Thermal treatment, such as combustion, is the most effective way to solve the spatial problem of radioactive waste disposal. Existing incineration technology has the problem of discharging harmful pollutants (CO2 and dioxin, etc.) into the environment. Therefore, it was evaluate the validity of the thermal treatment process that can reduce the volume of dry active waste (DAW) in an eco-friendly. In addition, the stability of the alternative incineration process under development was evaluated by evaluating the emission of harmful pollutants to the environment during the thermal treatment process. We selected 14 samples identical to those discarded by each nuclear power plant (Kori, Saeul, Wolsong, Hanbit, Hanul). And EA (Elemental Analysis) analysis was performed on each sample. As a result, excluded samples containing wastes containing POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) such as PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), which could generate harmful pollutants during thermal treatment, and halogenated organic wastes such as PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). In addition, the thermal treatment conditions for the four DAWs were derived by Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA) analysis. At this time, Py-GC/MS analysis was performed at the temperature at which each waste causes thermal decomposition (cotton is 437°C, paper is 562°C, latex glove is 430°C, plastic bag is 485°C). As a result of analyzing the exhaust gas produced during thermal decomposition, about 77.0% of the cotton was Benzoic acid series, the paper was 41.1% Glucopyranose series, and 15.8% hydroxy acetaldehyde. Latex glove was identified to be 45.9% and 19.2% for Limonene and 2-methyl-1, 3-Butadiene, and for plastic bags, Octacosanol and 2-octyl-1-Dodecanol were 38.8% and 15.2%. In addition, it was confirmed that dioxin and harmful heavy metals, which are discussed as environmental risks, were not detected in all samples.
The types and distribution ratio of odor removal systems installed in publicly owned environmental facilities such as sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, manure treatment, livestock manure treatment, and food waste treatment were investigated. Since the intensity of the odor and the composition of the odor substances are different depending on the type of each public treatment facility, different odor removal efficiencies were derived depending on the applied odor removal technology. In addition, the removal efficiency of complex odors and individual odor substances of odor removal systems such as those applying biofilters, scrubbers, and adsorption towers were also compared and evaluated. Although it depends on each odor removal technology and application facility, about 50% of various odor removal systems presented an odor removal performance of less than 30%. The odor removal systems with an odor removal efficiency of 70% or more were evaluated to be less than 30% of the total number. Therefore, we suggest that odor removal efficiencies should be improved through continuous monitoring, diagnosis, reinforcement of maintenance, and improvement of systems.
Environmental treatment residues become valuable waste byproducts like biomass when an environmental infrastructure necessary for recycling is effectively developed. In this study, an environmentally friendly sewage sludge sorbent was developed in a sewage treatment plant by carefully processing the sewage sludge generated from sewage treatment plants. In order to increase the adsorption efficiency, coffee ground waste was added to the adsorbent as an additive and the adsorbate used in the adsorption experiments was acetaldehyde as organic waste. It could be found from the experiment that the adsorbent of the sewage sludge was adsorbed more easily at the carbonization temperature of 600℃. In addition, adsorption experiments showed that the breakthrough time reached to 85, 110, and 130 minutes at 3:1, 2:2, and 1:3, respectively, depending on the content ratio of the sewage sludge and coffee waste. Therefore, the amount of acetaldehyde adsorption increased with the increase in the amount of coffee grounds in the mixture. It could be also be found that the addition of the coffee grounds as an additive to increase the adsorption capacity of the sewage sludge adsorbent is advantageous for adsorption.
