
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The standardization of food ingredients in the procurement system is essential to maintain the quality of food services. Currently, school food services in Korea do not have such a standardized system, which results in inconsistency of the procurement procedure of food ingredients. This study examined how school foodservice nutritionists perceive the standardization of food ingredients in the procurement system. In particular, this study investigated school foodservice nutritionists’ perception on the appropriateness, convenience, and necessity of newly proposed standardized procurement system consisting of a classification and attribute system. A total of 311 nutritionists from 123 elementary schools, 99 middle schools, and 84 high schools were surveyed via both online and offline from June 16-24, 2016. The major findings of the study are as follows. First, three quarters of the nutritionists perceived the newly proposed standardized procurement system to be necessary, while approximately sixty percent of the respondents reported that the newly proposed standardized procurement system is convenient. More than half of the respondents perceived the newly proposed standardized procurement system to be appropriate. The results suggest that the new standardized system directs a better way in terms of the classification and attribute systems of food ingredients. This study suggests that the standardization of food ingredients should be implemented at the operation of school food services.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate perception of the Food Allergy Labeling System (FALS) of school foodservice in female middle school students. The subjects were 148 female middle school students in the Incheon metropolitan area. In this cross-sectional study, data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Only 20.9% of subjects had experience of food allergy education. There was no significant difference in food allergy knowledge by grade. The scores of perception of food allergy labeling by school foodservice were significantly higher in lower grade students (p<0.001). In all grades, highest scores were observed for ‘food allergy labeling is necessary’, whereas the lowest scores were for ‘I check the food allergy labeling’. The percentages of subjects who wanted to participate in food allergy education were significantly different (p<0.01); 73.8% in 1st grade, 50.0% in 2nd grade, and 35.7% in 3rd grade. For desired education contents to enhance perception of FALS, 57.5% of subjects answered ‘emergency management’ and 23.0% said ‘information of food allergy causing food’. Therefore, it is necessary to increase food allergy education and educate female middle school students according to grade in order to enhance perception of FALS.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The subject study was targeted towards nutrition teacher (dietitian) of elementary, middle, and high schools in Seoul areal. In addition, this study was to investigate the current status of school foodservice securement facilities & equipments and to analyze the obstructive factors for executing the HACCP system. The aim of this study was to provide base-line data so that a more efficient & effective sanitary management system for school foodservise can be settled in. All surveys were distributed and collected via email. A total of 305 survey papers were collected and out of these, 300 school results were analyzed and the results are as follows. The order of the securement facilities & equipment furnished were pre-handing equipments>washing>cooking>inspection>facilities>storage>space area>distribution equipments. The awareness of obstructive factors in executing the HACCP system was a total of 3.17 points and the order was as follows. The general obstructive factors>obstructive factors in the cooking staff executing the HACCP system>collaboration between the school/team leaders and the budget supporting department>obstructive factors in the nutrition teacher (dietitian) executing the HACCP system. School foodservice securement facilities & equipments in Seoul area must be renovated and modernized so as to improve its current situation. Furthermore, leadership programs are necessary to enhance nutritionists' understanding of the HACCP system and the cooking staff's competencies in instructing and supervising.