PURPOSES : This study aims to evaluate the applicability of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for surveying utility pipes under sidewalks made of concrete brick and plate-stone block pavements.
METHODS : GPR tests were conducted at two test sections to detect layer boundary and utility pipes under the pavements. The central frequency of the single-channel GPR was 800, 500, 250, and 100 MHz, and the central frequency of multi-channel (8) GPR was 450 MHz. GPR signals were analyzed in terms of 1-D (A-scan) and 2-D (B-scan) profiles.
RESULTS: From the A-scan data analysis, the vertical resolution of the GPR ranged from 7.3 cm for 800 MHz to 133.1 cm for 100 MHz in the concrete brick block pavement and 13.9 cm for 800 MHz to 144.2 cm for 100 MHz in plate stone block pavement. From the B-scan data analysis, 250 MHz to 500 MHz GPR was sufficient to differentiate the layer boundary at a depth of 1.0~1.5 m to detect utility pipes at a depth of 0.5~2.0 m in both block pavements. In the plate-stone block pavement, GPR signal attenuation was greater because of the wire mesh in the concrete layer. Thus, the penetration depth was approximately 80% of the concrete brick-block pavement.
CONCLUSIONS : The penetration depth and vertical resolution of GPR in the sidewalk paved with blocks were comparable to those of roadway pavement. Among the GPR evaluated, the 250 MHz GPR was the most desirable, and the 500 MHz GPR was affordable for the investigation of underground pipes situated up to 2.0~3.0 m under sidewalks.
Climate adaptation strategies for water utilities including 16 water treatment plants(WTPs) in Jeju were investigated. Drought, heat wave, and heavy rain were among the most significant climate factors affecting water utilities in Jeju. Heat wave increases water temperature, which in turn increases the concentration of algae, color, and odor materials. Some adaption strategies for the heat wave can be strengthening water monitoring and introducing advanced water treatments. Heavy rain increases raw water turbidity in surface water. The 7 WTPs that take raw water from streams or springs had a maximum turbidity of less than 50 NTU under heavy rain. However, due to concerns of turbidity spike in treated water, some WTPs discontinued intaking raw water when raw water turbidity increased more than 2 NTU. They instead received treated water from other WTPs which took groundwater for water supply. This happens because of the low skills of employees. Thus, there needs to be an increase in operator competency and upgrade of water facilities for the adaption of heavy rain. To improve adaption for the drought, there should be an increase in the capacity of intake facilities of surface water as well as a decrease in water loss. In addition, water consumption per person should be decreased.
PURPOSES :This study was initiated to estimate the utilities of usage attributes of BRT and Bimodal Trams using a conjoint analysis method in order to identify the important features pertaining to the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams.METHODS :For this purpose, important attributes and those level in the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong were identified. Next, a profile questionnaire pertaining to BRT and Bimodal Trams was designed for the conjoint analysis, and a survey was conducted in the city of Sejong. Using SPSS software, conjoint analysis was performed to identify the important attributes vis`-a-vis the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong. Finally, the utilities for individual attributes were calculated based on the models estimated by the conjoint analysis.RESULTS :The results of the conjoint analysis were used to identify the important attributes. With regard to the usage of BRT, users indicated that fare was the most important attribute with the highest utility. In the case of Bimodal Trams, the users indicated that the number of seats and internal environment were the most important attributes with the highest utilities.CONCLUSIONS :Based on the results of the conjoint analysis, the important attributes pertaining to the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong were identified. Our study indicates that BRT in the city of Sejong needs to be upgraded to improve the utilities of the important attributes. Currently, Bimodal Trams has not been introduced completely in the city of Sejong. However, in the future, when the introduction of Bimodal Trams is completed, the important attributes should be emphasized in order to improve the quality of its service.
본 논문은 지진으로 인한 라이프라인과 공공설비에 대한 위험 지역 묘사 및 물리적 손실추정에 중점을 두었으며, 또한, 지리정보시스템(GIS)과 지진영향의 공간적 특성 평가에 사용된 송수관망을 통한 GIS 적용이 강조되었다. 1994년도의 Northridge 지진에서 얻어진 물 공급 능력이 기록된 GIS 자료를 통하여 매장된 라이프라인 피해와 다양한 지진 매개변수들의 상호 관계가 검증되었으며, 통계학적으로 가장 뚜렷한 상호 관계를 갖는 지진 매개변수들이 발견되었다. Northridge지진으로부터 얻어진 GIS 자료를 이용하여 송수관의 손상률, 종류, 직경, 그리고 다양한 지진 매개변수들이 평가되었다.
이 글에서는 수행적 글쓰기의 특성 및 구성 요인을 살피고, 예비 체육 교사 교육에서 수행적 글쓰기를 활용할 때 기대할 수 있는 효용 대해 탐색하였다. 수행적 글쓰기는 체육 활동을 하는 필자가 체육 활동을 한 뒤에 자신의 활동 과정을 되돌아보면서 글을 쓰는 활동인데, 여기에는 신체 활동에 수반되는 고통, 극복을 위한 노력, 극복 후의 성장 등이 잘 반영된다는 특징을 지 니고 있다. 이러한 특징은 수행적 글쓰기가 예비 체육 교사 교육 방안으로 활용될 수 있는 근 거가 된다. 수행적 글쓰기는 고통스러웠던 운동 장면의 회상, 극복을 위한 노력, 극복 후의 성 숙 등을 주요 구성 요인으로 한다. 수행적 글쓰기는 인문적 체육 교육에서 중시하는 심법적 자 질의 형성을 위한 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있다. 또한 최근 들어 그 중요성을 더해가고 있는 예 비 체육 교사의 논리적 글쓰기 능력 신장과 연결시킬 수 있다.