우리나라의 주요 우점종인 상수리나무, 굴참나무, 신갈나무의 생태적 특성을 밝히기 위하여 식물생장에서 가장 중요하다고 판단되는 광, 토양수분, 영양소를 이들 3종의 참나무 유식물에 각각 실내에서 처리하여 그 생육반응을 관찰하고, 분석하고자 시도하였다. 상수리나무와 굴참나무는 광이 높을수록 잘 자라는 경향이 있었고, 신갈나무만이 뚜렷한 경향이 없었다. 신갈나무는 낮은 광도에서도 생육이 크게 감소하지 않았다 굴참나무와 신갈나무는 수분구배에 따라 생육의 차이가
원전 주변의 농경지에서 생산되는 농산물은 방사능 오염으로 인해 체내 방사능 오염을 유발할 가능성을 가질 수 있다. 이에 원전 주변에서 채취된 농산물을 건조 처리하여 섭취에 의한 내부피폭선량 평가를 위해 90Sr의 방사능 농도의 한계치를 알아보고자 하였다. 감마동위원소 분석결과 모든 시료에서 인공핵종은 검출 되지 않았으며, 쌀에서 < 0.0166~0.0336 Bq/kg-fresh, 배추에서 <0.00586~0.0421 Bq/kg-fresh, 열무에서 <0.013 5 ~0.106 Bq/kg-fresh, 배에서 0.0114 ~ 0.0901 Bq/kg-fresh 로서 평상변동범위 수준이었다. 일반인에 대한 연간 선량한도인 1.0 mSv 대비 쌀, 배추, 열무의 90Sr에 대해 각각 0.0177%, 0.0222%, 0.0376%, 0.00243%가 나 왔으며, 이 값은 일반인에 대한 법적 기준치 1 mSv/yr∙man 비해 0.1 % 미만의 값이 나타났다. 따라서 식생활에서 음식 섭취량 또는 연령을 고려하여 어린이, 어른이 섭취하는 식품에 대한 폭넓은 평가가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Slag and coal ash were selected to evaluate the recyclability of waste generated during the heat treatment processes. A list of waste types and recyclable types of the two wastes were identified. A recycling environmental hazardous assessment was reviewed step by step. In addition, the hazardous properties of slag and coal ash were investigated, and the chemical components, leaching, and content of harmful substances in the waste were analyzed. The two selected wastes were classified as general wastes. As a result of chemical analysis with XRF, the two wastes did not produce toxic gases in contact with water and show leaching toxicity from the analysis of harmful substances. In addition, waste is often brought into contact with the soil when recycled, so the content of slag and coal ash is analyzed and compared with the 2 region standard of soil; two samples were within the standard. Therefore, the surveyed wastes can be recycled in non-matrix contact types and the recycling purpose and method permitted by the new law is excluded from the recycling environmental hazardous assessment. However, to recycle wastes for new uses, the recycling environmental hazardous assessment is required.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dye wastewater treatment processes were estimated by analysing their mass and energy balances, which were then used as baseline information for environmental assessment. The total GHG emissions from dye wastewater treatment plants were divided into direct emissions from the treatment processes and indirect ones from electricity usage. The amounts of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions were calculated according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Clime Change (IPCC) guideline for the GHG target management system. For 3 years between 2011 and 2013, direct and indirect emissions were on average 8,742.7 and 7,892.0 Ton.CO2eq/year, respectively, with the former exhibiting 52.6 %. Also, compared to 2012, in 2013, the eco-efficiency indicator by the GHG emissions was found to be more than 1, suggesting that environmental quality was effectively improved.
Neem제를 이용한 가지 담배가루이 친환경 방제기술을 개발하고자 azadirachtin 0.5%가 함유된 Neem제를 100~2,000배까지 희석배수 5처리를 두고, 담배가루이 방제효과와 가지 생육과 수량을 조사하였으며, 경제성을 분석하였다. 담배가루이 성충과 약충의 발생상황은 Neem제 희석배수가 높아질수록 성충과 약충의 발생량이 증가하여 방제효과가 낮았다. Neem제 처리농도별 가지 생육상황은 낮은 희석배수에서는 약해가 발생하였고, 높은 희석배수에서는 담배가루이에 의한 피해가 나타났다. 생육 및 수량은 48일후 조사에서 500배가 초장, 엽장, 절수 등 생육이 양호하였다. 또한 Neem제 500배 처리에서 과실의 발육이 좋아 수량성 및 상품률도 가장 높았다. 경제성 분석결과에서도 Neem제 500배 처리에서 10a당 13,545천원으로 소득이 가장 높았다. 따라서 담배가루이 방제를 위한 Neem제 희석배수는 500배였다.
본 연구의 핵심은 다양한 환경기초시설, 치수관련 시설물 등의 지자체별 개별적 건설과 운영에 따른 예산의 낭비와 비효율적 운영을 지양하는데 있다. 다음으로는 인접 지자체간의 협력적 운영을 통하여, 저출산 고령화 시대에 맞는 수자원시설의 효율성을 강화하여 규모의 경제를 달성하는 방안을 찾는데 있다. 지자체간의 협력을 유도하기 위해서는 관련시설의 투자비용의 합리적 배분이 필요하다. 이러한 합리적 비용배분의 방법으로 비례법, 샤플리방법, 분리비용잔여편익 산출법 등을 제안하고 있다. 지자체별로 건설 중인 하수처리장시설을 사례대상으로 하여 구체적인 적용방법을 제시하고 있다. 본 연구결과의 정책적인 시사점으로는 합리적 비용배분을 통하여 관련 지자체간의 갈등을 사전에 차단하는 동시에, 정부의 환경기초시설에 대한 지자체별 국고보조 방식보다는 유역의 협력적 예산으로 전환하는 것도 바람직한 정책으로 판단된다.