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        검색결과 17

        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국의 한국전 참전용사를 위한 인터넷 사이트에 게시 중인 242매의 1:50,000 축척의 지도를 분석하였다. 미육군지도창에서 발간된 지도에 대하여 지도제작을 위한 데이터 수집방법과 제작연도 및 지명표기를 위해 사용된 언어를 중심으로 난외주기를 읽어서 정리하였다. 분석에 이용된 240개 지도가운데 91개 도엽의 지도는 1910년대와 1930년대에 발간된 일본이 제작한 지도를 그대로 복제한 것이며, 24개 지역의 지도는 일본이 제작한 지도를 기반으로 재제도한 것이다. 가장 많은 수인 125개 도엽은 일제 강점기의 지도에 제2차 세계대전과 한국전 전후로 미군이 수집한 항공촬영정보를 보완하여 편집한 지도이다. 일본식 지명은 복제된 지도와 대부분의 편집된 지도에 그대로 나타나며, 이들이 미국의 국가지리정보국에서 운영 중인 지명 데이터베이스에 수록되게 되고 현재까지도 이칭의 형태로 남아 구글 어스 지도와 같은 인터넷 매체에 발견되는 오류의 근원이 되고 있다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An allo-octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of the most important vegetable crops in Korea. However, there were few genomic researches of strawberry due to polyploidy and complexity of its genome. In this study, we aimed to construct a genetic linkage map of strawberry using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers that were developed through a next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis. Two strawberry varieties, ‘Sulhyang’ and ‘Senga-sengana’, were used as a maternal and a paternal parent, respectively, and their F1 generation consisting of 94 individuals was used for construction of a genetic linkage map. A total of 19.0 Gbp (‘Sulhyang’) and 21.8 Gbp (‘Senga-sengana’) of genomic sequences were obtained through NGS analysis. Subsequently, approximately 87,000 SNPs were identified and 1,154 primer sets for high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis were designed through bioinformatic analysis. In result, a total of 224 polymorphic HRM markers were developed and 205 markers were mapped on the genetic linkage map of strawberry, which total length was 800.8 cM and the number of linkage groups were 30. This SNP-based genetic linkage map and the 224 SNP markers will be very helpful for the genomic and genetic researches of allo-octoploid strawberry.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on double pseudo-testcross theory, a population of 76 F1 clones, which were derived from a cross of China type tea plants (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) with a Korean tea cultivar, ‘Kemsull’ for female parent and a Japanese tea cultivar, ‘Houshun’ for male parent, was used to construct a genetic linkage map with AFLP markers. Totally, 2,360 markers were detected by 26 pairs of primers and 90.8 markers for each pair on average. Among these, 481 markers (20.3%) were polymorphic, 392 markers (81.5%) of which showed Mendelian segregation ratio (p=0.01). Of these Mendelian segregated markers, 139 (35.5%) were segregated in 3:1 ratio and 253 (65.5%) were segregated in 1:1 ratio. The construction of AFLP molecular marker based linkage map were carried out by Joinmap 4.0 version. The linkage map of ‘Kemsull’ contained 227 markers which distributed into 18 linkage groups. The linkage map of ‘Kemsull’ covered 1,382.2 cM with the average distance between two markers of 6.0 cM. The linkage map of ‘Houshun’ contained 154 markers which were distributed into 17 linkage groups and were spanned with the total map length of 1,540.9 cM and the average distance between two markers of 10 cM. However, these AFLP markers were not distributed evenly and further even saturation is additionally required.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is a highly effective approach for studying genetically complex forms of plant shattering. With QTLs mapping, the shattering loci can be described. SSR marker is based on the imformation of Simple Sequence Repeat and easy to analyze using PCR and has high reproducibility. For analyzing QTLs associated with shattering, we selected 219 SSR markers from 254 SSR markers and used them for implementing Mapmaker(Ver. 3.0) and Mapchart(Ver. 2.2). Mapmaker help to calculate distances between each markers and Mapchart is a program for drawing Genetic map. This Genetic map of rice (Oryza sativa L.) covering 2082.4 cM with 9.5 cM between makers in the Kosambi function has been constructed using 120 F1 DH plants from a single cross between the indica variety Chungchung and the japonica variety Nagdong.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cytoplasmic male sterility caused by DCGMS (Dongbu cytoplasmic and genic male-sterility) cytoplasm and its nuclear restorer-of-fertility locus (Rfd1) with a linked molecular marker (A137) have been reported in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). To construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus, linked amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were screened using bulked segregant analysis. A 220-bp linked AFLP fragment sequence from radish showed homology with an Arabidopsis coding sequence. Using this Arabidopsis gene sequence, a simple PCR marker (A220) was developed. The A137 and A220 markers flanked the Rfd1 locus. Two homologous Arabidopsis genes with both marker sequences were positioned on Arabidopsis chromosome 3 with an interval of 2.4 Mb. To integrate the Rfd1 locus into a previously reported expressed sequence tag (EST)-simple sequence repeat (SSR) linkage map, the radish EST sequences located in three syntenic blocks within the 2.4-Mb interval were used to develop single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for tagging each block. The SNP marker in linkage group 2 co-segregated with male fertility in an F2 population. Using radish ESTs positioned in linkage group 2, five intron length polymorphism (ILP) markers and one cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker were developed and used to construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus. Two closely-linked markers delimited the Rfd1 locus within a 985-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome 3. Synteny between the radish and Arabidopsis genomes in the 985-kbp interval were used to develop three ILP and three CAPS markers. Two ILP markers further delimited the Rfd1 locus to a 220-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome 3.