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        검색결과 60

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The primary purpose of high temperature process of radioactive waste is to satisfy the waste acceptance criteria and volume reduction. The WAC offers the guideline of waste form fabrication process. The WAC is defined as quantitative or qualitative criteria specified by the regulatory body, or specified by and operator and approved by the regulatory body, for radioactive waste to be accepted by the operator of a repository for disposal, or by the operator of a storage facility for storage. The main objective of WAC is to protect staff and general public and environment by the containment of radioactive material, limit external radiation level, and prevent criticality. The WAC also offers systematic management of radioactive waste by standardization of waste management operations, facilitation waste tracking, ensure safe and effective operation of operating facilities, etc. Since the high temperature process for radioactive waste is considered in many countries, lots of codes and standards are considered. In many WACs, compressive strength, thermal cycle stability, radiation exposure stability, free liquid, and leachability are evaluation to understand the effect of solidified form to the disposal facility. In this paper, systematical review on waste form will be discussed. In addition, brief result of characterization of waste form will be compared.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent ion exchange resins have been generated during the operation of nuclear facilities. These resins include radioactive nuclides. It is needed to fabricate them into a stable form for final disposal. Cement solidification process is a useful method for the fabrication of them into a waste form for final disposal. In this study, proper conditions for the fabrication of them into a stable waste form were determined using the cement solidification process. In-drum waste forms were then produced at the conditions, where the stability of representative samples was evaluated for final disposal. The samples were satisfied to the Waste Acceptance Criteria for low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal sites. This result can be utilized to derive optimal conditions for the fabrication of spent ion exchange resins into a final disposal form.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Structural stability of a waste form can be provided by the waste form itself (steel components, etc.), by processing the waste to a stable form (solidification, etc.), or by emplacing the waste in a container or structure that provides stability (HICs or engineered structure, etc.). The waste or container should be resistant to degradation caused by radiation effects. In accordance with the requirements for the domestic waste acceptance criteria, irradiation testing of solidified waste forms containing spent resin should be conducted on specimens exposed to a dose of 1.0E+6 Gy and other material 1.0E+7 Gy. Expected cumulative dose over 300 years is about 1.770E+6 Gy for spent resin and 0.770E+6 Gy for dried concentrated waste generated from NPPs generally. According to NRC Waste Form Technical Position, to ensure that spent resins will not undergo adverse degradation effects from radiation, resins should not be generated having loadings that will produce greater than 1E+6 Gy total accumulated dose. If it necessary to load resins higher than 1E+6 Gy, it should be demonstrated that the resin will not undergo radiation degradation at the proposed higher loading. This is the recommended maximum activity level for organic resins based on evidence that while a measurable amount of damage to the resin will occur at 1E+6 Gy, the amount of damage will have negligible effect on disposal site safety. Cementitious materials are not affected by gamma radiation to in excess of 1E+6 Gy. Therefore, for cement-stabilized waste forms, irradiation qualification testing need not be conducted unless the waste forms contain spent resins or other organic media or the expected cumulative dose on waste forms containing other materials is greater than 1E+7 Gy. Testing should be performed on specimens exposed to IE+6 Gy or the expected maximum dose greater than 1E+6 Gy for waste forms that contain ion exchange resins or other organic media or the expected maximum dose greater than 1E+7 Gy for other waste forms. This is suggestion as a review result that requirement for irradiation testing of solidified waste forms has something to be revise in detail and definitively.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The design and fabrication of suitable waste forms with high thermal and structural stability are essential for the safe management and disposal of radioactive wastes. In particular, the thermal properties and temperature distribution of waste form containing high heat-generating nuclides such as Cs and Sr can be used to evaluate its thermal stability, but also provide useful information for the design of canisters, storage systems, and repositories. In this study, a new program code-based thermal analysis framework has been developed to facilitate the characterization, design, and optimization of the waste form. Matlab was used as a software development platform because it provides powerful mathematical computation and visualization components such as the partial differential equation (PDE) toolbox for solving heat transfer problems using finite element method, the App Designer for graphical user interface (GUI), and the MATLAB Compiler for sharing MATLAB programs as standalone applications and web applications. The thermal analysis results such as temperature distribution, heat flux, maximum/ minimum temperature, and centerline/surface temperature profile are visualized with graphs and tables. