
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지구온난화에 따른 기후변화는 전 세계가 경험하고 있는 주요한 환경문제이다. 대한민국도 기후변화에 적응하기 위해 중앙정부와 광역지방자치단체 수준에서 적응계획을 수립하고 있다. 하지만, 지자체별 기후변화 적응계획의 이행과정을 실질적으로 모니터링하고 평가하는 표준화된 체계가 아직까지 갖추어지지 않았다. 이 연구의 목적은 16개 광역지자체(세종특별자치시 제외)별 기후변화 적응지표를 구축하고 그에 따른 평가지수를 분석하는데 있다. 기후변화 적응역량을 측정할 8대 부문(건강, 농업, 산림, 물관리, 생태계, 해양수산업, 재난/재해, 적응기반대책)의 113개 변수를 지표로 선정하였고, 범주척도 기법을 활용하여 광역지자체별 기후변화 적응역량을 평가하는 지수를 도출하였다. 기후변화 적응역량이 높은 지자체는 지속적인 계획의 이행이 요구되며, 상대적으로 낮은 지자체는 상위 지자체의 수준에 도달하려는 노력을 경주해야 할 것이다. 이 연구에서 도출된 지표와 지수는 향후 광역지자체 수준에서의 기후변화 적응대책에 대한 세부시행계획을 평가하고 지속가능하게 모니터링하는 척도가 될 것이다.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        □ 특성화 사업단의 교육비전과 목표 ○ 사업단 교육비전은 “국가 지역사회의 안전 녹색경제 발전에 기여“에 있음 ○ 교육목표는 “기후변화관련 기본 응용 교육과 현장훈 련을 통한 관련분야 융합 지식을 갖춘 전문 인재 양성“임 ○ 주요 추진전략은 “교육시스템의 혁신”에 있음 □ 특성화 사업단 지원 및 육성 전략 ○ 3개의 사업부(기획부/행정부, 사업부, 국제/산학협력 부)와 사업단 운영·자문을 지원하는 2개의 위원회(운영위원 회, 외부 자문ㆍ평가 위원회)로 구성
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of local climate in the vicinity of Duckyang Bay have been investigated with the analysis of the surface observation data of Gohug District and the aerological data of Kwangju. In principal features of local climate, the annual range in temperature appeared identical with the mean value(24~25℃) of the south coastal area, and evaporation from April to September was likely less than precipitation. The average speed of surface wind in Summer seemed higher than in other seasons on account of wea breeze. Relative humidity was 74%, annual average. In the mean cloud cover Summer(6.4) showed greater deal of amount than Winter(4.2). Duration of sunshine was the longest in May(268.4hrs), while the shortest in February(188.4hrs). The amount of the precipitable water was the greatest in July, whereas the least in January, and in Summer the greatest, in Autumn the second greatest, and in Spring the third greatest, and in Winter the least in consideration of seasonal orders. The Summer deviation was most remarkable around all sides. The direction of vector wind appeared the most changeable on the earth surface. At an altitude of 300mb all the winds blew west around all months. Moreover, water vapor transport was measured to be the greatest in Summer; while the least in Winter. So was the deviation of water vapor transport. And lastly frequency of occurrence of days in which a little cloud appeared(less than 5/10) was high except for Summer, when northerly winds blew; while frequency of occurrence of day plenty of clouds floated was outstandingly high at the time of strong southerly winds.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate data were obtained over an eight-year period (July 2013 to June 2021) using an automatic weather observation system (AWS) installed at the foot of Mt. Geumo in Chilgok, Gyeongbuk. Using climate data, the statistical and meteorological characteristics of the local circulation between the Nakdong River and Mt. Geumo were analyzed. This study is based on automatic weather observation system data for Dongyeong, along with comparative climate data from the Korea Meteorological Administration (Chilgok) and the Gumi meteorological observatory. Over the eight- years, mountain and valley winds have occurred 48 times a year on average, with the highest occurring in May and the weakest winds in June and December. When mountain winds occurred, the temperature in the nearby lowland region more strongly decreased than when valley winds blew. However, the potential to use mountain winds to improve urban thermal environments is limited because mountain winds occur infrequently in summer when a drop in nighttime temperature is required.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate change is considered as a major threat for agricultural production in Vietnam, particularly for coffee production, one of the most important agricultural sectors of the country. To effectively cope with the negative impacts of climate change on coffee production, the ways of understanding and also adequate responses by farmers on the climate change are very important. This paper aims to provide empirical insights into the farmers’ perception of climate change and their adaptation practices to its impacts on coffee production. The results from the questionnaire survey of 151 smallholder coffee farmers in Dak Nong province reveal the fact that the farmers understood the progress and impact of climate change through their observation into their surrounding areas. Coffee growers’ observation about the climate variability is remarkably consistent with the statistical data from the meteorological authority. However, this research revealed that their capacity to cope with climate change was relatively limited, mostly based on their own resources. This research suggests that more studies are required to examine the application of environmentally sustainable approaches to cope with climate changes.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes relationship between land cover change and local climate data of 46 weather stations in South Korea from the 1980s to 2000s. The used area shows proportional relationships to mean daily min. temperature and mean temperature, and a reverse relationship is found between the used area and relative humidity. However, the forest indicates reverse relationships to mean daily min. temperature and mean temperature. The agricultural land causes to increase in relative humidity and decrease in mean wind speed, while the water increases mean daily min. temperature, daily min. temperature and mean temperature as well as mean wind speed. The urbanization type (used area + barren) shows high correlations with temperature and humidity. The suburbanization type (agricultural land + forest + grass + wetland) has high correlations with temperature and wind speed. High correlations are also found between the waterfront type (wetland + water), and temperature and wind speed. It can be concluded that change in land cover around weather station obviously influences on climate data of the weather station and it is also expected that reliability and homogeneity of climate data from a weather station can be enhanced by this study.