본 논문은 ANT(Actor-Network Theory)의 관점에서 예술 창작 과정에서 첨단 기술과 인공 지능을 포함한 다양한 행위자의 역할을 탐구한다. ANT는 인간과 인간이 아닌 존재 모두 우리 의 세계를 형성하는 데 동등한 행위자로 작용하며, 행동의 지속적인 연결과 번역을 통한 상호 작용을 강조한다. 이러한 ANT에 근거한 분석을 통해 이러한 행위자가 예술의 영역 내에서 새 로운 아이디어를 생성하고 기술적 과제를 해결하며 네트워크를 형성하는 데 어떻게 기여하는지 작품 제작을 통해 알아본다. 인공지능과의 협업이 예술적 표현을 위한 새로운 길을 열 수 있는 지 가능성을 살펴본다.
본 연구는 맞벌이 부모의 일-가족 이점과 갈등이 부모의 양육 행동을 거쳐 자녀의 화용언어에 미치는 영향을 파악하고, 일-가족 이점과 갈등이 부모의 양 육 행동에 미치는 영향력에서 자기-상대방효과에 차이가 나는지를 비교 분석하 였다. 이를 위하여 한국아동패널 10차 조사자료에서 맞벌이 부모 604쌍과 자녀 의 데이터를 사용하였다. 기술통계와 상관분석은 SPSS.22, 자기-상대방 상호의 존모형(APIM)은 AMOS.28 통계 프로그램으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 모 의 일-가정 이점과 갈등은 모의 양육 행동에, 모의 양육 행동은 아동의 화용언 어에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치지만, 모의 일-가정 이점과 갈등이 부의 양육 행 동에 미치는 영향은 유의하지 않았다. 둘째, 부의 일-가정 이점과 갈등은 부와 모의 양육 행동에 유의한 영향을 미쳤으나 부의 양육 행동은 아동의 화용언어에 미치는 영향이 유의하지 않았다. 셋째, 모는 부 보다 일-가정 이점과 갈등상황에 서 자신의 양육 행동에 대해 배우자보다 자기 자신의 영향력이 더 큰 것으로 나 타났다. 따라서 일-가정 양립 지원에 있어 부와 모의 관계성에 초점을 둔 세밀 화된 지원정책의 수립과 여성복지의 새로운 측면에 대한 고민이 필요하다.
Two bacterial genera, Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus, are mutually symbiotic to the entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema and Heterorhabditis, respectively. Success parasitism of the nematode-bacterial complex depends on the host immunosuppression by the bacteria via their secondary metabolites. Lrp (Leucine-responsive regulatory protein) is a global transcriptional factor of the bacteria and play a crucial role in the parasitism. However, its regulatory targets to suppress the insect immunity were not clearly determined. This study investigated the regulatory target genes and subsequent secondary metabolites by Lrp in Xenorhabdus hominickii. Lrp expression occurred at the early infection stage in a target insect, Spodoptera exigua. Among eight non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS1-NRPS8) genes, six gene (NRPS3-NRPS8) expressions were positively correlated with Lrp expression in the infected larvae of S. exigua. Exchange of the Lrp promoter with an inducible promoter altered the production of the secondary metabolites along with alteration of the NRPS expression levels. The immunosuppressive activities of X. hominickii depended on the Lrp expression level. The metabolites produced by Lrp expression possessed the eicosanoid-biosynthesis inhibitors and hemolytic factors. A cyclic dipeptide (= cPF) was produced under Lrp control and identified to inhibit phospholipase A2 activity of S. exigua in a competitive inhibitory manner. These results suggest that Lrp is a global transcriptional factor of X. hominickii and plays crucial role in insect immunosuppression by modulating NRPS expressions.
Previous research has compared still images employing the actor’s perspective to those employing the observer’s perspective and found that the former increases service evaluations if the consumers are promotion-focused, whereas the latter increases service evaluations if the consumers are prevention-focused. The research compares three kinds of vlogs, i.e., vlogs employing the actor’s perspective, vlogs employing the observer’s perspective without the actor’s face, and vlogs employing the observer’s perspective with the actor’s face. The results show that the highest service evaluations are induced by the actor’s perspective in case of promotion-focused consumers, whereas they are induced by the observer’s perspective without the actor’s face in case of prevention-focused consumers.