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed program, several design and optimization studies were carried out for the SrTiO3 waste form, selected as a stable form of strontium nuclide.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is planning to disposal of the radioactive contaminated cement waste form to the final disposal facility. The final disposal facility require evaluation of immersion, compressive strength, and radionuclide inventory of radioactive wastes to meet the acceptance criteria for safe disposal. According to the LILW acceptance criteria of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission ok Korea (NSSC), the disposal limit radioactivity of 129I (3.70×101 Bq/g) is lower than other radionuclides. 129I emits low energy as its disposal limit is low, so it is difficult to analyze in the presence of 137Cs and 60Co which emit high energy. Therefore, it is essential to an accurately separate and analyze iodine in radioactive waste. In this study, we focused on the determination of 129I in cement waste form containing 137Cs, 60Co. We added 1 g of 129I(11.084 Bg), 137Cs(1,300 Bq) and 60Co(402 Bq) to cement waste form, respectively. The separation of 129I in cement waste form was carried out using an acid leaching method. And, we confirmed the specific activity of 137Cs and 60Co at each separation step. It was observed that an acid leaching method showed the remove efficiency 137Cs(99.97%) and 60Co(99.94%), respectively. In addition, 129I was also analyzed at approximately 96.44% in simulated contaminated cement waste form. In conclusion, through this experiment, it was confirmed that 129I could be successfully separated and analyzed by using the acid leaching method in cement waste form containing excessive 137Cs and 60Co.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The homogeneity of radioactive spent ion exchange resins (IERs) distribution inside waste form is one of the important characteristics for acceptance of waste forms in long-term storage because heterogenous immobilization can lead to the poor structural stability of waste form. In this study, the homogeneity of metakaolin-based geopolymer waste form containing simulant IERs was evaluated using a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and statistical approach. The cation-anion mixed IERs (IRN150) were used to prepare the simulant spent IERs contaminated by non-radioactive Cs, Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, Co, and Sr (0.44, 8.03, 6.22, 4.21, 4.66, 0.48, and 0.90 mg/g-dried IER, respectively). The K2SiO3 solution to metakaolin ratio was kept constant at 1.2 and spent IERs loading was 5wt%. For the synthesis of homogeneous geopolymer waste form, spent IERs were mixed with K2SiO3 solution and metakaolin first, and then the fresh mixture slurry was poured into plastic molds (diameter: 2.9 cm and height: 6.0 cm). The heterogeneous geopolymer waste form was also fabricated by stacking two kinds of mixtures (8wt% IERs loading in bottom and 2wt% in top) in one mold. Geopolymers were cured for 7d (1d at room temperature and 6d at 60°C). The hardened geopolymers were cut into top, middle, and bottom parts. The LIBS spectra and intensities for Cs were obtained from the top and bottom of each part. Cs was selected for target nuclide because of its good sensitivity for measurement. Shapiro-Wilk test was performed to determine the normality of LIBS data, and it revealed that data from the homogeneous sample is normal distribution (p-value = 0.9246, if p-value is higher than 0.05, it is considered as normal distribution). However, data from the heterogeneous sample showed abnormal distribution (p-value = 7.765×10-8). The coefficient of variation (CoV) was also calculated to examine the dispersion of data. It was 31.3% and 51.8% from homogeneous and heterogeneous samples, respectively. These results suggest that LIBS analysis and statistical approaches can be used to evaluate the homogeneity of waste forms for the acceptance criterion in repositories.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Present study investigated the waste form integrity of melted products generated from PAM-MSO system, which is proposed and developed to compensate the drawbacks of each system. The disposal suitability of the melting solidification products generated from the plasma arc melting treatment of pulverized cement debris spiked by Pb, Cd and Cs, as indicators of typical hazardous metals and radionuclides existed in the low-level mixed waste in the KHNPPs. The final waste form obtained by the test was evaluated for suitability for disposal. The compressive strength was 261.10 MPa, showing much higher values when compared to other waste form products. The compressive strength of both the sample after irradiation with 107 Gy radiation and that after long-term submersion test (90 days) satisfied the disposal criteria. As a result of the leaching test conducted according to the ANS 16.1 test method, it was confirmed that the leaching index satisfies the disposal criteria.