PURPOSES : A model for minimizing cutting loss and determining the optimum layout of blocks in pavements was developed in this study. METHODS : Based on literature review, a model which included constraints such as the amount, volume, overlap, and pattern, was developed to minimize the cutting loss in an irregular pavement shape. The Stach bond, stretcher bond, and herringbone patterns were used in this model. The harmony search and particle swarm algorithms were then used to solve this model. RESULTS : Based on the results of the model and algorithms, the harmony search algorithm yielded better results because of its fast computation time. Moreover, compared to the sample pavement area, it reduced the cutting loss by 20.91%. CONCLUSIONS : The model and algorithms successfully optimized the layout of the pavement and they have potential applications in industries, such as tiling, panels, and textiles.
이 논문에서는 다중 재난을 고려한 복합 구조제어 시스템의 최적 설계방법을 제시한다. 한 가지 유형의 위험에 대해 하나의 시스템이 설계되는 전형적인 구조제어 시스템과는 달리, 구조물의 지진 및 바람에 의한 진동응답을 저감하기 위해 능동 및 수동제어 시스템에 대한 동시 최적 설계방법을 제안하였다. 수치 예로서, 30층 빌딩 구조물에 설치된 30개의 점성 댐퍼와 복합형 질량 감쇠기에 대한 최적 설계문제를 보였다. 최적화 문제를 풀기 위해 자체적응 화음탐색(harmony search, HS)알 고리즘을 채택하였다. 화음탐색 알고리즘은 사람이 연주하는 악기의 튜닝 과정을 모방한 전역 최적화를 위한 메타 휴리스틱 진화 연산방법의 하나이다. 또한 전역 탐색 및 빠른 수렴을 위해 자가적응적이고 동적인 매개변수 조정 알고리즘을 도입하였다. 최적화 설계 결과, 능동 및 수동 시스템이 독립적으로 최적화된 표준적인 복합제어 시스템에 비해 제안한 동시 최적제어 시스템의 성능과 효율성이 우수함을 보였다.
Optimal design of the water supply pipe network aims to minimize construction cost while satisfying the required hydraulic constraints such as the minimum and maximum pressures, and velocity. Since considering one single design factor (i.e., cost) is very vulnerable for including future conditions and cannot satisfy operator’s needs, various design factors should be considered. Hence, this study presents three kinds of design factors (i.e., minimizing construction cost, maximizing reliability, and surplus head) to perform multi-objective optimization design. Harmony Search (HS) Algorithm is used as an optimization technique. As well-known benchmark networks, Hanoi network and Gyeonggi-do P city real world network are used to verify the applicability of the proposed model. In addition, the proposed multi-objective model is also applied to a real water distribution networks and the optimization results were statistically analyzed. The results of the optimal design for the benchmark and real networks indicated much better performance compared to those of existing designs and the other approach (i.e., Genetic Algorithm) in terms of cost and reliability, cost, and surplus head. As a result, this study is expected to contribute for the efficient design of water distribution networks.
This paper aimed at modeling a fine triangular grid for network dome by using Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. For this purpose, an optimization process to find a fine regular triangular mesh on the curved surface was proposed and the analysis program was developed. An objective function was consist of areas and edge's length of each triangular and its standard deviations, and design variables were subject to the upper and lower boundary which was calculated on the nodal connectivity. Triangular network dome model, which was initially consist of randomly irregular triangular mesh, was selected for the target example and the numerical result was analyzed in accordance with the HS parameters. From the analysis results of adopted model, the fitness function has been converged and the optimized triangular grid could be obtained from the initially distorted network dome example.
PURPOSES : This research describes how to predict the life cycles of fatigue cracking based on NCHRP Report 704 as well as modified harmony search (MHS) algorithm. METHODS : The fatigue cracking regression model of NCHRP Report 704 was used in order to calculate the ESAL (Equivalent Single Axle Load) numbers up to pavement failure, based on using material parameters, composite modulus, and surface pavement thickness. Furthermore, the MHS algorithm was implemented to find appropriate material parameters and other structural conditions given the number of ESALs, which is related to pavement service life. RESULTS: The case studies show that the material and structural parameters can be obtained, resulting in satisfying the failure endurance of asphalt concrete structure, given the number of ESALs. For example, the required ESALs such as one or two millions are targeted to satisfy the service performance of asphalt concrete pavements in this study. CONCLUSIONS : According to the case studies, It can be concluded that the MHS algorithm provides a good tool of optimization problems in terms of minimizing the difference between the required service cycles, which is a given value, and the calculated service cycles, which is obtained from the fatigue cracking regression model.
