본 연구는 지속 가능한 발전과 환경보호를 위한 ESG의 핵심 과제인 탄소중립을 달성하기 위해 최근 철강산업에서 추진 중인 탄소중립 시나리오를 조사하고 그 현실성에 대하여 검토하였다. 2050년까지 탄소중립을 실현하기 위한 시나리오에서 철강산업이 차지하는 비중과 그 계획을 점검하고, 온실가스 감축 단계 및 수소 환원 제철 기술개발 단계에서도 중요한 역할을 하게 될 전기로 제강법의 역할과 과제에 대하여 살펴보았다. 전기로 제강법은 기존의 일반강을 생산하는 단계에서 향후 일관제철소의 전로제강을 대체하는 중요한 역할을 담당해야 한다. 다만 전기로는 전로제강 대비 탄소의 사용은 적으나 전기 에너지가 많이 소비되므로 이에 대한 대응 방안을 마련할 필요가 있다. 이에 논문에서는 전기로의 대체에 따른 전기 에너지의 사용량 증가에 대한 문제점을 도출하고 해결 방안을 제시해 보았다. 향후 철강산업의 탄소중립을 위한 전기로 설비 대체와 전기 에너지의 효율적 사용은 중요한 과제가 될 것이며 사업장 ESG 전략 수립에 필수적인 요소가 될 것으로 기대한다.
한국 철강산업은 어떻게 해서 세계적인 경쟁력을 갖게 되었는가? ‘청암의 탁월한 기업가정신 때문이다‘라고 본 고는 답하고 있다. 기업가정신의 핵심은 혁신이고 혁신적인 경영활동에 의해 기업과 산업의 국제경쟁력이 제고되 기 때문이다. 청암 박태준은 기업가정신을 발휘하여 소명의식을 지닌 임직원을 만들고 경영과 조직을 혁신하여 기업경영 조 건을 향상시키고, 일본정부와 철강산업의 협력을 이끌어내어 요소조건과 관련산업조건을 개선하고, 수출시장을 개척하여 수요조건을 개선하는 등의 혁신을 바탕으로 건설공기와 조업기간 단축 등과 같이 생산성을 향상시킴으 로써 한국 철강산업의 국제경쟁력을 제고시켰다. 즉, 포스코를 창업하고 25년 동안 경영하였던 청암의 기업가정 신으로 인해 한국 철강산업은 세계적인 경쟁력을 확보하게 되었던 것이다. 포스코와 한국 철강산업의 성공요인을 설명하는 기존의 논문과는 다른 차원에서 애국심보다는 기업가정신이 국 가경쟁우위 4개 요인을 개선 및 혁신하였기에 한국 철강산업의 국제경쟁력이 제고되었다는 것이다.
This study aims to present the differentiating factors of B2B salesperson competency through comparing the suppliers and buyers in Korean steel industry in their perception on the importance and priority of B2B salesperson competency. Based on previous studies, analysis on B2B salesperson competency has been analyzed using the B2B salesperson performance competency measure factors and appropriately reorganizing them for better application to the steel industry. The required performance competencies of B2B salesperson can be categorized into 3 different types, namely social exchange competency, advisory sales competency, and skill & knowledge competency. AHP analysis was performed for analyzing the relative importance of B2B salesperson competency based on the factors of previous studies, in which categorization of the aforementioned types had been done. As the result, first, it has been confirmed that there is a difference in 1st layer main factors between the supplier group and buyer group. The supplier group valued the advisory sales competency, while the buyer group valued skill & knowledge competency. Second, it has been proved that there is same result of relative importance in 2nd detailed factors between the supplier group and buyer group. Both group confirmed that customer member, identify customer needs and communication skill are very important factors. Third, as the result of analysis on the gap between B2B salesperson competency of the suppliers and buyers, the gap in the product knowledge and sales team member need improvement for buyer’s satisfaction according to overall results of relative importance and priority. The steel supplier was able to develop B2B salesperson competency according to the buyers’ needs based on the result of this study, and furthermore it is expected that this study will be able to contribute to increase in buyer competitiveness through differentiation in B2B salesperson competency.