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lubricant oil waste contaminated with radioactive materials generated at nuclear facilities can be disposed of as industrial waste in accordance with self-disposal standards if only radioactive materials are removed. Lubricant oil used in nuclear facilities consists of oil of 75-85% and additives of 15-25%, and lubricant oil waste contains heavy metals, carbon, glycol, etc. In addition, lubricant oil waste from nuclear facilities contains metallic gamma-ray emission radionuclides including Co-60, Cs-137 and volatile beta-ray emission radionuclides such as C-14 and H-3, which are not present in lubricant oil waste from general industries and these radionuclides must be eliminated according to the Atomic Energy Act. In general industries, the wet treatment technologies such as acid-white soil treatment, ion purification, thin film distillation, high temperature pyrolysis, etc. are used as the refining technology of lubricant oil waste, but it is difficult to apply these technologies to nuclear industrial sites due to restrictions related with controlling the generation of secondary radioactive waste in sludge condition containing radionuclides of metal components, and limiting the concentration of volatile radioactive elements contained in refined oil to be below the legal threshold. In view of these characteristics, the refinement system capable of efficiently refining and treating lubricant oil waste contaminated with radioactive materials generated in nuclear facilities has been developed. The treatment process of this R&D system is as follows. First, the moisture in the radioactive lubricant oil waste pretreated through the preprocessing system is removed by the heated evaporating system, and the beta-emission radionuclides of H-3 and C-14 can be easily removed in this process. Second, the heated lubricant oil waste by the heated evaporating system is cooled through the heat exchanging system. Third, the particulate matters with gamma-ray emission radionuclides are removed through the electrostatic ionizing system. Forth, the lubricant oil waste is stored in the storage tank and the purified lubricant oil waste is discharged to the outside after sampling and checking from the upper, middle and lower positions of the lubricant oil waste stored in the storage tank. Using this R&D system, it is expected that the amount of radioactive waste can be reduced by efficiently refining and treating lubricant oil waste in the form of organic compounds contaminated with radioactive materials generated in nuclear facilities.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In a nuclear power plant, the activated corrosion products are deposited on the reactor coolant system. The activated corrosion products must be removed to reduce the radiation exposure to workers before maintaining or decommissioning of the nuclear power plant. In order to remove the remove the activated duplex oxide layer generated on the reactor coolant system in the pressurized water reactor (PWR), the Cyclic SP (Sulfuric acid/Permanganate)-HyBRID (Hydrazine Based Reductive metal Ion Decontamination) process developed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) can be used. After applying the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process, a sulfate-rich waste powder containing the radionuclide is generated, and the radioactive powder has to be stabilized for final disposal. In the previous study, it was confirmed that the low-temperature sintering method can be applied to immobilize the sulfate-rich waste powder. Thus, immobilization of the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process waste powder was carried out by the low-temperature sintering method using a low melting point glass, and the physicochemical and radiological characteristics of a waste form were evaluated in this study. As a result, the compressive strength of the waste form increased with increasing sintering temperature and sintering time. It is considered that the result was caused by the difference in the band gap between the bismuth borate and zinc borate, which are the products during the sintering process. It was verified that the physical stability was maintained after the 107 Gy of irradiation test. In addition, it was confirmed that the radioactive metal hydroxides contained in the waste powder converted to metal oxide forms, which have the lower solubility, at the sintering temperature. Finally, the waste form was evaluated as a low-level radioactive waste from the concentration of radionuclides contained in the waste form.