이 연구는 EU가 2014년 이래로 이른바 '우크라이나 분쟁'에서 어떤 역할을 했는지, 그리고 EU의 행동이 유사한 분쟁 시나리오에서 EU의 역할과 어떻게 다른지에 대한 질문에 기반을 두고 있다. 주요 결론은 EU가 우크라이나 사태에서 분쟁 관리자로서 점진적으로 진화했지만 그 럼에도 불구하고 ‘포괄적’이고 ‘통합적인’ 행위자'로서의 구상된 역할과 는 여전히 거리가 있다는 것이다. ‘정치적이고 직접적인’ 경향이 일부 관찰될 수는 있지만 그 보다는 주로 '부분적이고 간접적인' 갈등 관리 자로서의 역할을 맡고 있는 것으로 보인다. 우크라이나에서 관찰된 EU 의 새로운 실용주의, 높은 수준의 재정 투입, 국가 건설과 안보를 연계 하는 광범위한 안보화 및 현지 대표부의 역할은 EU의 행위력을 강화 한다. 이와 대조적으로, 외교안보 영역에서 회원국의 권한이 EU 권한 보다 앞선다는 사실은 이 분야 EU 영향력과 효과적인 장기적 분업에 대한 의구심을 갖게 한다.
수사학은 훌륭한 말에 관한 재주이거나 학문이다. 어느 경우에나 수사학을 활용하는 목적은 말과 행동 등으로 남을 이해시키고 설득시키기 위한 것인데 연설뿐만 아니라 연극과 같은 각종 매체에서도 자주 쓰인다. 본고가 수사학적 각도로 탐구하려는 중국가수 薛之谦(설지겸)의 노래 <演员>(연기자)은 출시된 지 몇 년이 흘렀지만 아직도 많은 중국인들과 외국인들의 뇌리 속에 남아있는데 과연 어떤 요인들로 인하여 청자들과 깊은 공감대를 형성했는지에 대해 착상, 배열, 표현, 발표 등 서양 수사학 방법론을 적용하여 분석한다. 국내에서 중국 가수의 노래에 대해 수사학적으로 분석한 논문은 현재 전무한데 새로운 분석틀을 적용하여 현대중국 대중문화의 트렌드에 대한 체계적인 탐구를 시도하였다.
A predominantly positive view is shown in engagement literature in terms of positive actor engagement (PNE) expressions and outcomes. However, business practices indicate that the understanding of actors being negatively engaged is important. Yet a few studies in marketing, which attempt to conceptualise negative actor engagement (NAE), do not have a consensus as for whether NE and PE are reciprocal or NE is a distinct construct with a different nomological network and process. The purpose of this study is to conceptualise and operationalise NAE. Built on Li et al.’s (2018) conceptualisation of actor engagement valence, this paper follows Churchill’s (1979) methods of scale development and operationalises the construct of NAE. By developing and validating a NAE scale in specific online learning servcie platforms, we address this identified literature gap. Specifically, this study derives four NAE dimensions, including annoyance, anxiety, futitlity and failed expectation, which we proceed to validate within a nomological net of conceptual relationships in relation to the engagement behaviours (learning, sharing and endorsing). We conclude with an overview of key managerial and scholarly implications arising from this research. This marks the first study in the marketing discipline to operationalise NAE.
This paper examines the co-creation of human brands identities exemplified by celebrities in a stakeholder-actor approach. By bringing together the theoretical web of service-dominant logic, stakeholder theory, actor-network theory, and consumer culture theory, we argue that human brand identities are co-created by multiple stakeholder-actors that have resources and incentives in the activities that make a up an enterprise of a human brand, including the celebrities themselves, consumer-fans, and business entities. By utilizing an observational, archival netnographic data from popular social media channels, four exemplars of celebrity identities from the Philippines demonstrate the co-creation of human brands. Findings illustrate key stakeholder-actors’ participations, production and consumption, and integrations of resources and incentives in the co-creation process as articulated in social media. The co-creation process happens through sociological translations codes namely: social construction and negotiation of identities, parasocialization, influence projection, legitimization, and utilization of human brand identities. These dynamics of human brand identity advance a stakeholder-actor paradigm of service co-creation that is adaptive to the predominant consumer culture and human ideals that surround the celebrity. Implications and future research on celebrity brand marketing management are discussed.
2년마다 실시되는 UN의 전자정부시스템 평가에서 한국의 전자정부 시스템은 2010, 2012, 2014년 3차례 걸쳐 1위로 평가되었다. 1978년 시작되어 이제는 해외로 수출까지 되는 한국 전자정부 시스템의 진화에 있어서 표준의 역할에 대해서는 그다지 알려진 바가 없 다. 한국의 전자정부 시스템 발전에 어떠한 표준들이 어떠한 역할을 수행했으며, 이러한 표 준이 제대로 기능하기 위하여 어떠한 제반 환경이 필요하고, 어떠한 노력이 경주되었는지 사 례 연구를 수행하여 밝히고자 한다. 행위자 연결망 이론(Actor Network Theory)과 구조화 이론(Structuration theory)을 이론적 기반으로 하여, 표준이 행위자 연결망 이론 관점에서 어떠한 역할을 수행해 왔는지를 전자정부 시스템 발전에 직접 관여되었던 행정자치부 전자 정부담당 현/전직 관리자급 공무원, 표준담당관, NIA 표준 담당관, 민간 SI 업체 등 관련 전 문가(관리자급)분들과의 인터뷰와 문헌 연구를 바탕으로 사례 분석을 실시하고자 한다.
