Reballasting at sea, as recommended by the IMO guidelines, currently provides the best-available measure to reduce the risk of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms, but is subject to serious ship-safety limits. It is therefore extremely important that alternative, effective ballast water management and treatment methods are developed as soon as possible, to replace reballasting at sea. Filtration-Ultraviolet radiation-Electrolytic process (FUE) was evaluated for disinfection of seawater used In ballast water Optimal current density and UV light intensity were 2.0A/dm2 and, 220㎼/ cm2/m with which 100% reduction time was 2sec in a Ultraviolet radiation-Electrolytic process. This study showed that FUE process was effective for the disinfection of commonly isolated bacteria and bacillus from ballast water.
In this study, the alkiline water washing condition of mackerel(Scomber japonicus) dark meat was investigated to improve processing conditions of red muscle fish meat paste heating gel. Chemical alkaline water(CWM) and electrolytic alkiline water(EWM, pH 12) were used for washing the mackerel raw meat. Washed meats were minced with 2.5% salt and heated at 90℃/15 min to testing texture profile analysis. Moisture of CWM and EWM was increased with both washing times(p<0.05). Crude lipids and protiens were decreased with washing times. Lightness of chemical alkaline water washed mackerel heated paste gel(CWHPG) was higher than electrolytic alkaline water washed mackerel heated paste gel(EWHPG). Redness and yellowness were more decreased than control meats. Jelly strength of CWHPG and EWHPG was not increased more than 2 times wased meat and was increased with protein decrease. Texture profile analysis, max force1 of CWHPG and EWHPG was higher hardeness than the control meat except gel strains. From these results, it could be suggested that electric alkialine water washing is also effective in advance the red meat paste heating gel process of kamaboko industry.
선박에서 발생되는 밸러스트수를 전처리하기 위하여 수중에 포함되어 있는 미생물을 복극전해처리시스템을 이용하여 살균처하였다. 전해처리시스템에 유입되는 시료는 정량펌프를 사용하여 상향류로 전극판 사이를 통과하도록 하였으며, 반응시간별로 유량을 조절하여 체류시간을 다르게 하였다. 양극판은 티타늄에 이산화이리듐을 전착한 Ti/Ir02 극판으로 하였으며, 음극판은 스테인리스 스틸판을 사용하였다. 전원공급은 최대 전압이 250V, 전류가 100Amper의 맥류가 전혀 없는 트랜지스트 평활회로를 사용한 D.C. Power Supply를 사용하여 전류밀도를 조절하여 운전하였다. 반응시간에 따라 전류밀도를 0.1~1.0A사이로 변화를 주어 실험한 결과 5초 이내에 E. coli, Bacteria, Bacillus sp.의 미생물이 사멸됨을 확인할 수 있었고, 전극간격은 75mm, 전류밀도 2.0A/dm2, 체류시간을 5초로 하였을 때 제거율이 90%이상이였다. 연구결과를 통하여 밸러스트수 처리에 적용 가능한 기술임을 알 수 있었다.
격막 및 무격막 방식의 전해수 처리에 의한 샐러리 및 생굴의 세정처리에 따른 살균 및 저장성 효과를 조사하였다. 샐러리를 대상으로 세정처리에 따른 저장중의 품질변화를 살펴본 결과, 총균수는 전해수 처리구에서 무처리구에 비하여 약 1/200∼1/1,000 수준, 대장균군수는 약 1/100 수준으로 감소하였다. 그리고 수분함량, pH, 경도, 비타민 C 및 잔류염소 함량 등의 변화는 저장 10일째까지 처리구에 관계없이 거의 유사한 경향을 보이거나 차
본 연구에서는 전기분해 격막 및 전해액에 따른 전해산화 수의 물리적 특성 및 미생물의 표면살균 효과를 검토하였다. 격막 방식의 전기분해수 제조 시스템의 최적조건은 간극이 1.0 mm 20% NaCl 첨가량이 6 mL/mm 일 때 제조된 전해산화수의 물성치가 ORP 1,170 mV 수준, HClO 함량 100 ppm 수준, pH 2.5 수준으로 가장 우수하게 나타났으며, 1단 방식보다는 2단의 전기분해 방식이 물성 측면에서 우수함을 알 수 있었다.
To investigate the effects of strong acidic electrolytic water on the chloroplast, barley leaves were treated with strong acidic electrolytic water(pH 2.5). And to investigate the effects of weak acidic electrolytic water on the chloroplast development, etiolated barley leaves were treated with weak acidic electrolytic water(pH 6.5) during greening period. Chl contents, Fo, Fv, and Chl fluorescence quenching coefficient in barley leaves were measured during and after treatment of acidic electrolytic water. The following results were obtained.
Chl a, b, and carotenoid were decreased with treatment of strong acidic electrolytic water. Chl contents were significantly decreased than that of the control after 5 min. These results provide evidence that the strong acidic electrolytic water dissimilate the Chl and so that the value of Fo was slightly increased. The strong acidic electrolytic water damaged PS Ⅱ because Fo was increased and Fv, Fm, and Fv/Fm ratio were decreased. qP, qNP and qE were decreased. On the other hand qI was increased than that of the control. But Chl content and Chl fluorescence patterns were a little changed as the pH increase over 4.0. Chl a, b, and carotenoid were increased with treatment of weak acidic electrolytic water during greening period. Chl contents were significantly increased than that of control after 12 hours greening. These results provide evidence that the weak acidic electrolytic water accelerated the chlorophyll synthesis. And the weak acidic electrolytic water accelerated PS Ⅱ development because Fv, Fm, qP and Fv/Fm ratio were increased than that of the control.