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        검색결과 12

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Investigating major trading partners and items with North Korea is informative in terms that it can predict the path through which North Korea’s strategic items will transfer to non-nuclear-weapon states when North Korea denuclearizes. By analyzing North Korea’s trading partners and the items, it is possible to identify the relevant countries through which items arrive from the first importing country to the end-user in the process of exporting items and to predict the way how North Korea disguise or conceal their strategic items among general items during normal export procedures. As of 2020, North Korea’s major trading partners are China, Russia, Vietnam, India, Nigeria, and Switzerland. Compared to 2019, Mozambique, Tanzania, Ghana, and Thailand entered the top 10, while Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and South Africa pushed out of the top 10. North Korea’s trade dependence on China accounts for 88.2%, making it the largest trading partner for years, and it shows that North Korea is mainly conducting trade with Asian and African countries. North Korea’s most important export items are mineral products (HS 25-27) and steel & metal products (HS 72-83) and the most significant import items are mineral products (HS 25-27) and oils & fats & prepared foods (HS 15-24). In 2017, due to UN Security Council sanctions for North Korea’s international ballistic missile (ICBM) test-fire, North Korea’s exports from 3 billion dollars fell by 90% to less than 300 million dollars. This is the result of most of North Korea’s major export items included in the export ban, and changes have occurred in its export items. In 2020, export fell to less than 100 million dollars due to border lockdown measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which also affected the change of North Korea’s major export items. Although North Korea does not officially publish its foreign trade statistics, in order to review North Korea’s trade information, KOTRA statistics are utilized. KOTRA statistics provide only two digits of HS code number, so it is challenging to identify detailed item classification. Moreover, these statistics are based on the export amount, so it is difficult to determine the exact quantity of export items. It is expected that information on North Korean trading partners and items will be used to predict potential transferable export methods of North Korea’s strategic items when North Korea denuclearizes.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국제 전략적 제휴에서 파트너 간 문화적 거리가 점진적 혁신 성과와 급진적 혁신 성과에 미치는 효과에 대해 분석하고자 하였다. 이에 더하여, 동일 산업 간 제휴 및 이종 산업 간 제휴의 차이로 대표되는 파트너 간 산업 지식 기반의 차이가 독립변수의 효과를 조절하는지 규명해 보고자 하였다. 구체적으로, 문화 차이에서 비롯된 파트너 간 인지적 거리(recognition distance)가 혁신에 필요한 학습 능력에 영향을 미친다는 이론적 논의와 이러한 영향력이 산업 환경의 지식 기반 차이에 따라 달라진다는 관점 하에 가설을 설정하였다. 본 연구의 가설 검증을 위해서는 2009년부터 2012년까지 4년의 기간 동안 139개의 국내 코스닥 상장 기업이 체결한 364건의 국제 전략적 제휴를 표본으로 특허 창출 건수를 종속변수로 하는 음이항 회귀분석(negative binomial regression)을 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 제휴 파트너와의 문화적 거리가 멀수록 점진적 혁신에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 반면, 급진적 혁신에는 부정적 영향을 미치는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the mechanisms and the determinants of cross-border partnerships formed by Japanese companies and their foreign partners. The result of the analysis suggested that four key variables, equality, fit, trust and commitment, empirically influence the outcomes of the partnerships. The research sheds additional light on the mechanism and the determinants for materializing successful cross-border partnerships.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cause-related marketing is a pervasive, global marketing tactic, and the practice grew by 18.5 percent between 2011 to 2016 (IEG 2017). While considerable academic research has been directed to understanding this practice and its impact on consumers, one aspect has received little attention. Almost nothing is known about the impact on consumer perceptions when a firm withdraws from a partnership. Firms withdraw their support of a charity for many reasons (i.e., the charity no longer resonates with major stakeholders, the sponsorship fails to produce the projected results for the charity or the firm, or the firm faces financial constraints). We conducted three on-line experiments with samples of North American adult consumers to address this knowledge gap. We examined the impact of three types of withdrawal on consumer perceptions: withdrawal from a partnership, replacement of one non-profit partner with another partner, withdrawal from a partnership and a price decrease offered based on the savings resulting from terminating the sponsorship. Given that the extant research established that the alignment of the cause with the core business of the firm is an important factor in the success of CRM strategies, we manipulated this variable along with the various withdrawal scenarios. Our findings reveal that consumers view a divorce negatively despite actions taken by firms to offset consumers’ negative views.