The concept of sustainability was first introduced a few decades ago, and it has gradually become the primary concern of many nations and firms around the world. Sustainability is a broad concept that encompasses three pillars, namely, economic, social, and environmental, represented as profit, people, and nature. It implies that firms can only sustainably develop if they grow without compromising the benefits of their stakeholders. Thus, this study aims to identify, through the participatory approach and the Delphi method, an appropriate set of sustainability indicators to strategically evaluate Hai Phong port's sustainable development achievements. The paper will critically review past studies on port sustainable development to find the most frequently used indicators for assessing port sustainability. These indicators vary because of the availability of data and the researcher's perceived level of importance given to each indicator. Finally, we employ the Delphi method to narrow down the initial set of sustainability indicators based on consensus on the importance of indicators and availability of data among experts. Some indicators that are not important and statistical data unavailable are eliminated. Therefore, the final set includes all crucial indicators for evaluating the sustainability of Hai Phong seaports with collected data.
해상을 통하여 운송되는 화학물질은 6,000여종에 이르며, 이러한 화학물질에는 해양을 오염시키거나 해양생물에 해로운 HNS(Hazardous and Noxious Substances)가 포함되어 있다. 해상운송 과정에서 바다로 유출된 HNS는 해상 및 해중에서 물리적, 화학적 변화 를 거치게 되는데, 어떤 종류의 HNS는 해저로 침강하여 퇴적되기도 한다. 해저에 침적된 HNS는 해저생태계에 커다란 악영향을 주기 때문에 해저침적 HNS를 탐지․처리하여 회수하는 것이 바람직하다. 따라서 본 연구는 해저침적된 HNS를 회수하기 위한 기계장치를 개발할 때, 최우선으로 고려해야 하는 성능요건을 제시하였다. 해저의 오염물질을 회수하기 위하여 현재 사용되는 다양한 방식의 준설장비에 대하여 조사하고, 준설장비의 방식별 성능지표를 분석함으로써 기계장치에 대한 10가지의 성능지표를 선정하였다. 이러한 성능지표를 활용하여 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치의 개발을 위한 성능요건을 제안하였다. 국내 항만의 수심을 고려하여, 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치 의 성능요건을 생산율(50 ~ 300 m3/hr), 최대운용수심(50 m), 저질 종류(대부분의 저질 형태), 고형률(10 % 이상), 수평 작업 정확도(± 10 cm), 제한 유속(3 ~ 5 knot) 등으로 제안하였다. 이러한 성능요건은 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치의 개념설계와 기본설계에 활용될 것으로 기 대된다.
Seaports play a huge role in Vietnam's economy, being a border gate for economic and cultural exchanges with outsiders, especially the role of goods circulation. Container cargoes are one of the types of goods with large and increasing volume through Vietnam seaports. However, the heterogeneity between the seaport and the connected infrastructure greatly affects the capacity and efficiency of port investment. This is also one of the main causes leading to a shortage of goods, excess ports in some port areas. The root cause is that the planning has not kept up with the growth of the amount of goods arriving at the port, because the issue of forecasting the volume of goods through the port is not accurate. Therefore, it is necessary to develop models of forecasting container cargo through the ports with general, scientific, and high accuracy to serve the strategy, planning and development of seaport system; the work of planning and investment in the development of seaports, shipping fleets and other auxiliary transport infrastructure works. The purpose of this study is to build suitable forecasting models with high accuracy and reliability on the total volume of container cargo throughput of the Vietnamese seaport system. Based on the methods of a statistical survey, synthesis, regression analysis, and correlation to evaluate the influence of factors on container cargo volume through Vietnam's seaports in the period of 2004-2019. By incorporating more economic factors into the regression model, the paper focuses on forecasting container cargo through the Vietnamese seaport systems, going into cargo-based forecasting in tons and TEUs. The results of this study contribute to complete the rationale for forecasting, especially forecasts related to the shipping industry and the forecast for container cargo throughput of the seaport. Finally, selecting models for forecasting container cargo volume throughput of seaports by Vietnamese conditions.