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Relocation of weather station leads to changes in geographical climate factors such as latitude, longitude, elevation, topographical relief and land cover of surrounding area that inf luence on local climate. This study analyzes spatio-temporal characteristics and relationships between geographical factors such as location, topographical relief and land cover, and changes in climate data such as temperature, precipitation and wind due to relocation of 12 weather stations in South Korea. Changes in temperature and moisture are attributed to changes in land cover by the relocation. Wonju and Gumi where the stations were relocated from rural to new built-up area show increases in temperature, while temperature in Sokcho, Changwon, Cheonan, Daejeon, Gunsan and Mokpo decreased with the relocations from urban to rural area. Relative humidity in Mokpo, Gunsan and Daejeon increases due to increase in farming land. Changes in topographical relief influence on precipitation, wind and duration of sunshine. The relocation in Chungju to interior of basin led to decreases in precipitation and duration of sunshine, and Boryeong shows decrease in precipitation by the relocation from windward slope to hilly coastal area. Wind speed in Gunsan with the relocation from coastal to inland area decreased due to influence of neighboring hills. Shadow effect by neighboring building or vegetation can be attributed to changes in duration of sunshine in Gwangju and Wonju.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The necessity of climate change adaptation has steadily increased due to the increasing meteorological disasters. The authority supports the vulnerability assessment tools for tuning the local governments’ countermeasure. However, the results by the vulnerability assessment tools have not been clear enough. The current study aims to collect and analyse a variety of raw data for proving the unclear assessments. The paper identifies climate change-vulnerable areas by overlapping the modified results and pervious results. The climate change-vulnerable areas included the regions having high impacts on meteorological disasters. In a nutshell, the paper contributes to the identification of the vulnerable areas for the local government’s planning the provision against climate change. The local governments are obliged to establish the climate change action plan by 2015. The results of the current paper would help providing reliable data and planning the countermeasure against climate change. Korea is exposed to the climate change vulnerability such as increasing elderly population, high density of urban areas. In order to respond the climate change vulnerability efficiently, this study potentially suggests a primary research method for resolving the climate change vulnerability.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 지자체 기후변화 적응대책 수립을 위한 취약성 평가 체계를 소개하고 지자체의 분야별 주요 취약성을 분석하였다. 우리나라는 2010년 ‘저탄소 녹색성장 기본법’의 시행에 따라 국가, 중앙부처 및 광역지자체의 ‘기후변화 적응 세부시행계획’ 수립이 완료되었으며(’12.6), 기초지자체의 적응 세부시행계획 수립을 통해 지역기반 적응을 도모하고 있다. 지자체의 효과적인 적응계획 수립은 지역내 의사결정 과정에서 주요 취약계층, 취약분야, 취약지역의 현황 파악과 기후변화에 따른 자연생태적, 사회경제적 영향과 취약성 결정인자를 검토하는 것이 필요하다. 환경부는 기초단위까지 원활한 계획수립과 지자체 적응대책과 중앙대책간 연계성 확보를 위해, 지표기반 분야별 취약성 평가 결과를 제공하여 지자체의 주요 취약성을 스크리닝하고(하향식), 자료와 도구, 교육·훈련 등의 지원을 통해 지역 현황에 기초한 적응계획수립(상향식)을 도모하고 있다. 시범 기초지자체(19개 시군)들의 지자체 담당자 및 전문가들의 주요 관심분야 순위 조사 결과는 재난/재해, 건강, 농업, 수자원 분야 순으로 나타났다. 관계부처는 이러한 지역요구와 피해현황을 고려하여 자료 구축과 정보 제공이 우선되어야 하며, 분야별 주요 관심 항목에 대한 기상·기후정보 생산과 공급체계 마련이 요구된다. 끝으로 기초지자체 현실 반영과 중앙대책 연계를 도모를 위해서는 기초지자체 여건을 고려하여 기존 국가와 광역지자체 계획수립 방법론 단순 적용 보다는 하향식, 장기적, 정량적 관점의 계획수립 방법론과 상향식, 중단기적, 정성적 관점의 평가방법론의 조화로운 연계 도모가 필요하다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the relationship between urbanization rate and extreme climate indices in South Korea for the period 1981-2010. In the analysis five extreme climate indices related to air temperature and four types urbanization rates are used. In particular, this paper adopts frequency of warm nights(TN90p), intra-annual extreme temperature range(ATR), growing season length(GSL), number of frost days(FD) and heat warm spell duration indicator(HWDI) as extreme climate indices. As a measure of urbanization rate, four kinds of urbanization rate are used: (1) three urbanization rates within a radius of 1km, 5km or 10km of weather station and (2) a urbanization rate of sub-watershed where weather station is located. The trend of extreme climate indices is calculated based on Mann-Kendall trend analysis and Sen’s slope, and this trend is contrasted with urbanization rates in eleven climatic regions. The results show that TN90p, GSL, and FD have a relatively high correlation with urbanization rate. This study also shows that a urbanization rate within a radius of 1km of weather station affects GSL and FD. while a urbanization rate within 5km buffer zone of weather station affects TN90p. It is Daegwallyeong, Inje, Yangpyeong, and Hongcheon where extreme climate indices responded sensitively despite the low urbanization rates of these areas. Continual attention is needed to these areas because they are relatively sensitive to climate changes of synoptic scale.
