
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Compared with modern Chinese, the inquiry sentences of the unearthed Warring States documents occupied an important position in oral communication at that time, and their expression methods were quite distinctive. Through exhaustive corpus investigation and systematic description, four types of inquiry sentences in the excavated Warring States literature, such as specific finger questions, right and wrong questions, positive and negative questions, and choice questions, are discussed, and the special questions used in them are discussed, and the grammar of the special question sentences used in them is explained and analyzed. The study found that the interrogative sentences in the form of questions and answers in the excavated documents mainly include two types: Chujian quotation style corpus and Qinjian Zhongluling corpus. Finally, the different distribution characteristics and regional relationships of the interrogative sentences in the Chujian and Qinjian corpuses were answered.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sizuka Sirakawa’s theory on the Chinese Characters before the Warring States Period is a system theory. The theory includes several kinds of content as followed: First, the causes of Chinese Characters birth. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that characters creation is to express something sacred. Second, the resources of Chinese Character symbols. Sizuka Sirakawa thought, Chinese Characters are etiquette reflections, developing from the symbols which have the sacred nature. Third, Chinese Characters functions. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that to the ancient Chinese people, Chinese Characters had extraordinary power before the Warring States period. Fourth, the usage of Chinese Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa thought that Chinese Characters were mainly used in activities of offering sacrifices and casting inscriptions. The last, the essence of Chinese Pictographic Characters. Sizuka Sirakawa believed Chinese Pictographic Characters not as pictograph characters, but as symbolic characters. However, based on the facts and the logic, we can prove that the five points have some mistakes.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shirakawa Shizuka’s viewpoint about the Chinese Characters before the Warring States Period is a system theory. The theory includes several kinds of content as followed: First, the causes of Chinese Characters’ birth. Shirakawa Shizuka thought that characters’ creation is to express something sacred. Second, the resources of Chinese Character symbols. Shirakawa Shizuka thought, Chinese Characters are etiquette reflections, developing from the symbols which have the sacred nature. Third, Chinese Characters’ functions. Shirakawa Shizuka thought that to the ancient Chinese people, Chinese Character was a character with extraordinary power before the Warring States periods. Fourth, the usage of Chinese Characters. Shirakawa Shizuka thought, Chinese Characters were mainly using in activities of offering sacrifices and casting inscriptions. The last, the essence of Chinese Pictographic Characters. Shirakawa Shizuka didn’t believe Chinese Pictographic Characters as pictograph characters, but as symbolic characters. However, based on the facts and the logic, we can prove the five points have some mistakes.
        2017.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 戰國時代의 鄒衍과 『呂氏春秋』의 陰陽五行論의 특징을 고찰한 것 이다. 鄒衍의 五德終始說은 大九州說에서 출발하는데, 中國은 천하의 근본이 아닌 일부에 불과하며 五德의 轉移로 왕조가 교체된다는 것이다. 五德終始說 은 하늘이 인간에게 영향을 미친다는 추론으로 鄒衍은 符應이란 용어를 사용 해서 하늘과 인간을 연결시켰다. 鄒衍의 五德終始說을 天人關係의 관점에서 보면 災異說을 포함하는 天人感應論이라 할 수 있으나 그 무게 중심은 하늘 에게 있다고 보여 진다. 또한 五行相剋에 의해 왕조가 교체된다는 국가단위의 運命論이라고 볼 수 있다. 『呂氏春秋』는 秦나라의 천하통일에 대비하여 통치 이념 차원에서 설계된 책으로 「十二紀」에는 時令이 월 단위로 세분되어 있으나, 큰 틀에서 『管子』의 陽德陰刑원칙을 벗어나지 않는다. 『呂氏春秋』의 五行배속은 여름옷의 色만 다르고, 天干ㆍ音ㆍ數ㆍ味등은 『管子』와 동일하다. 『呂氏春秋』에서는 五行중에서 天干만 배속되고 地支는 아직 배속되지 않아 陰陽과 五行은 결합되지 않았다. 또한 土가 季夏에 배속됨으로써 모든 五行이 빠짐없이 계절에 배속되었으나, 여전히 문제를 안고 있다. 『呂氏春秋』의 陰陽 五行論을 天人關係의 관점에서 보면 鄒衍의 五德終始說과 『管子』와 마찬가지로 災異說을 포함하는 天人感應論이라 할 수 있으나, 그 무게 중심은 여전히 하늘에게 있다고 보여 진다. 다만 제사의식에서는 『管子』에 비해 神중심에서 제사를 지내는 사람 중심으로 이동한 측면이 있다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Collection of Characters of the Warring States Period edited by Tang Yuhui, includes the most abundant forms of Characters of the Warring States Period up to now. Characters on ancient seals are one type of Chinese Characters it recorded, which accounts over 1/4 among the total number of the characters. According to recently related research achievements, we made a revision of these missing prefixes of Chinese characters, forms of characters on ancient seals and other different mistakes in the Collection of Characters of the Warring States Period.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The content of Warring States, Qin and Han bamboo slips text is huge and of great importance, but there is no handy reference books as index and dictionary yet, so it’s very inconvenient for searching. The corpus construction, which is starting up recently domestically and overseas, has great development space in both content-processing and function-developing. Based on the officially published bamboo slips of Chu in Warring States, Qin and Han dynasty, we’re now working on the Warring States, Qin and Han Bamboo Slips Text Corpus, with different levels of Raw Corpus, Highly-revised Corpus and Highly-processed Corpus. The corpus has multiple archaeology and character explaining properties, focused on both popularization and researching, and highly connected among all levels.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        先秦时代,古人在政治、外交场合上经常运用“赋诗、引诗”,以表达自 己的立场。这些风气不仅是一个时代的时尚,而且是蕴涵着一些重要意义。 该文章着眼于这一点,研究《诗经》与政治、外交之间的关系,还通过“赋 诗、引诗”中所出现的“逸诗”之考察,试图探讨先秦时代人們對《诗经》的 看法。为了此研究,本论文以《左传》、《国语》、《论语》中出现的“赋 诗、引诗”为中心进行分析和研究。
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        郭沫若先生曾经指出:“无论作任何研究,材料的鉴别是最必要的基础阶段。材料不够固然大成问题。而材料的真伪或时代性如未规定清楚,那比缺乏材料还要更加危险。”我們迎接古文物的第一項工作就是考釋文字,有了釋讀上的成果之後我們才能進一步進行斷代分域工作。要正確的判別古文物的時代國別,我們才能夠更往上一層樓,這是不可否認的事實。譬如拿一方璽印來說,它到底屬於那國之物?如不能解結這個問題,擺在我們眼前的古璽印只是個古董罷了。這種大小只有方寸的古代遺物所以被人們看重的原因,就是璽文的史料價値並不低於其他古文字資料。它們可以提供古代官名、地名、姓名、經濟等各方面的資訊,而且這種史料往往是傳統古籍所遺傳的寶貴資料。本文在諸家已有的硏究成果的基礎上重新整理出戰國齐璽的五项選別標準: (一) 以出土地判别 (二) 以字形判别 (三) 以地名判别 (四) 以文例判别 (五) 以印面特征判别 希望爲硏究戰國齐璽者提供一個判別標準。這些判別標準得透過新材料繼續補充下去,才有真正的學術價值。