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        검색결과 5

        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the competition of market is getting more and more severe as the block of economic market has been broken due to the free trade of the world. In the mean time, the companies are experiencing more hardship than before because of the difficulties in employing workers, increases of salray and fixed cost of production and higher demand on the product quality from the consumer. Therefore various ways are needed for the resolutions of the production technology and the marketing. Production information system is one way which can bring a innovative advance of the company. In this study, we will examine the design methodology of the POP system for its efficient implementation as a production information system in the automobile parts manufacturing process. For this, we are to suggest the strategy of system implementation as we examine the process analysis, its redesign and coding for construction and testing and performing for its implementation.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the construction of the ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system becomes accomplished actively from the many enterprises. But the many problems occur in acquisition of production data which is a fundamental data of system. Also to delay the acquisition of the production result is fatal in the efficient business operation. The construction of the POP(Point of Production) system which acquires production data at real time is become accomplished widely, In the POP system it is most important to acquire the production data which is accurate. But the many enterprises drop the competitive power with acquisition of the data which could not be trusted. In this paper, we analyze these causes and present the method which it can improve the reliability of production data. Also we introduce a real application case.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          A POP system, which collects manufacturing data from the shop floors and supply them to higher level systems, should be maintained and upgraded according to the change of production environment such as new product introduction. This situation leads to t
        2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many technical and nontechnical issues hinder enterprise wide workflow management. The most significant technical issue is the inability to deal with the heterogeneity among users, workflow types, and WFMSs. Not all users demand the same workflow functionality, so user interfaces of different levels of sophistication are required. Because workflow types cannot always be fully predefined, they often need to be adjusted or extended during execution. Unlike relational database management systems, however, each WFMS often has differing workflow metamodels. This leads to incompatibility between WFMSs, making integration into an environment comprising many heterogeneous WFMSs a troublesome and sometimes impossible task. Current Workflow system consists mainly of Database system. It contains some problems like that the integration relationship among system processes cant be expressed properly. This research has been focused on two phases that should be considered in the Workflow system. First of all, the first phase is the analysis phase; one of its role is to figure out independent execution task unit(Workflow component). The second phase is design phase that provides with the framework to execute these task units actively. The Workflow component extraction method in the analysis phase uses a analysis method called C-C Net and, in the design phase, the architecture that makes the these Workflow component executed actively is provided. Through this research, each process is divided into a task unit and more effective Workflow system could be formed by executing these units actively. Current system layer calls task units, on the other hand, the Workflow system this research implemented provides with the architecture that places a layer between them that controls task units actively.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intend to make easy modification, even if there is a new job or structure change, by modularizing program and computerize and automation of production control management used in CIM. Under the condition where manager control production on the job-site, for increasing connection with other operation and management on the computer by monitoring center computer, Recognizing information by computer is needed, it is possible by converting transaction. So production increase and quality improvement are possible by diminishing manager's and producer's work with the result of the study combining POP and CIM, after that, in e-business and m-business period that every enterprise must pass, customer satisfaction and sales promotion are possible with employee's computerizing minds. These study result also can knowledge process condition with theoretical class and have a power in finding a solution with foundation of theoretical knowledge.