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genetic linkage maps serve the plant geneticist in a number of ways, from marker assisted selection in plant improvement to map-based cloning in molecular genetic research. Genetic map based upon DNA polymorphism is a powerful tool for the study of qualitative and quantitative traits in crops. The objective of this study was to develop genetic linkage map of soybean using the population derived from the cross of Korean soybean cultivar 'Kwangkyo, and wild accession 'IT182305'. Total 1,000 Operon random primers for RAPD marker, 49 combinations of primer for AFLP marker, and 100 Satt primers for SSR marker were used to screen parental polymorphism. Total 341 markers (242 RAPD, 83 AFLP, and 16 SSR markers) was segregated in 85 ~textrmF2 population. Forty two markers that shown significantly distorted segregation ratio (1:2:1 for codominant or 3:1 for domimant marker) were not used in mapping procedure. A linkage map was constructed by applying the computer program MAPMAKER/EXP 3.0 to the 299 marker data with LOD 4.0 and maximum distance 50 cM. 176 markers were found to be genetically linked and formed 25 linkage groups. Linkage map spanned 2,292.7 cM across all 25 linkage groups. The average linkage distance between pair of markers among all linkage groups was 13.0 cM. The number of markers per linkage group ranged from 2 to 55. The longest linkage group 3 spanned 967.4 cM with 55 makers. This map requires further saturation with more markers and agronomically important traits will be joined over it.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genetic linkage maps of Alstroemeria Brazilian species were constructed using AFLP markers. Reciprocal backcross mapping population with 122 individuals was obtained between A. inodora and A. psittacina, Brazilian species that are commonly used in the com
        2001.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers have become fundamental tools for crop genome study. The objective of this study was to construct a genetic linkage map for cowpea with PCR-based molecular markers. Five hundred and twenty random RAPD primers were screened for parental polymorphism. Ninety RAPD markers from sixty primers was segregated in 75 F2 mapping population derived from the cross of local cultivars GSC01 and GSC02. 70 RAPD markers were found to be genetically linked and formed 11 linkage groups. Linkage map spanned 474.1 cM across all 11 linkage groups. There are six linkage groups of 40 cM or more, and five smaller linkage groups range from 4.9 to 24.8 cM. The average linkage distance between pairs of markers among all linkage groups was 6.87 cM. The number of markers per linkage group ranged from 2 to 32. The longest group 1 spans 190.6 cM, while the length of shortest group 11 is 4.9 cM. This map is further needed to be saturated with the various markers such as RFLP, AFLP, SSR and more various populations and primers. In addition, morphological markers and biochemical markers should be united to construct a comprehensive linkage map
        2000.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to develop a linkage map of soybean under the genetic background of Korean soybean. A set of 89 F/sub 5/ lines was developed from a cross between 'Pureunkong', which was released for soy-bean sprout, and 'Jinpumkong 2', which had no beany taste in seed due to lack of lipoxygenase 1, 2, and 3. A linkage map was constructed for this population with a set of 113 genetic markers including 7 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, 79 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, 24 simple sequence repeat(SSR) markers, and 3 morphological markers. The map defined approximately 807.4 cM of the soybean genome comprising 25 linkage groups with 98 polymorphic markers. Fifteen markers remained unlinked. Seventeen linkage groups identified here could be assigned to the respective 13 linkage groups in the USDA soybean genetic map. RFLP and SSR markers segregated at only single genetic loci. Fourteen of the 25 linkage groups contained at least one SSR marker locus. Map positions of most of the SSR loci and their linkages with RFLP markers were consistent with previous reports of the USDA soybean linkage groups. For RAPD, banding patterns of 13 decamer primers showed independent segregations at two or more marker loci for each primer. Only the segregation at op Y07 locus was expressed with codominant manner among all RAPD loci. As the soybean genetic map in our study is more updated, molecular approaches of agronomically important genes would be useful to improve Korean soybean improvement.