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 학교급식에서 Cook/chill system으로 생산 가능한 음식으로 돼지 불고기를 선정하고 모의실험을 통해 급식생산체계를 반복 실시함으로서 식품 위해 분석 중요관리점(HACCP)을 규명하고, 저장기간중의 음식품질 평가를 통해 합리적인 저장기한을 설정하고자 수행되었으며, 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 돼지불고기는 냉동상태로 운반되지 않아 온도상승이 일어난 검수 단계를 제외하면 각 생산 단계별 기준이 준수된 양호한 상태 하에서 생산된 것으로 나타난다. 생산단계별 미생물 분석결과, 원재료($4.26{\pm}0.11\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 중온균수가 조리하지 않은 식품 기준 이내이나 다소 높게 나타났고, 양념장($5.97{\pm}0.04\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서는 조리하지 않은 식품 기준에 근접한 수준이었으며, 양념으로 재우는 과정($5.56{\pm}0.21\;Log\;CFU/g$)도 위험 수준이었다. 가열 조리 후 최종 음식온도가 $8.25{\pm}3.54^{\circ}C$에 도달하였으나 중온균수($5.17{\pm}0.04\;Log\;CFU/g$)가 급식 단계 음식기준을 초과한 위험한 수준이었고, 기타 미생물은 검출되지 않았다. 급속 냉각과 저장 1일, 3일, 5일 동안도 중온균수가 급식단계 음식 기준에 근접한 위험한 상태였고 기타 미생물은 검출되지 않았다. 재가열 처리에 의해 저장 1일($4.62{\pm}0.22\;Log\;CFU/g$), 3일($4.55{\pm}0.20\;Log\;CFU/g$), 5일($4.25{\pm}0.16\;Log\;CFU/g$) 모두 중온균수는 감소하여 급식단계 음식기준에 충족한 상태가 되었다. 배분 3조건에서도 급식단계 음식 기준 이내에 들었다. 저장 5일간 이화학 분석 결과 pH, 산가, 휘발성 염기 질소 모두 저장 5일에 유의적으로 증가하였고, 관능평가에서는 모든 항목들이 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 티아민 정량 분속 결과 ,가열 전의 티아민 함량을 100%으로 했을 때, 가열 후에는 78.6%로 손실이 일어났으며, 냉각과 저장 1일, 3일은 티아민 손실을 거의 일으키지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 저장 5일에는 티아민이 현저히 저하되어 62.5% 보유에 그쳤다. 저장기간에 따른 미생물적, 이화학적, 관능적 품질을 분석한 결과와 티아민 함량의 변화를 고려하여 돼지불고기의 저장기한을 3일로 제안하며, 생산 단계별 온도-소요시간 측정 및 미생물 분석을 통해 규명된 중요관리점은 돼지고기와 양념장재료인 파, 마늘, 생강의 구입 및 검수, 가열조리, 냉각, 저장, 재가열과 배식단계였다.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 학교급식에서 Cook/chill system으로 생산 가능한 음식으로 삼치구이를 선정하고 모의실험을 통해 급식생산체계를 반복 실시함으로서 식품 위해 분석 중요관리점(HACCP)을 규명하고, 저장기간중의 음식품질 평가를 통해 합리적인 저장기한을 설정하고자 수행되었으며, 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 심치 구이의 온도소요시간 측정 결과, 온도상승이 일어난 검수 단계를 제외하면 각 생산단계별 온도-소요 시간 기준이 준수된 양호한 상태 하에 삼치구이가 생산되었음을 알 수 있었다. 삼치구이의 생산단계별 미생물 분석 결과 , 중온성 표준평판 균수의 경우 원재료 ($2.58{\pm}0.12\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 냉장보관($2.70{\pm}0.42\;Log\;CFU/g$)까지의 품질은 우수하였다. 양념장으로 재우는 과정($3.82{\pm}0.52\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 반복 실험중 일차에서만 대장균군, 분변성 대장균군이 각각 0.84 Log MPN/g으로 검출되었다. $160^{\circ}C$, 10분의 습열 조리와 $180^{\circ}C$, 3분의 건열 조리를 통해 삼치구이 내부온도는 $76^{\circ}C$로 측정되었는데, 조리 직후 심치구이에서는 중온균 ($1.83{\pm}0.49\;Log\;CFU/g$)만 검출되었고 저온균, 대장균군, 분변성 대장균군은 검출되지 않았다. 급성 냉장과 저장 5일을 거치는 동안 중온균은 거의 검출되지 않았으며 나머지 분석대상 미생물도 검출되지 않았다. 재가열과 배분단계에서도 분석대상 미생물이 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 삼치구이 전 생산단계에 걸쳐 Salmonella 와 Listeria monocytogenes는 검출되지 않았다. 5일의 저장동안 분석된 삼치구이의 pH, 산가, 휘발성 염기질소(TVBN) 함량과 관능 평가 결과, 삼치구이의 저장기한은 4일 이내로 제안되었다. 규명된 CCPs는 삼치의 구입과 검수, 가열 조리, 냉각, 냉장, 재가열 및 배식 단계였다.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study researched microbial change of quality according to the various phases of product flow of cooked pea and rice, cold cucumber and seaweed soup, soybean sprouts japchae feeding urban type of a commissary school and a satellite school in Daejeon area, also it suggested the possibility that the central commissary foodservice system can be established and utilized more developmental to identify its food of variation of temperature and state of safety unitl 3 hours after cooking for the case of delay of distribution and holding because of the satellite school of geographical location and traffic problem. The critical Control Points identified for each category of menu items were: Boiled pea and rice: inadequate distribution, holding and storing before assembly; Cold cucumber and seaweed soup: pre-preparation and post-preparation after cooking; Soybean sprouts japchae: Pre-preparation, post-preparation and storing. As the result of observation of the variation of temperature and microbial safety according to the delay of distribution and holding for each food, all of them were relatively safe until 3 hours after cooking, but cold cucumber and seaweed soup being stored for 3 hours, the value of E. coli is 103 CFU/g. The variation of temperature was more extreme in soybean sprouts japchae than cooked pea and rice and cold cucumber and seaweed soup. It was proved that the stainless container was excellent and that adequate holding container should be used.