이 논문에서는 다양한 자료를 수집ㆍ활용하여 초창기 한국과학기술연구소 (KIST)가 한국 철강공업에 기여한 바에 대해 분석했다. KIST의 철강공업에 대한 가장 중요 한 기여로는 1969년에 있었던 신사업계획의 수립을 들 수 있다. 신사업계획은 종합제철사업 계획 연구위원회가 마련했으며, KIST의 김재관과 윤여경이 이를 주도했다. 신사업계획은 규 모의 경제, 설비의 구성, 제철소의 확장가능성 등의 측면에서 우수한 내용을 담고 있었다. 신 사업계획을 바탕으로 한국은 일본과의 협상을 추진하여 포항제철소 건설사업을 현실화할 수 있었다. 포항제철의 공식 기록은 오랫동안 신사업계획을 KIST가 주도했다는 점에 대해 언급 하지 않다가 최근에 들어서야 이를 수용하는 모습을 보였다. 이로써 KIST의 연구진이 신사업계획을 주도했다는 점은 KIST의 주장에 머물지 않고 포항제철도 인정하는 사실이 되었다. 신사업계획의 수립 이외에도 KIST는 일본과의 실무협상 추진, 제철소 운영에 대비한 예비조사, 일본 기술자를 활용한 기술자문 등을 통해 포항제철소 건설사업을 적극 지원했다. 이처 럼 KIST의 한국 철강공업에 대한 기여는 계획수립, 실무협상, 기술지원 등을 망라하는 총체적인 성격을 띠고 있었다. 이에 반해 기계공업, 조선공업, 자동차공업 등과 같은 다른 중공업 분야의 경우에는 KIST의 역할이 주로 계획수립의 차원에 머물렀던 것으로 판단된다.
The steel pipe manufacturing industry deals with facilities and materials. Especially thermal facilities are close to vapor cloud explosion (VCE) and may cause secondary damage to facilities because they deal with corrosive substances such as hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid and acid, fire, explosion, leakage etc. It is in danger. In this study, hazard identification method was conducted using HAZOP techniques and quantitative risk analysis was conducted using e-CA, a program that supports accident impact analysis. Equipment in the influence range of ERPG - 3 was determined to be a facility requiring replacement. It was decided that neutralization is necessary using slaked lime. Based on the cost of loss, We presented the proper replacement which is the timing of the dangerous facility. As a result, It was ideal to replace the facilities with 20 years of heat treatment facilities, one year of hydrofluoric acid storage tank, 20 years of sulfuric acid storage tank, and 5 years of hydrochloric acid storage tank.
Due to the rapid change of global business environment, the growth of China’s steel industry and the inflow of cheap products, domestic steel industry is faced on downward trend. The change of business paradigms from a quantitative growth to a qualitative product is needed in this steel industry. In this environment, it is very important for domestic steel distribution companies to secure their competitiveness by selecting good supply companies through a efficient procurement strategy and effective method. This study tried to find out the success factors of steel distribution industry based on survey research from experts. Weighted values of each factors were found by using AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis. The weighted values were applied to DEA(data envelopment analysis) model and eventually the best steel supply company were selected. This paper used 29 domestic steel distribution firms for case example and 5 steps of decision process to select good vendors were suggested.This study used quality, price, delivery and finance as a selection criteria. Using this four criterions, nine variable were suggested. Which were product diversity, base price, discount, payment position, average delivery date, urgency order responsibility and financial condition. These variables were used as a output variable of DEA. Sales and facilities were used as an input variable. Pairwise comparison was conducted using these variables. The weighted value calculated by AHP pairwise comparison were used for DEA analysis. Through the analysis of DEA efficiency process, good DMU (decision making unit) were recommended as a steel supply company. The domestic case example was used to show the effectiveness of this study.
Abstract In this study, Fe-Ni slag, converter slag and dephosphorization slag generated from the steel industry, and fly ash or bottom ash from a power plant, were mixed at an appropriate mixing ratio and melted in a melting furnace in a massproduction process for glass ceramics. Then, glass-ceramic products, having a basalt composition with SiO₂, Al₂O₃, CaO, MgO, and Fe₂O₃ components, were fabricated through casting and heat treatment process. Comparison was made of the samples before and after the modification of the process conditions. Glass-ceramic samples before and after the process modification were similar in chemical composition, but Al₂O₃ and Na₂O contents were slightly higher in the samples before the modification. Before and after the process modification, it was confirmed that the sample had a melting temperature below 1250 ℃, and that pyroxene and diopside are the primary phases of the product. The crystallization temperature in the sample after modification was found to be higher than that in the sample before modification. The activation energy for crystallization was evaluated and found to be 467 kJ/mol for the sample before the process modification, and 337 kJ/mol for the sample after the process modification. The degree of crystallinity was evaluated and found to be 82% before the process change and 87% after the process change. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength and bending strength were evaluated and found to be excellent for the sample after process modification. In conclusion, the samples after the process modification were evaluated and found to have superior characteristics compared to those before the modification.
