본 연구에서는 경기도 내 유통되고 있는 다소비 생선류 100건을 대상으로 납, 수은(메틸수은 포함), 카드뮴의 오염도 및 셀레늄의 함량을 알아보았다. 금아말감법의 수은 분석기, ICP-MS, GC-ECD를 사용하여 측정하였으며 각 항목별 평균함량은 Pb 0.0915(0.0021-0.4490) mg/kg, Cd 0.0084(ND-0.1773) mg/kg, Hg 0.0412(0.0013-0.3032) mg/kg 으로 모두 기준규격 이하로 나타났다. 셀레늄은 수은과 결 합하여 수은의 독성을 감소시키는 것으로 알려져 있는데 본 연구에서 조사된 생선류에서는 셀레늄의 평균함량이 0.4044(0.1981-1.0227) mg/kg이었다. 규격 외 항목인 메틸 수은은 100건 중 갈치와 대구 2개 시료에서 각각 0.0677 mg/ kg, 0.2941 mg/kg로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 다소비 생선류를 통한 납, 수은 및 카드뮴의 총 섭취량은 JECFA에서 설정한 PTWI 및 PTMI의 0.97%, 3.42% 및 0.45%로 조사되었다. 따라서 도내에서 유통되는 생선류의 섭취는 납, 수은, 카드뮴 등의 위해에서 안전하다고 판단된다.
부산, 경남 지역의 8개 친환경농산물인증 지역에서 카드뮴, 구리, 비소, 수은, 납, 6가크롬, 아연, 니켈 등 8개 중금속의 토양 함량을 조사하였다. 카드뮴은 그 햠량의 순으로 보면 산청, 하동, 사천, 부산순으로 함량이 높았으며, 구리는 김해, 사천, 부산, 고성 순으로, 비소는 사천, 부산, 김해, 고성 순으로, 수은은 고성, 사천, 부산, 김해 순으로, 납은 김해, 사천, 고성, 부산 순으로, 6가크롬은 김해, 부산, 하동, 산청 순으로, 아연은 김해, 부산, 사천, 함양 순으로, 니켈은 사천, 하동, 고성, 산청 순으로 각각 함양이 많았다. 전체적인 함량을 보았을 경우 김해, 사천, 부산 등 낙동강 주변의 평야지대에서 높은 수치를 보였다. 한편 하동, 진주 산청 등 중산간지에서는 전체 중금속 함량이 대체로 낮았다.
This study was conducted to determine the content of heavy metals in canned foods and soft drinks available on the Korean markets. Trace metals (Pb, Cr, Cd, and Sn) were detected in 24 kinds, 120 samples by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The average concentration of heavy metals in canned foods was in the order of Sn (6.930 ppm)$gt;Cr (0.050 ppm)$gt;Pb (0.030 ppm)$gt;Cd (0.008 ppm), which was the same order in soft drinks as Sn (3.519 ppm)$gt;Cr (0.080 ppm)$gt;Pb (0.024 ppm)$gt;Cd (0.001 ppm). The total contents of heavy metals in canned fruits and fiuit juices were relatively higher than those in cans and drinks made of vegetable and fish. It can be supposed that the high acidity owing to the organic acid of fruit itself promotes to extract metals from can materials, and although fish usually contains more heavy metals than vegetables, canned fish revealed low level because internal organs and most of skin which had more heavy metals than meat were removed throughout canning process. Because processed foods such as canned foods and soft drinks are very popular with the children and adolescence according to the change of life style and eating habit, and the possibility of exposure to heavy metals by the habitual intake of these is increasing simultaneously, it is suggested that more practical study about the process of exposure and the amount in each step is needed for the assessment of safety.
