In this article, Pb2Ba1.7Sr0.3Ca2Cu3O10+δ superconductor material was synthesized using conventional solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis demonstrated one dominant phase 2223 and some impurities in the product powder. The strongest peaks in the XRD pattern were successfully indexed assuming a pseudo-tetragonal cell with lattice constants of a = 3.732, b = 3.733 and c = 14.75 Å for a Pb-Based compound. The crystallite size and lattice strain between the layers of the studied compound were estimated using several methods, namely the Scherrer, Williamson-Hall (W.H), sizestrain plot (SSP) and Halder Wagner (H.W) approach. The values of crystallite size, calculated by Scherrer, W.H, SSP and H.W methods, were 89.4540774, 86.658638, 87.7555823 and 85.470086 Å, respectively. Moreover, the lattice strain values obtained by W.H, SSP and H.W methods were 0.0063240, 0.006325 and 0.006, respectively. It was noted that all crystallite size results are consistent; however, the best method is the size-strain plot because it gave a value of R2 approaching one. Furthermore, degree of crystallites was calculated and found to be 59.003321%. Resistivity analysis suggests zero-resistance, which is typical of superconducting materials at critical temperature. Four-probe technique was utilized to measure the critical temperature at onset Tc(onset), zero resistivity Tc(off set), and transition (width ΔT), corresponding to temperatures of 128 K, 116 K, and 12 K, respectively.
The carbon sample "O", phosphoric acid-activated carbon "OP", zinc chloride-activated carbon "OZ", and two steam activated carbons "OS" and "OS2" with different burn-off of 25% and 58% respectively, were prepared from olive stones. The textural properties were determined from the results of nitrogen adsorption at 77 K and by analyzing these results through the application of different adsorption models. The chemistry of the carbon surfaces was determined from the base neutralization capacities, acid neutralization capacity and surface pH. The sorption of Pb2+ ions on to the carbons prepared was followed under dynamic and equilibrium conditions. The differences between the values of the textural parameters were attributed to the inapplicability of some adsorption models and to the heterogeneity of the microporous carbons. The sorption of Pb2+ ions is favored on carbon and activated carbons. However, chemically activated carbons are more effective compared with steam-activated ones. The sorption of Pb2+ ions were related to the chemistry of the surface rather than to the textural properties.
과일 및 한약재 폐기물을 이용하여 중금속 제거력을 조사하기 위하여 Cd. Pb용액에서 사과껍질. 모과, 밤내피(밤 친 껍질). 인삼, 키위껍질. 대추. 원두커피 가루의 입자별, 농도별, 온도별 흡착 정도를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 입자의 크기가 작아질수록 사과껍질을 제외한 모든 폐기물에 있어서 중금속 흡착력은 증가되었고, 중금속별 제거량은 Cd는 인삼폐기물이 3.506∼4.659㎎/g, Pb은 밤 친 껍질이 9.189∼9.582㎎/g으로 다른 과일 및 한약재 폐기물보다 높았다. 농도별 중금속 흡착량은 중금속의 농도가 높을수록 증가하였는데 Cd은 인삼 폐기물이 1.929∼3.800㎎/g. Pb은 밤 친 껍질이 0.930∼9.3685㎎/g으로 다른 과일 및 한약재 폐기물보다 높았다. 온도별 중금속 흡착량은 온도가 높아질수록 증가하여 Cd은 인삼폐기물이 3.800∼5.091㎎/g Pb는 밤 친 껍질이 9.368∼9.613㎎/g으로 다른 과일 및 한약재 폐기물보다 증가하였다. 이상의 결과로부터 물에 함유된 중금속을 제거하는데 과일 및 한약재 폐기물을 이용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
The thiophene or furan-containing hexadentate ligands 1,12-bis (2-theophene)-2,5,8,11-tetraazadodecane(Thiotrien ․4HCl) and 1,12-bis (2-furan)-2,5,8,11-tetraazadodecane(Furatrien․4HCl) were synthesized as their tetrahydrochloride salt and characterized by EA, IR, NMR, and Mass spectrum. Their protonation constants (logKnH) and stability constants (logKML) for Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions were determined in aqueous solution by potentiometry and compared with 1,12-bis(2-pyridyl)-2,5,8,11-tetra-azadodecane(Pytrien) of pyridyl-containing ligand. The effect stability constants of ligands and metal ion for removal of heavy metals in aqueous solution were described.
The new tridentate ligands of nitrogen doner atoms N,N-Bis(2-amino-ethyl)-benzyl-amine·2HCl(BABEA·2HCl) and 2,6-Bis(amino-methyl)-pyridien·2HCl(BAMP·2HCl) were synthesized as their dihydrochloride salts and characterized by EA, IR, Mass and NMR spectroscopy. The protonation constants of the ligands and stability constants for Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+and Cu2+ ions were determined by potentiometric titration in aqueous solutions and compared with those of analogous ligands. The effect stability constants of ligands and metal ions for removal of heavy metals in aqueous solution were described.
