Big data analysis methods are useful tools for sorting valuable data and products. Achyranthes Radix root extract (AR) is a well-known herbal medicine in East Asia due to its anti-osteoarthritis, pro-circulatory, and anti-osteoporosis effects. In this stud y, we investigated the liver- and kidney-protective effects of AR by applying big data analysis to traditional medicine. CDDP (cis-diamminedichloridoplatinum) is an effective cancer cell anti-proliferative agent used in the treatment of diverse types of tumors. However, it is clinically limited due to liver and kidney toxicity. The current study was designed to assess the potential protective effects of AR against CDDP-induced hepato-renal toxicity. For this purpose, male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were assigned to four groups, each consisting of four animals. Intravenous injection or oral administration of either saline or AR was performed daily for 14 days, whereas CDDP was injected intraperitoneally on day 3 following AR treatment. Serum biochemistry results revealed that CDDP induced clear hepatic and renal damage while the AR treatment groups showed less damage relative to controls. Next, we tested the pharmacokinetics of AR using 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE), which is the most abundant component of AR extract. After intravenous administration of AR, the plasma concentration of 20-HE rapidly declined with a terminal half-life (t1/2) of 0.99±0.47 h. The area under the plasma concentration vs. time curve was 24.96±3.5 h*ng/mL. The present study provides valuable tools for further verification studies of the classical herbal literature and its scientific relevance.
본 실험은 140 mM HCl 60% Alcohol로 유도된 SD rat를 이용해 각 천연물질의 위염 예방효과를 보고자 하였다. 실험에 사용한 천연소재는 질려자, 갯기름나물, 삼채 뿌리이며, 분쇄기를 이용해 분말화 한 후 열수추출하여 사용했다. 그룹별 각 3마리씩 1군(정상대조군), 2군(증류수 투여 후 140 mM HCl 60% Alcohol 실험적 위염 유발), 3군(질려자 추출물 투여 후 140 mM HCl 60% Alcohol 실험적 위염 유발), 4군(갯기 름나물 추출물 투여 후 140 mM HCl 60% Alcohol 실험적 위염 유발), 5군(삼채뿌리 추출물 투여 후 140 mM HCl 60% Alcohol 실험적 위염 유발)으로 분류되어 각 군 별로 시험물질을 경구 투여했다. 3군, 4군 및 5군은 일주일 간 해당하는 천연물질은 300 mg/kg/day로 경구투여 하였다. 투여기간 후 마지막으로 시험물질을 투여한 후, 급성 위염 유발하고 1시간 뒤 희생시켜 위를 적출하였다. 급성 위염으로 인해 손상된 위 조직을 통해 손상면적 측정 및 병리학적 검사를 진행한 결과, 해당 실험은 천연소 재를 투여한 실험군에서 위 점막 손상 및 출혈이 감소하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 질려자, 갯기름나물, 삼채뿌리 추출물이 급성 위염 예방에 대한 효과를 가지고 있으며, 기능성 보조제 및 건강기능식품의 유용한 소재로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구에서는 알코올 섭취 방법이 간과 뇌에서 산화적 스트레스 유발 정도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 흰쥐에 5%의 에탄올이 함유된 물을 1개월간 자유로이 섭취하게 하는 방법 또는 2.5g/㎏의 에탄올을 1일 1회 1개월간 경구 투여하는 방법 등 알코올 투여 방법을 달리하고 간, 대뇌 및 소뇌에서 지질과산화 반응과 비타민 E의 함량 변화를 비교하였다. 5%-EtOH의 간조직에서는 비타민 E의 함량이 증가하고 지질과산화물은 변화가 없었으며, 2.5g-EtOH군의 간조직에서는 비타민 E의 함량은 변화가 없으나 지질과산화물은 유의적으로 증가하였다. 뇌 조직에서는, 5%-EtOH군의 대뇌와 소뇌 모두에서 지질과산화물이 증가하고 비타민 E의 함량이 감소하였다. 또한, 2.5g-EtOH군의 대뇌와 소뇌에서도 지질과산화물이 증가하고 비타민 E의 함량이 감소하였으며 그 정도는, 5%-EtOH군에서 보다 큰 경향을 보였다. 결론적으로, 간에서의 지질과산화 반응 및 비타민 E의 함량은 알코올 투여 방법에 따라 다양하게 나타났으나 대뇌와 소뇌에서는 본 연구에서 실시한 투여 방법 모두에 의해 산화적 스트레스가 유발되었다.
