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        검색결과 42

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        급속한 도시화, 마이카 시대의 도래 등으로 증가하는 주차 수요에 대응하기 위하여 공동주택에서도 지하주차장이 도입되었으며, 초고층 공동주택의 보급 확대, 보행자 안전 확보 및 쾌적한 단지 환경 조 성을 위하여 단지내 차량 동선이 지하화 되는 등 지하주차장의 규모가 점차 증가하고 있다. 현재 공동 주택의 지하주차장은 지하 2층 이상으로 심도가 점차 깊어지고 있으며 이에 따라 일상적으로 지하 수 위 이하에 위치하게 되어 상시 수압에 노출될 수 있으므로 누수 방지를 위한 방수공법은 중요한 설계 요소가 되었다. 지하주차장에 적용되고 있는 방수 공법을 살펴보면 초기 지하 1층 정도의 저심도의 지 하주차장에서는 액체방수와 유도배수 등이 적용되어 왔고 이러한 내방수 공법들은 지하주차장 골조 내부에 시공하여 시공이 쉽고 보수 등의 유지관리가 쉬운 장점이 있지만 유입되는 물을 내부에서 배 수처리시킴으로 구조체 내부로 물의 유입을 허용한다는 측면에서 지하수위가 높아 수압이 많이 작용 하는 지반에 적합하지 않다. 반면 외방수 공법은 지하구조물 외부에 연속적인 막을 형성하는 공법으로 골조 외부에 시공하기 때문에 물의 침투를 원천적으로 방지할 수 있어 방수성능이나 내구성 등의 측 면에서 유리하지만 시공을 위한 작업공간의 확보가 필요해 도심지와 같이 협소한 현장에서는 적용이 어렵고 또한 되메우기 이후에 방수재가 파손되는 등 문제가 발견된 경우 보수가 불가능하다는 단점이 있다. 현재 외방수 공법은 주로 시트형태의 방수재료를 구체면에 부착하고 후속 공정에서 발생할 수 있는 시트의 파손을 방지하기 위한 보호층을 설치하는 방법으로 시공되는 것이 일반적인 형태이다. 외 방수 공법과 관련된 표준시방서(KCS) 및 한국산업규격(KS) 등을 보면, 각종 방수재의 시험항목은 유 사하나 제시하고 있는 품질기준 값이 서로 큰 차이를 보이고 있다는 점에서 지하주차장에서 요구되는 방수성능이 명확하게 제시되었다고는 보기에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지하주차장의 방수 성능을 확보하기 위하여 누수 원인이 될 수 있는 시공적 요인, 환경적 요인 및 지하주차장의 구조적 거동 등을 종합적으로 분석하여 지하주차장에서 요구되는 방수재료의 성능기준 및 시공측면에서의 개 선 사항 등을 도출하고자 한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study is to analyze preference of shared personal mobility(shared e-scooter or shared bike) parking lot. The detailed purposes are as follows. Firstly, the attributes and attribute levels of shared personal mobility are developed. Based on combined attributes and attribute levels several profiles were composed. Preference data of shared personal mobility parking lot is collected through survey. Preference of shared personal mobility parking lot was analyzed using conjoint analysis. METHODS : Based on the literature review, the attributes and attribute levels that might affect behavior or intention of shared personal mobility parking were developed. Several profiles that contain combined attributes and attribute levels were created in a fractional factorial design. In order to collect preference data of shared personal mobility parking lot, online survey were proceeded. The survey participants were asked to mark preference point between point 1 and point 10. Lastly, preference of shared personal mobility parking lot was analyzed using conjoint analysis. RESULTS : Based on literature review, 5 attributes for conjoint analysis were set.(Distance between shared personal mobility parking lot and destination, Space for shared personal mobility parking lot, Location of shared personal mobility parking lot, Type of shared personal mobility parking lot, Interval of shared personal mobility parking lot). With the combination of 5 attributes and their levels, 16 random profiles were made. Online survey was proceeded with 300 participants who have used shared personal mobility. Using conjoint analysis utility and importance of each attribute has been calculated. As a result, the preference got higher when distance between parking lot and destination and intervals of parking lots are short. In addition racks are tended to be preferred and it seems to be more profer to install parking lot on buffer zone of pedestrian road instead of adjacent to private building. CONCLUSIONS : It could be important to install personal mobility parking lot considering preference of parking lot attributes in order to encourage users to use the proper parking lot instead of parking anywhere.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to increasing awareness on the treatment of end-of-use/life products, disassembly has been a fast-growing research area of interest for many researchers over recent decades. This paper introduces a novel lot-sizing problem that has not been studied in the literature, which is the service-parts lot-sizing with disassembly option. The disassembly option implies that the demands of service parts can be fulfilled by newly manufactured parts, but also by disassembled parts. The disassembled parts are the ones recovered after the disassembly of end-of-use/life products. The objective of the considered problem is to maximize the total profit, i.e., the revenue of selling the service parts minus the total cost of the fixed setup, production, disassembly, inventory holding, and disposal over a planning horizon. This paper proves that the single-period version of the considered problem is NP-hard and suggests a heuristic by combining a simulated annealing algorithm and a linear-programming relaxation. Computational experiment results show that the heuristic generates near-optimal solutions within reasonable computation time, which implies that the heuristic is a viable optimization tool for the service parts inventory management. In addition, sensitivity analyses indicate that deciding an appropriate price of disassembled parts and an appropriate collection amount of EOLs are very important for sustainable service parts systems.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, automobile manufacturing companies, which are major customers of them, are requiring IATF 16949 (ISO/TS 16949) certification as a mandatory requirement to secure product quality. In particular, IATF 16949 : 2016, revised in October 2016, was reinforced product traceability requirements for production information management by lot in the production process. Therefore, small and medium-sized precision parts processing companies in the automobile industry are very difficult to survive due to quality and price competition for customers satisfaction. MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is required to solve this problem. However, small and medium sized precision parts processing enterprises are reluctant to introduce the MES which is not suitable for the manufacturing environment of them such as high cost and low utilization. Even if the system is introduced, it is difficult to operate and maintain the system because the lack of computer manpower. In this paper, we propose a method for building a lot tracking system for small and medium precision parts processing companies by reviewing relevant literature and analyzing cases. In addition, by managing the production history for each lot of the final product in the system, we will grasp the effect of reducing the quality failure cost obtained by minimizing the range of defect selection.