Maritime transportation plays a significant role in global economies. Seaports as primal nodes in maritime supply chain are also indispensable in ensuring efficient and effective global trading. On the other hand, seaport inefficiencies have profound influences on the overall performance which can cause congestion, operational disruption, high cost expenses, unnecessary wastes and environmental pollution, which eventually resulting significant financial losses. As a result, business and environmental sustainability will not be achieved. In order to overcome these hindrances, a novel performance model of Lean, Agile, Resilience and Green (LARG) is proposed as management tools for enhancing the business and environmental sustainability in seaport supply chain operations. The compatibility of LARG paradigms in seaport supply chain need to be identified and analysed to achieve the research aim. This paper employed a compatibility analysis for the new LARG paradigm for enhancing seaport supply chain practices. In this analysis, all potential paradigms are thoroughly reviewed and further validated by the domain experts consisting of academic and industry experts. The result of this paper shows that 17 selected LARG paradigms are compatible with 23 seaport supply chain practices respectively. For future research, the identified paradigms can be further investigated for many purposes such as measuring their influence on seaport supply chain practices and even assessing their applicability. It is worth mentioning that this research outcomes can assist Malaysian seaport practitioners to develop an enhanced management paradigm to boost their performance based on LARG model. Moreover, this model also can be applied globally as it is able to be adapted, revised and adjusted to suit the seaport preferences. As a result, this model able to enhance business capabilities, operational efficiencies and competitive advantages of seaport supply chain operations globally.
Da Nang is situated in central Vietnam and at convenient cross-roads of the railway and road systems as well as the airport. Moreover, the city has a deep-seaport system and well-invested infrastructure in connection with other transportation modes. It is a favorable condition for the city to move towards a Logistics Center for seaports serving the central region in particular and the whole region in general. This paper presents the current operating status in Danang seaports and analyses the necessary conditions to build a Logistics Center. Based on the experience of the other countries and the actual conditions, the article points out that it is necessary to strongly develop hinterland’s logistics services to create added value by building a Logistics Center and Dry ports system to effectively serve the operation of the seaports.
Competitiveness of seaport is determined by a range of advantages that was earned by the seaport to attract their respective customers. Competitiveness is essential for seaport to make tactical plans, to maintain and improve their attractiveness among the clients. The imbalance of hinterland connectivity in Malaysian seaports between road and rail affects the efficiency of Malaysian seaports to be at the optimum level of competitiveness. Besides, the increasing of vessel capacity in the world affects the efficiency of seaport operations to accommodate larger container ships. However, nowadays the trends of seaport competitiveness are changing due to the dynamic nature of maritime business. Hence, analysis on the trend on seaport competitiveness is very crucial to plan and execute the operational strategy to achieve optimum benefits from the trade activities. Nevertheless, most of the researches focused on competitiveness trend in the world but no specific research has been conducted at Malaysian seaports in particular. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse the evolution of seaport competitiveness in Malaysian seaport from 1970 to 2019 and propose a competitiveness cluster for Malaysian seaport to ease the policy revisiting procedure for future development. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been employed in this paper to develop a comprehensive competitiveness cluster for Malaysian seaports to understand the current trend of competitiveness among Malaysian seaports in comparison to the global trend as a key preparation for future demand. IT application, seaport services, supply chain, government policy, connectivity, availability, hinterland accessibility, inland terminal cost, transportation network, operation efficiency and seaport cost are the key components of competitiveness in Malaysian seaports from 1970 until 2019. Findings revealed that there are three clusters in Malaysian seaport competitiveness which are shipping services, seaport and terminal, and government policy.
The seaport system is one of the complex systems which involves many stakeholders; i.e. seaport cluster; seaport authority, seaport operator, government, shipping agent, forwarding agent etc. Due to this concern, the aims of this research is revealed the relationship between the three elements of seaport quality towards the seaport competitiveness. Subsequently, the scope of this research identified three elements of seaport quality (seaport effectiveness; seaport reliability; seaport governance) and seaport competitiveness as the influential elements from the Malaysian Seaport perspective. Then, the methodology of this research used quantitative method analysis and questionnaire as the instrument for the Malaysian seaport cluster stakeholders. Multiple regressions and the reliability test were employed for the data analysis. The 143 out of 180 respondents had approved after data screening. Consequently, the finding was the 8 influential elements of seaport quality onto seaport competitiveness; (i) highly stability on strong cooperation about ship and cargoes, (ii) systematic arrangement of facilities and equipment, (iii) demonstrates good understanding of client requirement, (iv) reliability on the ability of equipment and facilities, (v) easy understanding towards the implementation of the guidelines of process involves, (vi) highly attending by customer on the cooperation through community, (vii) highly understanding and knowledge to the security compliance and (viii) minimizing the ship turnaround time, and those were statistically significant under the Malaysian seaport quality perspectives. As conclusion, the element of seaport quality would contribute as the benchmark to improvise the Malaysian seaport competitiveness. The contribution from this research is foreseen under the developing the guidelines through the seaport quality while enhancing the seaport operation efficiency and the strategies development in determining the continuous sustainability of seaport industry.