Here we report the protective activity of cultured Acer tegmentosum cell extract against liver damage in rat intentionally instigated by D-galactosamine. Local fat degeneration and infiltration of inflammatory cells were significantly decreased in cultured A. tegmentosum cell extract administered rat. In addition, acutely increased AST, ALT, LDH, ALP activities and lipid peroxidation and lipid content by liver damage were recovered in experimental rat administrated with A. tegmentosum extract. These results showed that cultured A. tegmentosum cell extract has a role in blood enzyme activation and lipid content restoration within damaged rat liver tissues. Moreover expression rate of TNF-α which accelerates inflammation and induces tissue damage and necrosis was significantly decreased. Also activities of antioxidant enzymes were more effectively upregulated comparing to those of the control group induced hepatotoxicity. All data that cultured A. tegmentosum cell extract has a preventive role against liver damages such as inflammation, tissue necrosis in rats by improving activities of blood enzymes, antioxidant enzymes and modulating expression of inflammation factor, suggest that cultured Acer tegmentosum cell extract is an effective medicinal resource for restoration of hepatotoxicity.
질경이 추출물을 농축하여 동결 건조해서 실험동물인 SD계 수컷 흰쥐의 실험식이에 0.5% 수준으로 첨가하여 7주간 사육하면서 체중은 7일 간격으로 섭취는 2일 간격으로 오전 9시에 측정하였으며, 활성산소 및 항산화 활성 측정은 2회 측정하였다. 또한 실험이 종료된 후 실험동물을 단두 도살하여 혈청 중 총콜레스테롤, HDL-콜레스테롤, 중성지방, 혈당, 인지질을 측정하여 지질함량에 미치는 영향을 측정 하였다. 질경이 추출물을 SD계 수컷 흰쥐 에
Introduction : The obesity can be a serious problem that frequently induces a great deal of complications. Numerous methods have been applied to control obesity and one of them is aromatherapy. This study is a first attempt to verify the effect of the inhalation of essential oils on the obesity. This study was designed as the animal study, because the human study has many socio-psycho compounding variables.
Methods : This study was designed to verify the effect of inhalation of essential oils on the body weight, feeding amount, food efficiency rate and serum leptin of SD rats. The research design is repeated measures over time, equivalent control group pretest-posttest experimental design. The subjects of this experiment were obese SD rats. They were allocated to one of four groups, the Fennel G., the Patchouli G., the Bergamot G. and control G. The experimental treatment was the inhalation of aromatherapy essential oils (Fennel, Patchouli, Bergamot). The experimental treatment was applied two times a day for 10 minutes each during 8 weeks. To evaluate the effect of inhalation of essential oils, the body weight, feeding amount and food efficiency rate was measured every week and serum leptin was measured before and after the experiment. The collected data was analyzed by repeated measures of ANOVA, Greenhouse-Geisser, ANOVA, Tukey, Kruskal Wallis test and χ²- test with SPSS program.
Results : The results were as follows. The subjects of this study was 84 obese SD rats(40 males and 44 females). The means of age and body weight in obese SD rats were 30 weeks and 344.6g. The food efficiency rate was significantly lower in the Patchouli group and Fennel group than in Bergamot group and control group(P=.000). No significant group effects were found, but significant time effects were found for SD rat's body weight, feeding amount and serum leptin.
Conclusions : In conclusion, these findings indicate that the inhalation of essential oils could be effective in lowering the food efficiency rate. 2)