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기술협력의 중요한 동기인 ‘학습’ 관점에서 기업이 다양한 파트너 유형과 협력하는 것이 혁신성과에 도움이 되는지, 그리고 이 관계에서 학습에 영향을 줄 수 있는 흡수역량(absorptive capacity)과 전유성(appropriability)의 조절효과를 분석하였다. 다양한 협력 파트너와 협력하는 것은 다양한 파트너가 가진 지식, 정보를 습득한다는 점에서 혁신성과에 긍정적인 효과를 줄 것이라고 가정하였다. 또한, 학습을 촉진하는 흡수역량은 파트너 다양성과 혁신성과 간의 관계를 긍정적으로 조절하고, 보유한 기술을 보호하려는 수단인 전유성은 파트너로부터의 학습을 저해하는 요인으로 작용할 수 있기 때문에 다양한 파트너와 협력하는 제휴 포트폴리오와 혁신성과 간의 관계에서 흡수역량과 전유성의 조절효과를 분석하였다. 2010년 기술혁신조사 제조업 부문 데이터 중에서 우리나라 주력 산업인 기계⋅자동차 업종을 대상으로 실증 분석을 한 결과, 다양한 유형의 기술협력 파트너와 협력하는 것은 혁신성과에 긍정적인 영향을 주고, 전유성의 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the advent a new market that didn’t exist a few years ago, the total sales in wearable devices could top $32.2 billion by 2019, up from $18.9 billion last year (Kharif 2015). The most anticipated new device is the Apple Smart Watch which has a function to detect pulse rate and send messages using voice commands (There is a gold version for $10,000). Further, Tag Heuer recently announces a partnership with Intel and Google to produce the world's first luxury Android Wear Smartwatch. Given that the high potential to do some research in this area (i.e., luxury brand alliances), little research examines luxury brand strategy and especially luxury ingredient branding (IB) strategy. This study explores the evaluations of and attitudes to the host luxury brand after IB alliances. An ingredient branding (IB), the incorporation of parent brand with another brand as ingredient (Desai and Keller 2002), allows two brands to have better market competitiveness (Simonin and Ruth 1998). The IB parent brand is the “host,” the main product, and the “ingredient,” a component that is integrated into the host. For example, Dell computer (the host) has a co-branding relationship with Intel as the ingredient (Intel, 2006). Both brands enjoy the benefits of the relationship that include mutual cooperation and knowledge sharing. The IB strategy has valuable benefits for both brands. For example, the host (i.e., Dell) may enjoy an enhanced market reputation, while the ingredient brand (i.e., Intel) may benefit by reducing the probability of entry by competitors. Further, Dell receives a preferential price from Intel, while Intel enjoys a stable and long-term customer. Current research on ingredient branding examines the determinants of IB success (Desai and Keller 2002) as well as the feedback effect on a parent brand subsequent to an IB alliances (Rodrigue and Biswas 2004). IB feedback effect involves changes in consumer attitudes toward the original parent brand resulting from the IB alliances. Extant research in this topic shows positive effects of IB strategy for the host (e.g., Balachander and Ghose 2003). However, some other research also shows that negative effects for the host caused by an IB alliances (e.g., Votolato and Unnava 2006). This equivocal findings suggest that there are some other conditions generating positive and negative effects of IB strategy for the host. Thus, the purpose of our study is to examine the conditions under which IB strategy influences negatively or positively to the host. We will focus uncovering this research gap on finding the conditions that influence positively or negatively to the host. Using ingredient brand strategy in luxury brand, we will examine how the fit of the host (Tag Heuer) and the ingredients (Google and Intel) influences the host’s brand attitude. We assume that the product fit (i.e., the host current product category: Tag Heuer watch vs the final product after IB alliances: Tag Heuer Android Wear Smartwatch) may positively influence the host’s brand attitude while the brand fit (i.e., luxury brand: Tag Heuer vs non-luxury brand: Google and Intel) may negatively influence the host’s brand attitude. Further, we will examine the role of Brand Engagement in Self-Concept (BESC) as a moderator in this relationship (Sprott, Czellar, and Spangenberg 2009).