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering the situation in the early 20th century when the existing urban system centered on urban areas began to change, the biggest factors causing urban structural changes in urban areas are construction of railroad and urban dismantling. The change process of Eupseong, in the microscopic viewpoint, can be understood as a process of change in the course of dismantlement of town's demarcation, improvement of accessibility and urban expansion due to the construction of railroads, process of urban expansion following the crumbling boundaries and structural changes. This study aimed to look at the transformation process of the Eupseong in the early 20th century, focusing on the demolition of the castle and the railway construction from a microscopic point of view of city.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The definition of an apartment is a building more than 5 stories high and which is the standard law. Currently, the number of apartments is increasing much faster than detached houses. Owning an apartment is a normal trend these days. However, the increasing number of apartments has been increasing the number of apartment fires which also has been making social problems. Therefore, this study was conducted for the fire extinguisher among other fire facilities because it is important for initial fire suppression. The research subject is on the fire extinguisher that is in the underground parking lot of 40 apartment complexes which are more than 10 stories. Survey and analysis were conducted for 80 fire extinguishers. There are two fire extinguishers for each apartment. The result of this study is that all installed fire extinguishers are ABC dry chemical type, 92% of them is 3.3kg and that meet the legal height(less than 1.5m). However, the condition such as appearance, inspection, manufactured year, appearance of signs, material of signs, size of signs, etc. was insufficiency. So improvement of law and system that are fire facility construction, maintenance implementation and additional designation of type approval about sign will be needed in my opinion.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the formation of input release lots in a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility. After the order-lot pegging process assigns lots in the fab to orders and calculates the required quantity of wafers for each product type to meet customers’ orders, the decisions on the formation of input release lots should be made to minimize the production costs of the release lots. Since the number of lots being processed in the wafer fab directly is related to the productivity of the wafer fab, the input lot formation is crucial process to reduce the production costs as well as to improve the efficiency of the wafer fab. Here, the input lot formation occurs before every shift begins in the semiconductor wafer fab. When input quantities (of wafers) for product types are given from results of the order-lot pegging process, lots to be released into the wafer fab should be formed satisfying the lot size requirements. Here, the production cost of a homogeneous lot of the same type of product is less than that of a heterogeneous lot that will be split into the number of lots according to their product types after passing the branch point during the wafer fabrication process. Also, more production cost occurs if a lot becomes more heterogeneous. We developed a multi-dimensional dynamic programming algorithm for the input lot formation problem and showed how to apply the algorithm to solve the problem optimally with an example problem instance. It is necessary to reduce the number of states at each stage in the DP algorithm for practical use. Also, we can apply the proposed DP algorithm together with lot release rules such as CONWIP and UNIFORM.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is concerned with the single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem. To make this problem more practical, space restriction and lead time proportional to lot size are considered. Since the space for the inventory is limited in most practical inventory system, the space restriction for the inventory of a vendor and a buyer is considered. As product’s quantity to be manufactured by the vendor is increased, the lead time for the order is usually increased. Therefore, lead time for the product is proportional to the order quantity by the buyer. Demand is assumed to be stochastic and the continuous review inventory policy is used by the buyer. If the buyer places an order, then the vendor will start to manufacture products and the products will be transferred to the buyer with equal shipments many times. The mathematical formulation with space restriction for the inventory of a vendor and a buyer is suggested in this paper. This problem is constrained nonlinear integer programming problem. Order quantity, reorder points for the buyer, and the number of shipments are required to be determined. A Lagrangian relaxation approach, a popular solution method for constrained problem, is developed to find lower bound of this problem. Since a Lagrangian relaxation approach cannot guarantee the feasible solution, the solution method based on the Lagrangian relaxation approach is proposed to provide with a good feasible solution. Total costs by the proposed method are pretty close to those by the Lagrangian relaxation approach. Sensitivity analysis for space restriction for the vendor and the buyer is done to figure out the relationships between parameters.