Along the 3,200km-long coastline, Vietnam has a significant number of seaports, which are relatively large and named as the keys to economic development. However, most ports are relatively small with obsolete facilities and poor supporting services. Among three largest ports countrywide, Ho Chi Minh City seaport has had the highest throughput and productivity per annum of the country for years, assumed the role of the major port in the south, where cargos and containers come and go from all industrial parks in the southern region. Situated on what was the outskirts but is now the outskirts or suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City, it has however shown some drawbacks, i.e., expansion of the port is not an option regardless of the high throughput. Apart from the inadequate infrastructure, ports are facing another setback due to backward pricing. The rapid increase in number of ports also created a “race to the bottom” situation, where Vietnam ports have reduced their price to attract customers. The direct results are lower service quality and an inability to reinvest into port development. Therefore, the restructuring of Ho Chi Minh City seaport system has been launched since 2006 whereby the plan not only resolves the limited size, obsolete facilities and traffic issues, but also becomes more efficient as the new port complex is located conveniently among the region’s industrial parks and export processing zones of Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, and Ba Ria – Vung Tau. In line with this plan, the paper will mainly aim to provide the outstanding constraints which Ho Chi Minh City seaport system faced, including illogical distribution among ports/terminals regardless the scale, capacity and geographic locations; ineffective and insecured mooring and anchorage buoys; undeveloped logistic services centres and lack of connecting infrastructure. As so, the recommendations for single issue will be provided.
Transport sector activities are the major sources of pollutants to the atmosphere and natural environment. Seaports contribute significantly to the cause of pollution in the water and water front areas they are located. Like other industrial nations and regions, maritime sector in Malaysia continues to grow and expand to facilitate global and regional trade and as a maritime-related activities result have proliferated in sea and shore. This has exposed seaports to a growing pressure and posed challenges to operate in an environmentally friendly manner. This paper aims to classify environmental issues caused by shipping and seaport activities and propose strategies to reduce environmental issues in seaports at east coast of peninsular Malaysia. Using quantitative research design, data was collected through a survey questionnaire from personnel at east coast Malaysian seaports. The result of this paper indicates that garbage dumping, air pollution, maintenance waste, dust, noise pollution, bilge water, dredging operations and oil spill are the most important issues contributed by seaports activities. This paper suggested several strategies that can be implemented to mitigate environmental issues at east coast of Malaysia including Kuantan, Kemaman and Kerteh seaports.
In late 1950’s, the beginning of container revolution has started a new paradigm shift in maritime industry worldwide. This new paradigm has become a major reason for seaport systems to prepare their physical capacity, space availability, multi-modalism, transport connectivity via regionalisation. However, in early 2010’s the introduction of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) which starts the era of immersive digitalization proved that seaport systems need to be prepared to face pattern of unstable magnitudes in dynamic maritime trade. Therefore, this paper analyses key components required for Malaysian seaport system to be aligned with the key requirements in IR4.0. By employing document analysis, this research analyses the challenges faced by Malaysian seaport system as well as suggests strategies to muddle through the key requirements of IR4.0. The findings from this research indicate that Malaysian seaport system need to be improved by enforcing skill-based education system, flexibility in labour structure, development in skill and competence level as well as improvement in infrastructure suitability. The findings from this research also reflect significant strategies to improve seaport system in the era of IR4.0 including enhancing requirements for intermodal terminals, improving preparation for seaport alliances, developing mechanism for interoperability, improving utilisation of intra and interregional economic development as well as scrutinising safety and security.