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is designed to investigate the impact of China exchange rate policy on its trading partners by using a country multi-dataset GVAR model. Our model includes samples of 30 countries, six from high-income, six from middle-income and eighteen from low-income countries. This study used annual time series data over the period 1992 to 2017. We constructed currency misalignment index and it provided some interesting features about the currency undervaluation and overvaluation. The results of the currency misalignment shows that China’s Renminbi is structurally more undervalued over the sample period as compared to other countries, and fluctuation in major currencies effects the global trade around the world. The overall empirical results of the GVAR model indicate that RMB undervaluation affects the trade pattern and macroeconomic performance of China’s trading partners. Overall, China’s exchange rate undervaluation has mixed effects on trading partner’s GDP, exports and imports. The devaluation of China’s RMB efficiently stimulated China’s exports and reduced imports. While, in some countries, this effect is reverse, the RMB undervaluation increases the GDP of partner countries and also increases their exports to China. The results confirm the strong and leading role of the Chinese Renminbi in the global trade.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, and has been used as model monocots for genetic studies, because of its relatively small genome size. We have previously reported the different functions of several RING (Really Interesting New Gene) proteins to respond the various abiotic stresses. In order to study a regulation of RING proteins in rice under ionizing irradiation such as gamma ray (GA), we have identified the expression patterns of these genes by RT-PCR. We found Gamma-ray induced RING finger protein (OsGRP) gene, which were associated with cytosol by subcellular localization analysis. in vitro ubiquitination assay revealed that OsGRP possess E3 ligase activity. Also, we demonstrate that C196A point mutation in the RING finger domain of OsGRP can have a critical effect to the breakdown of structural integrity in RING constructs. To identify the interaction partners for OsGRP in protein-protein interactions, we found the seven genes interacted with OsGRP by Yeast Two Hybrid method. To examine the GA-influence of interaction partners by RT-PCR, two genes were specifically down-regulated in rice during GA treatment. These interaction partners were identified the reliable interactions and subcellular localizations via BiFC method. Interestingly, five genes associated with plastid, while two down-regulated genes associated with cytosol and plastid. These results of OsGRP based on genetic approach might provide a clue to understanding the GA responsive mechanism in rice.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plants are known to have homeostatic cellular mechanisms to control the concentration of heavy metal inside the cell. We tried to retrieve rice RING finger protein genes, which are believed to regulate substrates via ubiqitinations, related to metal ions detoxification mechanisms. A total of 48 rice RING finger proteins were randomly selected and then examined for their expression patterns as exposed to cadmium and arsenic treatments. We discovered a RING finger protein gene that was significant up-regulated against both treatments and then named Oryza sativa heavy metal induced 1 (OsHMI1). We tested subsequently OsHMI1 expression patterns against to salinity, dehydration, cold, heat stress and phytohormones treatments. In addition, we evaluated its subcellular localization and determined E3 ligase activity. The interaction partner proteins were screened via yeast-two hybridization. These results might shed further light on the understanding of homeostatic cellular mechanisms to control heavy metal detoxification via protein degradation in plants.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        All aspects of plant life are controlled by the regulated synthesis of new proteins and the precise degradation of preexisting proteins, predicting up to 50% of total plants protein is replaced every week. The ubiquitin/26S proteosome pathway is known to be one of mechanisms to regulate signal pathways, developmental process and abiotic/biotic stress responses via protein degradations. In the previous study, we have identified a large number of the RING ubiquitin ligase proteins whose functions have been clarified in the protein degradation pathway. Curiously, one RING-H2 finger protein gene evidenced striking differences in expression patterns in response to salt and dehydration stress between leaf and culm-node tissues. Characterization of the gene evidenced its function as E3 ubiquitin ligase activity by using an in vitro ubiquitination assay. We have constructed a library with rice culm-node tissues under salt stress for Yeast two hybrid assay and performed primary yeast two-hybrid screening with the gene as a bait. A total of 13 candidate genes were isolated as positive interacting partners. Gene ontology of most candidate genes appears to be related with various abiotic stresses. Therefore, the RING-H2 finger protein genes might function to regulate plant abiotic stress responses via protein degradation pathways.