The hazard conditions on plant works of the steel industry have been investigated to efficiently prevent from industrial accidents. The plant works are eventually carried out by workers of smaller service companies where the safety management systems are not well established, on behalf of the main steel company. Based on the preliminary risk assessment on the plant working and open literature reviews, the safety management systems, which can be applied to the plant workplace of each process, are studied and then the step-by-step 4M check-list method is established. Accordingly, the risk assessment technique using 4M checklist for the plant workplace is proposed. In addition, a standardized flow-chart for safety management of plant work is introduced. These risk assessment technique and flow-chart can definitely contribute to the reduction of industrial accidents, considering the risk characterization and the unsafe conditions in small and medium-sized plant workplace, as effective safety management tools and safety guide line.
In this paper, we purpose the integrated TMS to solve the problem of current systems. Current system resulted in the inconvenience because customer and user must contact to each systems when they want to know the information about the order. In this time, we make the system customer and user can confirm all of order information from one system to solve this problem by integrating the information brought from two systems on constructing integrated DataBase.
The company was focusing on production which was partial mission rather than acquiring the information of customer in intensive process industry. The company accepted loss which is from over-production, losing of opportunity. After changing to Web environment, supply chain is more complicated and need of customer is more various. As a result the company hard works on controlling production rates, production quantities in production area and gathering exact information which is about available resource and available quantities. Cooperated demand planning have to get decreasing of inventory, improving of customer service in supply chain management. Specially demand planning that considers allocation of capacity is executed in Iron-Industry. Demand planning must be classified by customer, region and supply position level.
The environment of management is changed by the improving Information Technology, the changing market that is overflowed by product, the competing between enterprises, and the segmenting the whole market. As a result, the concept of the 1:1 marketing is appeared on the environment of management by high quality that customer needs. In this paradigm, the CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is able to be executed by the advancing of the Information Technology (IT), the constituting, Data Base, the analyzing data in Data Base. The CRM(Customer Relationship Management) offers integrated multiple view poingts and methods of the corresponding to customers. The CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is a crirical element in the business. This study considers the effective implementing CRM(Customer Relationship Management) in the steel industry which has unique characteristics
The environment of management is changed by the improving Information Technology, the changing market that is overflowed by product, the competing between enterprises, and the segmenting the whole market. As a result, the concept of the 1:1 marketing is appeared on the environment of management by high quality that customer needs. In this paradigm, the CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is able to be executed by the advancing of the Information Technology(IT), the constituting, Data Base, the analyzing data in Data Base. The CRM(Customer Relationship Management) offers integrated multiple view poingts and methods of the corresponding to customers. The CRM(Customer Relationship Management) is a crirical element in the business. This study considers the effective implementing CRM(Customer Relationship Management) in the steel industry which has unique characteristics
In accordance with huge demand for capital to meet the expansion of steel production, there are more and more steel companies who have officially listed their stocks in HOSE and HNX. One of the key issues in successful initial public offerings and seasonal offerings for these companies is how to make stocks of steel companies become more attractive in the eyes of investors. The purpose of this research is to analyze the determinants of share prices of listed steel companies in Vietnam. This study utilized macro-economic variables, ratios and indicators representing characteristics of steel industry collected from Quarter 1/2006 to Quarter 4/2019 in association with the panel data and the feasible generalized least square (FGLS) model to evaluate the degree of these factors on the share prices. The results of the research show that ROE, Cons_rate, and CO2_rate are three main factors affecting the share prices of listed steel companies. Among which, ROE and Cons_rate have a positive effect, while CO2_rate has a negative effect on the share prices of listed steel companies. It also confirms the relationship between the environmental factor, construction industry factor and the stock prices. This lays foundations for recommendations for the future policies towards environmental protection and sustainable development.
