Long-term evolution of the surface environments can affect the safety of deep geological disposal. Therefore, it is important to understand the water balance components constituting the water cycle among atmosphere, surface, and subsurface. In Finand, the surface and near-surface hydrological model (SHYD) was developed to calculate the water balance of Olkiluoto Island. Through the intensive site investigations, the data sets as input for the site scale model in present-day conditions have been collected such as transpiration and meteorological data. In this study, weighing lysimeter method was selected to quantify small-scale soil water balance of the vadose zone in the UNsaturated zone In-situ Test facility (UNIT) around KAERI Underground Research Tunnel. Hydrological components such as precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET) and leachate were derived from water balance analysis on the lysimeter measurements in UNIT. Among the hydrological components, actual ET accounts for more than 50% of the annual precipitaion, and thus plays an important role on predicting the hydrological evolution in the future. In this context, actual ET measured from the weighing lysimeter was compared with potential ET estimated from meteorological data using FAO-56 Penman-Monteith method.
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) occurring in underground buried pipes of API 5L X65 steel was investigated. MIC is a corrosion phenomenon caused by microorganisms in soil; it affects steel materials in wet atmosphere. The microstructure and mechanical properties resulting from MIC were analyzed by OM, SEM/EDS, and mapping. Corrosion of pipe cross section was composed of ① surface film, ② iron oxide, and ③ surface/internal microbial corrosive by-product similar to surface corrosion pattern. The surface film is an area where concentrations of C/O components are on average 65 %/ 16 %; the main components of Fe Oxide were measured and found to be 48Fe-42O. The MIC area is divided into surface and inner areas, where high concentrations of N of 6 %/5 % are detected, respectively, in addition to the C/O component. The high concentration of C/O components observed on pipe surfaces and cross sections is considered to be MIC due to the various bacteria present. It is assumed that this is related to the heat-shrinkable sheet, which is a corrosion-resistant coating layer that becomes the MIC by-product component. The MIC generated on the pipe surface and cross section is inferred to have a high concentration of N components. High concentrations of N components occur frequently on surface and inner regions; these regions were investigated and Na/Mg/Ca basic substances were found to have accumulated as well. Therefore, it is presumed that the corrosion of buried pipes is due to the MIC of the NRB (nitrate reducing bacteria) reaction in the soil.
This study was performed to determine the effects of soil and building materials on indoor radon concentration. Short-term measurements were made in the underground soil of a building along with the radon emanation rates from the phosphogypsum board used as the interior wall. The radon measurements in the soil were 9,213 Bq/m3 in the B3 level, and 3,765 Bq/m3 in the B4 level. Soil radon concentration in the B4 level was 2.4 times higher than in the B3 level. Indoor radon measurements in 50 different locations in the underground of the building, averaged from 144.3 Bq/m3 (B1), 177.0 Bq/m3 (B2), and 189.2 Bq/m3 (B3) to a high of 210.1 Bq/m3 (B4). Indoor radon concentration was increased from the lower level to the upper level. The radon emanation rates from phosphogypsum were 4,234.1 mBq/m2/h and, 450.4 mBq/kg/h. The measurement results indicated that the phosphogypsum board used as building materials as well as the soil could affect the indoor radon concentration.
본 연구에서는 다단계방법(multi-step method)을 사용하여, 지진시 지반과 지하구조물 경계가 가장 미끄러지기 쉬운 상태일 수 있는 지반 공진시에 대하여 지하구조물 축방향 동지반강성계수와 미끄러지기 쉬운 조건들을 구하였다. 상재하중에 의한 지반과 지하구조물 경계에서의 전단저항력과 지진시 발생되는 미끄러짐 부분의 전단력을 비교함으로써 미끄러짐 조건을 결정하였다. 그리고 매개변수 해석을 통하여 지하구조물의 크기와 위치, 지반조건, 표층지반의 형상 및 경계마찰계수에 대하여 미끄러지기 쉬운 조건을 구하였다.
The article presents an evaluation of geotechnical state on the project construction site and an evaluation of deep excavation impact on the current site development. It also provides an optimal design for the deep excavation, an impact analysis of horizontal shifts in the shoring of excavation, an assessment of bending moments in the shoring and the forces in thebracing structures. The numerical modeling was carried out for developing variants of the deep excavation as well as a preliminary assessment of the impact that the projectedunderground structure produces on the surrounding buildings and constructions. Some recommendations on choosing a reliable variant of the undergroundstructural arrangement and the engineering operational technology are suggested.
In this study, a full-scale test was conducted to analyze the behavior characteristics which are related to roadbed according to steel pipe press-in excavation during construction of underground railway crossing. the value of depth of soil cover that is the most sensitive element gets to increase gradually by 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0(H/D). Then we performed press-in excavation and measured the displacements of roadbed with LVDT. When the depth of soil cover level is 1.0(H/D), the maximum value of 5.2mm were seen at the point of 2mm for pipe press. Also, when depth of soil cover had increased, Uplift decreased more than 3 times in comparison with the one.
본 연구에서는 응답변위법을 이용한 지중구조물의 지진해석에 있어서 지반반력계수에 관한 기본 자료와 근거를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 지반반력계수를 도로교 설계기준(2001), 지하공동구 내진설계기준(2004), 유한요소법으로 산출한 후, 비교․분석 하였다. 지반반력계수는 산정방법에 따라 도로교 설계기준에 비해 지하공동구 내진설계기준은 최대 4.55배, 유한요소법은 연직과 전단방향에 대해 각각 최대 3.24배와 2.00배 크게 산정되었으며, 단면력은 도로교 설계기준과 지하공동구 내진설계기준에 근거하여 구한 값이 정밀해석인 유한요소법으로 구한 값보다 전반적으로 크게 산출 되었다.
Pollution characteristics of leachate and underground soil of the two landfill sites were investigated. Domestic wastes were dumped in the two adjacent landfill sites. Only small portion of S landfill site was filled with domestic wastes at the first stage of dumping, and most portion of the site was filled with construction wastes. However Y landfill site was filled with mostly domestic wastes.
Higher concentrations of organic pollutants including VOCs were measured in Y landfill site leachate than in S landfill site.
Underground soils of the two landfill sites were analyzed by the two kinds of leaching methods, KEP (Korean Extraction process) and Acid Digestion. Underground soils of the both landfill sites were not polluted by leachates. Underground soils of the two were composed of fine silty material. Thus it is found that fine silty soil layer of the sea shore may be used as a landfill site.