For Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), all moisture must be removed from the dry storage canister through subjected to a drying process to ensure the long-term integrity. In NUREG-1536, the evacuation of most water contained within the canister is recommended a pressure of 0.4 kPa (3 torr) to be held in the canister for at least 30 minutes while isolated from active vacuum pumping as a measure of sufficient dryness in the canister. In the existing drying process, the determination of drying end point was determined using a dew point sensor indirectly. Various methods are being studied to quantify the moisture content remaining inside the canister. We presented a moisture quantification method using the drying process variables, like as temperature, pressure, and relative humidity operation data. During the drying process, it exists in the form of a mixed gas of water vapor and air inside the canister. At this time, if the density of water vapor in the mixed gas discharged out of the canister by the vacuum pump is known, the mass of water removed by vacuum drying can be calculated. The canister is equipped with a pressure gauge, thermometer and dew point sensor. The density of water vapor is calculated using the pressure, temperature and relative humidity of the gas obtained from these sensors. First, calculate the saturated water vapor pressure, and then calculate the humidity ratio. The humidity ratio refers to the ratio of water vapor mass to the dry air mass. After calculating the density of dry gas, multiply the density by the humidity ratio to calculate the density of water vapor (kg/m3). Multiply the water vapor density by the volume flow (m3/s) to obtain the mass value of water (kg). The calculated mass value is the mass value obtained per second since it is calculated through the flow data obtained every second, and the amount of water removed can be obtained by summing all the mass values. By comparing this value with the initial moisture content, the amount of moisture remaining inside the canister can be estimated. The validity of the calculations will be verified through an experimental test in the near future. We plan to conduct various research and development to quantify residual water, which is important to ensure the safety of the drying process for dry storage.
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravimeter satellites observed the Earth gravity field with unprecedented accuracy since 2002. After the termination of GRACE mission, GRACE Follow-on (GFO) satellites successively observe global gravity field, but there is missing period between GRACE and GFO about one year. Many previous studies estimated terrestrial water storage (TWS) changes using hydrological models, vertical displacements from global navigation satellite system observations, altimetry, and satellite laser ranging for a continuity of GRACE and GFO data. Recently, in order to predict TWS changes, various machine learning methods are developed such as artificial neural network and multi-linear regression. Previous studies used hydrological and climate data simultaneously as input data of the learning process. Further, they excluded linear trends in input data and GRACE/GFO data because the trend components obtained from GRACE/GFO data were assumed to be the same for other periods. However, hydrological models include high uncertainties, and observational period of GRACE/GFO is not long enough to estimate reliable TWS trends. In this study, we used convolutional neural networks (CNN) method incorporating only climate data set (temperature, evaporation, and precipitation) to predict TWS variations in the missing period of GRACE/GFO. We also make CNN model learn the linear trend of GRACE/GFO data. In most river basins considered in this study, our CNN model successfully predicts seasonal and long-term variations of TWS change.
There is little information about the seed longevity of wild plants, although seed bank storage is an important tool for biodiversity conservation. This study was conducted to predict the seed viability equation of Agastache rugosa. The A. rugosa seeds were stored at moisture contents ranging from 2.7 to 12.5%, and temperatures between 10 and 50℃. Viability data were fitted to the seed viability equation in a one step and two step approach. The A. rugosa seeds showed orthodox seed storage behaviour. The viability constants were KE=6.9297, CW=4.2551 CH=0.0329, and CQ=0.00048. The P85 of A. rugosa seeds was predicted to 152 years under standard seed bank conditions. The P85 predicted by seed viability equation can be used as basic information for optimization of seed storage processes.
In this paper, we introduce the development of the large storage system in order to record the observed space radio signal in the Korean VLBI Network(KVN) with high-speed. The KVN is the Very Long Baseline Interferometery(VLBI) to observe the birth of star, the structure of space by constructing radio telescope with diameter 21m at the Seoul, Ulsan, Jeju from 2001 to 2007 years. To do this, Korea Astronomy Observatory joined the international consortium for developing the high-speed large storage system(Mark 5), which is developed by MIT Haystack observatory. The Mark 5 system based on hard disk has to record up to 1 Gbps the observed space radio signal. The main features of Mark 5 system are as follows; First it is able to directly record the input data to the hard disk without PC1(Peripheral Component Interconnect) internal bus, and the second, it has two hard disk banks, which are able to hot-swap ATA/IDE type very cheap up to 1 Gbps recording and playback. The third is that it follows the international VLBI standard interface hardware(VSI-H). Therefore it can be connect directly the VSI-H type system at the input/output. Finally it also supports e- VLBI(Electronic-VLBI) through the standard Gigabits Ethernet connection.
