용후핵 연료를 취급하게 되는 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 방사능에 대한 환경영향평가를 정상운전 시와 사고발생 시로 나누어 수행하였다. 평가에 필요한 자료들은 공정의 개념설계 보고서와 최근 연구소부지 기상 테이터 및 부지특성 자료를 바탕으로 하였으며 기존의 유사한 시설에 대한 평가방법을 참조하였다. 각 핵종별 발생량과 방출량을 계산하여 피폭선량을 계산하였으며 평가결과 원자력법관련 규제기준과 핫셀이 위치하게 되는 IMEF 건물의 안전성분석 기준보다 매우 안전한 결과를 얻어 시설 운영에 대한 안전성을 확보하였다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Purpose of this study is investigated to education program and organization in Korea agricultural extension service center. In most cases, the program has steadily operated from 2014 to 2016 in metropolitan cities, specially, In Busan, the greatest education program has been set up twenty one classes during 2014~2016. This study surveyed 114 departments of 3 Agricultural Research & Extension Services and 75 Agricultural Technology Centers in 8 metropolitan cities, 9 provinces and 67 cities and counties, which implemented the consumer horticultural education programs in 2016. Twenty one agricultural extension service centers has started the consumer horticulture program undertaking for the first time in 2016. Experienced education program had been conducted to the facilities for the consumer horticulture programs in the agricultural extension service centers and training in the educational farm. Specially The Seoul Metropolitan Government had the largest educational training center in 53.136 m2, with the largest educational farm in Gangwon-do province and the most popular crops were fruit. The research suggested that the consumer horticultural of educational practice and the short & long term of improvement efforts of latent educational curriculum. Agricultural Technology Centers had lands and facilities for exiting agricultural education and the environment to use nearby farms as education farms by establishing a network. Furthermore reconsidering is needed to improve the content, a systematic study of educational practice reformation plan to improve the quality of educational practice.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현재 국내에서 발생하는 음폐수의 해양투기 금지 및 음식물류 폐기물의 에너지화 정책에 따른 유기성 폐기물 육상처리의 일환으로 혐기소화를 통한 바이오가스화 시설이 지속적으로 설치 및 운영되고 있다. 그중에서도 음식물쓰레기는 처리 단가가 높고, 바이오가스 회수 잠재력 또한 높아 바이오가스화 시설의 경제성을 높여줄 유용한 폐자원으로 여겨지고 있다. 하지만 국내 발생 음식물쓰레기의 평균 고형물함량(TS)이 18~20% 수준으로 혐기소화를 통한 바이오가스화 이전에 전처리가 필수적이며, 단순 파쇄/선별을 통한 물리적 전처리만으로는 충분한 가용화가 어려운 부분이 있다. 이러한 유기성폐자원의 가용화를 위한 전처리 방법에는 가수분해/산발효를 통한 생물학적 처리, 산, 알칼리, 오존 등을 통한 화학적 처리, 초음파, 열, 압축 등에 의한 물리적 처리 등이 있는데 본 연구에서는 물리적 처리방법 중 하나인 열가수분해를 통한 음식물쓰레기의 가용화효율을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 1차로 물리적 파쇄/선별 처리한 음식물쓰레기에 대해 다양한 운전 조건(온도, 압력 변화)으로 열가수분해를 실시하여 각 운전조건별 음식물쓰레기 성상변화를 분석함으로써 음식물쓰레기 열가수분해를 위한 최적 운전조건을 도출하고자 하였다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 수계관리 측면에서 물 공급의 기준이 되는 하류 제어지점에서 발생할 수 있는 물 부족을 최소 허용하면서 저수지군 최적 운영방안을 제공할 수 있도록 위험도 평가기준을 목적함수 및 제약조건에 반영한 hedging rule을 혼합정수계획법(MIP, Mixed Integer Programming)으로 구성하고 이에 대한 이행도를 분석함으로써 기존의 용수공급 신뢰도에 중점을 두었던 저수지군 최적 운영 분석기법을 개선하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 한강수계 5개 저수지(소양강댐, 충주댐, 화천댐, 청평댐, 팔당댐)군을 대상으로 수계관리를 위한 모형을 구축하였으며, 한강수계 내에 총 8개의 가상 제어지점을 구성하여 댐 하류 제어지점에서의 물 부족에 대해 위험도를 평가하였으며, 개발된 hedging rule의 적정성을 검증하기 위하여 2개의 유입량 계열(’93. 