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive cesium is a heat generated and semi-volitile nuclide in spent nuclear fuel (SNF). It is released gasous phase by head-end treatment which is a pretreatment of pyroprocessing. One of the capturing methods of gasous radioactive cesium is using zeolite. After ion-exchanged zeolite, it is transformed to ceramic waste form which is durable ceramic structure by heat treatment. Various ceramic wasteforms for Cs immobilization have been researched such as cesium aluminosilicate (CsAlSi2O6), cesium zirconium phosphate (CsZr2(PO4)3), cesium titanate (CsxAlxTi8-xO16, Cs2TiNb6O18) and CsZr0.5W1.5O6. The cesium pollucite is composed to aluminosilicate framework and cesium ion incorporated in matrix materials lattices. Many researchers are reported that the pollucite have high chemical durability. In this study, the Cesium pollucite was fabricated using mixtures of aluminosilicate denoted Absorbent product (AP) and Cs2CO3 by calcination and pelletized by cold pressing. The characterization of fabricated pollucite powder and pellets was analyzed by XRD, TGA, SEM, SEMEDS and XRF. The chemical durability of pollucite powder was evaulated by PCT-A and ICP-MS and OES. Thus, the optimal pressure condition without breaking the pellets which is low Cs2O/AP ratio and pelletizing pressure was selected. The long-term leaching test was performed using MCC-1 method for 28 days with the fabricated pollucite pellets. The leachate of leaching test was allard groundwaster and Deionized water and replaced 5 contact periods which is 3 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and 28 days and analyzed by ICPMS. The leaching rate was shown two stages. The first stage was rapid and relatively large amount of nuclides were leached. The leaching rate was decreased in the second stage. The fractional release rate of this study was shown same trend. These results were similar to previous studies.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To minimize the short-term thermal load on the repository facility, heat generating nuclides such as Cs-137 and Sr-90 should be separated from the spent nuclear fuel for efficiency of repository facility. In particular, Sr-90 must be separated because it generates high heat during the decay process. Recently, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KEARI) is developing a waste burden minimization technology to reduce the environmental burden caused by the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and maximize the utilization of the disposal facility. The technology includes a nuclide management process that can maximize disposal efficiency by selectively separating and collecting major nuclides such as Cs, Sr, I, TRU/RE, and Tc/Se from spent nuclear fuel. Among the major nuclides, Sr nuclides dissolve in chloride phase during the chlorination process of spent nuclear fuel and recovered in the form of carbonate or oxide via reactive distillation. In this process, Ba nuclides are also recovered along with Sr nuclides due to their chemical similarity. In this study, we prepared group II nuclide ceramic waste form, Ba(x)Sr(1-x)TiO3 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), using the solid-state reaction method by considering the various ratio of Sr/Ba nuclides generated from nuclide management process. The established waste form fabrication process was able to produce a stable waste form regardless of the ratio of Sr/Ba nuclides. To evaluate the stability of group II waste form, physicochemical properties such as leaching and thermal properties were evaluated. Also, the radiological properties of the Ba(x)Sr(1-x)TiO3 waste forms with various Sr/Ba ratios were evaluated, and the estimation of centerline temperature was carried out using the experimental thermal property data. These results provided fundamental data for long-term storage and management of group II nuclides waste form.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sulfate-rich waste powder containing a radioactive nuclide is generated from chemical decontamination process and radioactive liquid waste treatment using ion exchange resin. The radioactive sulfate-rich waste powder should be stabilized for final disposal. The techniques for immobilization of the radioactive sulfate-rich waste powder such as hydraulic cement, geopolymer, and iron phosphate glass have been applied, however, there are limitation in these techniques. Firstly, the hydraulic cement cannot applied to the wastes containing high concentration of sulfate because the expansion, cracks, and disintegration can be happened in the waste form. Geopolymer has a low density although they can be used as a good binder. The iron phosphate glass can be utilized, however, a considerable amount of SO2 gas is emitted due to the high sintering temperature. In this study, immobilization of radioactive sulfate-rich waste powder was carried out to resolve above problems by applying low temperature sintering method using a low-melting glass. As a result, it was confirmed that the waste form has a high bulk density. The compressive strength of the waste form was over 40 MPa, which is higher than the acceptance criteria (≥ 3.44 MPa). From ANS 16.1 test, it was verified that the waste form met the acceptance criteria of the leachability index (≥ 6). It was also confirmed that the waste form was chemically durable through product consistency test (PCT). In addition, the chemical stabilities of waste forms were compared following the sintering condition and the composition of the waste forms. The difference of the chemical stability was explained by difference in the abundance of chemical form obtained from the sequential extraction test.