최근 PACS에서 장기간 저장장치로 디스크 배열이 많이 사용되고 있으나, 디스크에 대한 년 간 불량률에 관해서 신뢰성이 부족한 실정이다. 2016년 10월부터 2017년 2월까지 PACS 판독기에서 의료영상을 읽거나 저장하면서 하드디스크의 직렬포트단자를 조사하였으며, PACS 영상저장 장치에 사용되었던 하드디스크 98대와 개인용 컴퓨터에 사용되었던 하드디스크 101대에 저장된 데이터에서 전송률을 산출하였다. PACS 판독기에서 CT영상을 읽었을 경우에는 수십 MB이하 단위로 읽기는 87.8%, 쓰기는 12.2%가 수행되었다. PACS 판독기에서 CT 영상을 저장할 때는 수십 MB이하 단위로 읽기는 11.4%, 쓰기는 88.6%가 수행되었다. 개인용 컴퓨터에서 엑셀 파일을 읽을 경우에는 3 MB 이하단위로 읽기는 75%, 쓰기는 25%가 수행되었다. 개인용 컴퓨터에서 엑셀 파일 저장을 진행하면서 하드디스크와의 통신은 3 MB이하단위로 읽기는 38%, 쓰기는 62%가 수행되었다. PACS내 영상저장장치에 사용되는 하드디스크의 전송률은 10 GB/h, 개인용 컴퓨터의 하드디스크의 전송률은 5 GB/h로 나타났다. PACS내 영상저장에 사용되던 하드디스크의 년간 불량률은 0.97 ~ 1.13%를 보였고, 개인용 컴퓨터 내 하드디스크의 년간 불량률은 0.51~0.7%를 보였다. 전송량이 높을수록 년 간 불량률도 높아졌다. 이러한 결과는 하드디스크의 수명예측이나 연간 고장률을 예측하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 것이다.
본 연구의 목적은 기상자료(강수량, 최고기온, 최저기온, 평균기온, 평균풍속) 기반의 다중선형 회귀모형을 개발하여 농업용저수지 저수율을 예측 하는 것이다. 나이브 베이즈 분류를 활용하여 전국 1,559개의 저수지를 지리형태학적 제원(유효저수량, 수혜면적, 유역면적, 위도, 경도 및 한발빈도)을 기준으로 30개 군집으로 분류하였다. 각 군집별로, 기상청 기상자료와 한국농어촌공사 저수지 저수율의 13년(2002~2014) 자료를 활용하여 월별 회귀모형을 유도하였다. 저수율의 회귀모형은 결정계수(R2)가 0.76, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE)가 0.73, 평균제곱근오차가 8.33%로 나타났다. 회귀모형은 2년(2015~2016) 기간의 기상청 3개월 기상전망자료인 GloSea5 (GS5)를 사용하여 평가되었다. 현재저수율과 평년저수율에 의해 산정되는 저수지 가뭄지수(Reservoir Drought Index, RDI)에 의한 ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) 분석의 적중률은 관측값을 이용한 회귀식에서 0.80과 GS5를 이용한 회귀식에서 0.73으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 이용해 미래 저수율을 전망하여 안정적인 미래 농업용수 공급에 대한 의사결정 자료로 사용할 수 있을 것이다.
This is a treatise on the legality of the practice of attaching the crime counts exhibit as the part and parcel of the indictment or information (hereinafter referred to as ‘indictment’). Recently, the Korean Supreme Court decided the exhibit will not be considered as a part of the indictment.
In Korea, it became conventional that the prosecution attached the exhibit of the crime counts stored in CD-ROM because the printout of the voluminous crime counts, such as those of the copyright infringement and the privacy infringement, bloats to the tune of several millions and tens of million pages. But this time, the Supreme Court decided that this kind of practice is not tenable anymore.