1월~’97. 12월, ’99. 1월~’03. 12월)에 대하여 적용 검토하였다. 팔당댐 하류 제어지점의 월별 최소유량을 비교하면 ’93. 1월~’97. 12월의 모의기간에서는 hedging rule 적용 시 317.5×106m3으로 단독운영의 310.6×106m3, 연계운영의 56.3×106m3보다 많은 유량을 보였으며, ’99. 1월~’03. 12월의 모의기간에서도 hedging rule 적용 시 243.7×106m3으로 단독운영의 204.2×106m3, 연계운영의 111.2×106m3에 비해 최소유량이 많은 것을 확인하였으며, 이는 제안한 hedging rule에 의해 하류 제어지점에서의 최대 물 부족량이 감소하는 결과를 보여주고 있다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        SLC has installed and operated a 50 tons/day scale pilot plant of construction & demolition waste (c&d waste) separation/ selection pilot plant in order to utilize wood wastes among construction wastes carried into landfill sites as energy sources, etc. In the present study, for optimized operation of the aforementioned pilot plant, the characteristics of operation of the plant were assessed in relation to changes in operation conditions and the characteristics of inputted wastes. Based on the results of an experiment conducted to select sieves of vibrating screens for the discharge of incombustible materials, wood waste recovery rates were the highest when 8mm sieves were applied but the purity of wood wastes and combustible materials was higher when 20 mm sieves were applied. By supplementing the shape of the overflower of the wet separator, combustible materials stagnant in the water tank were reduced and the rate of recovery of combustible materials including wood was improved by around 10%. It was identified that not only the amounts of wood wastes and combustible materials among inputted wastes but also the ratio of coarse combustible materials to entire combustible materials could affect operation time. Therefore, if processes to select or smash coarse combustible materials in advance are added and bottle neck points are supplemented to be prepared for an increases in the amount of inputted combustible materials, construction wood waste selection/separation facilities could be stably operated even when the characteristics of inputted wastes are changed.
        2005.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 저수지의 용수수요 증가에 따른 용수공급능력 평가를 실시하여 추가 공급 가능량과 이를 위한 저수지 운영방법을 제안하였다. 이를 위하여 전역 최적해를 탐색하는 SCE-UA법과 다중 목적함수를 적용한 최적화 모형과 저수지의 유입량, 수요량, 발전량을 추정하는 저수지 운영 모형을 결합한 저수지 최적운영 모형을 개발하였다. 개발된 모형의 적용성은 섬진강댐의 최적운영에 모형을 적용하여 평가하였다. 모형의 적용기간은 유입량을 고려하여 풍수기, 평수기,
        2005.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 목포항의 요트산업 운영과 개발에 관한 평가를 위한 평가모델을 제안하고자 한다. 이러한 평가를 위해 본 연구에서 제안한 모델은 SWOT와 AHP법을 통합한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 평가를 위해 ISM법에 의해 평가요소를 구조화한다. 그리고 계층구조는 5단계이며 3단계부터는 SWOT법이 적용된다. 또한 평가를 위해 SWOT법에서 O, T는 외부적요소고, O, T는 외부적 요소로 구분하였다. 또한 개발 및 운영의 관점은 경제적인 관점과 해양 레져관광 개발의 두 관점을 고려하였다. 개발 및 운영주체는 제3섹터 민간과 지자체로 구분하였다. 그 결과 강점과 기회가 우선순위가 높게 나타났고 제3섹터에 의한 개발과 운영이 선호되는 것으로 나타났다.