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A fire sprinkler system is very important to extinguish fire in the building. The sprinkler system initiates sprinkler discharge if the detection system identifies a developing fire and opens the pre-action valve. However, pre-action fire sprinkler systems mainly installed in the underground parking lot at the apartment complex do not properly operate at fire if the connection type of fire sprinkler systems does not properly installed and operated. This study identified the relationship between fire dispersion & damage and the connection type of water supply in the sprinkler system from many fire cases at the apartment complex in South Korea. In addition, this study also identified the water supply differences and characteristics between South Korea and foreign countries. The main purpose of this study is also to improve the water connection types in the sprinkler system that can reduce the potential failures of pre-action valve operation through electrical signal system. The study also suggests the improvement plan for water connection types in pre-action fire sprinkler system that can minimize potential failure of pre-action fire sprinkler system. The suggestions for revising the fire safe standard in South Korea includes letting the water supply pipe of sprinkler system water inlet connect to the second side of pre-action valve and the water flow device that can minimize potential failure of sprinkler system.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem with lead time proportional to lot size and space restriction is studied. Demand is assumed to be stochastic and the continuous review inventory policy is used for the buyer. If the buyer places an order with lots of products, then the vendor will produce lots of products and the products will be transferred to the buyer with equal shipments many times. Mathematical model for this problem is defined and a Lagrangian relaxation approach is developed.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lot-streaming is the process of splitting a job (lot) into sublots to allow the overlapping of operations between successive machines in a multi-stage production system. A new genetic algorithm (NGA) is proposed for an n-job, m-machine, lot-streaming flow shop scheduling problem with equal-size sublots in which the objective is to minimize the total stretch. The stretch of a job is the ratio of the amount of time the job spent before its completion to its processing time. NGA replaces the selection and mating operators of genetic algorithms (GAs) by marriage and pregnancy operators and incorporates the idea of inter- chromosomal dominance and individuals’ similarities. Extensive computational experiments for medium to large-scale lot-streaming flow-shop scheduling problems have been conducted to compare the performance of NGA with that of GA.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper addresses order-lot pegging issues in the supply chain of a semiconductor business. In such a semiconductor business (memory or system LSI) order-lot pegging issues are critical to achieving the goal of ATP (Available to Promise) and on-time production and delivery. However existing pegging system and researches do not consider capacity limit on bottleneck steps. This paper presents an order-lot pegging algorithm for assigning a lot to an order considering quality constraints of each lot and capacity of bottleneck steps along the entire FAB. As a result, a quick and accurate response can be provided to customer order enquiries and pegged lot lists for each promised orders can be shown transparently and short or late orders can be detected before fixing the order.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lot-order assignment is the process of assigning items in lots being processed in a production facility to orders to meet due-dates of the orders. In this study, we consider the lot-order assignment problem (LOAP) with the objective of minimizing total tardiness of the orders with distinct due dates. We address similarity relationships between the LOAP and the single machine total tardiness scheduling problem (SMTTSP) and suggest priority rules for the LOAP based on those for the SMTTSP. Performances of the priority rules are compared with each other and with that of the commercial optimization software package in computational experiments.
        2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, Rebar of SD500, SD600 is applied to the designed or constructed in domestic underground parking. Analyzed the variation of the rebar according to the strength of the rebar and the construction cost of the change. Most of underground parking appear reduction of Rebar ratio. In this case, the load acting on the underground parking garage is large. So, Rebar placing is dominated by element's stress. Therefore, Large amounts material of slabs, beams and foundations are reduced. In case of columns and wall, Ratio of Material reduction is less than former. Because Splice and Anchorage of rebar amounts are increased and Hoop and horizontal rebar amounts are fixed. Percentage of rebar of the column and wall are 15%. So, Showed a less impact on the reduction of total material.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We consider the capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem for a paper remanufacturing system that produces several types of corrugated cardboards. The problem is to determine the lot sizes as well as the sequence of lots for the objective of minimizin
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