
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the current status relating to food packaging and design for status of small and medium food enterprises. A company survey was conducted from June to October, 2015 and targeted 1300 small and medium domestic food enterprises. Finally, a total of 1300 (recovery rate 100%) useable data were selected. Statistical analyses were performed on the data utilizing the SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0 for Windows, such as descriptive statistics and frequency analysis. According to the results, awareness and importance of food labeling were high, but performance of English inscription of product name was relatively low. The most important reason for food labeling was ‘providing correct information on food’ 910 (72.8%). Accordingly, a system which can provide the latest information by continuously monitoring mandatory disclosure requirements for types of foods in individual countries is needed.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The HACCP evaluation standards for the meat packaging plant are divided into general scale HACCP evaluation standard and small scale HACCP evaluation standard. There are 69 evaluation items in the general scale HACCP evaluation criteria, of which 54 items in the prerequisite management and 15 items in the HACCP management are included. The number of small scale HACCP evaluation items are 20 and about 29% of the general scale HACCP evaluation items. This may not be enough to produce a safety livestock products for the purpose of implementing the HACCP system due to the nature of the meat packaging plant, which does not show much difference in the production process or method of product depending on the scale. To improve the small scale HACCP evaluation standard, the importance of each item was compared with the small scale HACCP evaluation based on the rate of non-compliance and the severity levels in the general scale HACCP evaluation items. As a result of the study, 8 items were derived from the prerequisites management, 2 items were derived from the HACCP management, and some similar evaluation items were grouped together. Finally, 10 items were added to the 20 items of the existing small scale HACCP evaluation items. In this study, study on the safety management of domestic livestock products are continuously carried out, so that it is possible to provide safety livestock products to consumers and contributes to securing competitiveness of domestic livestock industry.