본 연구는 실험계획법(예: 반응표면계획법) 및 하모니 검색 알고리즘을 통하여 다양한 아스팔트 콘크리트 포장 구조체에 있어 피로균열의 공용성 인자인 인장변형률을 예측하는 모델을 개발하는 방법에 대한 연구이다. 인장변형률을 산정하기 위하여 한국건설기술연구소에서 개발한 유한요소 축대칭해석 프로그램인 KICTPAVE를 이용하여 아스팔트 층과 린콘크리트 층의 접속면에서 발생되는 변형률을 구하여 데이터베이스(D/B)화 하였다. 아스팔트 포장에서 입력변수인 층별 탄성계수 및 두께를 다양한 조건에서 KICTPAVE 프로그램을 수행하여 훈련용 D/B(Training Set)인 변형률의 값들을 구축한 후 반응표면계획법에 근거하여 회귀방정식을 정의하였으며 방정식에 필요한 계수값을 결정하기 위하여 하모니 검색 알고리즘을 이용하였다. 최종적으로 결정된 회귀방정식의 계수값들의 정확성을 검증하기 위해서 훈련용 D/B가 아닌 다른 조건의 입력변수를 이용하여 검증용 D/B(Testing Set)를 구축하고 이를 이용하여 개발된 모델을 검증하였다.
화음탐색법은 2001년 고려대학교 수자원연구실에서 개발한 최적화 알고리즘으로 재즈의 즉흥연주에서 반복적인 연습을 거듭할 수 록 좋은 화음이 만들어지는 현상에 착안하였다. 화음탐색법은 처음 소개된 논문이 Google Scholar 기준 약 3,600여 회(2018년 1월 11일 기준) 인용될 만큼 유전자알고리즘과 견줄만한 세계적인 최적화 알고리즘이 되었고 비단 수자원공학 및 토목공학 뿐 만 아니라 공학 전 분야, 의학, 경영학, 인문학 등 다양한 분야에 적용되고 있다. 본 논문은 화음탐색법을 포함한 최적화 알고리즘이 수자원공학의 다양한 분야에서 널리 적용되기를 바라며 작성된 화음탐색법 총설논문(Review Article)이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 먼저 화음탐색법을 간략히 소개하고 적용분야 및 분야별 적용 빈도를 살펴본다. 또한 화음탐색법의 세계화 현황을 관련 학회의 성장과 관련 연구프로젝트의 동향 정리를 통해 알아본다. 마지막으로 국내 수자원공학 분야 연구에 적용된 최적화 알고리즘 현황을 살펴보고 활용의 증대를 위한 몇 가지 제안사항을 전달하며 마무리한다.
This study is to solve the structural optimization problem by a quantum-inspired harmony search algorithm. For the optimization, we suggest the mathematical modeling of the plane truss which is possible to minimum weight design. In its model, the cost function is minimum weight and constraint function consists of the stress.
The probability distribution of wind speeds is a mathematical function describing the range and relative frequency of wind speeds at a particular location . In other word , the behavior of wind velocity at a given site can be specified as a probability distribution function. The accuracy of design wind estimation depends on the choice of an appropriate probability distribution model (PDM) and parameter estimation techniques. Generally, parameters for PDMs are estimated with the method of moments(MOM), probability weighted moments(PWM), and maximum likelihood (ML). In this work , we tried to estimate the parameters of PDMs for wind speed data using a recently developed meta-heuristic approach known as a harmony search (HS) that is a phenomenon-mimicking algorithm. The performance of the HS is compared to the genetic algorithm (GA) and conventional method (i.e.,ML) via simulation and case study.
This paper aimed at modeling a triangular mesh for triangular grid dome by using improved harmony search algorithm. For this purpose, an optimization process to find a regular triangular mesh on the curved surface was proposed and a program for this was developed. The objective function consisted of the standard deviations of the area and the boundary length of each triangle, and the design variables were regulated by the upper and lower boundary conditions which were calculated depending on the nodal connectivity. Triangular grid dome, which initially had consisted of irregular triangular meshes, was selected as target example. In dome model, its result was very approached to the minimum standard deviation of the area and the boundary length of each triangle.
A newly developed heuristic algorithm, Harmony Search, is applied to the parameter calibration problem of the nonlinear Muskingum model. The Harmony Search could, mimicking the improvisation of music player, find better parameter values for in the nonline