        2000.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Through numerical experiment using simplified OSU-ID PBL(Oregon State University One-Dimensional Planetary Boundary Layer) model and field measurement, we studied the impacts of vegetation canopy on heat island that was one of the characteristics of local climate in urban area. It was found that if the fraction of vegetation was extended by 10 percent, the maximum air temperature and the maximum ground temperature can come down about 0.9℃, 2.3℃, respectively. Even though the field measurement was done under a little unstable atmospheric condition, the canopy air temperature was lower in the daytime, and higher at night than the air and ground temperature. This result suggests that the extention of vegetation canopy can bring about more pleasant local climate by causing the oasis, the shade and the blanket effect.
        1997.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1990년 임하 다목적댐 건설에 의해 경북 안동지역에 생성된 담수면적 28.7km2 의 임하호가 주변지역의 국지기후 및 주요 작물의 잠재생산력에 미친 영향을 구명하기 위해 임하호 주변 30km 25km 지역을 대상으로 무인기상관측망을 구성, 5년간의 특별관측을 수행하였다. 수집된 자료를 토대로 담수전후 기후시나리오를 작성하고 이를 작물모형에 입력하여 최종 건물생산량을 추정한 바, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 담수후 5년간 일최고기온은 담수 전보다 평균적으로 한후기 (10월~3월)에 상승하고 난후기에 하강하였으나, 예외적으로 6월과 7월에는 상승하였다. 일최저기온은 담수 전보다 평균적으로 난후기(4월~8월)에 하강하고 한후기에 상승하였다. 담수 전후 기온의 변화정도는 겨울철에 크고 여름철에 적었다. 2. 담수후 5년간 강수량은 담수 전보다 평균적으로 2, 3, 5, 7, 12월에 증가하였고 나머지 달에는 감소하였으나 연간 총강수량의 변화는 인정되지 않았다. 월별 일사량은 2, 6, 9월을 제외하고는 담수전에 비해 5% 가량 감소하였다. 3. 담수 전후 30년간씩의 벼 생육모의실험에서 대상지역내 27개 재배구역 중 담수에 의해 잠재수량의 변화가 인정되는 곳은 한 곳 뿐으로 담수전에 비해 정조 기준 4%의 증가를 보였다. 4. 담수 전후 30년간씩의 콩 생육모의실험에서 대상지역내 27개 재배구역 중 담수에 의해 잠재수량 감소가 인정되는 곳이 2개였으며 최대 감수율은 16%였다. 5. 담수 전후 30년간씩의 옥수수 생육모의실험에서 담수에 의해 옥수수의 잠재수량 감소가 인정되는 곳이 총 27개 중 6개였고 최대 감수율은 17%였다.. 또한 유수의 크기는 전 유수발달기를 통하여 항상 밀양 2003가 고시히카리보다 컸다. the canopies with more leaf mass, making MB the highest, HB the lowest, and DS in between. Relative humidity was over 90% in the night and dropped to 70% in the mid-afternoon, but vapor pressure within the canopy was highest at around 13:00 LST. Dew point depression was lowest and, combined with the temperature, the relative humidity was highest in HB. Mean period of wetting duration was in the order of DS>HB>MB, while the dew point depression was greatest in DS.ANCOVA, Pearson correlation을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 캠프 프로그램은 소아 당뇨병 환자의 자기 효능을 증진시키고 환자 역할 행위 이행을 높여주는데 효과적 이었다. 소아 당뇨병 환자의 자기 효능은 환자 역할 행위 이행과 순 상관 관계가 있어, 자기 효능이 증진될수록 환자 역할 행위 이행 정도가 높아졌다. 무조건 사주지 않는다(8.0%), 무조건 사준다(3.1%)로 식품광고에 나오는 식품 요구시 부모의 70.3%가 거절하는 것으로 나타났다. 거절 이유는 건강에 나쁘다는 것이 가장 큰 이유였으며 강남과 강북 어린이간에 유의적인 차이가 있었다(p<0.001). TV