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive materials emitted from nuclear accident or decommissioning cause soil contamination over wide areas. In the event of such a wide area of contaminated soil, decontamination is inevitable for residents to reside and reuse as industrial land. There are many ways to decontaminate these contaminated soils, but in urgent situations, the soil washing, which has a short process period and relatively high decontamination efficiency, is considered the most suitable. However, the soil washing process of removing fine soil and cesium by using washing liquid as water and adding a flocculating agent (J-AF) generates slurry/sludge-type secondary waste (Cs-contaminated soil + flocculating agent). Since this form of sludge contaminants cannot be disposed, solidification is needed using an appropriate solidification agent to treat wastes for disposal. Therefore, this study devised a treatment method of contaminated fine soils occurring after the soil washing process. This investigation prepared the simulated wastes of contaminated fine soils generated after the soil washing, and pelletized the samples using a roll compactor under the optimum operating conditions. The optimum conditions of the device were determined in the pre-test. Roll speed, feeding rate, and hydraulic pressure were 1.5 rpm, 25 rpm, and 28.44 MPa, respectively. The waste forms were manufactured by incorporating created pellets (H 6.5 × W 9.4 mm) using polymers as solidification agents. Used polymers were main ingredient (YD-128), hardener (G-1034), and diluent (LGE). The optimum mixing ratio was YD-128 : G-1034 = 65 : 35 phr, and LGE was added in an amount of 10wt% of the total mixture. To confirm the disposal suitability of the manufactured waste forms, characterization evaluation was carried out (compressive strength, thermal cycling, immersion, and leaching test). Characterization evaluation revealed a minimum compressive strength of 23.1 MPa, far exceeding 3.44 MPa of the disposal facility waste acceptance criteria. Compressive strength increased to the highest value of 31.90 MPa after immersion test. To examine leaching characteristics, the pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC) and leachability index (􀜮􀯜) of leachates were identified. As results, pH and EC consistently increased or remained constant with leaching time. The average of Co, Cs and Sr nuclides was 17.76, 17.38 and 14.04, respectively, exceeding the value of 6 in the waste acceptance criteria. Effective waste treatment/ disposal can be achieved without increasing volumes of sludge/slurry by enhancing the technique of this research by performing additional studies in the future.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the treatment of spent nuclear fuel, radioactive iodine is generated in a liquefied or gaseous form in a specific process. In the case of iodine 129, it is a long-lived nuclide with a very long halflife and has high groundwater mobility under repository conditions. Despite showing a low radioactivity value, research on the management of radioactive iodine from a long-term perspective is continuously being performed. Although research has been conducted using borosilicate glass as a medium for solidifying iodine, compatibility of I in borosilicate glass is very small and the volatility is high in the solidification process. So it is not suitable as a solidified substance of iodine. Therefore, studies on other solidification media to replace them are continuously being conducted. Our research team tried to develop a new medium that can contain iodine in a solidified body stably through a simple heat treatment process and can improve problems such as volatility and waste loading. Iodine is captured as AgI in the Ag ion-exchanged zeolite. So, TeO2, Ag2O, and Bi2O3 having a high AgI loading rate were used as main components. It was named TAB after taking the first letter of each element. In previous studies, the physical properties, structure, and chemical stability of TAB materials were confirmed. PCT (Product Consistent test) was performed to confirm chemical stability. It is mainly used to compare the chemical stability of glass materials with other glass materials, but there are limitations in evaluating the long-term chemical stability of materials. In this experiment, we tried to evaluate the long-term stability of TAB and compare it with borosilicate, which is conventionally used to treat radioactive waste. In addition, we tried to understand the leaching behavior inside the TAB medium. For this purpose, ASTM C1308 test was performed for 365 days, and distilled water and KURT groundwater were used as leachates to examine the effect of ions in the groundwater on the solidified body. To analyze the leaching behavior, ICP-MS and ICP-OES analyses were performed, and the cross-section of the sample after leaching was observed through SEM.
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