But this decision of the Supreme Court seems at odds with the plain interpretation of the current criminal procedure law because ‘whatever is attached to the content of the indictment constitute a part of the whole indictment’ is the literal construction of the text of law.
Moreover, it is strange to render it illegal when indictment attach the footnote that the crime count is so voluminous that the specifics will be appended in the CD-ROM format and actually appends the crime counts exhibit. It is not only illogical but also impractical to interpret that the appended crime exhibit is out of the scope of the indictment or is overstepping the bounds of the court hearing.
It is well known that, in certain types of crime, such as the copyright infringement or the privacy infringement, crime counts exhibit extend to tens of thousand pages. If we stick to the traditional notion that all the crime counts should be presented in the physical document format, it will be not only impractical but also tremendous waste of efforts and expenses.
If we take into account the recent development that the electronic document usage steadily replacing the paper document usage in civil and criminal justice system and peoples are sufficiently accustomed to the data storage devices, providing the crime counts exhibit in the form of electronic storage will be conducive to enhancing the interest of the defense if we take into account that it is time-saving and efforts-saving to analyze and archive the case record in the electronic platform.
It is the right time to revise the criminal procedure law to avoid the controversy on the permissibility of the presenting the crime counts exhibit in the form of the electronic storage. It will be desirable to allow the prosecution to present the crime counts exhibit in the form of electronic storage unless it will curtail the right of the defendant and if it will meet the practical necessity of the court to authenticate the crime counts of the indictment.
대부분의 수문자료는 지상관측을 통해 얻어진다. 그러나 어떤 지역은 접근이 어렵거나 장기적인 관측에 어려움이 있기 때문에 지상관측을 대체하거나 보완할 새로운 방법이 요구된다. 시‧공간적 한계를 극복할 수 있는 대안으로 미항공우주국 NASA에서 2002년 지구 중력장을 측정하는 GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) 인공위성 자료가 존재한다. 본 연구에서는 GRACE Level-2 중력자료를 이용하여 공간평활화 반경별(0 km, 300 km, 500 km)로 한반도의 수자원변화량(GRACE-based TWSC)을 산정하였다. 산정된 결과의 타당성을 검증하기 위해, 지상 수문 관측자료를 이용한 수자원 변화량(land-based TWSC)과의 비교를 시도하였다. Land-based TWSC는 WAMIS의 강우량, 증발산량 및 GLDAS의 유출량 자료를 이용해 계산하였다. GRACE-based TWSC와 land-based TWSC의 RMSE 검정 결과, 공간평활화 반경 500 km의 위성자료가 한반도에 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 한반도의 월별 평균 TWSC는 0.986 cm/month로 나타났고, 이러한 큰 변화폭 때문에 안정적 수자원 확보를 위한 대처 방안의 마련이 필요한 것으로 평가된다.
전자해도의 표준 형식인 S-57은 수로 데이타의 교환을 위한 표준이다. 이에 따라 제작된 항해용 디지털 해도를 전자해도(ENC: Electronic Navigational Chart)라 하며, 전자해도를 공간 정보의 표현에 적절한 컴퓨터 자료 구조로 변환 한 것을 SENC(System ENC)라 부른 다. SENC는 시스템 제조업체마다 고유한 알고리듬으로 제작되는데, ECDIS(Electronic Chart Display and Information System) 성능에 주요한 역할을 하는 요소임에도 불구하고 아직까지 SENC의 구조의 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구는 발표된 바가 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 새로이 고안한 Mesh 구조를 이용한 SENC 구조를 설계하였고, 이를 Display 할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하여 PDA 및 데스크탑 컴퓨터에서 동작 결과를 확인하였다.
A microcomputer system consisting of 16-bit microcomputer, PCL-711S interface board, censors, and converters have been set up in order to automatically measure temperature, humidity and weight loss which are major variables of storage of apple. This system was operated by PC-LabDAS software. It has been possible to measure continuously the weight loss of Fuji apple stored in CA with the weight converter made by a miniature load cell and a strain amplifier. The temperature was checked by a k-type thermocouple and Pt 100 RTD, and humidity by PQ653JAl humidity sensor. It has been possible to set up a linear equation which showers high correlationship between the estimate of temperature, weight humidity and the output of the converter in that r2 is more than 0.99. Transpiration rate, a significant factor of quality deterioration for CA storage of apple, can be estimated with these values.