The significant exodus of containers inland due to the container revolution has increased the salience of inland terminals for efficient freight distribution. Further, the migration of containers gradually inland has forced seaports to depend on these inland terminals to determine their competitiveness and offer a mechanism for competitive freight price to the consumer. The performance of dry ports need to be improved along with the dynamic nature of maritime business, to efficiently fulfil the demand all the key players in the container seaport system, provide economies of scale and scope to their respective clients and enhances the importance of inland networks to improve and consistently elongate the competitiveness of container seaports. Predicated to these importance, this paper aims to enhance dry port performance by adapting a process benchmarking strategy among the Malaysian dry ports. Prior to the adaptation of the process benchmarking approach, a grounded theory had been conducted as a method of analysis among the key players of the Malaysian container seaport system in order to provide essential inputs for the benchmarking. Through this paper, the outcome shows all four Malaysian dry ports need to improve their transportation infrastructure and operation facilities, container planning strategy, competition, location and externalities in order to assist all the key players in the container seaport system efficiently and effectively.
Along with the drastic competition among ports, the strive for the vast economic hinterland and the supply of goods have become strategic problems for port operators. At the same time, port enterprises are paying more and more attention to the construction of dry ports. This article establishes the port cooperation performance evaluation index based on the balanced score card method and uses the grey relational degree method to evaluate the cooperation performance between seaports and dry ports. Finally using Qingdao port and Xi'an port as an example, and Zhengzhou port and Lanzhou port as benchmarks, the application of this evaluation method is introduced in detail. The conclusion reveals that cooperation between Qingdao port and Xi'an port has deficiencies in customer satisfaction, financial cooperation and non-market tools. Alongside this, the author proposes related issues about information management in the supply chain, competition position and the scope of hinterland. This article, combined with the related theory of supply chain and performance evaluation, puts forward a set of relatively complete cooperation performance evaluations between seaports and dry ports, which provide scientific theory support for better cooperation.
This study investigated the variations in monthly PM2.5 concentrations and their characteristics at the sampling site (35.075°N, 129.080°E) around the Busan seaport area for six months (from August 2020 to January 2021). Monthly PM2.5 concentrations in the filtered samples ranged from 8.4 to 42.3 ㎍/m3 (average=19.6±8.2 ㎍/m3, n=50) and were generally high in August, December, and January, and low in September, October, and November. The variations of monthly PM2.5 concentrations showed similar patterns to those of the neighboring national air quality monitoring sites. The contents of Total Carbon (TC), Organic Carbon (OC), Elemental Carbon (EC), and OC/EC ratios in PM2.5 showed large variability during the study period. The OC/EC ratios ranged from 4.2 to 34.4, suggesting that the relative contributions of OC and EC to the PM2.5 concentrations changed temporally and might be related to their formation sources. Variations in the chemical components of and particle size distributions in PM2.5 showed that high PM2.5 concentrations were affected by various sources, such as sea salt and ship emission. The precursor gas concentrations were discussed in terms of monthly variations and their contributions to PM2.5 concentrations. However, further research is needed to understand the characteristics and behaviors of PM2.5 concentrations around the Busan seaport area.
The aim of this study draws out the Green Index of a Seaport (GIS) that is comprehensive and coordinated approach to diminish the negative impacts of port operations using a Factor Analysis (FA) which can evaluate the level of cleanness of seaport. For this purpose, the questionnaires were sent to the experts and port stake holders, and received 75 out of 100. In this survey, Cronbach's alpha has the numerical value 0.76. Thus it means that this survey has internal consistency reliability. Overall, 15 components were selected from the literature review and five factors were extracted by factor analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to present some main economic factors which influence Gaza Seaport. Without direct access to the international market, the Palestinian economy will continue its dependence on Israeli economy mainly in employment, transport facilitation, and international trade. The greatest potential for Palestinian economic growth lies in trade. The port is important for creating new job opportunities, and for enhancing exporting capabilities, which are the most essential elements for development of the Palestinian economy. Israeli policies and procedures incur Palestinian exporters additional transportation costs when delivering their products to Israeli Ports or when transit these products to neighboring countries through Israeli controlled area. The public profit for the port is greater than the private profit. Therefore, constructing the port will have a great effect on the Palestinian economy. There are many challenges facing the port, some of them are the political stability, the economies of scale, and Israeli security measures and procedures.