철강 생산으로 인하여 부산되는 철강슬래그 역시 계속적으로 증가하여 2018년에 2,423 만톤에 이르고 있으나 고로슬래그를 제외한 철강부산물은 단순매립 등으로 재활용되고 있어 산업부산물의 유효활용을 통한 자원순환형 사회 구축 및 천연자원 고갈방지를 위해서는 다양한 활용기술 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 한편, 근래 무분별한 해양개발 및 환경오염 등으로 광대한 해양생물의 서식기반이 소실되어 수산자원의 감소현상이 심화되고 있어 이에 대한 대책이 시급한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다량 부산되는 복합슬래그를 천연골재 대체재료로 재활용하는 방안 제시와 해수정화가 가능한 친환경 다공질콘크리트의 배합요인별 공학적 특성 및 적용성 검토연구를 수행하였다. 배합요인별 공극률 시험결과 모든 조건에서 오차범위 2.5%이내의 결과를 나타내었다. 압축강도시험결과 최적 혼입률은 복합슬래그골재 30%, 혼입시 가장 우수한 친환경 다공질콘크리트 제조가 가능하였다. 입상인공Zeolite를 혼입함으로서 침지일수 14일에 총질소 및 총인 농도가 36.8∼54.6%까지 감소하여 입상인공제올라이트의 효과를 확인하였다.
Since 2008 the world financial crisis, implemented by the America government monetary payment policy has brought increased liquidity, but the decline in the dollar value of the decline of the export competitiveness of the countries all over the world, especially since 1980, Japan's economy is facing difficulties great, plus American monetary easing, the Japanese economy and more faded. Since 2012 October the Japanese far right parties, Liberal Democrat Andouble government came to power, the Japanese government yen devaluation, depreciation of the yen to Japanese economic recovery, but the Asian countries has been on the Japanese export oriented development mode, and the types of export commodities are more or less the same, therefore, the depreciation of the yen after Japan's exports have the great competitiveness, but at the same time the rest of Asia's export competitiveness has declined. The yen short-term the biggest damage country is South Korea, then China, but the total economic China than South Korea, namely the yen's depreciation on Chinese is very large, especially Chinese ships, iron and steel, auto parts and other heavy industry. Chinese are developing countries, the developing countries China heavy industry development is essential in its economic growth on the road, the developed countries of western countries and Japan have to rely on the development of heavy industry, heavy industry development level decides the development level of a country, RMB appreciation has lasted one and a half years, from a in the short term, has little effect on the Chinese economy. To observe effects of yen depreciation consequences, and through this thesis research the effect of the devaluation of the yen Chinese industry and explore the impact of future devaluation of the yen Chinese.
Lab-scale Electrodialysis(ED) system with different membranes combined with before or after pyroma process were carried out to remove nitrate from two pickling acid wastewater containing high concentrations of NO3-(≈150,000 mg/L) and F-(≈160,000 mg/L) and some heavy metals(Fe, Ti, and Cr). The ED system before Pyroma process(Sample A) was not successful in NO3- removal due to cation membrane fouling by the heavy metals, whereas, in the ED system after Pyroma process(Sample B), about 98% of nitrate was removed because of relatively low NO3- concentration (about 30,000 mg/L) and no heavy metals. Mono-selective membranes(CIMS/ACS) in ED system have no selectivity for nitrate compared to divalent-selective membranes(CMX/AMX). The operation time for nitrate removal time decreased with increasing the applied voltage from 10V to 15V with no difference in the nitrate removal rate between both voltages. Nitrate adsorption of a strong-base anion exchange resin of Cl- type was also conducted. The Freundlich model(R2 > 0.996) was fitted better than Langmuir model(R2 > 0.984) to the adsorption data. The maximum adsorption capacity (Q0) was 492 mg/g for Sample A and 111 mg/g for Sample B due to the difference in initial nitrate concentrations between the two wastewater samples. In the regeneration of ion exchange resins, the nitrate removal rate in the pickling acid wastewater decreased as the adsorption step was repeated because certain amount of adsorbed NO3- remained in the resins in spite of several desorption steps for regeneration. In conclusion, the optimum system configuration to treat pickling acid wastewater from stainless-steel industry is the multi-processes of the Pyroma-Electrodialysis-Ion exchange.