Decommissioning waste is generated with various types and large quantities within a short period. Concrete, a significant building material for nuclear facilities, is one of the largest decommissioning wastes, which is mixed with aggregate, sand, and cement with water by the relevant mixing ratio. Recently, the proposed treatment method for volume reduction of radioactive concrete waste was proven up to scale-up testing using unit equipment, which involved sequentially thermomechanical and chemical treatment. According to studies, the aggregate as non-radioactive material is separated from cement components with contaminated radionuclides as less than clearance criteria, so the volume of radioactive concrete waste is decreased effectively. However, some supplementation points were presented to commercialize the process. Hence, the process requires efficiency as possible to minimize the interface parts, either by integration or rearranging the equipment. In this study, feasibility testing was performed using integrated heating and grinding equipment, to supplement the possible issue of generated powder and dust during the process. Previously, heat treatment and grinding devices were configured separately for pilot-scale testing. But some problems such as leakage and pipe blockage occurred during the transportation of generated fine powder, which caused difficulties in maintaining the equipment. For that reason, we studied to reduce the interface between the equipment by integrating and rearranging the equipment. To evaluate the thermal grinding performance, the fraction of coarse and concrete fines based on 1mm particle size was measured, and the amount of residual cement in each part was analyzed by wet analysis using 4M hydrochloric acid. The result was compared with previous studies and the thermomechanical equipment could be selected to enhance the process. Therefore, it is expected that the equipment for commercialization could be optimized and composed the process compactly by this study.
In the case of a die-casting process, defects that are difficult to confirm by visual inspection, such as shrinkage bubbles, may occur due to an error in maintaining a vacuum state. Since these casting defects are discovered during post-processing operations such as heat treatment or finishing work, they cannot be taken in advance at the casting time, which can cause a large number of defects. In this study, we propose an approach that can predict the occurrence of casting defects by defect type using machine learning technology based on casting parameter data collected from equipment in the die casting process in real time. Die-casting parameter data can basically be collected through the casting equipment controller. In order to perform classification analysis for predicting defects by defect type, labeling of casting parameters must be performed. In this study, first, the defective data set is separated by performing the primary clustering based on the total defect rate obtained during the post-processing. Second, the secondary cluster analysis is performed using the defect rate by type for the separated defect data set, and the labeling task is performed by defect type using the cluster analysis result. Finally, a classification learning model is created by collecting the entire labeled data set, and a real-time monitoring system for defect prediction using LabView and Python was implemented. When a defect is predicted, notification is performed so that the operator can cope with it, such as displaying on the monitoring screen and alarm notification.
This paper suggests a specific model that could efficiently improve the interaction and the interface between MES(Manufacturing Execution System) server and POP(Point of Production) terminal through electronic document server and electronic pen, bluetooth receiver and form paper in disassembly and process inspection works. The proposed model shows that the new method by electronic document automation system can more efficiently perform to reduce processing time for maintenance work, compared with the current approach by handwritten processing system. It is noted in case of the method by electronic document automation system that the effects of proposed model are as follows; (a) While the processing time per equipment for maintenance by the current method was 300 minutes, the processing time by the new method was 50 minutes. (b) While the processing error ratio by the current method was 20%, the error ratio by the new method was 1%.
This study investigates application cases of facility management system model for enhancing facility productivity of industry filed around medium and small facility processing companies and finds the inefficiency of the existing management model. Following items are researched to seek out methods and measures to maximize facility productivity through empirical analysis by exploring and establishing a new management model. First, the empirical analysis, it is found that the overall equipment efficiency index used for facility productivity management in the companies has a difficulty being used as the index for it in actual medium-small processing companies. Second, a new facility management system model applying standard cycle time is suggested among facility management index system to measure facility productivity. Third, the empirical analysis is used to verify that developed facility management system model is a useful method to manage the facility productivity by applying the model to actual medium-small processing companies. Finally, it is necessary to implement comparison analysis on whether actual productivity enhancement induces a distinctly different result by using a new facility management index system model to be inhibited in this study.
초가속수명시험(HALT:Highly Accelerated Life Test)은 온도변화와 진동을 통해 부품초기 고 장을 빠르게 찾아 개선함으로써 제품의 신뢰성을 향상시킨다. 이에 따라 기업들은 초가속수명시 험에 집중하게 되었고 장비의 수요와 가동률이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 초가속수명시험 장비는 대부분 해외 장비에 의존하고 있어 고장이 발생한 경우 유지보수에 대한 비용이 높고 보전까지 의 시간 또한 길다. 뿐만 아니라 장비에 대한 적절한 보전절차가 없어 비용과 시간의 손실이 발 생되는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 국산화 개발중인 초가속수명시험 장비에 고장유형과 원인에 따른 계획보전 활 동을 진행 할 수 있도록, FMEA(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)를 사용하여 계획보전절 차를 제시하였다.
The study of grinding behavior characteristics on the metal powders has recently gained scientific interest due to their useful applications to enhance advanced nano materials and components. This could significantly improve the property of new mechatronics integrated materials and components. So, a new evaluation method for standardizing grinding equipment and a comparative study for the grinding experiment during the grinding process with various grinding mills were investigated. The series of grinding experiments were carried out by a traditional ball mill, stirred ball mill, and planetary ball mill with various experimental conditions. The relationship between the standardization of equipment and experimental results showed very significant conclusions. Furthermore, the comparative study on the grinding experiment, which investigated changes in particle size, particle morphology, and crystal structure of materials with changes in experimental conditions for grinding equipment, found that the value of particle size distribution is related to the various experimental conditions as a revolution speed of grinding mill and media size.