In order to examine the pre-treatment effect of crab shell on Pb2+ removal by crab shell in aqueous solution, acid and alkali pre-treated crab shell were used. Electron microscopy techniques such as TEM (transmission electron microscopy) and SEM (scanning electron microscopy), and EDX (energy dispersive X-ray) and FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) spectrometry techniques were used to investigate the process of Pb2+ removal by acid and alkali pre-treated crab shell. The Pb2+ removal by acid pre-treated crab shell was much lower than that by untreated crab shell because of the decrease of CaCO3 from the crab shell. However, the Pb2+ removal by alkali pre-treated crab shell increased compared to that by untreated crab shell. The results were confirmed by TEM, SEM, EDX and FTIR.
The variation of microorganisms (activated sludge, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aureobasidium pullulans) caused by the biosorption of Pb2+ was observed by TEM and microscope. By the TEM observation of S. cerevisiae, the plasmolysis and lysis of cell wall or cell membrane were occurred by the penetration of Pb2+ into the inner cellular region. However, in the case of A pullulans, the plasmolysis and lysis of cell wall or cell membrane were not occurred because of the prevention of Pb2+ penetration by the extracelluar polymeric substances (EPS). A flocculation of microorganisms, in the case of A. pullulans, was observed by the Pb2+ accumulation after 3∼4 h and the color was changed from white to black after 1 day. The flocculation of activated sludge was improved by the accumulation Pb2+ after 1 h, however, the floc was broken up and the settling efficiency decreased after 1 day.
Pb2+ and Cr3+ uptake capacity by Sargassum horneri was 185.5㎎ Pb2+/g biomass and 102.6㎎ Cr3-/g biomass, respectively. An adsorption equilibria were reached within about 0.5 hr for Pb2+ and 1 hr for Cr3+. The adsorption parameters for Pb2+ and Cr3+, were determined according to Langmuir and Freundlich model. With an increase in pH values of 2 to 5, Pb2+ uptake was increased, however Cr3+ uptake was constant. The selectivity of mixture solution showed the uptake order of Pb2+>Cu2+>Cr3+>Cd2+. Pb2+ and Cr3+ adsorbed by S. horneri could be recovered from 0.1M HCl, 0.1M HNO3 and 0.1M EDTA by desorption process, and the efficiency of Pb2+ desorption was above 98%, whereas the efficiency of Cr3+ desorption was below 34%.
Pb^2+ removal capacity and initial Pb^2+ removal rate were compared between non-biomaterials (granular activated carbon, powdered activated carbon, ion exchange resin, zeolite) and biomaterials (activated sludge, Aureobasidium pullulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The Pb^2+ removal capacity of biomaterials were greater than that of non-biomaterials, generally. The Pb^2+ removal capacities of non-biomaterials and biomaterials were shown on the order of ion exchange resin > zeolite > granular activated carbon > powdered activated carbon and A. pullulans > S. cerevisiae > activated sludge, respectively. In the initial Pb^2+ removal rate, the non-biomaterials showed powdered activated carbon > granular activated carbon > zeolite > ion exchange resin and the biomaterials showed A. pullulans > activated sludge > S. cerevisiae. Comparing the Pb^2+ removal capacity and initial Pb^2+ removal rate of activated sludge with those of other non-biomaterials and biomaterials, activated sludge may have an availability on the removal of heavy metal ions by the economical and pratical aspects.
The effects of temperature, initial Pb^2+, concentration and initial sludge concentration on the initial Pb^2+ removal rate and maximal Pb^2+ removal amounts in activated sludge, respectively, were investigated. The removal of Pb^2+ in activated sludge was proved to be temperature-dependent process. The initial Pb^2+ removal rate increased from 187.5 to 261.4 ㎎ Pb^2+/g sludge dry weight·min, in response to the promoted temperature from 10℃ to 60℃, while the maximal Pb^2+ removal amount (78.5 ㎎ Pb^2+/g sludge dry weight) occurred at 30℃. As the initial Pb^2+, concentration increased from 36 to 228 ㎎ Pb^2+/L at the constant temperature of 30℃ and initial sludge concentration of 1.5 g sludge dry weight/L, the time to reach an equilibrium state was almost independent of the initial Pb^2+ concentration and the equilibrium Pb^2+ removal amount was increased from 41.9 to 73.6 ㎎ Pb^2+/g sludge dry weight. On the contrary, the equilbrium Pb^2+ removal amount was decreased from 87.7 to 65.3 ㎎ Pb^2+/g sludge dry weight as the increase of initial sludge concentration from 0.22 to 1.76 g sludge dry weight/L.
Cation exchange distribution coefficients of poly(dithiocarbamate) were presented for Cd^2+, Cr^3+, and Pb^2+ in HCl. The distribution coefficients were determined by using the batch method. Based on these distribution data, the separation possibilities of the heavy metal ions were discussed.
The distribution coefficients of three heavy metal ions on dithiocarbamate resin were decreased as HCl concentrations were increased. The selective separation of Cr^3+ and Cd^2+ was possible by using 0.1 M HCl in dithiocarbamate resin and the reproducibility test showed that the average absorptivity of resin was 90% in the case of Cd^2+ ion by the column method.