The events industry continues to grow and is estimated to be worth around 30 billion dollars yearly involving more than 50 million trips worldwide. MICE (meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions) offer opportunities for business networking, business development and customer loyalty, and are used for internal company purposes as well as for external commercial gain. However, capturing the value of any given MICE appears difficult and relatively little is known about how customers engage in co-creation and there are few models or frameworks. Moreover, dyadic encounter and value from a provider perspective ignore the measurement of customer value in multi-actor service encounters. The research questions posed by this study were therefore: How do multi-actor service encounters differ from dyadic ones? Do current value frameworks capture all the value created in these encounters? And how can multi-actor service providers increase customer value? To address these questions, we embarked on a qualitative study with 35 actors (attendees, organizers, speakers) from networking events, using a service-dominant logic approach to conceptualizing customer perceived value from networking events. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first empirical studies to address the joint creation of value in service encounters characterised by multiple providers (provider network approach) and multiple customers (customer group approach) at the same time and studied from the perspectives of both sides. In answering our first research question of how do multi-actor service encounters different from dyadic ones, we first identify several characteristics that define multi-actor services and compare them to traditional one-to-one services. Our second research question asked whether current value taxonomies capture all the value created in these encounters and we conceptualised the dimensions of event value (social, professional, learning, emotional and hedonic), and show how these relate to existing value taxonomies, as well as highlighting professional value which is new and novel to event encounters. Thirdly, in answering how multi-actor service providers can increase customer value, we supplement previous research on customer value from the providers’ view by adding how the design and execution of service impacts customer value. From this managerial perspective, our study brings new perspectives for event management in understanding when and where value is created and therefore when and how it should be measured. In terms of assessing interaction and engagement, we have found that few practices are in place. We suggest that observation within an event setting could be complemented by video recording.
In this research, I compared and analyzed the ‘factors of style’ that expresses and visualizes the ‘characteristics of characters’ and the characters from three movies each that was filmed with Kang Ho Song and Keong Ku Seol who acted in many movies both. As the result, for the factors for actors’ makeup design, since they have limited choices of textures, colors, and the range of changes, changing the tone of skin to light to dark implied the images of characteristics. Somewhat dark skin tone that was like tanned skin expressed the life style of the character who works for an active profession not for an intellectual position. For the factors of hair style, medium sized wavy hair that goes straight down forehead expressed the character’s familiar and informal personality while short cut sized all back style hair expressed confidence, sociality, and logical personality of the character. The actors’ costume was important to express the characteristics of characters such as changes of their mind, especially the costumes delivered symbolic meanings of the role of their social class, profession, and their financial state. In addition, there were common factors to create and design a character in terms of the changes of the actors’ body shape; when the actor acted the character who has conflicts inside and sarcastic personality, they lost weight on purpose while they gained weight and made a barrel shaped body to act the character who is positive in every occasion and does not realize the real world or who is greed.
In this paper, we present a learning platform for robotic grasping in real world, in which actor-critic deep reinforcement learning is employed to directly learn the grasping skill from raw image pixels and rarely observed rewards. This is a challenging task because existing algorithms based on deep reinforcement learning require an extensive number of training data or massive computational cost so that they cannot be affordable in real world settings. To address this problems, the proposed learning platform basically consists of two training phases; a learning phase in simulator and subsequent learning in real world. Here, main processing blocks in the platform are extraction of latent vector based on state representation learning and disentanglement of a raw image, generation of adapted synthetic image using generative adversarial networks, and object detection and arm segmentation for the disentanglement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in a real environment.
The purpose of this research was to investigate and analyse how Community Forest Initiatives as urban fringe management initiatives made alliances with a variety of interest groups, enrol them in the urban fringe management processes using the Actor Network Theory. The Thames Chase Community Forest Initiative was selected and its area of operation included a 97 km2 area of green-belt area in East London. It was a instrument far improving and protecting the unique characteristics of the countryside landscape from urban developments as well as evaluating the impact of forestry inclusion in land use planning in the urban fringe. It was operated through a tiered structure comprising the Thames Chase Joint Committee and the management team. They employed a variety of devices to speak with one voice to bring about an effective operation process and to secure the enrolment of a variety of interest groups in its operational processes. Of note, the initiative's actor network impacted on improvement to and management of the countryside landscape despite not owning any land itself. As a result, when urban fringe management initiatives will be launched in South Korea to achieve a more effective and efficient urban fringe management, local councillors and representatives from public and non-government bodies should be more responsive to local communities' views and needs and work more vigorously on their behalf through lobbying, seeking media support, and so on. Moreover, better understanding and communication between local authorities' officers and management initiatives' teams are essential to avoid duplication of work practice.