젓갈류 및 젓갈류외 원료(原料)가 되는 어패류(魚貝類), 식염중의 중금속(重金屬) 함량(含量)과 젓갈류의 중금속(重金屬) 함유요인(含有要因)에 대하여 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같았다. 젓갈류중(中) 중금속(重金屬)의 평균함량(平均含量)은 Hg 0.076ppm, Pb 0.677ppm, Cd 0.112ppm, As 1.025ppm, Cu 3.540ppm, Zn 11.23ppm, Mn 2.041ppm이었으며 어패류(魚貝類)는 Hg 0.051ppm, Pb 0.425ppm, Cd 0.071ppm, As 0.632ppm, Cu 2.516ppm, Zn 8.052ppm, Mn 1.178ppm으로서 어패류(魚貝類)가 젓갈류에 비(比)해 낮은 함량(含量)이었다. 식염중의 중금속(重金屬) 함량(含量)은 Hg ND, Pb 0.05ppm, Cd 0.01ppm, As 0.02ppm, Cu 0.087ppm, Zn 0.068ppm으로 매우 낮은 함량(含量)이었다. 용기(容器)에 따른 멸치젓의 숙성시험(熟成試驗) 결과(結果) Hg, Cd는 대조구(對照區)와 차이(差異)를 보이지 않았으나 Pb는 옹기 및 철제용기(鐵製容器), As는 철제용기(鐵製容器) 및 재생(再生)플라스틱 용기(容器)에서 높은 함량(含量)을 보였다. 철제용기(鐵製容器)에서 멸치젓을 숙성(熟成)시킨 결과(結果) Hg, Cd를 제외한 다른 중금속(重金屬)은 함량(含量)이 증가(增加)하였으며, 숙성초기(熟成初期)에 비(比)해 후기(後期)에서 그 증가폭(增加幅)이 크게 나타났다. 용기(容器) 용출시험(溶出試驗) 결과(結果) Hg, Cd는 모든 용기(容器)에서 검출(檢出)되지 않았으나 그 외 중금속(重金屬)은 용출시간(溶出時試)에 따라 증가(增加)하였으며, 식염농도에 따른 중금속(重金屬) 용출(溶出)은 차이(差異)가 없었다.
Raw and secondary waste materials from recycling products have been used to produce cements. A total of 10 cements produced from recycling products were analyzed for chemical composition, such as Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, SO3, Cl, K2O, CaO, TiO2, Cr2O3, MnO, Fe2O3, CuO, ZnO, and PbO, using the Korean standard leaching test. The total content of toxic substances, such as Pb, Cd, Cu, As, Hg, and Cr(VI), present in each cement was also measured. The corrosion characteristics of cement leachates were also determined by measuring their pH values using an ion selective electrode and measuring the corrosion rate of a circular steel plate in each leachate. The chemical composition of the cements was found to be 60-67% CaO, 18-23% SiO2, and 5-6% Al2O3. Based on the results of the leaching tests, the samples did not exceed the prescribed regulatory leaching levels. The total content of toxic substances in each cement did not exceed the voluntary agreement criteria of 20 mg/kg. In the case of the corrosion characteristics of the cement leachates, the pH of each leachate was greater than 12.5 and the corrosion rate of a circular steel plate in each leachate did not exceed 6.35 mm/yr. The correlation between pH and the corrosion rate of steel in the solid waste leachates was difficult to determine.
An issue of environmental pollutions has been aroused according to increases in recycling alternative raw materials and alternative fuels, which are the inputed wastes of cement kilns in Korea. Also, the infections of heavy metals in cement products on healths and environments have been issued by the National Assembly and the press. Thus, in this study, a total of 198 waste samples, 109 alternative raw material samples and 89 alternative fuel samples, which are the coprocessing wastes in eight major cement producers in Korea, are collected for two months. Then, 18 different heavy metals according to types of wastes are analyzed and the concentrations of the alternative raw materials and alternative fuels are investigated for comparing them with the foreign management guidelines. In the case of the alternative raw materials, although arsenic, cadmium, and copper do not exceed the domestic autonomy agreement guideline, lead exceeds the autonomy agreement guideline, 1,000 mg/kg. In the case of mercury, it satisfies the references of domestic guideline (2.0 mg/kg), Switzerland criteria (0.5 mg/kg), and France criteria (10.0 mg/kg). In the case of the alternative fuel, arsenic, cadmium, copper, and lead satisfy the autonomy agreement guideline, and the average content concentration of Hg represents 0.7702 mg/kg and that satisfies the references of autonomy agreement guideline (1.2 mg/kg) and France criteria (10.0 mg/kg). However, it slightly exceeds the references of Germany guideline (0.6 mg/kg) and Switzerland criteria (0.5 mg/kg). In particular, some of dust, WDF, waste synthesis resin, and purified oil show a high detection level in mercury and that leads to increase the average concentration. In addition, by investigating the concentration of heavy metals in various auxiliary wastes loaded to cement kilns in Korea, a management reference for such alternative raw materials and alternative fuels for future cement kilns in stages is proposed.