PURPOSES: Regional offices of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs use a computerized system called KAMIS so as to manage road equipment systematically. Road agencies can record number of operating days by equipment, actual working hours, accumulated operating hours (or distance) by equipment, and operating cost. However, KAMIS does not provide critical information, although it is strongly related to efficient road management equipment operation. In other words, road agencies do not know whether they have sufficient equipment to handle their actual work. METHODS: Therefore, this study suggests a methodology to evaluate for operational efficiency of road management equipment using analytical hierarchy process(AHP). First of all, estimated weights related criteria can be produced by AHP, and then use operational history by pieces of equipment. RESULTS: Results show that importance of management work can differ from weather conditions through five areas. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly, this results can imply to help save money for the purchase and maintenance of road management equipment, and they would improve the functional performance of KAMIS.
본 연구는 식물공장의 각 공정 간을 연결하는 육묘라인을 폐쇄형 레일로 설정하고, 그 레일 상에서 구름바퀴 이동을 하는 육묘베드가 있고, 이 육묘 베드위의 일정위치에 육묘트레이를 자동으로 올려놓는 자동적재장치를 개발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이 장치의 개발을 위한 기초시험으로 바닥재 위에 육묘트레이를 올려놓고 밀기이송을 하는 시험을 실시하고, 밀기이송력의 변화를 측정 분석하여 최적의 육묘트레이 자동적재장치를 개발하였다. 바닥 위에 파종완료한 트레이를 올려놓고 밀기 이송을 할 때 최대 이송력은 이송속도 30 cm/s에서 트레이 3개를 이송할 때로 초기이송시점에서 최대 피크이송력과 초기 과도상태 이후 최대 정상상태 이송력이 각각 바닥재료가 고무판에서는 32.8 N, 29.4 N, 목재판 29.7 N, 22.5 N, 아크릴판 26.9 N, 19.6 N, 철판 27.6 N, 19.1 N으로 나타났다. 이 이송력의 변화는 모노레일 컨베이어가 트레이와 충돌 직후 최대로 발생했으며, 이후 점차 줄어들어 안정적으로 변화되는 것으로 나타났다. 트레이를 2개 이상 맞대어 밀기이송 시 트레이 외각 받침날의 겹침현상이 일어났다. 최종적으로 개발한 육묘 트레이 적재이송장치는 100회의 작동시험 결과 작동에러는 없었으며, 최대 육묘트레이 적재이송 작업속도는 2초/매, 트레이 이송위치 최대오차는 0.5 cm로 나타났다.
The package loading process of the lumbering industry is an operation that after a pair of workers bind three or six lumbers into one unit and cut both ends of the lumbers, transports the weight cargo of 30-50kg by one meter, pack and load at a height of 1.2 meters. This package loading process causes lots of noise and wood dust when workers carry out the heavy work as the above. Therefore we developed the monolithic both ends cutting package loading equipment in order to prevent from getting musculoskeletal disease. An loading bar working system of this equipment is improved from pneumatic pressure system to oil pressure system, furnished the newly designed flow dividers, and developed the new system that a both end array is loaded identically. Also we developed the safety equipment of loading bar in order to prevent workers mistake and overload from malfunction during the package loading process. The main cause of job evasion on working place could be solved by preventing the musculoskeletal disease and improving the working environments.
The package loading process of the lumbering industry is an operation that after a pair of workers bind three or six lumbers into one unit and cut both ends of the lumbers, transports the weight cargo of 30-50kg by one meter, pack and load at a height of 1.2 meters. This package loading process causes lots of noise and wood dust when workers carry out the heavy work as the above. Therefore we developed the monolithic both ends cutting package loading equipment in order to prevent from getting musculoskeletal disease. An loading bar working system of this equipment is improved from pneumatic pressure system to oil pressure system, furnished the newly designed flow dividers, and developed the new system that a both end array is loaded identically. Also we developed the safety equipment of loading bar in order to prevent workers mistake and overload from malfunction during the package loading process. The main cause of job evasion on working place could be solved by preventing the musculoskeletal disease and improving the working environments.
The package loading process of the lumbering industry is an operation that after a pair of workers binds three or six lumber into a unit and cut the both ends of the lumber, carry and pack and load the weight cargo of 30-50㎏. The package loading process
사용후핵연료와 같은 고준위 방사성물질을 취급하는 핫셀 내에서 원격취급장치인 MSM의 작업영역을 벗어난 지역에 위치한 공정장치부품 유지보수공정을 개발하였다. 이를 위하여 대상 핫셀공정인 사용후핵연료 차세대관리공정에 대한 가상목업을 구축하였으며, 구축된 가상목업을 이용하여 MSM 작업영역 및 작업자 시각영역을 분석하고, 그래픽 가상목업의 충돌감지 기능을 이용한 서보 조종기의 경로계획을 수립하였다. 또한, 분석한 결과를 토대로, 서보조종기에 의한 사각지역 내 부품 유지보수 공정을 설정하였으며, 설정된 공정은 그래픽 전산모사를 통하여 검증하였다. 제안된 유지보수 공정은 실제 핫셀공정 수행시 유용하게 활용될 것이며, 그래픽 가상목업은 다양한 핫셀 공정에 대한 분석 및 작업자 훈련 시스템으로 활용하여, 작업 효율성 및 안전성 향상에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
There is boner process of stone manufacturing to become quality down of stone to consolidated micro crack appearance of stone surface and biotite by fire that is to be route process in stone surface by flame of LPG. And then, it is develop that stone surf